343 research outputs found

    The Extent of Professional Burnout and Related Factors Affecting Public School Counselors

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    Problem. The problem of this study was to investigate the extent of, and factors related to, professional burnout among public school counselors in Virginia within categories of demographic variables. Methods. Participants for the study were selected from a total population of 1664 school counselors in The Commonwealth of Virginia catergorized by the State Department of Education as: (1) Elementary school counselors, (2) Junior high/middle/intermediate school counselors, and (3) Secondary/senior high school counselors. The Maslach Burnout Inventory and a demographic data sheet were mailed to the 463 counselors selected to participate in the study. Of the returned instruments, 295 were complete and used for statistical analysis, with the data being analyzed using the SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Sixteen null hypotheses were formulated and tested at the .05 level of significance. Each hypothesis was directly related to a specific demographic variable and was tested using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). ANOVAs were performed across each demographic variable for each dimension (frequency and intensity) of each subscale (Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, and Personal Accomplishment) of the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Further analysis was conducted on dependent variables determined to be significant at the .05 level. The Newman-Keuls\u27 multiple range test was used to determine significant differences between groups; the Duncan\u27s multiple range test was utilized when differences could not be detected by the Newman-Keuls procedure. Conclusions. Significant differences were found in 10 of the 16 demographic variables used to test the hypotheses for the study. It was concluded that sex differences may reflect and account for the differences in perceived burnout in public school counselors. Ethnic background, marital status, age, school building level, and school system also appear to be factors in burnout. Salary and educational attainment levels do not appear to be significant factors in relation to burnout in Virginia counselors

    Narcissism and Short-Term Mating Attempts

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    The purpose of this research is to measure the behavioral choice of narcissists when presented with an opportunity for short-term or long-term mating in an online simulation. Participants were randomly assigned to either a short-term mating (STM) or long-term mating (LTM) condition in which they saw women that were interested in “casual” or “lasting, loving” relationships. Participants had the option of emailing as many women as they liked. However, there was no significant moderation found

    1974 Nebraska Mining Operations Review

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    1974 Nebraska Mining Operations Review

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    In der Regel wird im Kontext des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens bislang an das PDF-Format gedacht, das eigentlich als digitale Druckvorstufe gedacht war und deshalb ein festes Layout bietet. Das hat den Vorteil, dass sich das Aussehen des digitalen Dokumentes vom Autor steuern lässt und die Position von Abbildungen gut geplant werden kann. Auch zu Archivierungszwecken ist das Format gut geeignet. Weiterhin sind einem Thema gewidmete Homepages gemeint, die aber oft bestimmte Nachteile bei ein..

    Ambivalent Prejudice in News Media: Does Social Hierarchy Threat Change How We View Reporters?

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    Despite research demonstrating the importance of news media, there remains a gap in the literature on how the reporter influences the perception of the information. This current experiment aims to fill that gap by evaluating how reporter race and social hierarchy threat alters perceptions of both the reporter and the information. White participants read an article with content that indicated that the current racial hierarchy is either under threat or likely to continue; the article was written by either a Black or White reporter. Participants then completed measures of perceptions of warmth and competence of the reporter, acceptance levels towards the information provided in the article, and social dominance orientation. The primary hypothesis was that social dominance orientation would modify the perception of Black and White reporters providing information that either threatened or confirmed the existing racial hierarchy. A majority of participants did not pass the manipulation and attention check questions that were preregistered with the Open Science Framework (OSF). The results did not support any of the hypotheses, which was most likely due to the very small sample size of participants who passed the manipulation and attention checks. The sample size must be increased before coming to any conclusions about the effects of racial hierarchy information and reporter race on perceptions of the reporter and news content. This research has implications for increasing participant attention to subtle manipulations and the reporting of racial inequality and diversity in the newsroom

    Do Positive Covid Cases Within a Family Affect Children’s Screen Time

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    COVID-19 has impacted our lives in numerous ways, and with the conversion to online learning and working from home, the amount of time individuals are spending on electronic devices has only increased. In our study, we wanted to examine multiple factors that may contribute to the increase of screen time specifically within young children between the ages of three and six. After collecting data through an online survey, we investigated whether the diagnosis of COVID- 19 within a child’s immediate or extended family would lead to any increase of time spent recreationally on an electronic device. Through our findings, we learned that the diagnosis of COVID-19 did not have a statistically significant impact on children’s screen time; however, we did discover that screen time significantly increased with children who owned their own device. With the results of our current study, we hope to dive deeper into other factors that could be related to increases in children’s screen time, such as the overall well being of children’s mental health, or other developmental factors such as the impact of stress from quarantine, loss of a loved one at a young age, or prolonged side effects of childhood sickness (COVID-19 related illness or otherwise.

    The Effects of COVID-19 and Online Experience on Preschoolers’ Emotional Development

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    COVID-19 presents familial and online stressors in young children that may increase risk to mental health and wellbeing. There is a higher prevalence of negative indicators of wellbeing for children receiving virtual instruction or familial stressors that come with COVID-19 as opposed to children not experiencing it. Research surrounding this topic have highlighted the need to address emotional distress for children during the epidemic, provide researchers with scientific fundamentals to formulate targeted interventions based upon the significant influencing facts. The purpose of the current study is to examine associations between preschoolers’ emotional reactivity and anxiety in relation to their family members with covid and online presence. There were significant differences in children’s emotional reactivity by family member’s covid experience, online school experience, and owning an electronic device. Children’s anxiety was also significantly different due to family member’s covid-19 experience, online school experience, and owning an electronic device. Children are inevitably going to encounter adverse experiences when they use digital technology, this is not directly related to the time they spend online, rather what they are taking in recreationally. This brings up the point that more attention should be paid to what young children do online, the content they encounter, and their life environment and support networks in general

    Do Parents’ Emotions Affect Their Preschoolers’? A Cross Cultural Study

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    Past research has found that Native Americans are more susceptible to depression and, therefore, suicide. The present study investigated the effects that parental stress and depression have on their preschoolers’ stress problems and whether there is a difference between Native American and European American parents’ effects on their respective children. All participants (N = 248) completed surveys measuring their parenting stress and depression, as well as their child’s behavior relating to stress. A significant difference was not found between Native and European American children’s stress problems. However, we did find a significant difference between parental depression in that Native parents are more likely to experience depressive symptoms than their European American counterparts. These findings will aid the progress of development for mental health resources within Native American communities, which will likely limit their susceptibility to depression and other mental health disorders

    Relationship of Patient Self-Administered COPD Assessment Test (CAT) to Physician Standard Assessment of COPD in a Family Medicine Residency Training Program

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. COPD is of particular concern in certain sectors of the country, including Central Appalachia where our clinic is located. Assessing patients with COPD presents many challenges as symptoms range from those considered typical such as shortness of breath and sputum production to those less often identified like anxiety and social isolation. We conducted a pilot study comparing physician standard assessment of COPD to patient self-assessment using the COPD Assessment Test (CAT). The CAT is an eight-item questionnaire that measures the impact COPD has on an individual patient’s well-being and daily life. Based on our small sample size, physicians tend to underestimate the impact of COPD on a patient’s daily life. This discrepancy did not differ significantly by year of residency. Potential clinical impact of these findings include the need for more formalized and frequent patient self-assessment of disease burden as well as increased COPD assessment training within the residency curriculum

    Examining Factors that Influence Donor Motivation Among Former Student-Athletes and NCAA DI Classification

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    The purpose of this study was to identify motivational factors that contribute to the philanthropic decision making of the former NCAA Division I student-athlete. A 47-item survey instrument was modified from a prior study and distributed electronically to 8,461 male and female former student-athletes at three participating NCAA Division I classified institutions (FBS, FCS, and Non-Football Playing). A total of 938 surveys were completed and useable for this study with an overall response rate of 11.09%. Cross-tabulation and chi-square analyses were applied to explore the significance between former student-athletes who contributed to athletics in 2011-12 and independent variables identified by the researcher. A contingency coefficient was utilized to identify the strength of the significant relationships. Four open-ended questions explored influencers for donors and non-donors among the former student-athlete population. Open and axial coding was utilized to group words and/or phrases into themes. The Top 5 themes receiving a 5% or more response was reported and ranked for each classification. Ultimately, this mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative paradigms) study provided answers to the following questions: 1). How does NCAA classification (FBS, FCS, and Non-Football Playing Subdivision status) impact former student-athlete donor motivation? 2). How does donor motivation differ among gender and the former student-athlete population? 3). To what extent does athletic success impact the former student-athletes motivation for giving? 4). How does the relationship among the coach (former and/or current), athletic director, and fundraiser impact motivation of donors? The characteristics identified through this study will help athletic development professionals connect and strengthen their institutions relationship with this vital constituency group. The results should aid athletic development officers in their search for operational, scholarship, and capital support for the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics.Ed.D., Educational Leadership and Management -- Drexel University, 201
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