793 research outputs found

    A new metrological characterization strategy for 3D multi-camera systems

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    AbstractThe objective of this study is to establish a new methodology for the metrological characterization of interactive multi-camera systems. In the case of 3D system highly adapted to specific needs the accuracy evaluation cannot be performed using standard state-of-the-art techniques. To this end, the metrological characterization techniques used in the literature were investigated in order to define a new methodology that can be adjusted to each device by making the appropriate modifications. The proposed strategy is adopted for the metrological characterization of a new interactive multi-camera system for the acquisition of the arm


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    A Constituição Federal de 1988 impôs ao Estado o dever de prover a segurança pública e a norma constitucional correspondente gera ao particular um direito subjetivo ao recebimento dessa prestação. Para esse fim, a norma constitucional previamente nomeia as instituições e os órgãos encarregados desse dever, estipulando as suas respectivas atribuições e competências. Por isso, a exigibilidade da norma que estabeleceu o direito fundamental social à segurança pública é direta e imediata. No Estado Democrático de Direito, diante desse quadro, faz- e necessária a intervenção do Poder Judiciário para obrigar o Estado a acatar o mandamento constitucional e determinar a implantação do direito fundamental social à segurança pública, em caso de omissão, pois, caso contrário, a norma constitucional não passaria de mero apelo ao legislador e de uma promessa vazia e inconsequente. E, na medida em que se vê concretizado esse direito fundamental, eventual retrocesso na sua prestação implica em inconstitucionalidade. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Direitos fundamentais. Direitos sociais. Segurança pública

    A General Framework for Designing 3D Impellers Using Topology Optimization and Additive Manufacturing

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    Reverse Engineering of Mechanical Parts: a Template-Based Approach

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    Abstract Template-Based reverse engineering approaches represent a relatively poorly explored strategy in the field of CAD reconstruction from polygonal models. Inspired by recent works suggesting the possibility/opportunity of exploiting a parametric description (i.e. CAD template) of the object to be reconstructed in order to retrieve a meaningful digital representation, a novel reverse engineering approach for the reconstruction of CAD models starting from 3D mesh data is proposed. The reconstruction process is performed relying on a CAD template, whose feature tree and geometric constraints are defined according to the a priori information on the physical object. The CAD template is fitted upon the mesh data, optimizing its dimensional parameters and positioning/orientation by means of a particle swarm optimization algorithm. As a result, a parametric CAD model that perfectly fulfils the imposed geometric relations is produced and a feature tree, defining an associative modelling history, is available to the reverse engineer. The proposed implementation exploits a cooperation between a CAD software package (Siemens NX) and a numerical software environment (MATLAB). Five reconstruction tests, covering both synthetic and real-scanned mesh data, are presented and discussed in the manuscript; the results are finally compared with models generated by state of the art reverse engineering software and key aspects to be addressed in future work are hinted at. Highlights A novel CAD reconstruction method fitting a CAD template model to mesh data. A feature-based parametric-associative modelling history is retrieved. Fitting process is controlled by a Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm. Accuracy of reconstructed models is comparable/better than state of the art results. Computational costs and required time are at the moment considerable

    Additive Manufacturing and Reverse Engineering in Cranioplasty: A Personalized Approach to Minimize Skin Flap Complications

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    Cranioplasty is a procedure performed to repair defects in the human skull bone by surgically reconstructing the shape and function of the cranium. Several complications, both intraoperative and postoperative, can affect the procedure's outcome (e.g., inaccuracies of the reconstructed shape, infections, ulcer, necrosis). Although the design of additive manufactured implants in a preoperative stage has improved the general quality of cranioplasties, potential complications remain significant, especially in the presence of critical skin tissue conditions. In this paper, an innovative procedure to improve the chances of a positive outcome when facing critical conditions in a cranioplasty is described. The proposed approach relies on a structured planning phase articulated in a series of digital analyses and physical simulations performed on personalized medical devices that guide the surgeon in defining surgical cuts and designing the implant. The ultimate goal is to improve the chances of a positive outcome and a fast recovery for the patient. The procedure, described in extenso in the paper, was positively tested on a cranioplasty case study, which presented high risk factors