7,166 research outputs found

    Cross correlation surveys with the Square Kilometre Array

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    By the time that the first phase of the Square Kilometre Array is deployed it will be able to perform state of the art Large Scale Structure (LSS) as well as Weak Gravitational Lensing (WGL) measurements of the distribution of matter in the Universe. In this chapter we concentrate on the synergies that result from cross-correlating these different SKA data products as well as external correlation with the weak lensing measurements available from CMB missions. We show that the Dark Energy figures of merit obtained individually from WGL/LSS measurements and their independent combination is significantly increased when their full cross-correlations are taken into account. This is due to the increased knowledge of galaxy bias as a function of redshift as well as the extra information from the different cosmological dependences of the cross-correlations. We show that the cross-correlation between a spectroscopic LSS sample and a weak lensing sample with photometric redshifts can calibrate these same photometric redshifts, and their scatter, to high accuracy by modelling them as nuisance parameters and fitting them simultaneously cosmology. Finally we show that Modified Gravity parameters are greatly constrained by this cross-correlations because weak lensing and redshift space distortions (from the LSS survey) break strong degeneracies in common parameterisations of modified gravity.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. This article is part of the 'Cosmology Chapter, Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA (AASKA14) Conference, Giardini Naxos (Italy), June 9th-13th 2014

    Can Civic and Moral Education Be Distinguished?

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    Para pengajar pendidikan kewarganegaraan selalu mengalami dilemma antara pengajaran nilai-nilai kewarganegaraan dengan pendidikan moral. Jika terfokus kepada yang pertama, pengajaran hanya akan berupa observasi antropologis terhadap fakta-fakta empiris pada suatu bangsa. Sementara jika menekankan kepada pendidikan moral per se, meskipun normatif tetapi sarat dengan premis-premis metafisik yang kontroversial yang mungkin tidak semua siswa dapat menerimanya. Untuk memecahkannya banyak teori politik dan pendidikan telah dirumuskan diantaranya civic religion dari Gutmann, teori komunitarian Rober N. Bellah dan mungkin yang paling relevan adalah paham libertarian yang bicara soal keadilan dari John Rawls dan lain-lain. Semuanya akan diintegrasikan dalam kurikulum yang bertujuan untuk memberi kemampuan siswa untuk memahami konsensus, bagaimama memahami masyarakat dan memahami hubungan antara merefleksikan hubyungan tersebut serta membangun moral pribadi mereka. Rawls percaya bahwa pendidikan harus mengajak kepada keterlibatan dalam dialog publik mengenai nilai-nilai kewarganegaraan demi merumuskan sebuah moralitas pribadi

    Lichenometry dating of coseismic changes to a New Zealand landslide complex

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    Lichenometry is a surface-exposure-dating procedure that complements traditional trench-and-date stratigraphic studies of earthquakes. Lichens on the surficial blocks of a slump in the Seaward Kaikoura Range, South Island, New Zealand provide precise, accurate (± 2 years) dating of 20 post-landslide rockfall events. The coseismic character of these rockfall events is apparent when ages of lichen-size peaks are compared with dates of historical earthquakes. Most local prehistoric lichen-size peaks are synchronous with peaks at other lichenometry sites in a 20 000 km2 region. Lichenometry may be the best paleoseismic tool for describing the extent and intensity of seismic shaking caused by prehistoric earthquakes, and for dating earthquakes generated by concealed thrust faults and subduction fault zones

    Social determinants of rest deprivation amongst Ghanaian women: national and urban-rural comparisons with data from a cross-sectional nationally representative survey

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    Background: Rest deprivation (rest/napping/sleep 6 or less hours daily) is a clinically recognised risk factor for poor health, but its epidemiology is little studied. This study reports prevalence’s and social correlates of rest deprivation in Ghana. Methods: Data are from the 2008 Ghana Demographic and Health Survey. Women ages 15-49 were recruited in a national sampling design. Respondents were 4,916 women in the national sample, a sub-sample of 530 women in the three northernmost rural regions and a sub-sample of 853 women in urban Greater Accra. Results: Prevalence’s of rest deprivation were 0.13% nationally, 14.5% in Greater Accra and 16.8% in the North. The significant correlates nationally were age, education, wealth index, Christian religion and literacy. In Accra, they were age, wealth index, having household electricity, and possession of a refrigerator, a stove and a mobile phone. In the North, they were education, occupation, drinking water source, possession of motorcycle/scooter, Christian religion, literacy, and possession of a clock and a cupboard. In logistic regression analyses controlling for age in the national sample, the significant odds ratios were 1.40 for no education compared to secondary and higher education, 0.78-0.43 for the four poorer wealth quintiles compared to the richest wealth index quintile, and 0.55 for Christian religion compared to all others. Also controlling for age, the significant odds ratios in Accra were 2.15 for the second richest wealth quintile compared to the richest quintile and 0.16 for possession of a mobile phone. In the North they were 0.49 for Christian religion compared to all others, 1.87 for having a protected compared to an unprotected water source, and 0.41 for having a cupboard in the home. Conclusions: Education, wealth and religion were related to rest deprivation nationally but not in the urban and rural regions (except for religion in the North). This suggests caution in generalising about the social correlates of rest deprivation at a regional level, based on national-level data. Qualitative research in local contexts is needed in order to illuminate the social determinants of rest pattern, and to provide guidance about better ways to measure such determinants in future survey research.publishedVersionPeer Reviewe

    Effects of Empathy and Question Types on Suspects’ Provision of Information in Investigative Interviews

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    The present study examines the relationship between the extent of, and various types of, empathy and of questions on suspects’ provision of information in 16 real-life police interviews. Multiple linear regressions were conducted to (i) predict suspects’ information provision in relation to (i) open questions and (ii) the extent of displayed empathy and (iii) each of the empathy types. Verbatim transcriptions of police interviews with suspects of sexual offences were coded for (i) the extent and types of interviewer empathy, (ii) the proportionality of interviewer open versus closed questions, and (iii) suspects’ information provision. It was found that the proportion of open (versus closed) questions and the amount of empathy demonstrated by interviewers had a positive relationship with suspects’ information provision. The latter supports a recent finding by the current authors involving a different sample of police interviews. Whereas in a growing number of countries the training of police interviewers has been emphasizing use of open questions, the present study aids weight to the small amount of research literature on the importance of interviewer empathy. Indeed, the effectiveness of open questions might be influenced by the amount of interviewer empathy in an interview

    An Autonomous Flight Safety System

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    The Autonomous Flight Safety System (AFSS) being developed by NASA s Goddard Space Flight Center s Wallops Flight Facility and Kennedy Space Center has completed two successful developmental flights and is preparing for a third. AFSS has been demonstrated to be a viable architecture for implementation of a completely vehicle based system capable of protecting life and property in event of an errant vehicle by terminating the flight or initiating other actions. It is capable of replacing current human-in-the-loop systems or acting in parallel with them. AFSS is configured prior to flight in accordance with a specific rule set agreed upon by the range safety authority and the user to protect the public and assure mission success. This paper discusses the motivation for the project, describes the method of development, and presents an overview of the evolving architecture and the current status

    Application of bivariate mixed counting process models to genetic analysis of rheumatoid arthritis severity

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    We sought to i) identify putative genetic determinants of the severity of rheumatoid arthritis in the NARAC (North American Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium) data, ii) assess whether known candidate genes for disease status are also associated with disease severity in those affected, and iii) determine whether heterogeneity among the severity phenotypes can be explained by genetic and/or host factors. These questions are addressed by developing bivariate mixed-counting process models for numbers of tender and swollen joints to evaluate genetic association of candidate polymorphisms, such as DRB1, and selected single-nucleotide polymorphisms in known candidate genes/regions for rheumatoid arthritis, including PTPN22, and those in the regions identified by a genome-wide linkage scan of disease severity using the dense Illumina single-nucleotide polymorphism panel. The counting process framework provides a flexible approach to account for the duration of rheumatoid arthritis, an attractive feature when modeling severity of a disease. Moreover, we found a gain in efficiency when using a bivariate compared to a univariate counting process model

    Comparison of Haseman-Elston regression analyses using single, summary, and longitudinal measures of systolic blood pressure

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    To compare different strategies for linkage analyses of longitudinal quantitative trait measures, we applied the "revisited" Haseman-Elston (RHE) regression model (the cross product of centered sib-pair trait values is regressed on expected identical-by-descent allele sharing) to cross-sectional, summary, and repeated measurements of systolic blood pressure (SBP) values in replicate 34, randomly selected from the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13 simulated data. RHE linkage scans were performed without knowledge of the generating model using the following phenotypes derived from untreated SBP measurements: the first, the last, the mean, the ratio of the change between the first and last over time, and the estimated linear regression slope coefficient. Estimates of allele sharing in sibling pairs were obtained from the complete genotype data of Cohorts 1 and 2, but linkage analyses were restricted to the five visits of Cohort 2 siblings. Evidence for linkage was suggestive (p < 0.001) at markers neighboring SBP genes Gb35, Gs10, and Gs12, but weaker signals (p < 0.01) were obtained at markers mapping close to Gb34 and Gs11. Linkage to baseline genes Gb34 and Gb35 was best detected using the first SBP measurement, whereas linkage to slope genes Gs10-12 was best detected using the last or mean SBP value. At markers on chromosomes 13 and 21 displaying strongest linkage signals, marginal RHE-type models including repeated SBP measures were fit to test for overall and time-dependent genetic effects. These analyses assumed independent sib pairs and employed generalized estimating equations (GEE) with a first-order autoregressive working correlation structure to adjust for serial correlation present among repeated observations from the same sibling pair
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