120 research outputs found

    A widespread family of bacterial cell wall assembly proteins

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    Teichoic acids and acidic capsular polysaccharides are major anionic cell wall polymers (APs) in many bacteria, with various critical cell functions, including maintenance of cell shape and structural integrity, charge and cation homeostasis, and multiple aspects of pathogenesis. We have identified the widespread LytR–Cps2A–Psr (LCP) protein family, of previously unknown function, as novel enzymes required for AP synthesis. Structural and biochemical analysis of several LCP proteins suggest that they carry out the final step of transferring APs from their lipid-linked precursor to cell wall peptidoglycan (PG). In Bacillus subtilis, LCP proteins are found in association with the MreB cytoskeleton, suggesting that MreB proteins coordinate the insertion of the major polymers, PG and AP, into the cell wall

    phenix.mr_rosetta: molecular replacement and model rebuilding with Phenix and Rosetta.

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    The combination of algorithms from the structure-modeling field with those of crystallographic structure determination can broaden the range of templates that are useful for structure determination by the method of molecular replacement. Automated tools in phenix.mr_rosetta simplify the application of these combined approaches by integrating Phenix crystallographic algorithms and Rosetta structure-modeling algorithms and by systematically generating and evaluating models with a combination of these methods. The phenix.mr_rosetta algorithms can be used to automatically determine challenging structures. The approaches used in phenix.mr_rosetta are described along with examples that show roles that structure-modeling can play in molecular replacement

    Electrostatic Effects in the Folding of the SH3 Domain of the c-Src Tyrosine Kinase: pH-Dependence in 3D-Domain Swapping and Amyloid Formation

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    The SH3 domain of the c-Src tyrosine kinase (c-Src-SH3) aggregates to form intertwined dimers and amyloid fibrils at mild acid pHs. In this work, we show that a single mutation of residue Gln128 of this SH3 domain has a significant effect on: (i) its thermal stability; and (ii) its propensity to form amyloid fibrils. The Gln128Glu mutant forms amyloid fibrils at neutral pH but not at mild acid pH, while Gln128Lys and Gln128Arg mutants do not form these aggregates under any of the conditions assayed. We have also solved the crystallographic structures of the wild-type (WT) and Gln128Glu, Gln128Lys and Gln128Arg mutants from crystals obtained at different pHs. At pH 5.0, crystals belong to the hexagonal space group P6522 and the asymmetric unit is formed by one chain of the protomer of the c-Src-SH3 domain in an open conformation. At pH 7.0, crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group P212121, with two molecules at the asymmetric unit showing the characteristic fold of the SH3 domain. Analysis of these crystallographic structures shows that the residue at position 128 is connected to Glu106 at the diverging β-turn through a cluster of water molecules. Changes in this hydrogen-bond network lead to the displacement of the c-Src-SH3 distal loop, resulting also in conformational changes of Leu100 that might be related to the binding of proline rich motifs. Our findings show that electrostatic interactions and solvation of residues close to the folding nucleation site of the c-Src-SH3 domain might play an important role during the folding reaction and the amyloid fibril formation.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and FEDER (EU): BIO2009-13261-C02-01/02 (ACA); BIO2012-39922-C02-01/02 (ACA); CTQ2013-4493 (JLN) and CSD2008-00005 (JLN); Andalusian Regional Government (Spain) and FEDER (EU): P09-CVI-5063 (ACA); and Valentian Regional Government (Spain) and FEDER (EU): Prometeo 2013/018 (JLN). Data collection was supported by European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), Grenoble, France: BAG proposals MX-1406 (ACA) and MX-1541 (ACA); and ALBA (Barcelona, Spain) proposals 2012010072 (ACA) and 2012100378 (ACA)

    Deciphering the Arginine-Binding Preferences at the Substrate-Binding Groove of Ser/Thr Kinases by Computational Surface Mapping

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    Protein kinases are key signaling enzymes that catalyze the transfer of γ-phosphate from an ATP molecule to a phospho-accepting residue in the substrate. Unraveling the molecular features that govern the preference of kinases for particular residues flanking the phosphoacceptor is important for understanding kinase specificities toward their substrates and for designing substrate-like peptidic inhibitors. We applied ANCHORSmap, a new fragment-based computational approach for mapping amino acid side chains on protein surfaces, to predict and characterize the preference of kinases toward Arginine binding. We focus on positions P−2 and P−5, commonly occupied by Arginine (Arg) in substrates of basophilic Ser/Thr kinases. The method accurately identified all the P−2/P−5 Arg binding sites previously determined by X-ray crystallography and produced Arg preferences that corresponded to those experimentally found by peptide arrays. The predicted Arg-binding positions and their associated pockets were analyzed in terms of shape, physicochemical properties, amino acid composition, and in-silico mutagenesis, providing structural rationalization for previously unexplained trends in kinase preferences toward Arg moieties. This methodology sheds light on several kinases that were described in the literature as having non-trivial preferences for Arg, and provides some surprising departures from the prevailing views regarding residues that determine kinase specificity toward Arg. In particular, we found that the preference for a P−5 Arg is not necessarily governed by the 170/230 acidic pair, as was previously assumed, but by several different pairs of acidic residues, selected from positions 133, 169, and 230 (PKA numbering). The acidic residue at position 230 serves as a pivotal element in recognizing Arg from both the P−2 and P−5 positions

    The Antiviral Antibiotic Feglymycin First Direct Methods Solution of a 1000Plus Equal Atom Structure

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    The double helical structure adopted by the antiviral peptide feglymycin see picture is reminiscent of that of gramicidin, but feglymycin is more likely to function as an ion carrier than as a membrane channel. With more than 1000 unique atoms this is the largest equal atom crystal structure solved by ab initio direct method

    Structure of the Pseudokinase VRK3 Reveals a Degraded Catalytic Site, a Highly Conserved Kinase Fold, and a Putative Regulatory Binding Site

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    About 10% of all protein kinases are predicted to be enzymatically inactive pseudokinases, but the structural details of kinase inactivation have remained unclear. We present the first structure of a pseudokinase, VRK3, and that of its closest active relative, VRK2. Profound changes to the active site region underlie the loss of catalytic activity, and VRK3 cannot bind ATP because of residue substitutions in the binding pocket. However, VRK3 still shares striking structural similarity with VRK2, and appears to be locked in a pseudoactive conformation. VRK3 also conserves residue interactions that are surprising in the absence of enzymatic function; these appear to play important architectural roles required for the residual functions of VRK3. Remarkably, VRK3 has an “inverted” pattern of sequence conservation: although the active site is poorly conserved, portions of the molecular surface show very high conservation, suggesting that they form key interactions that explain the evolutionary retention of VRK3

    Mechanism and substrate recognition of human holo ACP synthase.

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    Mammals utilize a single phosphopantetheinyl transferase for the posttranslational modification of at least three different apoproteins: the carrier protein components of cytosolic and mitochondrial fatty acid synthases and the aminoadipate semialdehyde reductase involved in lysine degradation. We determined the crystal structure of the human phosphopantetheinyl transferase, a eukaryotic phosphopantetheinyl transferase characterized, complexed with CoA and Mg(2+), and in ternary complex with CoA and ACP. The involvement of key residues in ligand binding and catalysis was confirmed by mutagenesis and kinetic analysis. Human phosphopantetheinyl transferase exhibits an alpha/beta fold and 2-fold pseudosymmetry similar to the Sfp phosphopantetheinyl transferase from Bacillus subtilis. Although the bound ACP exhibits a typical four-helix structure, its binding is unusual in that it is facilitated predominantly by hydrophobic interactions. A detailed mechanism is proposed describing the substrate binding and catalytic process

    The crystal structure of human geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase reveals a novel hexameric arrangement and inhibitory product binding.

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    Modification of GTPases with isoprenoid molecules derived from geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate or farnesyl pyrophosphate is an essential requisite for cellular signaling pathways. The synthesis of these isoprenoids proceeds in mammals through the mevalonate pathway, and the final steps in the synthesis are catalyzed by the related enzymes farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase and geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase. Both enzymes play crucial roles in cell survival, and inhibition of farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase by nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates is an established concept in the treatment of bone disorders such as osteoporosis or certain forms of cancer in bone. Here we report the crystal structure of human geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase, the first mammalian ortholog to have its x-ray structure determined. It reveals that three dimers join together to form a propeller-bladed hexameric molecule with a mass of approximately 200 kDa. Structure-based sequence alignments predict this quaternary structure to be restricted to mammalian and insect orthologs, whereas fungal, bacterial, archaeal, and plant forms exhibit the dimeric organization also observed in farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase. Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate derived from heterologous bacterial expression is tightly bound in a cavity distinct from the chain elongation site described for farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase. The structure most likely represents an inhibitory complex, which is further corroborated by steady-state kinetics, suggesting a possible feedback mechanism for regulating enzyme activity. Structural comparisons between members of this enzyme class give deeper insights into conserved features important for catalysis