894 research outputs found
Added worker effect revisited through the French working time reduction experiment
This paper studies the impact of the French working time reduction experiment on the family labour supply. I expanded on the conventional added worker effect in order to analyse successively the effect of the ''35 hours'' on two dimensions of the spouse's labour supply: the probability to participate in the labour market and the working hours. Econometric tests are carried out on 10 000 couples drawn from the French EMPLOI survey of the INSEE. In the first estimation using Heckman's and Cogan's fixed costs frameworks, I found that working time reduction reduces the spouse's working hours when he (she) works. In the second one, using a multivariate probit analysis, I found that it increases the spouse's probability to join the labour force when he (she) was outside of the labour market in the previous period.added worker effect; family labour supply; fixed costs; multivariate probit; simultaneous equations; Working time reduction
Earning Inequalities Between and Within Nests: A Multilevel Modeling Approach Applied to the Case of France
This paper presents a simultaneously study of the impact of gender and localization inequalities on the earnings of under-graduates. Using multilevel modeling, the framework draws both individual-level (i.e., pertaining to the individual elements of groups) and aggregate-level (i.e., pertaining to the group as a whole) data under a single specification, in order to study their potential interactions. These inequalities are studied with respect to young workers who left higher education in 2004 and who had a full-time job in the private sector three years after graduation (i.e., in 2007). To take into account the process of selection for employment, our multilevel model uses the Heckman two-step procedure. Following this approach, Occupational Groups (OG) are found to capture 59.4% of the earning heterogeneity whereas Employment Area (EA) nests capture 7.6%. This 59.4% figure is explained by two phenomena: (i) OG are dominated by seniors, and (ii) OG are dominated by males with higher earnings. These group characteristics also influence gender inequalities: there is a higher wage penalty for females in (i) OG dominated by males, and (ii) OG dominated by senior workers. In contrast to the gender gap, immigrant inequalities manifest closer links to EA. Policy implications are derived from our results.Multilevel Models, Earnings, Gender Inequality, Local Labor Market
Impact des 35 heures sur l'instauration de l'annualisation/modulation
Working Paper du GATE 2001-19Since 1982, to improve the labour flexibility the French labour legislation allows firms to modify the standard workplace organisation of their employees. Under given conditions, the firms have the opportunity to introduce variability in the every day working time if the annual working time stay equal or less than the legal working time. This new organisation is called : working time " annualisation ". The aim of this paper is to point out the main determinants of firm with WRT agreement's workplace organisational. The theoretical part of the paper present a simple organisational choice framework based on profit maximisation. The target is to deal simultaneously with flexibility choice behaviour and a collective bargaining between employers and employees over wages and workplace. This theoretical framework is tested using French firms individual data based on a match between REPONSE 98 survey and administrative survey of Robien and Aubry agreements.La modulation/annualisation du temps de travail est un mode organisationnel qui offre la possibilitĂ© d'adapter le rythme de travail Ă celui de la demande. Toutefois, ce mode de flexibilitĂ© interne caractĂ©rise principalement les entreprises signataires d'un accord Robien et Aubry. L'objectif de cet article est d'Ă©tudier quels sont les dĂ©terminants de ce choix organisationnel pour les Ă©tablissements qui se sont engagĂ©s dans un dispositif incitatif de rĂ©duction du temps de travail. Le cadre thĂ©orique retenu vise Ă d'intĂ©grer simultanĂ©ment le choix organisationnel des entreprises en vue de s'adapter au mieux aux variations de la demande et le processus de nĂ©gociation salariale entre l'employeur et les salariĂ©s liĂ© Ă ce changement organisationnel. Ce modĂšle est testĂ© Ă l'aide de donnĂ©es d'Ă©tablissements français issues de l'appariement de l'enquĂȘte REPONSE 98 et des fichiers administratifs sur les conventions Robien et Aubry
The effect of social security payroll tax reductions on employment and wages: an evaluation of the 2003 French reform
public policy evaluation, payroll tax cuts, labour cost, semi-parametric estimations
L'action syndicale dans l'entreprise en Argentine
Le puissant syndicalisme argentin est restĂ© trĂšs influent malgrĂ© bien des bouleversements politiques et une dĂ©gradation Ă©conomique continue depuis les annĂ©es 50. C'est que les fondements de son pouvoir sont Ă chercher ailleurs que dans la vie Ă©conomique et sociale : il est un vĂ©ritable acteur politique. Mais si les relations Ă l'Etat prĂ©dominent, il n'en conserve pas moins sa place dans les relations de travail dans l'entreprise. Une enquĂȘte menĂ©e dans un groupe d'Ă©tablissements industriels en 1987 et 1988 permet d'Ă©valuer la force de l'implantation syndicale, au moyen des oeuvres sociales en particulier, mais aussi par le rĂŽle des dĂ©lĂ©guĂ©s dans l'adoption des conventions collectives et la gestion des conflits entre travailleurs et employeurs. MalgrĂ© des tensions entre la base et le sommet, ce modĂšle d'action syndicale est restĂ© longtemps respectĂ©; il devra dĂ©sormais s'adapter aux nouvelles orientations de privatisation et de rĂ©duction du rĂŽle de l'Etat. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur
Added worker effect revisited through the French working time reduction experiment
Working Paper du GATE 2002-09This paper studies the impact of the French working time reduction experiment on the family labour supply. I expanded on the conventional added worker effect in order to analyse successively the effect of the ''35 hours'' on two dimensions of the spouse's labour supply: the probability to participate in the labour market and the working hours. Econometric tests are carried out on 10 000 couples drawn from the French EMPLOI survey of the INSEE. In the first estimation using Heckman's and Cogan's fixed costs frameworks, I found that working time reduction reduces the spouse's working hours when he (she) works. In the second one, using a multivariate probit analysis, I found that it increases the spouse's probability to join the labour force when he (she) was outside of the labour market in the previous period.Cet article, qui s'inscrit dans la lignĂ©e des travaux sur l'effet d'un travailleur additionnel, Ă©tudie l'Ă©volution de l'offre de travail familiale consĂ©cutive Ă la diffusion des 35 heures en s'appuyant sur un Ă©chantillon original de plus de 10 000 couples issu de l'enquĂȘte EMPLOI 2000. Deux dimensions de l'offre de travail de l'individu sont Ă©tudiĂ©es successivement lorsque son conjoint est affectĂ© par la rĂ©duction du temps de travail : l'intensitĂ© de la participation au marchĂ© du travail et la dĂ©cision de passer du statut d'inactif Ă celui d'actif
Incentive Schemes and Determinants for Recruitment by Firms on the Shorter Working Week
Two categories of establishments can be identified among those that made the transition to the 35-hour working week in late 2000: the establishments that signed a Robien or Aubry 1 agreement and received incentive scheme assistance and those that switched to 35 hours without obtaining this assistance, but benefited from the lower payroll charges provided for by the Aubry 2 mechanism. The proposed analysis sets out to identify the determinants for job creations in these two categories of establishments that implemented the shorter working week. It is based on detailed data taken from the 2001 Passages (Transitions) survey conducted by DARES (Directorate for the Coordination of Research, Studies and Statistics) and the BVA institute. The Passages survey reports that the staff of establishments receiving incentive scheme assistance rose by over 10% as opposed to 4% for the others.Work-Sharing, Job Creations, Endogenous Switching Models, Oaxaca Procedure
The Effects of Reduced Social Security Contributions on Employment: an Evaluation of the 2003 French Reform
In 2003, the French government decided to reform the system managing the different minimum wage regulations and the targeted reductions to employers' social security contributions. The main objective of the reform was to simplify the complex regulations that were created by the progressive introduction of the 35-hour week. The reform incidentally created large variations in labour costs, depending on the type of firm and the wage level within the firm. This paper presents an evaluation of the impact of this reform on employment using a balanced panel of firms with more than five employees, drawn from a matching between several administrative data sources from 2000 to 2005. In both types of firm, significant employment elasticities can be found with respect to labour costs that have the expected signs: a rise of 1% in average labour costs reduces employment by 0.4%. As the majority of firms that remained on the 39-hour week received greater reductions, the Fillon reform allowed them to raise their level of employment. Firms that adopted the 35-hour week experienced the opposite: the reform led to a fall in employment. Ultimately, the Fillon reform has had no clear effect on aggregate employment, measured either in job numbers or full-time equivalents (FTE)
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