674 research outputs found

    An approximate threshold condition for a non-autonomous system: an application to a vector-borne infection

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    A non-autonomous system is proposed to model the seasonal pattern of dengue fever. We found that an approximate threshold condition for infection persistence describes all possible behavior of the system. As far as we know, the kind of analysis here proposed is entirely new. No precise mathematical theorems are demonstrated but we give enough numerical evidence to support the conclusions.Comment: 11 pages and 6 figure

    Proteomics-based investigation in C2C12 myoblast differentiation

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    Skeletal muscle cell differentiation is a multistage process extensively studied over the years. Even if great improvements have been achieved in defining biological process underlying myogenesis, many molecular mechanisms need still to be clarified

    Estimation of Tidal Volume during Exercise Stress Test from Wearable-Device Measures of Heart Rate and Breathing Rate

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    Tidal volume (TV), defined as the amount of air that moves in or out of the lungs with each respiratory cycle, is important in evaluating the respiratory function. Although TV can be reliably measured in laboratory settings, this information is hardly obtainable under everyday living conditions. Under such conditions, wearable devices could provide valuable support to monitor vital signs, such as heart rate (HR) and breathing rate (BR). The aim of this study was to develop a model to estimate TV from wearable-device measures of HR and BR during exercise. HR and BR were acquired through the Zephyr Bioharness 3.0 wearable device in nine subjects performing incremental cycling tests. For each subject, TV during exercise was obtained with a metabolic cart (Cosmed). A stepwise regression algorithm was used to create the model using as possible predictors HR, BR, age, and body mass index; the model was then validated using a leave-one-subject-out cross-validation procedure. The performance of the model was evaluated using the explained variance (R-2), obtaining values ranging from 0.65 to 0.72. The proposed model is a valid method for TV estimation with wearable devices and can be considered not subject-specific and not instrumentation-specific

    Reduced pulmonary oxygen diffusion at 36 weeks of postmenstrual age in small-for-gestational-age preterm infants of less than 32 weeks without bronchopulmonary dysplasia

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    Background: Small-for-gestational-age (SGA) preterm infants are at increased risk of developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). There is limited information on pulmonary oxygen diffusion of SGA preterm infants, particularly in those without BPD. Objective: To compare the pulmonary oxygen diffusion of SGA to that of appropriate-for-gestational-age (AGA) preterm infants without BPD. Study Design: Preterm infants with a gestational age (GA) between 24.0 and 31.6 weeks were studied. The oxygen saturation (SpO2), fraction to inspired oxygen (FiO2), and the SpO2 to FiO2 ratio (SFR) were compared between SGA and AGA infants. The association between SGA and SFR at 36 weeks was assessed using a multiple regression analysis. In the subgroup without BPD, SGA were match-paired for GA and gender with AGA infants. Results: We analyzed 1189 infants surviving at 36 weeks: 194 (16%) were SGA and 995 (84%) AGA. The incidence of BPD was significantly higher in SGA than AGA infants (32% vs. 13%; p =.000). Out of the 995 infants without BPD, 132 (13%) were SGA and 863 (87%) AGA. SGA was negatively associated with the SFR value at 36 weeks, independently from BPD. SGA infants without BPD had significantly higher (better) SFR at birth, but lower (worse) SpO2 and SFR and from 33 to 36 weeks than their matched AGA counterpart. At 36 weeks, median SpO2 and SFR values were 97.7 versus 98.4 (p =.006) and 465 versus 468 (p =.010) in match-paired SGA and AGA, respectively. Conclusion: Among preterm infants of less than 32 weeks and without BPD, SGA infants had a reduced pulmonary oxygen diffusion at 36 weeks in comparison with AGA infants

    Modeling the risk of malaria for travelers to areas with stable malaria transmission

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria is an important threat to travelers visiting endemic regions. The risk of acquiring malaria is complex and a number of factors including transmission intensity, duration of exposure, season of the year and use of chemoprophylaxis have to be taken into account estimating risk. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A mathematical model was developed to estimate the risk of non-immune individual acquiring falciparum malaria when traveling to the Amazon region of Brazil. The risk of malaria infection to travelers was calculated as a function of duration of exposure and season of arrival. RESULTS: The results suggest significant variation of risk for non-immune travelers depending on arrival season, duration of the visit and transmission intensity. The calculated risk for visitors staying longer than 4 months during peak transmission was 0.5% per visit. CONCLUSIONS: Risk estimates based on mathematical modeling based on accurate data can be a valuable tool in assessing risk/benefits and cost/benefits when deciding on the value of interventions for travelers to malaria endemic regions

    Initial investigation of athletes’ electrocardiograms acquired by wearable sensors during the pre-exercise phase

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to support large-scale prevention programs fighting sport-related sudden cardiac death by providing a set of electrocardiographic features representing a starting point in the development of normal reference values for the pre-exercise phase. Background: In people with underlying, often unknown, cardiovascular abnormalities, increased cardiovascular load during exercise can trigger sport-related sudden cardiac death. Prevention remains the only weapon to contrast sport-related sudden cardiac death. So far, no reference values have been proposed for electrocardiograms of athletes acquired with wearable sensors in the pre-exercise phase, consisting of the few minutes immediately before the beginning of the training session. Objective: To perform an initial investigation of athletes’ electrocardiograms acquired by wearable sensors during the pre-exercise phase. Methods: The analyzed electrocardiograms, acquired through BioHarness 3.0 by Zephyr, belong to 51 athletes (Sport Database and Cycling Database of the Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab of the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy). Preliminary values consist of interquartile ranges of six electrocardiographic features which are heart rate, heart-rate variability, QRS duration, ST level, QT interval, and corrected QT interval. Results: For athletes 35 years old or younger, preliminary values were [72;91]bpm, [26;47]ms, [85;104]ms, [-0.08;0.08]mm, [326;364]ms and [378;422]ms, respectively. For athletes older than 35 years old, preliminary values were [71;94]bpm, [16;65]ms, [85;100]ms, [-0.11;0.07]mm, [330;368]ms and [394;414]ms, respectively. Conclusion: Availability of preliminary reference values could help identify those athletes who, due to electrocardiographic features out of normal ranges, are more likely to develop cardiac complications that may lead to sport-related sudden cardiac death