255 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the effect of price levels on consumer decisions, the influence of Electronic Word of Mouth Marketing (E-WOMM) on consumer decisions and the influence of price levels and Electronic Word of Mouth Marketing (E-WOMM) on consumer decisions to use Rangkayo Basa Hotel services. The method used in this study is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The analysis used is simple regression analysis, multiple linear regression with the classic assumption test t test and f test, for data processing used SPSS for Windows version 23. The data used is data Based on the questionnaire technique at Hotel Rangkayo Basa Based on the results of the study, the researcher came to the following conclusions: 1) The results of hypothesis testing showed that the tcount was 5.853 and ttable 1.985 because tcount> ttable, the first hypothesis was accepted meaning that there was an influence of price levels on consumer decisions. 2) Electronic Word of Mouth Marketing (E-WOMM) partially influences the consumer's decision as evidenced by the tcount of 7.724 and ttable of 1.985, the second hypothesis is accepted. 3) Simultaneously with the results of the significance test or F test, the F count was 43.466 and the F table was 3.09 with a significant value of 0.000%. Then the hypothesis is simultaneously accepted meaning that there is a positive influence between the price level and Electronic Word of Mouth Marketing (E-WOMM) on the consumer's decision to use sharia hotel services in the city of Padang.Keywords: Price Level, Electronic Word of Mouth Marketing (E-WOMM), Consumer Decision

    Cotxe autĂČnom d'slot amb accelerĂČmetre

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    L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte ha estat dissenyar i implementar un sistema capaç de dotar d’autonomia un cotxe d’Slot. Amb aquest sistema el cotxe d’Slot ha de ser capaç de completar un circuit de forma ĂČptima sense la intervenciĂł humana. Per fer-ho s’ha dissenyat un sistema compost per un microcontrolador i uns sensors. Aquest sistema s’acobla perfectament al cotxe, n’aprofita l’alimentaciĂł i es connecta amb el motor de corrent contĂ­nua del quĂš ja disposa. A partir d’aquĂ­ el projecte ha anat avançant i s’ha definit una sĂšrie de requeriments. A continuaciĂł es decideix dissenyar un sistema de control de llaç tancat en quĂš el mesurador serĂ  un accelerĂČmetre, mitjançant el qual el sistema podrĂ  saber en quina situaciĂł del circuit es troba. BĂ sicament s’ha dissenyat el cotxe per reconĂšixer dos estats, l’estat de corba i el de recta. En ambdĂłs estats el microcontrolador actuarĂ  sobre el motor per tal de donar la resposta adient a cada cas. AixĂ­ doncs, si el cotxe es troba a una corba, el microcontrolador ho detectarĂ  i reduirĂ  la velocitat del motor per tal de poder fer el gir sense sortir-se de la pista. TambĂ© haurĂ  d’assegurar-se que el motor actua a la mĂ xima velocitat quan es trobi en estat de recta. El motor que disposen els cotxes d’Slot Ă©s de corrent contĂ­nua, per tant, s’ha optat per controlar-lo mitjançant un pont H i utilitzant el PWM del microcontrolador. D’aquesta manera es pot controlar les tensions aplicades al motor i aixĂ­ poder controlar la seva velocitat. Finalment un cop creat el hardware que s’implementarĂ , s’ha hagut de dissenyar la programaciĂł del controlador per tal de donar les senyals de control adients en cada cas. AixĂ­ doncs el programa haurĂ  de prendre les decisions a partir dels inputs que obtingui de l’accelerĂČmetre i actuar sobre el pont H per tal de reduir o augmentar la velocitat en funciĂł de l’estat en quĂš es trobi. AixĂ­ doncs l’esquema final del sistema queda composat per un microcontrolador (el cervell), un accelerĂČmetre (el mesurador) i el pont H i motor (actuadors

    Antioxidant Signaling Involving the Microtubule Motor KIF12 Is an Intracellular Target of Nutrition Excess in Beta Cells

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    SummaryBeta cell injury due to oxidative stress is a typical etiology of diabetes caused by nutritional excess, but its precise mechanism remains largely elusive. Here, we demonstrate that the microtubule motor KIF12 mediates an antioxidant cascade in beta cells as an intracellular target of excess fat intake or “lipotoxicity.” KIF12 knockout mice suffer from hypoinsulinemic glucose intolerance due to increased beta cell oxidative stress. Using this model, we identified an antioxidant signaling cascade involving KIF12 as a scaffold for the transcription factor Sp1. The stabilization of nascent Sp1 appeared to be essential for proper peroxisomal function by enhancing Hsc70 expression, and the pharmacological induction of Hsc70 expression with teprenone counteracted the oxidative stress. Because KIF12 is transcriptionally downregulated by chronic exposure to fatty acids, this antioxidant cascade involving KIF12 and Hsc70 is proposed to be a critical target of nutritional excess in beta cells in diabetes

    Factorial Analysis of Albanian Housing Market

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    Housing market and housing price dynamics are very important to the economy. About 65% of households in the western world and 85% of Albania's own private apartment. The market of residential estates is very complex and influenced by many factors, some of which are hard to be measured. Such factors include handling of taxes and remittances. The analysis of such factors becomes more complicated by the interference of temporary trends during the period that some explanatory variables  have at their disposal. This generates an important identification problem, which prevents the accurate evaluation of long-term changes in the housing prices. The data used in this study are extracted from reports of Bank of Albania, INSTAT, IMF and newspaper “Celes” as well as from surveys to individual purchasers, investors and developers. Through the model it is analyzed the development of residential estates’ market compared to the historical trend of housing prices and to the theoretical determinant. The econometric model used is a generalized multiple regression equation. The model allows us to see the dynamic interaction between the housing prices and the variables selected according to hypotheses on the very complex economic structure associated with this market.   &nbsp

    Pengaruh Financing To Deposit Ratio (FDR) dan Non Performing Financing (NPF) terhadap Return On Equity (ROE) pada PT Bank Victoria Syariah periode 2012-2016

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    Bank Syariah sebagai lembaga perantara keuangan dalam menjalankan kegiatan usahanya diklasifikasikan menjadi tiga kategori, yaitu Bank Umum Syariah (BUS), Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) dan Unit Usaha Syariah (UUS). Pentingnya fungsi dan peranan perbankan syariah di Indonesia, perlu ditingkatkan agar tercipta perbankan syariah yang sehat dan efisien, sehingga tidak adanya dana yang mengganggur atau idle money yang diukur dengan Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) dan pembiayaan yang bermasalah atau Non Performing Financing (NPF). Profitabilitas sebagai salah satu acuan dalam mengukur besarnya laba menjadi begitu penting untuk mengetahui apakah bank telah menjalankan usahanya secara efisien dengan cara meminimalkan tingkat Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) dan Non Performing Financing (NPF). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) Pengaruh Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) secara parsial terhadap Return on Equity (ROE); 2) Pengaruh Non Performing Financing (NPF) secara parsial terhadap Return on Equity (ROE); 3) Pengaruh Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) dan Non Performing Financing (NPF) secara simultan terhadap Return on Equity (ROE) pada PT Bank Victoria Syariah periode 2012-2016. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi sederhana, regresi linier berganda dengan uji asumsi klasik uji t dan uji f, untuk pengolahan data digunakan program SPSS for Windows versi 25. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dari PT. Bank Victoria Syariah Periode 2012-2016. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian. Peneliti memperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1) Hasil pengujian hipotesis diperoleh bahwa thitung sebesar -1,191 dan ttabel 2,101 karena thitung ˂ ttabel maka Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak. Artinya secara parsial tidak ada pengaruh yang siginifikan antara Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) terhadap Return on Equity (ROE). 2) Non Performing Financing (NPF) secara parsial tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Return on Equity (ROE), dibuktikan dengan nilai thitung sebesar -2,136 dan ttabel sebesar 2,101 maka Ho diterima 3) Secara simultan dengan hasil uji signifikansi atau uji F diperoleh F hitung sebesar 2,9877 dan F tabel sebesar 3,5915 dengan nilai signifikan 0,077%. Maka Ho diterima artinya terdapat pengaruh positif tidak signifikan antara Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) dan Non Performing Financing (NPF) terhadap Return on Equity (ROE) pada PT. Bank Victoria Syariah periode 2012-2016

    Spectro-angular analysis of roadside-integrated bifacial solar power systems with reflecting sound barriers

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    Bifacial photovoltaic modules along highways provide energy supply and act as sound barriers simultaneously. This study examines the impact on energy production when incorporating sound barriers with varying light reflection properties into this integrated solar infrastructure along roadways. Specifically, we use advanced computational simulations to analyze the effects of integrating black, ideal specular, and ideal diffuse (Lambertian) reflectors into an existing highway solar power plant located in the Netherlands. Our analysis combines realistic spectro-angular irradiance data as input with our in-house reverse ray tracing software. Our calculations show that for an east-west facing system, an ideal diffuse reflector increases the annual yield by 70%, while a specular reflector decreases the yield due to shading. Most notably, the diffuse reflector doubles the energy yield during winter months, thereby offering a pathway to decrease the seasonal energy demand and supply gap.</p

    Tackling the Challenges of Antimalarial Drug Resistance in Nigeria

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    This Community Based Master’s Project for the Degree of Master of Public Health is a comprehensive work aimed to outline the relationship with antimalarial drug resistance and policies in Nigeria. The purpose of this research is to develop and evaluate the impact of antimalarial drug policies on the social welfare and public health needs of the Nigerian people.M.P.H., Public Health -- Drexel University, 200

    Suicides and ambient temperature in Switzerland: A nationwide time-series analysis.

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    AIM OF THE STUDY Previous literature suggests that ambient temperature may play a role in increasing the risk of suicide. Although in Switzerland suicides are an important cause of death, limited research exists on risk factors for suicidal behaviour, including ambient temperature. We aimed to assess the short-term association between ambient temperature and suicide risk in Switzerland between 1995 and 2016, and the differences by region, individual characteristics and method of suicide. METHODS We collected daily data on suicides and mean temperatures in each canton of Switzerland. We used a two-stage approach, consisting of a case time series analysis using conditional quasi-Poisson and distributed lag non-linear models followed by a multivariate meta-regression analysis. We conducted subgroup analyses by sex, age (65 years) and method of suicide (violent or nonviolent). RESULTS Between 1995 and 2016, there were a total of 24,067 suicides in Switzerland. Overall, we found a positive and non-linear temperature-suicide association in all regions. On average, the risk of suicide increased by 34% (1.34 relative risk [95% confidence interval: 1.19-1.52]) from the 10th to the 99th temperature percentile in Switzerland (lag period of 0-2 days). Indications of larger risks were mostly found in females, younger individuals (<35 years) and with nonviolent methods. Regional risks ranged from 24% (East region) to 55% (North-West region). CONCLUSIONS Our findings suggest that increasing temperatures could be considered a risk factor for suicidal behaviour in Switzerland. Knowledge of the profile of people committing suicide could help us to understand the mechanisms behind this association and thus support policymakers in suicide prevention


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    Animal bite victims in 2017 in the Baso Puskesmas workforce experienced a fairly high increase. In view of the dangers of animal bites containing viruses and toxins, to the health and peace of the people due to their adverse impacts, according to Thygerson, 2009 requires sufficient knowledge and attitudes from various parties including the community to rapidly handle early bites of animals, thus preventing death and Disabled to the victim, to be able to live and function again in society. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of knowledge level and attitude of the community with the initial handling of animal bites.This method of research using the method Descriptive analytic with the design of corelation study approach, then data is processed by using Chi Square test. Samples in this research are 100 respondents. The test results obtained p value = 0,000 (p &lt;α), it can be concluded that there is a relationship of knowledge level with the initial handling of animal bites in Jorong Baso Nagari Tabek Panjang Kec.Baso Kab.Agam Year 2017. The results of statistical tests obtained p value = 0,000 (p &lt;α). Conclusion of this study the relationship level knowledge and attitude of society with the initial handling of animal bites. Suggestions In this study is the results of this study can be used as additional material knowledge for the community in the initial treatment of animal bite


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    Inside Mathematics, the geometric concepts are important because, through them, the subject of the learning develops a special type of thought that allows to understand, to describe and to act in an organized way in the world that one lives. In that perspective, in this work, Origami is approached as pedagogic alternative to make possible the teaching process and geometry learning, that consists of discussing forms of working geometric concepts, starting from the use of folds, exposing theoretical and practical knowledge of Plain Geometry. The research method is a case study that has as subjects a group of the 5th class of the Primary School NÂș. 8, composed by 40 student, with ages between 10 and 12 years. A didactic sequence was applied to explain through origami’s constructions, some concepts and geometric properties already learned previously in class. Later, an evaluation theoretical and practical was applied to investigate the students' learning in relation to the applied sequence.&nbsp; &nbsp;The making of some simple origamis, as part of the activities of the didactic sequence, was very interesting for the children because, besides appreciating the geometric constructions again that they had already seen and obtained in the first part of the activity, the gaming aspect contained in those constructions increased the interest of the students. The use of the origami, showed to be a motivator didactic resource of the students' interest and, mainly, an effective methodological tool for the teaching Geometry.&nbsp;Dentro da MatemĂĄtica, os conceitos geomĂ©tricos sĂŁo importantes porque, por meio deles, o sujeito da aprendizagem desenvolve um tipo especial de pensamento que lhe permite compreender, descrever e representar de forma organizada o mundo em que vive. Nessa perspetiva que, neste trabalho, Ă© abordado o Origami enquanto alternativa pedagĂłgica para viabilizar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de geometria, que consiste em discutir formas de se trabalhar conceitos geomĂ©tricos a partir do uso de dobraduras, expondo conhecimentos teĂłricos e prĂĄticos da Geometria Plana. O mĂ©todo de pesquisa Ă© um estudo de caso que tem como sujeitos uma turma da 5ÂȘ classe da Escola Primaria NÂș 8, no municĂ­pio do Soyo, provincia do Zaire, na Republica de Angola, composta por 40 alunos, com idades entre 10 e 12 anos. Aplicou-se uma sequĂȘncia didĂĄtica para explicar atravĂ©s de construcçÔes origami, alguns conceitos e propriedades geomĂ©tricas jĂĄ vistas anteriormente na sala-de-aulas. Posteriormente, aplicou-se uma avaliação teĂłrico-prĂĄtica para investigar o aproveitamento dos alunos em relação Ă  sequĂȘncia aplicada. A confecção de alguns origamis simples, como parte das actividades da sequĂȘncia didĂĄtica, foi muito motivadora para as crianças pois, alĂ©m de voltar a apreciar as construçÔes geomĂ©tricas que lhes foram mostradas e que eles mesmos obtiveram na primeira parte da atividade, o aspecto lĂșdico contido nessas construçÔes incrementou o interesse para a mesma. O uso do origami, mostrou ser um recurso didĂĄtico motivador do interesse dos alunos e, principalmente, uma ferramenta metodolĂłgica eficaz para o ensino da Geometria.Dentro da MatemĂĄtica, os conceitos geomĂ©tricos sĂŁo importantes porque, por meio deles, o sujeito da aprendizagem desenvolve um tipo especial de pensamento que lhe permite compreender, descrever e representar de forma organizada o mundo em que vive. Nessa perspetiva que, neste trabalho, Ă© abordado o Origami enquanto alternativa pedagĂłgica para viabilizar o processo de ensino e aprendizagem de geometria, que consiste em discutir formas de se trabalhar conceitos geomĂ©tricos a partir do uso de dobraduras, expondo conhecimentos teĂłricos e prĂĄticos da Geometria Plana. O mĂ©todo de pesquisa Ă© um estudo de caso que tem como sujeitos uma turma da 5ÂȘ classe da Escola Primaria NÂș 8, no municĂ­pio do Soyo, provincia do Zaire, na Republica de Angola, composta por 40 alunos, com idades entre 10 e 12 anos. Aplicou-se uma sequĂȘncia didĂĄtica para explicar atravĂ©s de construcçÔes origami, alguns conceitos e propriedades geomĂ©tricas jĂĄ vistas anteriormente na sala-de-aulas. Posteriormente, aplicou-se uma avaliação teĂłrico-prĂĄtica para investigar o aproveitamento dos alunos em relação Ă  sequĂȘncia aplicada. A confecção de alguns origamis simples, como parte das actividades da sequĂȘncia didĂĄtica, foi muito motivadora para as crianças pois, alĂ©m de voltar a apreciar as construçÔes geomĂ©tricas que lhes foram mostradas e que eles mesmos obtiveram na primeira parte da atividade, o aspecto lĂșdico contido nessas construçÔes incrementou o interesse para a mesma. O uso do origami, mostrou ser um recurso didĂĄtico motivador do interesse dos alunos e, principalmente, uma ferramenta metodolĂłgica eficaz para o ensino da Geometria
