2,725 research outputs found

    Histories, Traditions and Contexts in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights

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    L'articolo analizza la giurisprudenza della Corte europea di Strasburgo ai fini dell'identificazione di un determinato uso dell'argomento storico e contestuale, trattando nel dettaglio diversi filoni giurisprudenziali attraverso l'analisi di casi decisivi. Tra essi, la giurisprudenza sulle transizioni politiche nazionali e la giurisprudenza sul trattamento penale del negazionismo storico

    Fondare l’equilibrio. Il veto sulle leggi nelle due Costituenti settecentesche

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    L'articolo discute i lavori della Convenzione di Filadelfia e dell'Assemblea costituente francese del 1789, con specifico riferimento alla elaborazione della normativa costituzionale in materia di potere presidenziale di veto sulle leggi, ed effettua una comparazione tra le diverse soluzioni normative prescelte

    Between Judicial Activism and Political Cooperation: The Case of the Canadian Supreme Court

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    L'articolo affronta la questione dell'attivismo giudiziario sul terreno dei diritti fondamentali alla luce della prassi giurisprudenziale della Corte Suprema del Canad

    Framing the Facebook Oversight Board: Rough Justice in the Wild Web?

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    L'articolo analizza la struttura del Facebook Oversight Board e i problemi connessi con la costituzione di giurisdizioni private, interne agli ISP, anche alla luce del DSA della U

    Disk resolved studies of the optical properties and physical nature of the surfaces of the outer planet satellites

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    The spatially resolved albedo, color, compaction state, roughness, and constituent particle sizes of the surfaces of the satellites of Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter provide important constraints in understanding the geologic evolution and relevant exogenic processes operating in these satellite systems. Some details of observations are given

    Super-regular Steiner 2-designs

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    A design is additive under an abelian group G (briefly, G-additive) if, up to isomorphism, its point set is contained in G and the elements of each block sum up to zero. The only known Steiner 2-designs that are G-additive for some G have block size which is either a prime power or a prime power plus one. Indeed they are the point-line designs of the affine spaces AG(n,q), the point-line designs of the projective planes PG(2,q), the point-line designs of the projective spaces PG(n,2) and a sporadic example of a 2-(8191,7,1) design. In the attempt to find new examples, possibly with a block size which is neither a prime power nor a prime power plus one, we look for Steiner 2-designs which are strictly G-additive (the point set is exactly G) and G-regular (any translate of any block is a block as well) at the same time. These designs will be called “G-super-regular”. Our main result is that there are infinitely many values of v for which there exists a super-regular, and therefore additive, 2-(v,k,1) design whenever k is neither singly even nor of the form 2n3≥12. The case k≡2 (mod 4) is a genuine exception whereas k=2n3≥12 is at the moment a possible exception. We also find super-regular 2-(pn,p,1) designs with p∈{5,7} and n≥3 which are not isomorphic to the point-line design of AG(n,p)

    Apprendistato: quadro comparato e buone prassi

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    Il volume affronta da un punto di vista comparato gli aspetti principali connessi al contratto di apprendistato. Il punto di partenza sono le analisi e gli spunti offerti dalle istituzioni comunitarie per una maggiore diffusione dei rapporti di apprendistato, in un’ottica di aumento dell’occupazione giovanile e di contrasto alla dispersione scolastica. La pubblicazione mette in relazione cinque aspetti: definizione e ruolo dell’apprendistato; soggetti regolatori; retribuzione; durata del percorso; monte ore formativo. Per ciascuna di queste voci si evidenziano le peculiarità dei sistemi in vigore in Italia, Francia, Spagna, Regno Unito, Germania, Danimarca e Svezia

    Performance analysis of multi-hop framed ALOHA systems with virtual antenna arrays

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    We consider a multi-hop virtual multiple-input-multiple-output system, which uses the framed ALOHA technique to select the radio resource at each hop. In this scenario, the source, destination and relaying nodes cooperate with neighboring devices to exploit spatial diversity by means of the concept of virtual antenna array. We investigate both the optimum number of slots per frame in the slotted structure and once the source-destination distance is fixed, the impact of the number of hops on the system performance. A comparison with deterministic, centralized re-use strategies is also presented. Outage probability, average throughput, and energy efficiency are the metrics used to evaluate the performance. Two approximated mathematical expressions are given for the outage probability, which represent lower bounds for the exact metric derived in the paper

    Cyclic cycle systems of the complete multipartite graph

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    In this paper, we study the existence problem for cyclic \ell-cycle decompositions of the graph Km[n]K_m[n], the complete multipartite graph with mm parts of size nn, and give necessary and sufficient conditions for their existence in the case that 2(m1)n2\ell \mid (m-1)n

    Iterative hierarchical clustering algorithm for automated operational modal analysis

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    Recent developments in sensors and data processing made the structural health monitoring (SHM) sector expanding to big-data field, particularly when continuous long-term strategies are implemented. Nevertheless, main shortcomings are due to the identification and extraction of modal features. In fact, although machine learning methods have been implemented to automate modal identification processes, intense user interaction and time-consuming procedures are still required, limiting the extensive use of these techniques. In order to provide a fully automated procedure capable of identifying and extracting modal properties from covariance driven SSI analyses, an innovative and flexible algorithm for Iterative Hierarchical Clustering Analysis (IHCA) is proposed. To evaluate the stability and robustness of the IHCA method, a Variance-Based Global sensitivity Analysis (VBGA) was performed considering a numerical and experimental case study. The outcomes demonstrated that the IHCA is stable in clustering the physical structural modes and selecting the most representative modal features