377 research outputs found


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    Spirials are differentiable curves that meet all meridians of a rotational surface at a constant angle. In this study, we obtain differential equations of all spirals on hyperbolic oblate and Lorentzian prolate spheroids. Then we define the general parametrizations of spirals which are solutions of differential equations

    On The Geometrıc Interpretatıons of The Kleın-Gordon Equatıon And Solution of The Equation by Homotopy Perturbation Method

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    This paper is organized in the following ways: In the first part, we obtained the Klein Gordon Equation (KGE) in the Galilean space. In the second part, we applied Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM) to this differential equation. In the third part, we gave two examples for the Klein Gordon equation. Finally, We compared the numerical results of this differential equation with their exact results. We also showed that approach used is easy and highly accurate

    Genetic diversity of kappa-casein (CSN3) and lactoferrin (LTF) genes in the endangered Turkish donkey (Equus asinus) populations

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    In this study, the kappa-casein (CSN3) and lactoferrin (LTF) genes which were found in association with milk production traits in different animal species were studied firstly in Turkish donkey populations. A total of 108 donkeys from different regions of Turkey were used in order to reveal the different genotypes of CSN3 and LTF genes by using polymerase chain reaction - restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and DNA sequencing methods. To determine the genetic polymorphism, we attempted to digest a fragment of 235 bp of the CSN3 gene and a fragment of 751 bp of the LTF gene using Pstl, and DralI, EagI and MboI restriction enzymes, respectively. Neither the CSN3 gene nor the LTF gene had enzyme recognition sites with the PstI, DralI and MboI restriction enzymes in all of the studied samples. However, the LTF gene was only distinguished with the EagI restriction enzyme. Three genotypes were identified in the LTF gene with the EagI restriction enzyme: GG homozygotes (667, 84 bp), AG heterozygotes (751; 667, 84 bp) and AA homozygotes (751 bp). The transition from guanine to adenine in 89 bp of the LTF gene lacks the restriction site and different genotypes are obtained. This novel single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) has been firstly detected in donkeys. According to the results, the G allele was predominant in the LTF-EagI gene in the studied Turkish donkey populations. In this study, all the genotype distributions of LTF-EagI were not found in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P <0.05). The CSN3 and LTF genes have not been studied before in donkeys, so the results are the preliminary results of these gene regions in donkeys.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [TOVAG-215O555]This study was a part of the MSc thesis of Hasan Bulut in Tekirdag Namik Kemal University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. Also, this study was supported by a grant from the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK TOVAG-215O555, project leader: Fulya Ozdil)

    Causes and long-term consequences of child labour

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    Recently, the statistics show an incredible increase in child labor rates. The purpose of this paper is to point out the reasons behind child labor and the long term consequences. This research deeply investigates the case of Syrian refugees and how the number of Syrian children in labor increased due to the war conditions. The literature emphasized the low income of the family to be considered as the most common reason for child labor. From the literature, harming the bones is a wide range of physical consequences of child labor. I conclude that the country’s government show arrange programs that monitor child labor after school time, and arrange educational programs in the rural areas

    Secâvendî’ye Göre Kur’ân’daki Vakf-ı Lâzım Remizlerinde Vasl Yapmanın Anlama Etkisi

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    Every word of the Qur'an ensures the understanding of the divine will. The foundation signs in it were created for this purpose. Just like the punctuation marks that ensure the correct understanding of a Turkish sentence, the foundation marks in the Qur'an have assumed the same function. The signs of foundation, which give the opportunity to breathe by interrupting the recitation at the places where the mana is completed, and the signs of ibtida, which provides the recitation starting from the appropriate place for the integrity of the meaning, have a significant importance in the authentic interpretation of the Qur'an. The scholar, who wrote very important works related to the field and brought an independent topic under the name of "Secâvend" to the science of recitation, undoubtedly Muhammad b. Tayfur es-Secavendi. According to him, it is considered obligatory to dwell on the foundation denoted by the remzi (م) in the mushafs. Because when vasl is performed in these places, the nature and meaning of the verse changes. Based on these reasons, a foundation is different from other types of foundations. In this study, the signs of the need for foundation were examined within the framework of the verse integrity, and it was analyzed why Secavendi considered it necessary to make a foundation, taking into account the possible meanings that may occur in the case of vasl

    Novel Complex Wave Solutions of the (2+1)-Dimensional Hyperbolic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation

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    This manuscript focuses on the application of the (m + 1/G’)-expansion method to the (2+1)-dimensional hyperbolic nonlinear Schrödinger equation. With the help of projected method, the periodic and singular complex wave solutions to the considered model are derived. Various figures such as 3D and 2D surfaces with the selecting the suitable of parameter values are plotted. © 2020 by the authors


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    Kur’ân ve sünnet, Müslümanların hayatını düzenleyen en önemli iki şer’î delildir. Onların belirlediği ya da sınırlarını çizdiği hükümler, her Müslümanı bağlayıcı niteliktedir. Bu bağlamda Kur’ân ve sünnet, bireyin dine bağlılık derecesini tayin eden birtakım ölçüler koymuştur. Bu ölçülerin en önemlilerinden biri de itidaldir. Her yer ve her şartta dengeyi sağlayan itidal, yerine göre insanı iffet sahibi kılar, yerine göre hikmet ehli yapar ve yerine göre ise cesaret sembolü kılar. İffetin olmadığı yerlerde ya hiçbir şeye iştah duymayan ya da helal-haram demeden her namusa göz diken insan tipleri belirir. Hikmetin olmadığı yerlerde ya hiçbir şeyden anlamayan ya da hakkı batıl, batılı da hak suretinde gösteren kimseler ortaya çıkar. Cesaretin olmadığı yerlerde de ya aşırı korkak bireyler ya da hiçbir şeyden korkmayan zalim diktatörler yetişir. İşte bu çalışmada, ifrat ve tefrit arasında yer alan orta halli bir duruş olarak gösterilen itidalin inanç, ibadet ve ahlâk boyutları dindarlık ölçeğinde ele alınacaktır. Ayrıca itidalin fert ve toplum hayatındaki lüzumuna, etkilerine yer verilecektir