127 research outputs found

    Pertek "Baysungur Camii'nin" Taşınması

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    “Taşı Taş Gibi, Ahşabı Ahşap Gibi Göstermek”: Frank Lloyd Wright’ın Malzeme Teorisi

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    Frank Lloyd Wright's stance on the subject addressed in this essay seems unequivocal: "Architecture is in the nature of materials." Throughout his prolific career, he argued that every material has its own nature, which should be known, conformed to, and frankly expressed by the designer. The designer's task, he argued, was to develop the material into the form, proportion, and ornamentation that is inherent in the material itself, instead of imposing forms upon it. A correct use of the material that abided by its intrinsic nature would determine the image of the building, as each material suggested its own plan type, construction technique, and appearance. Why should modern architects proceed in this way? Wright felt this method would allow them to overcome the historicist and eclectic attitude that prevailed in the previous century. And he was not alone in thinking this; his premises were accepted and restated by many other pioneers of twentieth century architecture. Advanced as a central tenet of modernism, it eventually became the conventional understanding of the material qualities, and remains so today well-established and often-repeated. Given this broad acceptance, it is perhaps not surprising that the content, origins, implications, and understanding of "nature" and "design" assumed in this truism have rarely been questioned. Yet, the idea that every material has its own independent, transparent and constant nature that should be expressed through design and construction was unknown in the history of architecture before the seventeenth century. Neither Vitruvius nor Alberti, whose treatments of materials were very thorough, ever mentioned the "nature of the materials" and their "true expression." But that does not mean this notion was original or specific to twentieth century architectural thought. While presented as a ground-breaking discovery by Frank Lloyd Wright, it was, in fact, put forth and developed by several European architects from the seventeenth century onwards. This paper explores Frank Lloyd Wright's idea that design should be true to the nature of materials. The study is both historical and theoretical; it considers Wright's architectural practice, and offers an analysis of its precedents. The first part of the essay examines Wright's writings, inquiring into the changing content and meaning of his understanding of "the nature of the material." The second part searches for the sources of his theory in architectural literature, some of which he knew yet neglected to mention. The 18th century emergence and 19th century development of the idea of "truth to nature of the materials" is presented here, by examining the works of Carlo Lodoli, Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand, and Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc. It is also shown that while Wright and his predecessors seem to argue for a similar approach towards materials, because they use similar terminology and phrasing, their understanding of the "nature of the material" and ways of expressing it greatly varied. By demonstrating the similarities and the divergences in their treatments, the essay also offers an insight into the content and the meaning that Wright and the others attributed to the concept of "nature." The third part of the essay re-describes two prominent projects from Wright's oeuvre from the perspective of this inquiry. The treatment of materials in the Taliesin House and Studio and the Fallingwater House -buildings that Wright thought expressed the nature of the materials in an exemplary manner- is analyzed in the light of his material philosophy. I will show that while Wright argued for deferring to the "intrinsic" qualities of materials, he imposed his own forms and images on them. The fourth and the last part of this study draws attention to the reduction of the understanding of material qualities in these theories and buildings, understanding reduced to a fixed and straightforward kind of knowledge that greatly diminished the multifaceted and infinitely creative architectural quest for selecting and handling materials.Publisher's Versio

    Voir le monde : la theoria pour soutenir la symmetria avec le cosmos

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    Théorie et symétrie ! Ces mots menés et malmenés depuis que les architectes ont endossé la mission de spéculer sont scrutés par Esra Şahin Burat dans l'article : "Voir le monde : la theoria pour soutenir la symmetria avec le cosmos".L'auteure mène une enquête minutieuse qui éclaire la genèse des effets que les deux mots ont produit dans nos langues. Si la théorie vise un écart pris à l'égard de la situation opaque du monde pour mieux y revenir, la symétrie (au sens de commensurabilité) postule l'existence effective ou souhaitée (aux plans éthique et esthétique) de communes mesures. Au bout du compte, c'est l'ordre même du cosmos qu'il s'agit de confirmer ou de corriger."Grâce à un partage approprié (juste) des éléments et des qualités environnantes, la symmetria établit et met au jour la commensurabilité de l’édifice avec son milieu. En reliant les mesures visibles de l’édifice à celles du contexte, l’usage vitruvien de la symmetria renvoyait encore à la juste proportion des traits par rapport à une réalité préexistante et plus large que l’édifice. En cela, la symmetria de Vitruve s’opposait au sens moderne qui lui a été donné dans le commentaire de Charles Perrault sur les Dix livres.

    Versuche zur Weiterentwicklung der Kalt-Preßschweißung und Kalt-Preßlötung

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    Cold-welding of steel can be achieved by putting sheets of softer metals between the two steel pieces so that the sheet material and the steel as well will be deformed. In experiments with aluminium sheets of different thicknesses the best results - tensile strength of the joints 10 to 20 kg/mm^2 - were obtained when applying a thickness of 3 or 4mm. With tin of variable thicknesses a tensile strength of 4 to 8 kg/mm^2 and with copper sheets a value of 14 to 26 kg/mm^2 could be obtained. Our experiments showed that the deformation of the steel was promoted by the interposed softer metal. Fracture occured in the contact zone of the two metals. However thin iron particles were torn off with growing deformation and growing thickness of the sheet material, i.e. aluminium or copper


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi penjumlahan dan pengurangan menggunakan model belajar kooperatif teknik two stay two stray di kelas III SDN 28 Tapang Menanik Kabupaten Sekadau. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar  yaitu dengan nilai rata-rata 65 atau 41,6% pada siklus I meningkat menjadi  dengan nilai rata-rata 78,4 atau 83,4% pada siklus II .selisih peningkatan dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 41,8% . dengan demikian skor rata-rata hasil belajar siswa pada siklus I dan II di kategorikan cukup baik dengan menggunakan metode kooperatif teknik two stay two stray SDN 28 Tapang Menanik   Kata Kunci :  hasil belajar,  model pembelajaran kooperatif Abstraction:  This Research aim to to increase result of learning student [of] [at] items of quantifying and reduction use the model learn the co-operative of technique of two stay two stray [in] class of III SDN 28 Tapang Menanik of Regency Sekadau. Method used [by] [is] descriptive method. There are make-up of result learn that is with the average value 65 or 41,6% [at] cycle I mount to become with the average value 78,4 or 83,4% [at] cycle II . improvement difference from cycle I to cycle II [of] equal to 41,8 . thereby mean score [of] result of learning student [of] [at] cycle of I and II [in] categorize medium. Keyword : Make-Up of, result learn the, model of study of co-operativ

    Axonal excitability and conduction alterations caused by levobupivacaine in rat

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    In this study, effects of the long-acting amide-type local anesthetic levobupivacaine on axonal conduction and excitability parameters of the rat sciatic nerve were thoroughly examined both in vitro and in vivo. In order to deduce its effects on isolated nerve conduction, compound nerve action potential (CNAP) recordings were performed using the suction method over sciatic nerves of Wistar rats before and after administration of 0.05 % (1.7 mmol L–1) levobupivacaine. Levobupivacaine caused complete CNAP area and amplitude depression by blocking conduction in a time-dependent manner. To assess the influence of levobupivacaine on in vivo excitability properties, threshold-tracking (TT) protocols were performed at sciatic nerves of rats injected with perineural 0.05 % (1.7 mmol L–1) levobupivacaine or vehicle alone. Charge-duration TT results revealed that levobupivacaine increases the rheobase and decreases the strength-duration time constant, suggesting interference of the anesthetic with the opening of Na+ channels. Twenty and 40 % threshold electrotonus curves were found for both groups to follow the same paths, suggesting no significant effect of levobupivacaine on K+ channels for either the fastest or relatively slow conducting fibers. Current-threshold relationship results revealed no significant effect on axonal rectifying channels. However, according to the results of the recovery cycle protocol yielding the pattern of excitability changes following the impulse, potential deviation was found in the recovery characteristics of Na+ channels from the absolute refractory period. Consequently, conduction blockage caused by levobupivacaine may not be due to the passive (capacitive) properties of axon or the conductance of potassium channels but to the decrease in sodium channel conductance


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    Penelitian yang dilakukan memiliki tujuan menganalisis kesulitan siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) kelas VII dalam mempelajari diagram lingkaran. Penelitian sebelumnya belum ada yang menganalisis khusus tentang diagram lingkaran, sebagian besar peneliian menganalisis kesulitan statistik secara umum. Metode penelitian adalah metode kualitatif. Penyajian dan analisis data pada penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan secara naratif. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMP yang diklasifikasikan berkemampuan tinggi, sedang dan rendah. Hasil penelitian  menunjukan bahwa terdapat beberapa kesulitan yang dialami siswa dalam mempelajari diagram lingkaran diantaranya yaitu kesulitan siswa dalam menggunakan rumus, kesulitan dalam menghitung, dan kesulitan dalam mengubah kalimat permasalahan ke dalam model matematika ataupun sebaliknya

    Simulation of 3D periodic piezoelectric transducers radiating in layered media using Finite Element/Boundary element Analysis

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    Abstract. This paper is devoted to the description of a mixed finite element/boundary element analysis for the simulation of any periodic transducer radiating in any combination of solid and fluids assuming flat interfaces and linear operation regime. The theoretical developments required in that purpose are described and different examples of transducers are considered to demonstrate the interest of the proposed approach. 1