154 research outputs found

    Speech-to-speech real-time translation

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    The given article considers the principles and technologies of Speech-to-Speech Real-Time Translation, covers general and specific problems this IT area faces and overviews its main achievementsyesBelgorod State Universit

    Pressure Pump Power Control in the Primary Circuit of the Heat Exchange System

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    In this paper we consider the problem of speed in hot water systems where highly efficient plate heat exchanger is used. Especially marked the problem which is connected with long transition drive of constant speed exceeding the time of the heat exchanger accumulative tank emptying more than twice. As a regulating element in the heat exchange system there was proposed to use asynchronous electric drive of pressure pump in the primary circuit of the heat exchanger. For correct use of such electric drive we solved the problem of control object mathematical model synthesis, which has non-linear properties, in particular, the transfer coefficient of the circuit can vary in more than 6 times. At the same time there was revealed the dependence of the transfer coefficient on the motor speed, which must be considered in the controller synthesis. In conclusion we suggested the solutions of regulators synthesis tasks with customizable settings for speed and switchable structure between relay [lambda] and PI regulators

    Optimal voltage regulator of power supply system for submersible processing equipment

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    The article considers the synthesis of the optimal voltage regulator for the electric power supply system of the electromechanical complex of the submersible apparatus with the power transmission through the cable line. Based on the reduced linearized model of the multidimensional nonlinear control object the regulator with adjustable parameters is synthesized, providing the DC voltage stabilization at the power supply system load. The variant of building proportional feedback on output state variables is used for the regulator in the system with parametric and external disturbances. Due to the technical impossibility of measuring the voltage on the load, a combined optimal regulator with negative feedback is organized, which makes it possible to stabilize the voltage at the payload within the specified limits when receiving data from the output filter of voltage source inverter

    Ответственность за административные деликты в сфере банковской деятельности

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    Проаналізовано вітчизняні дослідження у науці адміністративного права з метою визначення поняття та виокремлення специфічних ознак адміністративної відповідальності за делікти у сфері банківської діяльності. Розглянуто наукові підходи до визначення адміністративної відповідальності за делікти у сфері банківської діяльності. Окреслено наукові теорії, які дають тлумачення адміністративної відповідальності за делікти у сфері банківської діяльності, та сформульовано специфічні ознаки, властиві адміністративній відповідальності у сфері банківської діяльності.The article is focused on scientific problems of administrative law. The author analyzed the scientific notions of administrative responsibility. The author gave a definition of administrative responsibility for administrative delicts within banking operations. The author identified specific features of administrative responsibility within banking operations. The article deals with the scientific approaches to the definition of responsibility for administrative delicts within banking operations. The author, with the help of the deductive method, outlines the scientific theories that interpret the responsibility for administrative delicts within banking operations. The author of the article substantiates the theory of responsibility for administrative delicts within banking operations, namely: security, punitive, management, coercion, obligation, conviction. The author considers the features that are inherent for administrative responsibility within banking operations. The author names specific features that are inherent for administrative responsibility within banking operations, namely: small public harm is based on normative, factual and procedural grounds, has negative consequences for delinquency, is accompanied by public condemnation of delicts, does not involve cryptography. It has been concluded that administrative responsibility for delicts within banking operations is the application of enforcement action for a delinquent offender (an individual or a legal entity) for the violation of banking legislation by the National Bank of Ukraine that are stipulated by the relevant administrative and legal norm. Responsibility for administrative delicts within banking operations is an element of state management mechanism, challenged to restore violated legal relations within banking operations that is protected by the relevant administrative and legal norm by imposing administrative fines for a delinquent offender.Проанализированы отечественные исследования в науке административного права с целью определения понятия и выделения специфических признаков административной ответственности за административные деликты в сфере банковской деятельности. Рассмотрены научные подходы к определению административной ответственности за деликты в сфере банковской деятельности. Очерчены научные теории, дающие толкование административной ответственности за деликты в сфере банковской деятельности и сформулированы специфические признаки, свойственные административной ответственности в банковской деятельности

    Банківська діяльність як об’єкт адміністративно-правової охорони

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    The subject matter of the research is the relations that are formed in the process of banking operations. It has been substantiated that banks and the banking system are among the most important financial institutions, which proper and stable functioning influences on all other spheres of life in the state. It is proved by the consequences of crises in the banking sector that have occurred in Ukraine over the past few years. Awareness of the importance of this area and the possible consequences of unlawful encroachments have determined the need to search for all legal means for combating delicts in the sphere of banking operations. Understanding the fact that one can achieve significant results in the sphere of protecting banking operations by administrative and legal means, has necessitated this scientific study. In order to analyze banking operations as an object of administrative and legal protection, the author has fulfilled the following tasks. The author has highlighted the use of the concepts of “protection” and “administrative and legal protection” in the context of their implementation in relation to banking operations. The foundations of Ukrainian and international administrative and legal regulation of protecting relations in the sphere of banking operations have been revealed. The essence and features of banking operations influencing the understanding of the sphere of protected relations have been outlined; and the content of administrative and legal protection of relations in the field of banking operations has been revealed. It has been noted that there is an extensive system of banking legislation on legal norms in Ukraine regulating banking operations that require legal protection. The practical significance of the obtained results of the article is determined by the substantiated provisions for improving the approaches to increase the efficiency of the administrative and legal protection of the relations in the sphere of banking operations. A number of practical results of the research can be used while studying administrative and legal means of protecting relations in the field of banking operations.Уперше банківську діяльність проаналізовано як об’єкт адміністративно-правової охорони. Висвітлено використання понять «охорона» й «адміністративно-правова охорона» в контексті їх здійснення стосовно банківської діяльності, розкрито основи адміністративно-правового (національного й міжнародного) регулювання охорони відносин у сфері банківської діяльності  та зміст адміністративно-правової охорони відносин у сфері банківської діяльності. Відзначено, що в Україні створено розгалужену систему банківського законодавства з правових норм, що врегульовують банківську діяльність, яка потребує правової охорони

    Consistent lattice Boltzmann methods for the volume averaged Navier-Stokes equations

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    We derive a novel lattice Boltzmann scheme, which uses a pressure correction forcing term for approximating the volume averaged Navier-Stokes equations (VANSE) in up to three dimensions. With a new definition of the zeroth moment of the Lattice Boltzmann equation, spatially and temporally varying local volume fractions are taken into account. A Chapman-Enskog analysis, respecting the variations in local volume, formally proves the consistency towards the VANSE limit up to higher order terms. The numerical validation of the scheme via steady state and non-stationary examples approves the second order convergence with respect to velocity and pressure. The here proposed lattice Boltzmann method is the first to correctly recover the pressure with second order for space-time varying volume fractions

    Impedance and magnetic properties of CoFeCrSiB amorphous ribbons near the curie point

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    The influence of temperature on the magnetic properties and magnetoimpedance of Co64Fe3Cr3Si15B15 and Co67FCr3Si15B12 amorphous ribbons having different Curie points are studied. The impedance and its component are found to change greatly when the ribbons pass into the paramagnetic state. This finding can be used to determine the Curie point of ferromagnets and design high-sensitivity thermal transducers. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Optimization of a Micromixer with Automatic Differentiation

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    As micromixers offer the cheap and simple mixing of fluids and suspensions, they have become a key device in microfluidics. Their mixing performance can be significantly increased by periodically varying the inlet pressure, which leads to a non-static flow and improved mixing process. In this work, a micromixer with a T-junction and a meandering channel is considered. A periodic pulse function for the inlet pressure is numerically optimized with regard to frequency, amplitude and shape. Thereunto, fluid flow and adsorptive concentration are simulated three-dimensionally with a lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) in OpenLB. Its implementation is then combined with forward automatic differentiation (AD), which allows for the generic application of fast gradient-based optimization schemes. The mixing quality is shown to be increased by 21.4% in comparison to the static, passive regime. Methodically, the results confirm the suitability of the combination of LBM and AD to solve process-scale optimization problems and the improved accuracy of AD over difference quotient approaches in this context

    У военных библиотек есть свой историк! (К 65-летию со дня рождения А. М. Панченко)

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    The article is timed to coincide with the anniversary of Reserve Colonel Anatoly Mikhailovich Panchenko, a prominent researcher of the history of military libraries, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher of the Book Science Laboratory of the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GPNTB SB RAS). The biography of the hero of the day is briefly reviewed, including the years of his military service, pedagogical and scientific activities in a military educational institution and work in the scientific institution. The author outlines and characterizes the range of Panchenko’s scientific interests reflected in more than 200 of his scientific publications: the history of military library science, scientific book publishing in the post-Soviet period, history of book culture, work with egodocuments, and cultural traditions of Russian officers. The key scientific works in the history of military libraries of the Russian army are characterized. Panchenko’s contribution to the personalization of the history of military librarianship is emphasized. The author focuses in particular on the interest Panchenko takes in the history of the library of the Military Headquarters and General Staff, its structure and development in the pre-revolutionary period, which is evidenced by the bulk of publications: several of these papers coincide with the Library’s various anniversaries. For many years, A. M. Panchenko has cooperated with the Military Historical Library of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The journals that publish his works are named. The personal qualities that enable M. Panchenko to succeed in science are emphasized. The works by A. M. Panchenko have received high appraise among Russian historians of librarianship and librarians.Статья приурочена к юбилею известного исследователя истории военных библиотек, доктора исторических наук, доцента, главного научного сотрудника лаборатории книговедения Государственной публичной научнотехнической библиотеки Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук (ГПНТБ СО РАН), полковника запаса Анатолия Михайловича Панченко. Кратко представлена биография юбиляра, включая службу в войсках, преподавательскую и научную деятельность в военно-учебном заведении и работу в научном учреждении. Охарактеризован спектр основных научных интересов Анатолия Михайловича, отражённый более чем в 200 научных публикациях, – история военно-библиотечного дела, научное книгоиздание постсоветского периода, история книжной культуры, работа с эго-документами, традиции русского офицерства. Дана характеристика его основных научных трудов по изучению истории военных библиотек Русской армии. Подчёркнут вклад в персонализацию истории военно-библиотечного дела. Обращено внимание на особый исследовательский интерес к истории библиотеки Генерального и Главного штаба, выразившийся в целом ряде публикаций, посвящённых её устройству и развитию в дореволюционный период. Часть статей была приурочена к различным юбилеям библиотеки. Рассмотрено многолетнее плодотворное сотрудничество А. М. Панченко с Военной исторической библиотекой Генерального штаба Вооружённых Сил Российской Федерации. Названы авторитетные отечественные журналы, на страницах которых наиболее активно публикуется юбиляр. Перечислены личные качества А. М. Панченко, которые помогли ему достичь больших успехов в изучении истории военно-библиотечного дела страны. Труды А. М. Панченко заслуженно получили высокую оценку известных отечественных историков библиотечного дела и библиотековедов

    Nanostructuring effects in soft magnetic films and film elements with magnetic impedance

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    The magnetization reversal and magnetic impedance (MI) of films and film elements based on Fe19Ni81 and Fe72. 5Cu1. 1Nb1. 9Mo1. 5Si14. 2B8. 7 alloys with a varied thickness, heat-treatment temperature, and the number of thin Cu interlayers are studied. The dependences of the coercive force and the magnitude of MI on these parameters are found. Layered structuring is shown to be an effective method for improving the functional characteristics of MI elements. In elements containing nanocrystalline Fe19Ni81 layers, this is related to the restructuring of a magnetic structure; in elements containing amorphous Fe72. 5Cu1. 1Nb1. 9Mo1. 5Si14. 2B8. 7 layers, this improvement is likely to be caused by a decrease in the effective electrical resistivity. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd