1,420 research outputs found

    The Investigation of the Relationship between Children’s 50m Freestyle Swimming Performances and Motor Performances

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    The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between children’s 50 m freestyle swimming performances and motor performances. There were 32 swimmers (male = 21, female = 11), who had been swimming for at least one and a half year, participated in the study. The motor performances of the participating swimmers were determined through the Dordel Koch Test (DKT) and 50 m swimming performances via the stopwatch. The Spearman Correlation Analysis was used to determine the relationship between children’s motor performances and the swimming performances of 50 m. As a result of the statistical analysis, it was determined that the performance categories of DKT sub-dimensions were DKTshuttle, DKTpush-up and DKTbalance performances of the categories in which both girls and boys were the best. It was determined that male swimmers would perform DKT6min running and female swimmers would have a positive effect on the 50 m freestyle swimming performance of DKTsideward jump performances (p <0.01, p <0.05). In addition, it was determined that all the swimmers had a positive effect on the 50 m freestyle swimming performances of the DKT sideward jump, DKT6min running and DKTflexibilty performance (p <0.01, p <0.05). As a result, it can be stated that DKT6min running, which is the demonstration of aerobic performance, increased DKTflexibility and DKTsideward jump performance will contribute to 50m swimming performance.. Moreover, it can be suggested that the performance development of the upper extremity (DKTshuttle and DKTpush-up), which is required for the branch in the performance, is categorized as performance


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    Football, one of the sports with roots in history, has been associated with violence and tragedy in various countries. Several studies have tried to understand the nature and structure of hooliganism and its common cross-national characteristics, severity, and causes. Although existing literature suggests a variety of strategies to prevent violence in football, it is widely accepted that there must be grassroots movements and self-awareness, besides these measures,to reduce cases of aggressionin football. This study, whichwas awardedthe Fair Play prize in 2014 by the Turkish Olympic Committee, focuses on training fans using the peer education methodology. The young fans of Beşiktaş Football Club implemented a peer education program and conducted an online survey to assess itseffectiveness and understand the participants’ perceptions and reflections regarding the causes of and methods to preventfootball hooliganism.The results suggest that the training program was effective and that it should be disseminated to reach all other associations to achieve results that are more positive

    Dietary habits and oral health related behaviors in relation to DMFT indexes of a group of young adult patients attending a dental school

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    Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the dietary habits and oral health related behaviors in relation to the dental health status in terms of decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT index) of a group of young adults attending to a dental school located in a major city in Turkey. Study Design: A total of 416 young adults (247 females and 169 males) with an age range of 18-25 (Mean 23.2 sd 0.97) attending the Oral Diagnosis department participated in the study. The patients completed a questionnaire including questions about demographic factors, dietary habits and oral health related behaviors. Subsequently, the DMFT index and plaque index was calculated. Descriptive statistics, Mann Whitney U/ Kruskal Wallis Variance analysis, Chi-square/ Fisher?s Exact tests and multiple linear regression analysis were used for statistical analysis of the data when applicable. Results: According to the results of the study, approximately 70% of the patients had regular main meals and a very high snacking rate (76.9%) was present. Although not at a high rate, most of the patients brushed their teeth regularly twice a day (44.2%) and approximately half used other hygiene aids in addition to brushing (43.8%). The median of the DMFT index was 5 and a majority of the patients had moderate plaque accumulation which could be seen with the naked eye (45.0%). Dental plaque had the most significant effect on the DMFT index. Conclusion: In conclusion, advice, including importance of regularity of main meals, decrease in snacking frequency, regular brushing twice a day and the use of other oral hygiene aids for the elimination of dental plaque would be helpful to enhance the dietary habits and oral health related behaviors of young adult Turkish patients

    The influence of cooking methods and some marinades on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon formation in beef meat

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of various marinades and their concentrations, as well as various cooking procedures, on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) formation in cooked beef. The PAH levels in meat were determined, based on the saponification of lipids by methanolic/potassium hydroxide solution, followed by liquid–liquid extraction and QuEChERS method. Pan frying caused lower levels of BaP (1.39 versus 1.62 µg/kg) and PAH4 (5.58 versus 5.73 µg/kg) in beef meat than barbecuing. For sage and thyme extracts prepared at 0.5 to 2.0 °Brix, a significant decrease in the PAH levels of barbecued meat samples was achieved compared to the controls. The levels of PAHs in the samples containing the commercial marinating material were found to be higher than those in the non-marinated control. The BaP and PAH4 levels found in the meat samples marinated with sage and thyme extracts, were below the EU maximum levels. However, BaP was the highest for Control 2 (2.26 µg/kg), and exceeded the EU maximum limit of 2 mg/kg for BaP in heat-treated meat and meat products. The results show a reducing effect of sage and thyme extracts that are normally used during marinating of meat, on the formation of PAH compounds. Consequently, the extracts of sage and thyme, could be used in the commercial marinating material to reduce the level of PAH compounds formed in meat during cooking

    New Records For the Turkish Freshwater Algal Flora in Twenty Five River Basins of Turkey, Part Vi: Charophyta

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    DergiPark: 875740trkjnatAlthough planktonic algae are a basic component of freshwater ecosystems, studies on their diversity and species distribution are still not in satisfactory numbers. This study aims to contribute to Turkish freshwater algal flora particularly with the new records reported. A total of 158 Charophyta taxa were determined in the study conducted from 2017 to 2019 in 25 river basins of Turkey. In this study, while the highest Charophyta taxon was found in Sakarya and Batı Akdeniz basins with 50 and 42 taxa, respectively, Burdur basin was the only basin where we did not find the Charophyta species. The highest Charophyta diversity was observed in Girdev Lake (Batı Akdeniz basin) and Işık Dağı Karagöl Lake (Sakarya basin) among the lakes of Turkey’s 25 river basins. Thirty-one of these Charophyta taxa represent new records for the freshwater algal flora of Turkey. Of these, 13 species are commonly distributed, while 18 species have rare distribution areas. Morphology, ecology, and distribution of each taxon were also discussed in details.Planktonik algler tatlı su ekosistemlerinin temel bir bileşeni olmasına rağmen, onların çeşitliliği ve tür dağılımları konusundaki çalışmalar hala tatmin edici sayılarda değildir. Bu çalışma, özellikle raporlanan yeni kayıtlarla Türkiye tatlı su alg florasına katkıda bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. 2017-2019 yılları arasında Türkiye'nin 25 nehir havzasında yapılan bu çalışmada toplam 158 Charophyta taksonu tespit edilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, en yüksek Charophyta taksonuna sırasıyla 50 ve 42 takson sayısıyla Sakarya ve Batı Akdeniz havzalarında rastlanırken, Charophyta türüne rastlamadığımız tek havza Burdur olmuştur. Türkiye'nin 25 akarsu havzasındaki göller arasında en fazla Charophyta çeşitliliği Girdev Gölü (Batı Akdeniz havzası) ve Işık Dağı Karagöl (Sakarya havzası)’de görülmüştür. Tespit edilen bu Charophyta taksonlarının 31’i Türkiye'deki tatlısu alg florası için yeni kayıt niteliğindedir. Bunlardan 13 tür yayılış alanı olarak yaygın iken, 18 tür nadir yayılış alanına sahiptir. Her bir taksonun morfolojisi, ekolojisi ve dağılımı da ayrıntılı olarak verilmiştir

    The Effects of Labor Market Reforms on the Labor Market Dynamics in Turkey

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    The global economic crisis of 2008 had great repercussions on labor markets around the world. In order to mitigate the adverse effects of the crisis on employment, Turkey introduced a number of measures in the last quarter of 2008 and during the first half of 2009, such as a general reduction of social security contributions, targeted reductions for hiring youth and women, an increase in unemployment insurance payments and a more active use of the short-time working compensation program. Using the Income and Living Conditions Survey panel data for 2006-2010, this study aims at examining the role of labor market reforms in shaping the labor market performance in Turkey. To this end, we compute the Markov transition probabilities of individuals moving across three different labor market states: employment, unemployment and not in labor force. The results of the study reveal that the policy measures, in general, helped in alleviating the adverse effects of the crisis on the Turkish labor markets. The measures specifically targeting youth and women were effective in promoting the employment of these disadvantaged groups, the beneficial effects being more pronounced for women. However, the results show that after the coverage of these measures was broadened to include all workers, the advantage of young and female workers disappeared. Finally, the transition probabilities calculated for different education groups reveal that the probability of remaining in employment increases significantly with education

    The Effects of Labor Market Reforms on the Labor Market Dynamics in Turkey

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    The global economic crisis of 2008 had great repercussions on labor markets around the world. In order to mitigate the adverse effects of the crisis on employment, Turkey introduced a number of measures in the last quarter of 2008 and during the first half of 2009, such as a general reduction of social security contributions, targeted reductions for hiring youth and women, an increase in unemployment insurance payments and a more active use of the short-time working compensation program. Using the Income and Living Conditions Survey panel data for 2006-2010, this study aims at examining the role of labor market reforms in shaping the labor market performance in Turkey. To this end, we compute the Markov transition probabilities of individuals moving across three different labor market states: employment, unemployment and not in labor force. The results of the study reveal that the policy measures, in general, helped in alleviating the adverse effects of the crisis on the Turkish labor markets. The measures specifically targeting youth and women were effective in promoting the employment of these disadvantaged groups, the beneficial effects being more pronounced for women. However, the results show that after the coverage of these measures was broadened to include all workers, the advantage of young and female workers disappeared. Finally, the transition probabilities calculated for different education groups reveal that the probability of remaining in employment increases significantly with education

    Male-Female Labor Market Participation and the Extent of Gender-Based Wage Discrimination in Turkey

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    A gender differential in wages is considered to be discriminatory if the differential cannot be explained by gender differences in productivity. Numerous studies have been performed to measure the extent of gender wage discrimination in countries across the world, and most report a substantial amount of wage differential after adjusting for productivity differences. This differential has been attributed to labor market discrimination against women. Using data from 2003 and 2010 Household Budget Surveys conducted by Turkish Statistical Institute, this study examines the male-female earnings differentials and measures the extent of pay discrimination in Turkey. To analyze the components of the earnings gap, two methodologies are employed: The standard Oaxaca–Blinder decomposition method and the Juhn–Murphy–Pierce decomposition method. The results of the study indicate that in both years, a significant portion of the observed wage differential is attributable to wage discrimination which records a rise over the period

    Bleeding risk in patients with acute coronary syndrome in a Turkish population results from the Turkish acute coronary syndrome registry (TACSER) study

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    Objective Bleeding is one of the most important causes of mortality in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). This study therefore aimed to investigate bleeding risk in patients with ACS who were scheduled to receive dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) in Turkey. Methods This was a multicentre, observational, cross-sectional cohort study. The study population included 963 patients with ACS from 12 centres in Turkey. We used the Predicting Bleeding Complication in Patients Undergoing Stent Implantation and Subsequent Dual Antiplatelet Therapy (PRECISE-DAPT) score to predict the bleeding risk for all the patients. The patients were divided into high (>= 25) or low (= 25). Compared with the male patients, the female patients had higher PRECISE-DAPT scores (28.2 +/- 15.7 vs 18.4 +/- 13.6,P = 25 was 53%, while among the male patients, the score occurred at a rate of 22%. The female patients had lower haemoglobin (Hb) levels than the male patients (12.1 +/- 1.7 vs 13.8 +/- 1.9,P < .001) and lower creatinine clearance (70.7 +/- 27.5 vs 88.7 +/- 26.3,P < .001). The in-hospital bleeding rates were higher among the patients with high PRECISE-DAPT scores than among those who did not have high scores. Furthermore, the patients with high PRECISE-DAPT scores had a higher in-hospital mortality rate compared with those with low PRECISE-DAPT scores (1% vs 0%,P = .11). Conclusions The mean PRECISE-DAPT score was high among the patients with ACS in this study, indicating that the bleeding tendency was high. This study showed that the PRECISE-DAPT score may help physicians determine the type and duration of DAPT, especially in patients with ACS in Turkey