21 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the objectives in information technology and software course curriculum according to revised Bloom taxonomy. For this purpose, objectives of the fifth and sixth grade information technology and software course curriculum, which was started to be implemented in 2018, were examined. In the study, document analysis technique which is one of the qualitative research methods was used. Two-dimensional analysis table prepared by Anderson and Krathwol was used. In the data processing process, the objectives were evaluated separately by two researchers by using co-observer forms. The classified objectives were shown in tables and graphs and frequency and percentage values were given. There are 75 objectives at the 5th grade level and 77 objectives at the 6th grade level in the information technologies and software curriculum. According to the results of the analysis, it has been concluded that the objectives in the information technology and software course curriculum are under the understanding and applying dimensions in the cognitive process. It has been observed that most of the objectives are under the procedural and conceptual dimension. When evaluated in this respect, it has been concluded that approximately 90% of the objectives are at the higher cognitive level. In the course of information technologies and software, it is aimed to educate individuals who think actively, have problem solving and computational thinking skills, can follow and evaluate the reasoning process, carry out studies on product design and management, develop innovative and original projects that produce solutions to problems encountered in daily life, it is thought to be beneficial to increase the objectives towards developing high level cognitive skills.  Article visualizations

    The investigation of relationship between body mass index and physical activity level along with motor skill in children: Çocuklarda vücut kitle indeksi ve fiziksel aktivite düzeyi ile motor beceri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between motor skills and body mass index (BMI) along with physical activity level (PAL) of children aged 8-10 years. A total of 376 children (female = 168, male = 208) aged 8-10 years participated in the study. In the study, BMIs of children were determined by [body weight (kg) / height (m2)] formula, PALs were determined by Physical Activity Questionnare for Older Children (PAQ-C) and motor skills by Allgemeiner Sportmotorischer Test (AST). Pearson Correlation Analysis was used to determine the relationship between motor skill and BMI along with PAL. As a result of the study, a significant positive correlation was found between PAL and AST20 m-running, AST6 min running and ASTtotal score, while a negative correlation was found between BMI and AST20 m running, ASThurdle run, AST medicine ball toss, AST6 min running and ASTtotal score. In addition, it was found that the majority of children in the AST classification were in the moderate (46.3%) and poor (45.5%) motor skills category and no children were in the very good motor skills category. As a result, it can be stated that motor development can be achieved by directing children to physical activities and high BMI constitutes a limitation of motor skills of children. Considering this situation, it may be recommended to direct children to physical activities in order to increase the motor skill that has a positive effect on success and ability to work positively or negatively at every stage of life. ​​Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. Özet Çalışmanın amacı, 8-10 yaşları arasındaki çocukların motor becerileri ile vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ) ve fiziksel aktivite düzeyi (FAD) arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmaya 8-10 yaş arası toplam 376 (kız= 168, erkek=208) çocuk katılmıştır. Çalışmada çocukların VKİ’leri [vücut ağırlığı (kg)/boy (m2)] formülü ile, FAD’leri İlköğretim Öğrencileri İçin Fiziksel Aktivite Anketi (PAQ-C) ile motor becerileri ise Allgemeiner Sportmotorischer Test (AST) ile belirlenmiştir. Motor beceri ile VKİ ve FAD arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemede Pearson Korelasyon Analizi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda, FAD ile AST20 m koşu, AST6 dk koşu ve ASTtoplam skoru arasında pozitif yönlü anlamlı bir ilişki belirlenirken, VKİ ile AST20 m koşu, ASTengel koşusu, ASTsağlık topu atma, AST6 dk koşu ve ASTtoplam skoru arasında negatif yönlü anlamlı bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca AST sınıflandırılmasında çocukların çoğunluğunun orta (%46,3) ve kötü (%45,5) motor beceri kategorisinde olduğu ve çok iyi motor beceri kategorisinde hiçbir çocuğun bulunmadığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak çocukların fiziksel aktivitelere yönlendirilerek motor becerilerinde gelişim sağlana bilineceği ve yüksek VKİ’nin çocukların motor becerilerinde sınırlama oluşturduğu söylenebilir. Bu durum göz önüne alınarak hayatın her aşamasında başarıyı ve iş yapabilme kapasitesini olumlu ya da olumsuz olarak etkileyen motor becerinin artırılması için çocukları fiziksel aktivitelere yönlendirmek önerilebili

    FinTech companies: A bibliometric analysis

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    The financial-technology industry has recently attracted the attention of many sectors. The financial-technology industry designs new and unusual technological financial services in many areas. It combines technology with finance and provides an alternative to the traditional financial system. In the scope of this study, 636 publications were obtained from Scopus. Various tools, such as Microsoft Excel for frequency analysis, and VOSviewer for data visualization, were used. The open-source codes used for bibliometric analysis through the R Studio program were developed by the authors and used for citation-metrics analysis. The main aim of this study was to find out the most influential studies and authors and to reveal the distributions and impacts of publications in the FinTech area between 2015 and 2021 from the Scopus database. The results indicate that the most influential journal is Sustainability Switzerland, and the most cited author is Gomber et al. Additionally, Rabbani has the most publications, while China has emerged as the most productive country. On the other hand, this study found that FinTech research clustered in four areas. These areas are computer science, business management, economics, and social sciences. This FinTech study examines financial services, financial access, and financial technology, where FinTech is at the center. It also focuses on cryptocurrency, bitcoin, and smart contracts where the blockchain is at the center. The results reveal a systematic map of existing studies. Further, the study plays a guiding role in future research

    Single-Cell RNA-Seq of Mouse Olfactory Bulb Reveals Cellular Heterogeneity and Activity-Dependent Molecular Census of Adult-Born Neurons

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    Summary: Cellular heterogeneity within the mammalian brain poses a challenge toward understanding its complex functions. Within the olfactory bulb, odor information is processed by subtypes of inhibitory interneurons whose heterogeneity and functionality are influenced by ongoing adult neurogenesis. To investigate this cellular heterogeneity and better understand adult-born neuron development, we utilized single-cell RNA sequencing and computational modeling to reveal diverse and transcriptionally distinct neuronal and nonneuronal cell types. We also analyzed molecular changes during adult-born interneuron maturation and uncovered developmental programs within their gene expression profiles. Finally, we identified that distinct neuronal subtypes are differentially affected by sensory experience. Together, these data provide a transcriptome-based foundation for investigating subtype-specific neuronal function in the olfactory bulb (OB), charting the molecular profiles that arise during the maturation and integration of adult-born neurons and how they dynamically change in an activity-dependent manner. : Using single-cell sequencing, Tepe et al. describe cellular heterogeneity in the mouse olfactory bulb, uncover markers for each cell type, and reveal differentially regulated genes in adult-born neurons. These findings provide a framework for studying cell-type-specific functions and circuit integration in the mammalian brain. Keywords: single-cell RNA-seq, adult neurogenesis, olfactory bulb, circuit integration, olfaction, lineage, development, interneuron, transcriptom

    Drosophila Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels Are Only Expressed in Active Neurons and Are Localized to Distal Axonal Initial Segment-like Domains

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    In multipolar vertebrate neurons, action potentials (APs) initiate close to the soma, at the axonal initial segment. Invertebrate neurons are typically unipolar with dendrites integrating directly into the axon. Where APs are initiated in the axons of invertebrate neurons is unclear. Voltage-gated sodium (NaV) channels are a functional hallmark of the axonal initial segment in vertebrates. We used an intronic Minos-Mediated Integration Cassette to determine the endogenous gene expression and subcellular localization of the sole NaV channel in both male and female Drosophila, para Despite being the only NaV channel in the fly, we show that only 23 ± 1% of neurons in the embryonic and larval CNS express para, while in the adult CNS para is broadly expressed. We generated a single-cell transcriptomic atlas of the whole third instar larval brain to identify para expressing neurons and show that it positively correlates with markers of differentiated, actively firing neurons. Therefore, only 23 ± 1% of larval neurons may be capable of firing NaV-dependent APs. We then show that Para is enriched in an axonal segment, distal to the site of dendritic integration into the axon, which we named the distal axonal segment (DAS). The DAS is present in multiple neuron classes in both the third instar larval and adult CNS. Whole cell patch clamp electrophysiological recordings of adult CNS fly neurons are consistent with the interpretation that Nav-dependent APs originate in the DAS. Identification of the distal NaV localization in fly neurons will enable more accurate interpretation of electrophysiological recordings in invertebrates.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The site of action potential (AP) initiation in invertebrates is unknown. We tagged the sole voltage-gated sodium (NaV) channel in the fly, para, and identified that Para is enriched at a distal axonal segment. The distal axonal segment is located distal to where dendrites impinge on axons and is the likely site of AP initiation. Understanding where APs are initiated improves our ability to model neuronal activity and our interpretation of electrophysiological data. Additionally, para is only expressed in 23 ± 1% of third instar larval neurons but is broadly expressed in adults. Single-cell RNA sequencing of the third instar larval brain shows that para expression correlates with the expression of active, differentiated neuronal markers. Therefore, only 23 ± 1% of third instar larval neurons may be able to actively fire NaV-dependent APs.status: publishe