430 research outputs found

    The Effects of Weather on Beef Carcass and Growth Traits

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    Light-addressable liquid crystal polymer dispersed liquid crystal

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    Scattering-free liquid crystal polymer-dispersed liquid crystal polymer (LCPDLC) films are fabricated by combining a room temperature polymerizable liquid crystal (LC) monomer with a mesogenic photosensitive LC. The morphological and photosensitive properties of the system are analysed with polarized optical microscopy and high resolution scanning and transmission electron microscopy. A two-phase morphology comprised of oriented fibril-like polymeric structures interwoven with nanoscale domains of phase separated LC exists. The nanoscale of the structures enables an absence of scattering which allows imaging through the LCPDLC sample without optical distortion. The use of a mesogenic monomer enables much smaller phase separated domains as compared to nonmesogenic systems. All-optical experiments show that the transmitted intensity, measured through parallel polarizers, can be modulated by the low power density radiation (31 mW/cm2) of a suitable wavelength (532 nm). The reversible and repeatable transmission change is due to the photoinduced trans-cis photoisomerization process. The birefringence variation (0.01) obtained by optically pumping the LCPDLC films allow their use as an alloptical phase modulato

    Biological Rhythms Workshop I: Introduction to Chronobiology

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    In this chapter, we present a series of four articles derived from a Introductory Workshop on Biological Rhythms presented at the 72nd Annual Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology: Clocks and Rhythms. A diverse range of species, from cyanobacteria to humans, evolved endogenous biological clocks that allow for the anticipation of daily variations in light and temperature. The ability to anticipate environmental variation promotes optimal performance and survival. In the first article, Introduction to Chronobiology, we present a brief historical timeline of how circadian concepts and terminology have emerged since the early observation of daily leaf movement in plants made by an astronomer in the 1700s. Workshop Part IA provides an overview of the molecular basis for rhythms generation in several key model organisms, Workshop Part IB focuses on how biology built a brain clock capable of coordinating the daily timing of essential brain and physiological processes, and Workshop Part IC gives key insight into how researchers study sleep and rhythms in humans

    Inclusion under the Mental Capacity Act (2005) : a review of research policy guidance and governance structures in England and Wales

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    Objective: To investigate how people with communication and understanding difficulties, associated with conditions such as dementia, autism and intellectual disability, are represented in research guidance supplementary to the Mental Capacity Act (MCA: 2005) in England and Wales. Methods: A documentary survey was conducted. The sample comprised the MCA Code of Practice (CoP: 2007) and 14 multi-authored advisory documents that were publicly available on the Health Research Authority website. Textual review of key words was conducted followed by summative content analysis. Results: Representation of people with communication and understanding difficulties was confined to procedural information and position statements that focused mainly on risk management and protection. Whilst a need to engage potential participants was recognised, guidance provided was imprecise. Conclusions: Tensions exist between the protection versus empowerment of people with communication and understanding difficulties in research. The development of structured, evidence-based guidance is indicated. Patient or public contribution: People with communication and understanding difficulties and carers participated in a working group to explore, discuss and interpret the findings

    NyĂ­lt, randomizĂĄlt, kontrollĂĄlt vizsgĂĄlat a nyelvi egyszerƱsĂ­tĂ©snek Ă©s a közvetĂ­tĂ©snek az Ă©rtelmileg akadĂĄlyozott szemĂ©lyek könnyen Ă©rthetƑ szövegek megĂ©rtĂ©sĂ©re gyakorolt hatĂĄsĂĄrĂłl

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    A vizsgĂĄlat cĂ©lja, hogy felmĂ©rje a felhasznĂĄlĂłk körĂ©ben a kĂŒlsƑ Ă©s belsƑ tĂ©nyezƑknek az adaptĂĄlt, könnyen Ă©rthetƑ egĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒgyi informĂĄciĂłk megĂ©rtĂ©sĂ©re gyakorolt hatĂĄsĂĄt. MĂłdszer: Hatvan Ă©rtelmileg akadĂĄlyozott felnƑtt vĂĄllalta a Könnyen ÉrthetƑsĂ©gi VizsgĂĄlatban valĂł rĂ©szvĂ©telt, akiket vĂ©letlenszerƱen osztottak a kĂŒlönbözƑ olvasĂĄsi kĂ©pessĂ©get igĂ©nylƑ csoportokba (könnyen Ă©rthetƑ nyelvezettel vagy anĂ©lkĂŒl / közvetĂ­tĂ©ssel vagy közvetĂ­tĂ©s nĂ©lkĂŒl. EredmĂ©nyek: ÖnmagĂĄban vagy egyĂŒttesen sem a szöveg nyelvi bonyolultsĂĄga, sem a közvetĂ­tĂ©s nem jelentett szĂĄmottevƑ vĂĄltozĂĄst az informĂĄciĂłk megĂ©rtĂ©sĂ©ben. Az utĂłlagos tesztekbƑl kiderĂŒlt, hogy az a csoport, amely egyszerƱsĂ­tett szöveget kapott közvetĂ­tĂ©ssel, lĂ©nyegesen jobban teljesĂ­tett, mint az a csoport, amelynek bonyolultabb nyelvezetƱ szöveg jutott a közvetĂ­tĂ©s mellett. A többi kĂŒlönbsĂ©g nem volt szignifikĂĄns a csoportok között. KövetkeztetĂ©sek: A könnyen Ă©rthetƑ ĂŒzenet szerkesztƑi sok esetben az olvashatĂłsĂĄgot biztosĂ­tĂł formai szabĂĄlyok betartĂĄsĂĄra fĂłkuszĂĄlnak. Ugyanakkor kiemelt figyelmet kell fordĂ­tani az ĂŒzenet tartalmĂĄnak a lĂ©trehozĂĄsakor az egyĂ©n nyelvi feldolgozĂł kĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©re

    Experimental Infection of Cats and Dogs with West Nile Virus

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    Domestic dogs and cats were infected by mosquito bite and evaluated as hosts for West Nile virus (WNV). Viremia of low magnitude and short duration developed in four dogs but they did not display signs of disease. Four cats became viremic, with peak titers ranging from 103.0 to 104.0 PFU/mL. Three of the cats showed mild, non-neurologic signs of disease. WNV was not isolated from saliva of either dogs or cats during the period of viremia. An additional group of four cats were exposed to WNV orally, through ingestion of infected mice. Two cats consumed an infected mouse on three consecutive days, and two cats ate a single infected mouse. Viremia developed in all of these cats with a magnitude and duration similar to that seen in cats infected by mosquito bite, but none of the four showed clinical signs. These results suggest that dogs and cats are readily infected by WNV. The high efficiency of oral transmission observed with cats suggests that infected prey animals may serve as an important source of infection to carnivores. Neither species is likely to function as an epidemiologically important amplifying host, although the peak viremia observed in cats may be high enough to infect mosquitoes at low efficiency

    Survey of rehabilitation support for children 0-15 years in a rural part of Kenya

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    Abstract Purpose: Information regarding the nature, availability and distribution of rehabilitation services for children with disabilities across developing countries is scarce, and data that do exist are of variable quality. If planning and development are to progress, information about service provision is vital. The aim was to establish the scope and nature of rehabilitation support available to children with disabilities (0-15 years) and their families in rural Kenya. Method: A comprehensive sample comprising service provision in the health and special education sectors was established. Non-governmental and community-based organisations were also included. A survey of rehabilitation services was conducted through examination of service-related documentation and key informant interviews with the heads of services. Results: Rehabilitation comprised hospital-based occupational therapy, physiotherapy and orthopaedic technology; and seven special education establishments plus an education assessment resource centre. There was one non-government organisation and one community-based organisation relevant to children with disabilities. Activities focused on assessment, diagnosis and raising community awareness. Provision was challenged by inadequate staffing, resources and transport. Government funding was supplemented variously by donations and self-sufficiency initiatives. Rehabilitation approaches appeared to be informed by professional background of practitioner, rather than the needs of child. Service documentation revealed use of inconsistent recording methods. Conclusions: The data highlight the challenges of rehabilitation, demanding greater investment in personnel and their training, more material resources, improved access to the community and better recording mechanisms. Implications for Rehabilitation There needs to be greater investment in rehabilitation provision in developing countries. Consideration of community-based initiatives is required to support better access for all. In order to argue the case for improved resources, better skills and mechanisms for recording, monitoring and evaluating practice are needed

    Aquaporin expression in the human and canine intervertebral disc during maturation and degeneration

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    The intervertebral disc (IVD) is a highly hydrated tissue, the rich proteoglycan matrix imbibes water, enabling the disc to withstand compressive loads. During ageing and degeneration increased matrix degradation leads to dehydration and loss of function. Aquaporins (AQP) are a family of transmembrane channel proteins that selectively allow the passage of water in and out of cells and are responsible for maintaining water homeostasis in many tissues. Here, the expression of all 13 AQPs at gene and protein level was investigated in human and canine non‐degenerate and degenerate IVDs to develop an understanding of the role of AQPs during degeneration. Furthermore, in order to explore the transition of notochordal cells (NCs) towards nucleus pulposus (NP) cells, AQP expression was investigated in canine IVDs enriched in NCs to understand the role of AQPs in IVD maturation. AQP0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 were expressed at gene and protein level in both non‐degenerate and degenerate human NP tissue. AQP2 and 7 immunopositivity increased with degeneration in human NP tissue, whereas AQP4 expression decreased with degeneration in a similar way to AQP 1 and 5 shown previously. All AQP proteins that were identified in human NP tissue were also expressed in canine NP tissue. AQP2, 5, 6 and 9 were found to localise to vacuole‐like membranes and cell membranes in NC cells. In conclusion, AQPs were abundantly expressed in human and canine IVDs. The expression of many AQP isotypes potentially alludes to multi‐faceted functions related to adaption of NP cells to the conditions they encounter within their microenvironment in health and degeneration. The presence of AQPs within the IVD may suggest an adaptive role for these water channels during the development and maintenance of the healthy, mature IVD

    How are adults with capacity-affecting conditions and associated communication difficulties included in ethically-sound research? A documentary-based survey of ethical review and recruitment processes under the research provisions of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) for England and Wales

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    Objectives: This study aimed to determine the characteristics of ethical review and recruitment processes, concerning the inclusion of adults with capacity-affecting conditions and associated communication difficulties in ethically-sound research, under the provisions of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA, 2005) for England and Wales. Design: A documentary-based survey was conducted focusing on adults with capacity-affecting conditions and associated communication difficulties. The survey investigated: (i) retrospective studies during the implementation period of the MCA (2007-2017); (ii) prospective applications to MCA-approved Research Ethics Committees (RECs) during a 12-month period (2018-19); (iii) presentational and linguistic content of participant information sheets used with this population. Setting: Studies conducted and approved in England and Wales. Sample: Studies focused on adults with the following capacity-affecting conditions: acquired brain injury; aphasia after stroke; autism; dementia; intellectual disabilities; mental health conditions. The sample comprised: (i) 1,605 studies; (ii) 83 studies; (iii) 25 participant information sheets. Primary and secondary outcome measures: The primary outcome was the inclusion/exclusion of adults with capacity-affecting conditions from studies. The secondary outcome was the provisions deployed to support their inclusion. Results: The retrospective survey showed an incremental rise in research applications post-MCA implementation from 2 (2012) to 402 (2017). The prospective survey revealed exclusions of people on the bases of: ‘lack of capacity’ (n=21; 25%); ‘communication difficulties’ (n=5; 6%); ‘lack of consultee’ (n=11; 13%); and ‘limited English’ (n=17; 20%). REC recommendations focused mainly on participant-facing documentation. The participant information sheets were characterised by inconsistent use of images, typography and layout, volume of words and sentences; some simplified language content, but variable readability scores. Conclusions: People with capacity-affecting conditions and associated communication difficulties continue to be excluded from research, with recruitment efforts largely concentrated around participant-facing documentation. There is a need for a more nuanced approach if such individuals are to be included in ethically-sound research
