19 research outputs found

    Comparisons of binary black hole merger waveforms

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    This a particularly exciting time for gravitational wave physics. Ground-based gravitational wave detectors are now operating at a sensitivity such that gravitational radiation may soon be directly detected, and recently several groups have independently made significant breakthroughs that have finally enabled numerical relativists to solve the Einstein field equations for coalescing black-hole binaries, a key source of gravitational radiation. The numerical relativity community is now in the position to begin providing simulated merger waveforms for use by the data analysis community, and it is therefore very important that we provide ways to validate the results produced by various numerical approaches. Here, we present a simple comparison of the waveforms produced by two very different, but equally successful approaches--the generalized harmonic gauge and the moving puncture methods. We compare waveforms of equal-mass black hole mergers with minimal or vanishing spins. The results show exceptional agreement for the final burst of radiation, with some differences attributable to small spins on the black holes in one case.Comment: Revtex 4, 5 pages. Published versio

    Black Hole Mergers and Unstable Circular Orbits

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    We describe recent numerical simulations of the merger of a class of equal mass, non-spinning, eccentric binary black hole systems in general relativity. We show that with appropriate fine-tuning of the initial conditions to a region of parameter space we denote the threshold of immediate merger, the binary enters a phase of close interaction in a near-circular orbit, stays there for an amount of time proportional to logarithmic distance from the threshold in parameter space, then either separates or merges to form a single Kerr black hole. To gain a better understanding of this phenomena we study an analogous problem in the evolution of equatorial geodesics about a central Kerr black hole. A similar threshold of capture exists for appropriate classes of initial conditions, and tuning to threshold the geodesics approach one of the unstable circular geodesics of the Kerr spacetime. Remarkably, with a natural mapping of the parameters of the geodesic to that of the equal mass system, the scaling exponent describing the whirl phase of each system turns out to be quite similar. Armed with this lone piece of evidence that an approximate correspondence might exist between near-threshold evolution of geodesics and generic binary mergers, we illustrate how this information can be used to estimate the cross section and energy emitted in the ultra relativistic black hole scattering problem. This could eventually be of use in providing estimates for the related problem of parton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider in extra dimension scenarios where black holes are produced.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures; updated to coincide with journal versio

    Reducing orbital eccentricity in binary black hole simulations

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    Binary black hole simulations starting from quasi-circular (i.e., zero radial velocity) initial data have orbits with small but non-zero orbital eccentricities. In this paper the quasi-equilibrium initial-data method is extended to allow non-zero radial velocities to be specified in binary black hole initial data. New low-eccentricity initial data are obtained by adjusting the orbital frequency and radial velocities to minimize the orbital eccentricity, and the resulting (∼5\sim 5 orbit) evolutions are compared with those of quasi-circular initial data. Evolutions of the quasi-circular data clearly show eccentric orbits, with eccentricity that decays over time. The precise decay rate depends on the definition of eccentricity; if defined in terms of variations in the orbital frequency, the decay rate agrees well with the prediction of Peters (1964). The gravitational waveforms, which contain ∼8\sim 8 cycles in the dominant l=m=2 mode, are largely unaffected by the eccentricity of the quasi-circular initial data. The overlap between the dominant mode in the quasi-circular evolution and the same mode in the low-eccentricity evolution is about 0.99.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures; various minor clarifications; accepted to the "New Frontiers" special issue of CQ

    Simulation of Binary Black Hole Spacetimes with a Harmonic Evolution Scheme

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    A numerical solution scheme for the Einstein field equations based on generalized harmonic coordinates is described, focusing on details not provided before in the literature and that are of particular relevance to the binary black hole problem. This includes demonstrations of the effectiveness of constraint damping, and how the time slicing can be controlled through the use of a source function evolution equation. In addition, some results from an ongoing study of binary black hole coalescence, where the black holes are formed via scalar field collapse, are shown. Scalar fields offer a convenient route to exploring certain aspects of black hole interactions, and one interesting, though tentative suggestion from this early study is that behavior reminiscent of "zoom-whirl" orbits in particle trajectories is also present in the merger of equal mass, non-spinning binaries, with appropriately fine-tuned initial conditions.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures; replaced with published versio

    Unequal Mass Binary Black Hole Plunges and Gravitational Recoil

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    We present results from fully nonlinear simulations of unequal mass binary black holes plunging from close separations well inside the innermost stable circular orbit with mass ratios q = M_1/M_2 = {1,0.85,0.78,0.55,0.32}, or equivalently, with reduced mass parameters η=M1M2/(M1+M2)2=0.25,0.248,0.246,0.229,0.183\eta=M_1M_2/(M_1+M_2)^2 = {0.25, 0.248, 0.246, 0.229, 0.183}. For each case, the initial binary orbital parameters are chosen from the Cook-Baumgarte equal-mass ISCO configuration. We show waveforms of the dominant l=2,3 modes and compute estimates of energy and angular momentum radiated. For the plunges from the close separations considered, we measure kick velocities from gravitational radiation recoil in the range 25-82 km/s. Due to the initial close separations our kick velocity estimates should be understood as a lower bound. The close configurations considered are also likely to contain significant eccentricities influencing the recoil velocity.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, to appear in "New Frontiers" special issue of CQ

    Beyond the Bowen-York extrinsic curvature for spinning black holes

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    It is well-known that Bowen-York initial data contain spurious radiation. Although this ``junk'' radiation has been seen to be small for non-spinning black-hole binaries in circular orbit, its magnitude increases when the black holes are given spin. It is possible to reduce the spurious radiation by applying the puncture approach to multiple Kerr black holes, as we demonstrate for examples of head-on collisions of equal-mass black-hole binaries.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, submitted to special "New Frontiers in Numerical Relativity" issue of Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Coherent Bayesian analysis of inspiral signals

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    We present in this paper a Bayesian parameter estimation method for the analysis of interferometric gravitational wave observations of an inspiral of binary compact objects using data recorded simultaneously by a network of several interferometers at different sites. We consider neutron star or black hole inspirals that are modeled to 3.5 post-Newtonian (PN) order in phase and 2.5 PN in amplitude. Inference is facilitated using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods that are adapted in order to efficiently explore the particular parameter space. Examples are shown to illustrate how and what information about the different parameters can be derived from the data. This study uses simulated signals and data with noise characteristics that are assumed to be defined by the LIGO and Virgo detectors operating at their design sensitivities. Nine parameters are estimated, including those associated with the binary system, plus its location on the sky. We explain how this technique will be part of a detection pipeline for binary systems of compact objects with masses up to 20 \sunmass, including cases where the ratio of the individual masses can be extreme.Comment: Accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravity, Special issue for GWDAW-1

    Binary black hole merger in the extreme mass ratio limit

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    We discuss the transition from quasi-circular inspiral to plunge of a system of two nonrotating black holes of masses m1m_1 and m2m_2 in the extreme mass ratio limit m1m2≪(m1+m2)2m_1m_2\ll (m_1+m_2)^2. In the spirit of the Effective One Body (EOB) approach to the general relativistic dynamics of binary systems, the dynamics of the two black hole system is represented in terms of an effective particle of mass μ≡m1m2/(m1+m2)\mu\equiv m_1m_2/(m_1+m_2) moving in a (quasi-)Schwarzschild background of mass M≡m1+m2M\equiv m_1+m_2 and submitted to an O(μ){\cal O}(\mu) radiation reaction force defined by Pad\'e resumming high-order Post-Newtonian results. We then complete this approach by numerically computing, \`a la Regge-Wheeler-Zerilli, the gravitational radiation emitted by such a particle. Several tests of the numerical procedure are presented. We focus on gravitational waveforms and the related energy and angular momentum losses. We view this work as a contribution to the matching between analytical and numerical methods within an EOB-type framework.Comment: 14 pages, six figures. Revised version. To appear in the CQG special issue based around New Frontiers in Numerical Relativity conference, Golm (Germany), July 17-21 200

    Phenomenological template family for black-hole coalescence waveforms

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    Recent progress in numerical relativity has enabled us to model the non-perturbative merger phase of the binary black-hole coalescence problem. Based on these results, we propose a phenomenological family of waveforms which can model the inspiral, merger, and ring-down stages of black hole coalescence. We also construct a template bank using this family of waveforms and discuss its implementation in the search for signatures of gravitational waves produced by black-hole coalescences in the data of ground-based interferometers. This template bank might enable us to extend the present inspiral searches to higher-mass binary black-hole systems, i.e., systems with total mass greater than about 80 solar masses, thereby increasing the reach of the current generation of ground-based detectors.Comment: Minor changes, Submitted to Class. Quantum Grav. (Proc. GWDAW11

    Characteristic extraction in numerical relativity: binary black hole merger waveforms at null infinity

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    The accurate modeling of gravitational radiation is a key issue for gravitational wave astronomy. As simulation codes reach higher accuracy, systematic errors inherent in current numerical relativity wave-extraction methods become evident, and may lead to a wrong astrophysical interpretation of the data. In this paper, we give a detailed description of the Cauchy-characteristic extraction technique applied to binary black hole inspiral and merger evolutions to obtain gravitational waveforms that are defined unambiguously, that is, at future null infinity. By this method we remove finite-radius approximations and the need to extrapolate data from the near zone. Further, we demonstrate that the method is free of gauge effects and thus is affected only by numerical error. Various consistency checks reveal that energy and angular momentum are conserved to high precision and agree very well with extrapolated data. In addition, we revisit the computation of the gravitational recoil and find that finite radius extrapolation very well approximates the result at \scri. However, the (non-convergent) systematic differences to extrapolated data are of the same order of magnitude as the (convergent) discretisation error of the Cauchy evolution hence highlighting the need for correct wave-extraction.Comment: 41 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, added references, fixed typos. Version matches published version