13 research outputs found

    Chopcula and her Mysterious World — About Autobiography in the Poetry of Małgorzata Lebda

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    The aim of this article is to present the autobiographical character in the poetry of Małgorzata Lebda, whose work is filled with personal experiences and memories, especially those of the poet’s childhood and youth spent in her family village — Żeleźnikowa Wielka. The issue is based on the example of her debut volume — Tropy (2009) and the poetic triptych — Sprawy ziemi (2020), which consists of three earlier poetry volumes published by Lebda: Border of the Forest (2013), Matecznik (2016) and Dreams of the Uckermärkers (2019). Full of autobiographical experiences, Lebda’s poetry turns out to be at the same time a site for playing with memory, with memories and for working through difficult, traumatic experiences. The article also contains an analysis of the construction of the lyrical subject — chopcula — inextricably linked to the space of Lebda's autobiographical place — Żeleźnikowa Wielka. The poet’s hometown also turns out to be a fairy-tale land of the girl’s childhood and youth, but at the same time it has been marked by trauma, which the author tries to work through with the help of memory in her poems. The article also reflects on the poet’s play with memory and her use of memories in her works, as well as on the ‘matters of the forest’ close to her, into which the lyrical subject is introduced by her father

    Magiczny świat wyobraźni społeczeństwa polskiego na podstawie wybranych pamiętników od XVI do XVIII wieku

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    W artykule tym zaprezentowane zostały elementy magicznego świata wyobraźni w kulturze polskiej okresu wczesnonowożytnego na podstawie wybranych pamiętników. Przy doborze materiału źródłowego posłużono się podziałem źródeł pamiętnikarskich opracowanym przez Władysława Czaplińskiego. W pracy wykorzystano zatem wyróżnione przez badacza: pamiętniki właściwe, diariusze wojenne oraz tak zwane diariusze dłuższe. Zgromadzony materiał podzielono na pięć tematycznych grup. W każdej z grup omówiono osobno obraz magicznego świata oraz szereg wyobrażeń zawartych w zapiskach związanych z postacią czarownicy, diabła oraz przedstawiono informacje związane z wróżbiarstwem i magicznymi praktykami, cudami i dziwnymi zjawiskami oraz czarami, przesądami i zabobonami.The article presents elements of the magical world of imagination in Polish culture’s early modern period based on the selected memoirs. When selecting the source material were used division diaries sources developed by Władyslaw Czapliński. Therefore the study was based on featured by the investigator: appropriate diaries, war diaries and so-called longer diaries. Collected material was divided into five thematic groups. In each group were discussed separately picture of the magical world and a number of ideas contained in the notes associated with the figure of the witch, devil and presents information related to divination and magical practices, miracles and strange phenomena and witchcraft, superstition

    Back pain persons engaged in rowing

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    Introduction: the dynamic and multi-directional development of sport and the relentless pursuit of victory or improve the outcome necessitated increasing workloads. Implementation of the process leads to the expected changes in the morphological structures and motor skills of players and despite the widespread use of wellness, often results in injuries, however, of an overload. Literature, it can be concluded that the problem of overload injuries in rowing sports exists and often affects the lower spine. Thus the objective is to determine the incidence of pain lumbar spine paddlers and their evaluation. Was the hypothesis of the scale of the problem among men and women and its escalation in a group of players with more professional seniority and applying the paddles long. Material and method: the study involved training people Rowing Club RTW Lotto-"Bydgostia" during the start, which are characterized by a relatively high load, which are characterized by a relatively high load.                Uses the exclusive survey measured basic morphological and clinical tests, questionnaires, and functional research rated the intensity of pain and degree of loss of movable active lumbar spine. Obtained the test results sets 34 men and 35 women of different ages and progress. It has been developed the basic statistical methods taking into account the diversity of the occurrence of pain in the spine or the lack of their statements, as well as training experience and type of used oars.   Statistic; Uses the test Shapiro-Wolf, t-Student, Kruskal-Walis and Pearson Chi square, and to the assessment of the traineeship training and clinical test results, test the correlation of Spearman. Statistical analysis was performed on the significance level p < 0.05.                Test results: it was found that the teams examined the men and women of varied lack of or presence of pain disorders have similar average size basic morphological however, they differ in terms of used paddles and internship training. It analysis of the diversification of the results of the tests carried out clinical trials, for the most part does not show significant differences. Men without pain, however, is characterized by a significantly higher average test result Schober in the back. The diversity was found slightly more frequent differences structure interest teams fixed functional test results that indicate the trail of problems in the lumbar spine mobility players with pains, ailments.     Among the men found them in the study of folds, and among the women in the study the hyperextension and slider on the right, and the results of numerical correlation Spearman test results and clinical internship training show little of their relationship and the total lack of statistical significance.                Conclusions: The basic characteristics of the physical persons engaged in rowing are not factor significantly in the presence of back pain, which can, however, grow in the process of long-term training on the shore. Increased its frequency among players short paddles indicates the need for exercise, and among the contestants paddles long multidisciplinary action to restore the symmetry of the body. To reduce the function of the spine, and thus causing pain persons engaged in rowing in the increasingly determined by other factors related to the size and volume of loads and conditions for their implementation, as well as predisposed health and supporting biological renewal training

    Rating nurses' knowledge of basic steps of cardiopulmonary resuscitation

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    First aid is provided by the witnesses in this connection it is important to ensure that every citizen of the aid granted in a correct and effective until the arrival of emergency medical team. From witnesses to a large extent depend on the survival chances of the victim or his injury. Education in first aid begins in elementary school, however, important that the students of these classes were able to use the knowledge in practic

    Acute Macular Neuroretinopathy in a Patient with Retinal Vascular Tortuosity

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    We report a rare case of a young woman with acute macular neuroretinopathy (AMN) in the right eye and concomitant retinal vascular tortuosity in both eyes. A 19-years-old woman presented with a sudden loss of central vision in the right eye. Apart from flu-like infection 2 weeks before the onset of symptoms, she reported overall good health. She used oral contraceptive pills. Multimodal imaging techniques including color fundus photography, fundus autofluorescence, infrared reflectance imaging, fluorescein angiography, swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT), and visual field assessment were used for the diagnosis of AMN as well as disease monitoring during follow-up. At presentation, ophthalmoscopy revealed a reddish parafoveal lesion, while SS-OCT showed hyper-reflectivity in the outer plexiform and outer nuclear layers with a slightly disrupted inner segment/outer segment junction. All these imaging findings indicated AMN, but the interpretation was slightly difficult due to the presence of tortuous retinal arteries in both eyes. During the disease course, functional and morphological recovery was documented at 1- and 6-month follow-up. However, as the abnormal appearance of the retinal vessels did not change, congenital retinal vascular tortuosity was diagnosed. Since the pathogenesis of AMN has not been fully elucidated, there is currently no effective treatment. Numerous studies have emphasized a vascular origin and the key role of ischemia in AMN. Our rare case suggests that congenital tortuosity of the retinal vessels, although constituting a common finding in healthy individuals, may be involved in the pathophysiology of the disease

    Autobiography in the poetry of Małgorzata Lebda

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    Praca licencjacka pt. „Autobiograficzność w poezji Małgorzaty Lebdy” omawia problem włączenia do poezji autobiograficznych doświadczeń twórczyni. Składa się ona z czterech rozdziałów, w których interpretowany był przede wszystkim tryptyk poetycki – „Sprawy ziemi” (2020). W rozdziale pierwszym zawarta została analiza konstrukcji podmiotki lirycznej związanej nierozerwalnie z przestrzenią miejsca autobiograficznego Lebdy – Żeleźnikową Wielką. W tej części także znajdują się rozważania dotyczące gry z pamięcią oraz wykorzystywania wspomnień przez poetkę w utworach. Rozdział drugi traktuje o traumie utraty rodziców, która stanowiła impuls do napisania dwóch tomów poetyckich – „Granicy lasu” i „Matecznika”. W rozdziale trzecim przedstawiona została problematyka „Snów uckermärkerów”, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem onirycznego ożywienia zmarłej siostry poetki, ekopoetyki oraz próby przepracowania obrazu kobiecości w rodzinnej wsi. Rozdział czwarty stanowi analizę języka poetyckiego Lebdy, jest też próbą usytuowania jej twórczości w literaturze współczesnej. W pracy pojawiają się również uwagi dotyczące pozostałych tomów poetyckich twórczyni – debiutanckich „Tropów” oraz najnowszego „Mer de Glace”, które uzupełniają obraz autobiograficzności w poezji Lebdy.The bachelor's thesis titled “Autobiography in the poetry of Małgorzata Lebda” discusses the problem of using autobiographical experiences of the artist in her poetry. Paper consists four chapters, in which the poetic triptych – “Earth Affairs” (2020) – was interpreted as a first of all. The first chapter contains an analysis of the construction of the lyrical subject, inextricably linked with the space of Lebda's autobiographical place – Żeleźnikowa Wielka. In this part there are also considerations concerning the game with memory and the use of memories by the poetess in her works. The second chapter deals with the trauma of the loss of parents, which was the impulse to write two volumes of poetry – “Border of the Forest” and “Matecznik”. The third chapter presents the problems of “Uckermärker's Dreams”, with particular emphasis on the oneiric revival of the poet's deceased sister, ecopoetics and an attempt to rework the image of femininity in the home village. The fourth chapter is an analysis of Lebda's poetic language and an attempt to situate her work in contemporary literature. There are also comments on the author's other volumes of poetry – the debut “Tropes” and the latest “Mer de Glace”, which complement the image of autobiography in Lebda's poetry

    Night shift work characteristics and occupational co-exposures in industrial plants in Łódź, Poland

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    Objectives: Night shift work involving circadian rhythm disruption has been classified by IARC as a probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A). Little is known about co-exposures of the night shift work in occupational settings. The aim of our study was to characterize night shift work systems and industrial exposures occurring in the manufacturing plants in Łódź, Poland, where night shift work system operates, with particular focus on potential carcinogens. Material and Methods: Data on the night shift work systems and hazardous agents were collected through survey performed in 44 enterprises. The identified hazardous agents were checked using the IARC carcinogen list, and the harmonized EU classification of chemical substances. We also examined databases of the Central Register of Data on exposure to substances, preparations, agents and technological processes showing carcinogenic or mutagenic properties in Poland. Results: The most common system of work among studied enterprises employed 3 (8-hour) shifts within a 5-day cycle. We identified as many as 153 hazards occurring in the environment of the plants, with noise, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde recorded as the most common ones. Out of these hazards, 11 agents have been classified by IARC to group 1 - carcinogenic to humans, whereas 10 agents have been classified as carcino - gens by the regulation of European Classification of carcinogens. Analysis of the data from the Central Register revealed that 6 plants reported presence of carcinogens in the environment of work. Conclusions: In our study we observed that in none of the workplaces the night shift work was a single exposure. Further epidemiological studies focusing on investigation of health effects of the night shift work should identify occupational co -exposures and examine them as potential confounders

    Frequency of occurrence of knock-kneed and bow-legged knees for children and young people in school age

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    Lower limb faults are one of the most common defects in school-age children and are now a problem in our society. Currently there is a trend towards low physical activity among children. Most young people prefer to spend time sitting down without taking physical activity or limiting it to the minimum. This results in lowering muscle tone, weight gain - manifesting as being overweight or obese. School children often complain of spinal pain as well as lower back pain. We have many disadvantages in the lower limb - but the most common are the knee and the knee. These defects require a comprehensive, individual physiotherapeutic procedure that will help correct the defect. Applied rehabilitation affects the strength of the muscle, contributes to correcting the defect of the lower limb as well as reduces the occurring pain