378 research outputs found

    Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of chromium (VI) and iron (III) in alloys

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    In this work the possibility of simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of chromium (VI) and iron (III) in alloys with help of the mixed organic reagents (diphenylcarbazide and 1,10-phenanthroline, diphenylcarbazide and sulphosalicylic acid) is studied. We have applied curve fitting method to separate individual signals of chromium (VI) and iron (III) from overlapped absorption spectrum. Peak shape analysis of pure signals of complexes of chromium (VI) with diphenylcarbazide and iron (III) with the 1,10-phenanthroline and sulphosalicylic acid is previously carried out. For adequate application of curve fitting method we chose the optimal empirical models of signals taking into account preliminary information on their shape. Correctness of determination of concentration by means of the offered technique is proved by "added-found" method for a series of mixtures with different ratios of concentration of chromium (VI) and iron (III). It is founded that the error of determination of concentration doesn't exceed 11%

    Simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of chromium(VI) and iron (III) by H-point standard addition method

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    In this work the possibility of simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of chromium (VI) and iron (III) in alloys with help of the mixed organic reagent (diphenylcarbazide and 1,10-phenanthroline) is studied. We have applied Н-point standard addition method to determine concentrations of chromium (VI) and iron (III) from the mixture. The pure signals of complexes of chromium (VI) with diphenylcarbazide and iron (III) with the 1,10-phenanthroline and their calibration plots are previously carried out. We established the possibility of simultaneous determination of chromium (VI) and iron (III) in the different concentration ranges by Н-point standard addition method. Correctness of determination of concentration by means of the offered technique is proved by "added-found" method for a series of mixtures with different ratios of concentration of chromium (VI) and iron (III). It is founded that the error of determination of concentration doesn't exceed 33 %.

    A comparative study of frontal bone morphology of Late Pleistocene fossil hominins from the territory of the former Soviet Union.

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    The major aim of the present work is to provide a re-assessment of the morphological and taxonomic affinities of several adult and juvenile fossils from the territory of the former Soviet Union that retain frontal bones. Nine fossils were analysed and compared with a sample of Late Pleistocene hominins and recent modern populations. Analytical techniques included traditional inter-landmark measurements, as well as a geometric morphometric toolkit for the 3D surfaces. The following patterns were found in the comparative sample: 1) the best differentiation in the frontal bone morphology exists between the 'modern' and 'archaic' groups of hominins, where the former is composed of recent and Upper Palaeolithic modem humans, and the latter incorporates Neanderthals and early modern humans from Africa and West Asia 2) Upper Palaeolithic humans from central and eastern Europe differ significantly from the pooled sample of the nine recent modern human populations 3) the morphology of the complete frontal bone discriminates between hominin groups better than the supraorbital relief 4) recent modern humans and Neanderthals display diverging growth trajectories in the shape of the frontal bone differences already exist at the earliest age stages represented here (2.5 years in Neanderthals) and increase towards adulthood. Within the above framework, all Sungir' fossils align with the recent modern human morphological variation. In contrast, the fossil frontal from Podkumok, North Caucasus, is associated with the Upper Palaeolithic sample of fossils. Satanay, Khvalynsk and Skhodnya frontal bones have an ambiguous morphological associations generally aligning with the modem morphology but demonstrating particular combination of features that sometimes make them closer to the 'archaic' fossils in the sample. The Teshik-Tash child is found to be similar to Neanderthals in the frontal bone morphology. However, it shows lesser degree of the development of the 'classical' Neanderthal morphology and deviates towards the early modern humans. The Starosel'e child did not demonstrate any affiliation with the 'archaic' morphological pattern in its frontal bone

    Modernization of legal technologies in the field of personal and information security

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    Objective: The article reveals the problems of personal and information security in the context of changing interstate relations, the globalization of international life. The special importance of ensuring personal and information security as an object of legal protection protected by international and national law is noted. Methods: The correlation of the norms in international and national law emphasizes the need to modernize and adopt new normative legal acts of universal and regional significance which can guide the participating countries in updating the national system of law. Results: The priority role is given to the improvement of international and national legal policies aimed at modernizing national legal systems focused on the prevention, counteraction to crimes and offenses that infringe on personal and information security. An effective mechanism of legal regulation for the objects in legal protection is of fundamental importance to ensure personal and information security. Conclusions: Particular attention is focused on solving the issues of detection, disclosure and accurate legal assessment of crimes and offenses that infringe on the interests of individuals, society and the state. The importance of the international community to establish universal standards to ensure personal and information security is emphasized


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    Objective: The purpose of the article is aimed at solving the modern problem associated with the legal provision of measures implemented in order to guarantee public safety on the territory of states and individual regions. The importance of solving this problem is predetermined by the search for the most optimal legal means in the field of protecting the life and health of the local population, including the legal rights of the indigenous peoples living in small numbers, natural resources, ensuring legal use of natural resources, environmental safety and etc. Methodology: The methodology of the research is based on a set of general scientific, private and special methods of scientific knowledge that allow the system to structure, subject to formal and legal means, a mechanism for conduct a comparative legal analysis, identifying general and specific trends in ensuring public security. Results: As a result of the study, it was concluded that one of the problems of ensuring public security is minimization and neutralization of these threats should contribute to the implementation in the norms and institutions of international law, aimed at increasing the level of anti-terrorist protection of places where people stay, life support facilities, transport infrastructure, organizations of fuel and energy, chemical, nuclear weapons, nuclear power and industry, defense and industry complexes of the country. Conclusion: Conclusions are made that constantly changing challenges and threats to public safety predetermine the expediency of updating the normative-legal framework, in particular the adoption of criminal law measures to counteract crime in the area under study. The practice-oriented measures proposed in the article are of importance, including conceptual directions for the implementation of solutions for the prevention, suppression and counteraction of crime that encroaches on the interests of public safety.

    En kvalitativ studie av ansattes medvirkning under endringsprosesser

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    Utgangspunktet for vår undersøkelse er en endringsprosess som et offentlig sykehus har vært gjennom. Vi har valgt å ikke oppgi sykehusets fulle navn og holde opplysningene som kan avsløre dette utenfor oppgavens rammer. Bakgrunnen for endringen var behovet for å få opprettholdt et godt sykehustilbud til befolkningen, sikre at dagens lov- og regelverk blir ivaretatt og på samme tid få til en effektivisering av sykehusdriften. Som et ledd i arbeidet med å ivareta disse målsettingene ble det besluttet at man skulle innføre en ny vareforsyningsløsning på sykehuset. I vår oppgave har vi fokusert på ansattes medvirkning i prosessen og sett på hvilke utfordringer som kan tre frem selv ved en tilsynelatende godt ivaretatt ansattemedvirkning. Det som vekket vår interesse, var at selv om mye tydet på at ansattes stemme ble hensyntatt gjennom hele prosessen, så man flere indikasjoner på at ansatte ikke følte seg hørt godt nok. Vi ønsket å finne ut hvorfor. Vi har foretatt seks intervjuer med ansatte med forskjellig bakgrunn. Noen av informantene jobber ved medisinske enheter, og noen er merkantilt personell. Noen er ledere, mens andre har ingen lederansvar. Vi har videre analysert de innsamlede svarene med hensikt på å belyse problemstillingen. Vår undersøkelse viser at selv om resultatet fremstår som vellykket, har ansattes medvirkning i prosjektperioden vært preget av en rekke utfordringer

    Digitalization of tax control in the Russian Federation: analysis and trends

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    The results of the control work of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, the amount of funds allocated for financing activities and digitalization are analysed. Priority measures on informatization are indicated, Associated with the optimization and reduction of labor intensity of the execution of work processes, On-site and off-site tax audits efficiency is estimated. The results of the tax monitoring in the Russian Federation as a digital future of the tax control are presented, the experience of various countries in terms of applying of this control is described. The Drill-down and Standard Audit File for Tax technologies are explored. They allow one to conduct more effective and efficient tax audits and identify the main areas of inconsistency in the tax report system faster. Prospects for further development of the tax administration using computer-assisted learning are outlined, which provides less bias towards taxpayers, and understand the needs and problems of the taxpayer