614 research outputs found

    The oldest amputation on a Neolithic human skeleton in France

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    While 'surgical' practices such as trepanations are well attested since the first stages of the European Neolithic, the amputation of limbs in Prehistoric periods has not been well-documented until the case presented here. The particularly well-preserved remains of an aged male were recently uncovered in the Neolithic site (4900-4700 BC) of Buthiers-Boulancourt in the vicinity of Paris, France. It was already noticed in situ that the distal part of the left humerus was abnormal and this led us to the hypothesis of a partially healed 'surgical' amputation.The further investigations reported here confirm a traumatic origin and a partial cicatrisation after surgery, indicating that the patient survived. It also proves the remarkable medical skills developed during Prehistorical times. In addition, the associated grave goods are original, including the skeleton of an animal, a polished schist axe and a massive 30 cm long flint pick. Despite the serious handicap from which he suffered in this pastoral-agricultural community, the buried man obviously enjoyed some particular social status, as suggested by the remarkable and 'prestigious' accompanying grave-goods. If indeed this man benefited from some form of community care, this would indicate the level of social solidarity in Western Europe almost 7000 years ago

    Rachel Buquet Senior Interior Design Exhibit 2014

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    Design Philosophy: Design is a balance of something aesthetically pleasing and something that meets your needs. It is a balance between hard and soft; dark and light; masculine and feminine; and form and function

    El desarrollo de la Ciencia PolĂ­tica en Uruguay

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    The article examines how political science has consolidated in Uruguay, both in the academic and professional spheres. Given the discipline's late development in comparison to the rest of the world and the major Latin American countries, having begun following the transition to democracy in 1985, the discipline has attained increasing prestige. It is argued that although there are indicators which may be improved, Uruguayan political science includes a cadre of well prepared researchers who have been productive both in terms of quality and quantity.En el artículo se examina cómo se ha consolidado la Ciencia Política en Uruguay tanto en el espacio académico como en el åmbito profesional. Se señala que el desarrollo de la disciplina es tardío, en relación al mundo y a los países mås importantes de América Latina, ya que se inicia posterior a la transición a la democracia del año 1985, no obstante ello ha alcanzado un prestigio creciente. Se argumenta que aun cuando existen aspectos en los cuales es posible acrecentar los indicadores, la Ciencia Política uruguaya cuenta con un plantel de investigadores que ostenta buenos niveles de formación y es productivo en términos generales, tanto en cantidad como en calidad

    Instituciones políticas, procesos de diseño de políticas y resultados de las políticas en Uruguay

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    Uruguay genera una variedad de resultados polĂ­ticos. Primero, hay polĂ­ticas relativamente estables que permiten la apertura comercial y financiera del paĂ­s. TambiĂ©n, hay polĂ­ticas de baja calidad e inflexibles relacionadas con polĂ­ticas sociales, algunas ĂĄreas de reforma estatal (los salarios de los funcionarios del estado y mecanismos de contrataciĂłn), el rĂ©gimen de bancarrota, etc. Finalmente, estan los resultados volĂĄtiles que son generalmente los efectos de choques econĂłmicos, algunas veces relacionados con los gastos pĂșblicos. En los casos en que hay un precedente histĂłrico o que la disponibilidad de mecanismos externos de cumplimento no conducen a polĂ­ticas relativamente estables, la principal caracterĂ­stica saliente de las polĂ­ticas Uruguayas es la rigidez. La fuente de rigidez de las polĂ­ticas Uruguayas parece ser una mezcla de factores institucionales (mĂșltiples vetos, partidos fraccionados, y mecanismos de democracia directa) y conflictos polĂ­ticos (preferencias de polĂ­ticas divergentes), en los cuales es muy costoso moverse del status-quo debido a la gran amenaza de un reverso de las polĂ­ticas. Las instituciones polĂ­ticas en el Uruguay son propicias a alcanzar un acuerdo polĂ­tico a corto plazo, pero no pueden cooperar efectivamente y establecer polĂ­ticas estables y flexibles al largo plazo. La dificultad estĂĄ en conseguir intercambios polĂ­ticos Ă­nter temporales que son consistentes con las principales caracterĂ­sticas del ambiente polĂ­tico: una cifra alta de principales actores polĂ­ticos y vetos, una cifra considerable de maniobras polĂ­ticas inobservables, una pobre aplicaciĂłn de tecnologĂ­a en el ĂĄrea econĂłmica, una burocracia polĂ­ticamente influenciada, intercambios polĂ­ticos que ocurren fuera del ruedo legislativo, y una particular constelaciĂłn de partidos y preferencias ademĂĄs de un diseño costoso de polĂ­ticas y cambios institucionales. (Disponible en InglĂ©s)

    Before Publication: Montage in Art, Architecture, and Book Design (sous la dir. de Nanni Baltzer, Martino Stierli)

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    La courte introduction de Nanni Baltzer et Martino Stierli permet difficilement de saisir d’emblĂ©e le point de vue d’un ouvrage qui souhaite renouveler la rĂ©flexion sur le montage en prise avec la culture matĂ©rielle. Le livre rassemble huit textes qui explorent la gĂ©nĂ©tique Ă©ditoriale de projets liĂ©s aux avant-gardes ; certains n’ayant mĂȘme jamais abouti, Ă  l’image du Dadaglobe de Tristan Tzara ou des Notes pour une Histoire du cinĂ©ma de Sergei Eisenstein. En quoi le montage qui prĂ©cĂšde l’Ɠuv..

    Sarah Kay, Animal Skins and the Reading Self in Medieval Latin and French Bestiaries

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    Sarah Kay, professeure de littĂ©rature française Ă  l’universitĂ© de New York, propose, dans ce court et dense ouvrage, une Ă©tude originale sur les bestiaires mĂ©diĂ©vaux. Si S. Kay a dĂ©jĂ  publiĂ© de nombreux articles sur les bestiaires latins et romans, elle propose ici un essai ambitieux qui aborde diffĂ©rentes thĂ©matiques : la philologie (histoire des diffĂ©rentes familles issues du Physiologus), la codicologie (les bestiaires dans leur matĂ©rialitĂ© manuscrite, notamment celui de l’espace de la pag..

    Ed. Ruscha

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    La place d’Edward Ruscha en France se rĂ©vĂšle paradoxale. IcĂŽne internationale qu’on associe volontiers Ă  Los Angeles, il reste une figure fuyante dont l’étiquette – terme Ă  prendre Ă©galement dans le sens de celui d’un petit Ă©criteau portant une dĂ©nomination – oscille entre pop art, art conceptuel, voire surrĂ©alisme. Le public français connaĂźt le peintre – pourtant trĂšs peu reprĂ©sentĂ© dans les collections nationales – et le photographe – grĂące notamment Ă  l’exposition au Jeu de Paume en 2005 e..

    The Aspen Complex

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    Avec The Aspen Complex, Martin Beck dirige un livre qui se veut le prolongement de son exposition Panel 2 – « Nothing than a touch of ecology and catastrophe to unite the social classes  ». Plusieurs intermĂšdes illustrĂ©s portent la trace des contenus de cette installation montrĂ©e respectivement Ă  Londres (Gasworks, 2008) et, dans une version modifiĂ©e, Ă  New York (Arthur Ross architecture Gallery, 2009). EditĂ© en 2012 l’ouvrage n’en constitue pas pour autant le catalogue mais s’envisage plutĂŽt..

    Experimental characterization of a small scale arc-jet flow using a spatially resolved UV-nIR Spectroscopy System

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    This paper presents emission spectroscopy measurements of the OPG2 plasma generator, a small scale thermal arc-jet recently upgraded to transition from argon to nitrogen and air flows. Spectra were recorded between 200 nm and 900 nm using a spatially resolved spectroscopy system currently under development at the Oxford Thermofluids Institute, of which design and characterisation are provided in this work. After calibration, the spectra were band-fitted to a range of radiative emission simulations of different temperature profiles and species population densities, assuming a chemical equilibrium composition. Translational and vibrational temperatures of the flow over 60 mm from the nozzle exit were inferred by identifying the closest match through a least-square fitting routine at six discrete locations. Radial enthalpy profiles were obtained under the assumption of fully developed turbulent free-jet, and the diameter of the jet was initially considered as the diameter of the visibly radiating gas, and later adjusted to include non-radiative species at temperatures above ambient. For operating conditions of 250 A and 0.2 g.s−1, nitrogen flow was found to have a rotational temperature varying from 5200 K at the nozzle to 2800 K 60 mm downstream, and vibrational temperature varying from 8300 K to 2900 K. For the same operating conditions with air as the test gas, varied from 7200 K at the nozzle to 3100 K 60 mm downstream, and from 9300 K to 3000 K

    Catherine de Smet/Pour une critique du design graphique. Dix-huit essais

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    « S’exercer en zigzag » (p. 15). La dĂ©marche et la particularitĂ© du livre de Catherine de Smet, « suite discontinue de microrĂ©cits » (p. 5), se donnent bien Ă  penser dans cette figure de la ligne brisĂ©e. L’historienne de l’art rassemble ici dix-huit essais principalement axĂ©s sur la pĂ©riode contemporaine. Ils relĂšvent toujours en partie de l’histoire, C. de Smet rappelant que « la critique ne saurait exister sans perspective historique » (p. 8). Rigueur intellectuelle, traçabilitĂ© de la reche..
