23 research outputs found

    An experimental and theoretical study toward the synthesis, structure and thermal decomposition of some phenyl tetrazoles

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    WOS: 0003502255000831-phenyl-1H-tetrazole (I), 1(2-chlorophenyl)-1H-tetrazole (II), 1(4-chlorophenyl)-1H-tetrazole (III), 1(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1H-tetrazole (IV), 1(4-methoxyphenyl)-1H-tetrazole (V), 1(4-nitrophenyl)-1H-tetrazole (VI), 1(2-pyridyl)-1H-tetrazole (VII), and bis-1,4-tetrazol-1-yl benzene (VIII) were prepared from aniline, 2-chloro aniline, 4-chloro aniline, 4-hydroxy aniline, 4-methoxy aniline, 4-nitro aniline, 2-aminopyridine, and 1,4-phenylendiamine and characterized by Infrared spectroscopy, elemental analysis, mass spectrometry, H-1 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, and C-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy. Suitable crystals of compounds I, II, IV, V, and VI were obtained and their molecular structures were determined using single crystal X-ray Diffraction. All tetrazole compounds were also investigated using Thermogravimetry-Differential Thermal Analysis. At temperatures between 190-240 A degrees C, the tetrazole ring decomposed exothermically. The decomposition products were estimated by relating the mass loss data and IR spectroscopy results of the residue with N-2 release and isonitrile formation as outcome of thermal decomposition. The heat of the exothermic decomposition was measured by Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Optimizations and frequency analyses of all tetrazole compounds were performed at the B3LYP/cc-pVDZ level of theory which are DFT-based structures. The optimum geometries of tetrazole compounds were enlightened with the help of Gaussian 09 pocket program. The enthalpies of formation for solid state were calculated theoretically by CBS-4 M algorithm. The calculated results were compared with the experimental data obtained from DSC study. It was seen that the enthalpies of decomposition of compounds II, III, IV, and V were in good agreement with the theoretical values. However, decomposition of compounds I, VI, VII, and VIII showed significant variation from the theoretical calculations.University of Ankara Scientific Research FundAnkara University [12B4240003]; Ahi Evran University Scientific Research FundAhi Evran University [4001.12.014]Financial support of this work by the University of Ankara Scientific Research Fund under contract no. 12B4240003 and Ahi Evran University Scientific Research Fund under contract no. 4001.12.014 are gratefully acknowledged. We are indebted to and thank Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Donner for providing laboratory facilities at TU Darmstadt

    The Psychometric Properties and Clinical Use of the Turkish Version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–Lung (FACT-L) Scale

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    Objectives:psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Lung (FACT-L) scale and the sensitivity to changes in clinical indicators. Patients and Methods:This study was conducted within the framework of a national multicentre project. Patients with either stage IIIB or IV primary lung cancer diagnosed after April 2010were included in thisstudy. A classical confirmatory approach was used for both the reliability and validity analyses. Internal consistency was tested using Cronbach’s ? value, and the validity analysis was performed using construct validity and clinical validity. Results:276 (92.3%) patients were male and the average age was 60.8 ± 9.4 years. the most frequently observed histological type was squamous cell carcinoma (36.8%), and 61.5% of these stage IV tumours. Cronbachs ? values for the subscales ranged from 0.60 to 0.84. the majority of the FACT-L subscales revealed inter-scale correlation coefficients greater than 0.35. All sub-dimensions, except that of the social/family well-being scale, are able to significantly discriminate between stages IIIB and IV. Significantly lower scale scores were detected in patients with stage IV than stage IIIB. the comparative fit index was 0.917, and the root mean square error of approximation was 0.091. Dyspnoea, haemoptysis, chest pain, weight loss, anorexia, localised pain, and fever symptoms had a significant correlation with the FACT-L, trial outcome index, and lung cancer subscale. Conclusion:Turkish version of the psychometric properties of the original FACT-L scale is regarded as a valid and reliable tool and can be used safely in a clinical context when managing patients with lung cancer in Turkey

    Effect of Microgravity on Synthesis of Nano Ceria

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    Cerium oxide (CeO2) was prepared using a controlled-precipitation method under microgravity at the International Space Station (ISS). For comparison, ceria was also synthesized under normal-gravity conditions (referred as control). The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area, pore volume and pore size analysis results indicated that the ceria particles grown in space had lower surface area and pore volume compared to the control samples. Furthermore, the space samples had a broader pore size distribution ranging from 30–600 Å, whereas the control samples consisted of pore sizes from 30–50 Å range. Structural information of the ceria particles were obtained using TEM and XRD. Based on the TEM images, it was confirmed that the space samples were predominantly nano-rods, on the other hand, only nano-polyhedra particles were seen in the control ceria samples. The average particle size was larger for ceria samples synthesized in space. XRD results showed higher crystallinity as well as larger mean crystal size for the space samples. The effect of sodium hydroxide concentration on synthesis of ceria was also examined using 1 M and 3 M solutions. It was found that the control samples, prepared in 1 M and 3 M sodium hydroxide solutions, did not show a significant difference between the two. However, when the ceria samples were prepared in a more basic medium (3 M) under microgravity, a decrease in the particle size of the nano-rods and appearances of nano-polyhedra and spheres were observed

    MDA and GSH-Px activity in transition dairy cows under seasonal variations and their relationship with reproductive performance

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    Introduction: The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the blood glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels under seasonal variations in dairy cows during transition period, and to assess the relationship between chosen reproductive parameters, GSH-Px, and MDA

    Evalution of the relationship between milk glutathione peroxidase activity, milk composition and various parameters of subclinical mastitis under seasonal variations

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    YAZLIK, Murat Onur/0000-0002-0039-5597WOS: 000411813300003The aims of this study were to evaluate the Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in milk, and various milk parameters [milk fat, milk protein, milk solids non-fat (SNF), somatic cell count (SCC), total bacteria count (TBC), electrical conductivity (EC)] in healthy dairy cows during lactation, and to demonstrate the significant correlations between GSH-Px activity, milk composition, SCC, TBC and EC under seasonal variations. The cows calving in January were assigned into the winter group (n = 30) while the other cows calving in August were assigned into the summer group (n = 30). Milk samples were collected weekly during lactation, and monthly average values of the parameters were determined. Although milk GSH-Px activity was variable during lactation, it was significantly higher in the winter group compared to the summer group of cows during the first five months of lactation (P<0.001). However, between the 6th and 10th months of lactation, GSH-Px activity was significantly higher in the summer group (P<0.001). In both groups of cows, GSH-Px activity was negatively correlated with SCC, TBC and EC during lactation. No correlation was found between GSH-activity and milk composition. In conclusion, the alteration of milk GSH-Px levels could be used as a diagnostic tool for monitoring udder health due to its relationship with the parameters of subclinical mastitis. Furthermore, cows calving in winter had higher GSH-Px activity than those calving in summer, especially during the first few months of lactation. These findings indicate that milk GSH-Px activity in cows during lactation could be influenced by seasonal variations

    Evaluation of the relationship between milk glutathione peroxidase activity, milk composition and various parameters of subclinical mastitis under seasonal variations

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    The aims of this study were to evaluate the Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in milk, and various milk parameters [milk fat, milk protein, milk solids non-fat (SNF), somatic cell count (SCC), total bacteria count (TBC), electrical conductivity (EC)] in healthy dairy cows during lactation, and to demonstrate the significant correlations between GSH-Px activity, milk composition, SCC, TBC and EC under seasonal variations. The cows calving in January were assigned into the winter group (n = 30) while the other cows calving in August were assigned into the summer group (n = 30). Milk samples were collected weekly during lactation, and monthly average values of the parameters were determined. Although milk GSH-Px activity was variable during lactation, it was significantly higher in the winter group compared to the summer group of cows during the first five months of lactation (P<0.001). However, between the 6th and 10th months of lactation, GSH-Px activity was significantly higher in the summer group (P<0.001). In both groups of cows, GSH-Px activity was negatively correlated with SCC, TBC and EC during lactation. No correlation was found between GSH-Px activity and milk composition. In conclusion, the alteration of milk GSH-Px levels could be used as a diagnostic tool for monitoring udder health due to its relationship with the parameters of subclinical mastitis. Furthermore, cows calving in winter had higher GSH-Px activity than those calving in summer, especially during the first few months of lactation. These findings indicate that milk GSH-Px activity in cows during lactation could be influenced by seasonal variations.Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su, tijekom laktacje zdravih krava, procijeniti aktivnost glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px) u mlijeku te odrediti različite druge sastojke (mliječnu masti, mliječne bjelančevine, bezmasnu suhu tvar, broj somatskih stanica (SCC), ukupan broj bakterija (TBC), električnu provodljivost (EC) i prikazati značajnost korelacija između aktivnosti GSH-Px, sastava mlijeka, SCC, TBC i EC u uvjetima različitih sezona. Krave oteljene u siječnju raspoređene su u zimsku skupinu (n = 30), dok su ostale krave oteljene u kolovozu dodijeljene ljetnoj skupini (n = 30). Tijekom laktacije, uzorci mlijeka su prikupljani jednom tjedno i na temelju toga za svaki pokazatelj utvrđene su prosječne mjesečne vrijednosti. Iako je aktivnost GSH-Px u mlijeku tijekom laktacije bila varijabilna, krave iz zimske skupine imale su u prvih pet mjesci značajno (P<0,001) višu aktivnost GSH-Px u odnosu na krave iz ljetne skupine. Međutim, između 6. i 10. mjeseca laktacije, aktivnost GSH-Px bila je znatno viša u ljetnoj skupini krava (P<0,001). U obje skupine krava aktivnost GSH-Px bila je negativno povezana sa SCC, TBC i EC tijekom laktacije. Nije pronađena korelacija između aktivnosti GSH-Px i sastava mlijeka. Zaključno, na temelju njezinog odnosa s pokazateljima supkliničkog mastitisa, promjenjivost razine GSH-Px u mlijeku mogla bi se koristiti kao dijagnostički alat u praćenju zdravlja vimena. Nadalje, krave oteljene zimi imale su veću aktivnost GSH-Px od onih oteljenih ljeti, posebno tijekom prvih nekoliko mjeseci laktacije. Ovi rezultati upućuju na to da bi aktivnost GSH-Px u mlijeku krava tijekom laktacije mogla biti pod utjecajem sezonskih promjena

    Effects of Ovarian Pathologies and Uterine Inflammations on Adenomyosis in Bitches

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    Background: Adenomyosis is a non-neoplastic condition, characterized by the presence of endometrial glands or cells in the myometrium. Adenomyosis is defined by post-operative microscopic examination of uterine tissue and a rarely seen infertility problem in bitches. The process of transformation of healthy uterus into adenomiotic uterus is still a mystery. We aimed to determine role of ovarian pathologies and uterine inflammations on pathogenesis of uterine adenomyosis in bitches.Cases: After ovariohysterectomy, the uteri were fixed and processed by routine methods. Sections were stained with HematoxylinEosin, Masson’s trichrome and Periodic-Acid-Schiff and immunohistochemically; with p53 protein, Ki-67, α-smooth-muscle actin, cytokeratin-CK 8, 14, 19 antibodies, estrogen and progesterone receptors by Avidin-Biotin-Complex-Peroxidase method. Histopathologically, 7 of the collected tissue samples (n = 38) were diagnosed as adenomyosis. There were unilateral (n = 6) or bilateral (n = 1) adenomyosis in which endometrial glands had broken through the myometrium, and in some cases there were fibromyoma, inflammation, papillary hyperplasia and cysts in glands. Vaginal fibroma, fibromyoma and benign mix tumor (n = 1), simple carcinoma (n = 3), carcinosarcoma (n = 3) in mammary gland were determinated histopathologically. In addition to these findings, follicular cysts (n = 4), parovarian cyst (n = 1), adenocarcinoma and Rete ovarii adenoma were diagnosed in some ovaries. The CK 19 was scored at endometrial glands (n = 2) positively and also, muscle fibers were stained positively with α-smooth-muscle actin antibody (n = 7).Discussion: Adenomyosis is an infertility problem in adult dogs and is hard to detect with routine gynecological examinations. Adenomyosis can be seen unaccompanied by other gynecological problems such as endometritis or leiomyomas, while mammary tumors with adenomyosis have been previously reported in women and in only one case of a bitch. Little is known of the interrelationships between gross pathological and endocrine features of ovarian cysts in bitches. Due to the local hormonal imbalance, most of these ovarian tumors and cystic structures might be accompanied with uterine-vaginal and mammary gland pathologies, cystic endometrial hyperplasia-pyometra, adenomyosis, vaginal fibroma and mammary tumors. The hyperestrogenic metabolic state may promote both the invagination process and the overall spreading of adenomyosis into the myometrium. Adenomyosis is often associated with polyps, anovulation, hyperplasia without cytological atypia, and uterine leiomyoma which are produced by hyperestrogenic states. Prolactin appears to induce adenomyosis in mice and hyperprolactinemia may cause myometrial degeneration/weakness and subsequent endometrial invasion in the presence of ovarian steroids in women. Premature decline in progesterone, a problem ensues with prolactin release which can promote hyperprolactinemia or endogenous prolactin release. In addition to hormonal problems, uterine infections, immune factors and their products like cytokines and inflammatory mediators, oxidative stress and free radical metabolism also might have roles in the occurrence of adenomyosis. In the present study, four of seven adenomyotic uterine tissues had inflammation and 3 of 7 cases had pre-inflammatory changes. Changes in uterine tissues may increase cell infiltration and proliferation as well as the activity of immune cells which may promote development of adenomyosis in bitches. It is therefore possible that a defect in the p53 tumor suppressor gene may play an important role in the de novo neoplastic transformation of adenomyosis. In conclusion, adenomyosis can be observed bilaterally or unilaterally in dogs. Tissue damage under the influence of inflammation or hormonal disturbances might have a role in the occurrence of uterine adenomyosis