43 research outputs found

    Perbedaan Persepsi Mahasiswa tentang Perkuliahan Daring

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan persepsi mahasiswa tentang pembelajaran daring di tinjau dari (1) asal Program Studi mahasiswa,  (2)  mata kuliah yang ditempuh, dan  (3)  jenis kelamin. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa FKIP UM Palangkaraya semester Genap tahun akademik 2019/2020. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang memprogramkan mata kuliah Metodologi Penelitian, Teknik Penulisan Karya Ilmiah, Problematika Pembelajaran,  dan mata kuliah Belajar Pembelajaran. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket daring  sebanyak 17 butir pertanyaan yang sudah divalidasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis varian satu jalur dengan bantuan program SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pada populasi mahasiswa FKIP UM Palangkaraya: (1), Tidak ada perbedaan persepsi tentang perkuliahan sistem daring jika ditinjau dari program studi mahasiswa, dengan nilai F hitung = 2,421 dan Sig 0.122 > 0.05, (2) Tidak ada perbedaan persepsi tentang perkuliahan sistem daring jika ditinjau dari jenis mata kuliah yang ditempuh mahasiswa, dengan nilai F hitung = 1,042  dan Sig 0.376 > 0.05,  (3)  Ada perbedaan persepsi tentang perkuliahan sistem daring jika ditinjau dari jenis kelamin mahasiswa, dengan nilai F hitung = 15,162 dan Sig 0.000 < 0.05. Dari analisis deskriptif diketahui bahwa mahasiswa laki-laki cenderung memiliki persepsi lebih positif tentang perkuliahan daring dibanding mahasiswa perempua

    Booster Expression in Image Building of Green Islamic Campus Program at the Promotional Brochure of Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya: Can it Reach the Market Share in the Era of Industry 4.0?

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    In this article, I will discuss in the linguistic perspective about the expression of booster displayed at the promotional brochure of Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya. A good booster expression has a role in influencing the reader to be interested. Therefore, it becomes a challenge for the Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya displays a brand image which built with the tagline of its program was "The Green Islamic Campus". This study is a qualitative descriptive study with a embeded case study. Data is taken with Purposive Sampling Technique. Furthermore, the primary data in this study is the promotional brochure that contain booster expressions and secondary data used are research or articles related to building or branding image on a promotion. The results showed that the text contained in the brochure amounted to 11 booster expression and the type of booster in the brochure was Claim of Excellence. Therefore, the expression of booster at the brochure of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya has an important and significant role in making promotion by the text impact. Keywords: booster expression, building image, the green islamic campus, brochure, market Ideolog

    Inculcate the Value of Decency Based on Dandang Tingang Philosophy

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    To inculcate the value of decency based on Dandang Tingang philosophy to the students is a form of concern for local culture and pertained to the preservation of the life philosophy adopted by the Dayak tribe is "Huma Betang Culture or Belom Bahadat". This is done so that they know about the customs and culture adopted by the Dayak tribe. This study aims to instill the values of decency in Dandang Tingang philosophy to the students. The method used is observative descriptive. The research population of grade VIII students in M.Ts. Islamiyah Palangka Raya as many as 30 people with a sample of the entire population. Data collection was done by questionnaire. Data analysis techniques use the percentage formula on the attitude scale. The results showed that the values of politeness based on Dandang Tingang philosophy can be understood by students well, it is based on the level of students' understanding categorized: (1) high category with an average score of 129.25 with a minimum score of 122 and a maximum score of 142 (2) medium category with an average score of 112.5 with a minimum score of 90 and a maximum score of 121. (3) low category with an average score of 77 with a minimum score of 75 and a maximum score of 80.  Keywords: courtesy; philosophy of Dandang Tingan

    Peningkatan Kompetensi Islami Berwawasan Lingkungan Mahasiswi Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya melalui Kuliah Kerja Nyata

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    Student competency is a skill that must be developed through the Community Service Program (KKN). KKN Muhammadiyah University of Palangkaraya carried out according to the Master Plan Development of PkM and modified with the Motto of Muhammadiyah University of Palangkaraya: "The Green Islamic Campus" Islamic Campus with the Environment and with focus on PKM activities conducted by Student. Competence is important to keep in mind. McAnhan (1981) argues that competence is a knowledge, skill, and capability possessed by someone who has become a part of himself to color his cognitive, affective, and psychomotor behavior (Sanjaya, 2008). PKM this time at the Community Service Program in the business charity Muhammadiyah University of Palangkaraya led to the fact that women can carry out the work normally done by men. The activities include physical activity helping to create a yard with paving, cementing, sifting sand, planting trees, cleaning sewers and trash, sweeping; non-physical activities teaching or dancing or giving lectures on the ideal family. Women are the very active role and really take advantage of all the knowledge and energy in improving competence while maintaining the limit etiquette. The objective of KKN is to create students who have the competence to be able to work in terms of supporting the greening movement and keep dressing and behaving in an Islamic way

    Cross Cultural Competencies for Informatics Engineering Graduates: A Case Study of Women from Dayaknese Communities of Central Kalimantan

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    The profession of Informatics Engineering graduates has become a new favorite profession all around the world. In this 4.0 Industrial Revolution era, Informatics Engineering graduates fill the position in any field. Either men or women can do this job without any obstacle. Women from Dayaknese Communities have ability to adjust with any of other cultures. Their flexibility is taught by their ancestor and it is included in their family values.This fact is supporting that Informatics engineering graduates should have a cross cultural competencies to face global job market. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Dayaknese culture teaches their people to be ready for cross cultural relationship with othe culture.  Keywords: Cross Cultural Competencie


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    This study was conducted based on the data from the results of interviews and documentation in several government high schools Palangkaraya that there are limitations in the mastery of information technology, lack of infrastructure, limited budget, causing the lack of application of the instrument to be used as guidelines for the implementation of guidance and counseling, including the collection of data results service becomes not routinely performed. The purpose of this study is to investigate the implementation of guidance and counseling in SMA Govenrment School Palangkaraya. This research used descriptive research, by adapting the evaluation of the two models, namely models EPIC from Hammond and Countenance Model of Stake. Data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The assessment criteria is three categories; low, medium, and high. The results showed: (1) Components antecedents in the form of service characteristics as supporting the implementation of guidance and counseling in SMA Government School in Palangkaraya, categorized: Medium. (2) Components of transactions in the form of activity characteristic of services as the implementation of guidance and counseling in high schools in Palangkaraya, categorized: Low. (3) Components outcomes in the form of the results of activities in the implementation of guidance and counseling in high schools in Palangkaraya, in the form of benefits from the implementation of the guidance and counseling that marked the development of behavioral changes of students, categorized: High

    Perbedaan Penguasaan Statistika Dan Kemampuan Menulis Karya Ilmiah Mahasiswa PGSD Ditinjau Dari Jenis Kelamin Dan Asal Daerah

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    This study aims to examine whether there is a difference in statistical mastery and the ability to write scientific papers on UM Palangkaraya PGSD students, both multivariate and univariate if viewed from the gender and origin of the student area. The research method used was descriptive-comparative, with a sample of 94 people. The research time is at the beginning of the even semester 2014/2015. Data analysis techniques use MANOVA. From the results of data analysis, it was concluded that (1). There were differences in statistical mastery and the ability to write scientific papers when viewed from gender, with an F value of 3.993 which was significant at the level = 5% (p = 0.022 <0.05). (2). There are differences in statistical mastery and the ability to write scientific papers if viewed from the origin of the student area, with an F value = 7.307 which is significant at the level = 5% (p = 0.000 <0.05). (3). The ability to write female student scientific work is better than male students with a significant F = 5.211 at the level of = 5%. (4). There is a difference in the mastery of statistics on students if viewed from the origin of the region with a value of F = 4.575 which is significant at the level = 5%. Based on the average sample, the best statistical mastery is for students from urban areas, followed by students from urban areas and then by students from rural areas. (5). There are differences in the ability to write scientific papers if viewed from the origin of the student area, with a value of F = 11.151 which is significant at the level = 5% Based on the average sample, the best ability to write scientific work is for students from urban areas, followed by students from urban areas and then by students from rural areas

    Hedge Expression on The Novel of ABC Murder by Agatha Christie in Two Decades Versions

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    Everything changes, no exception with how the way to communicate, language through the times. In communication among the times, we found the phenomena which related to language barriers, i.e. the difference of cross-culture, race, ethnicity, gender, customs. Furthermore, based on the phenomenon above, it becomes very interesting to explore languages and cultures especially in hedge expression in literary text from the novel of ABC Murder written by Agatha Christie and it’s two decade of translation versions, 1976 and 2017. This study is aim to find the function and form of hedge and the translation technique among two translation versions. This study used qualitative research method with the data collection technique by using purposive sampling. Moreover, the collected data are analyzed and classified to see the translation technique used. Additionally, interpretation of the data will have discussed in this paper. Translation technique proposed by Molina & Albir used to see the technique used by translator. The results of the study show that, hedge expression gave an impact in our speech act, especially in politeness context. Moreover, the deletion or the shifting of hedge can change our utterance in cooperative principle context

    Preferensi siswa terhadap perilaku konselor dengan minatnya pada program bimbingan dan konseling

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    This study aimed to describe (1) students' preferences on counselor behavior, (2)student interest in guidance and counseling program, and (2) relation between student preference to counselor behavior and interest to counseling and guidance program. The research was conducted in Junior High School (SMP) in Palangka Raya City with a population of 843 students. The sample of this study is 84 students taken proportional random sampling. The result of this research are (1) students' preference toward counselor behavior is positive, (2) student's interest toward guidance and counseling program tends to be positive, and (3) there is a positive correlation between student preference toward counselor behavior and interest to guidance and counseling program

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pengisian Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Pratama Melalui Seleksi Terbuka Di Lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Palangka Raya

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    This research departs from the phenomenons as a new system the policy of implementation of open selection within the palangka raya city  government has been responded to by varios civil servant especially in Palangka Raya government environment and civil servants who register as participants does not match the exected  amount so that an extention of the registratration period.  In this study using a qualitative approach. The research data was obtained from direct observations, interviews and collecting documents and using triangulation of data sources and theory triangulation. Based on the result of research that the policy implementation of primary leader position through open selection in the Palangka Raya city government environment has been going well but not yet optimal. The low interest of civil servant to participate in open selection is because there is an assumption that open selection is only a formality. The constraints faced are the tendency factor, whish is the attitudes and interest of the civil servant who are still lacking and the resource factor, which is inadequate facilitieas so that it entails a large cost for building rent. The aouthor suggest that the city government of Palangka Raya should be able to actively and consistenly as well as maintain commitments so that in the future the implementation of open selection  can gain the trust and interest of the sivil servants, continue to improve in the provision and improvements of facilies such as building, meeting rooms, computers and equipment, using the assessor who has been accredited by the state personnel agency and for the competency test stage can take advantage of the results of the talent pool conducted by the state personnel board competency assessment center