46 research outputs found

    Effects of using insoles of different thicknesses in older adults: Which thickness has the best effect on postural stability and risk of falling?

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    Background: Postural stability (PS) problems arise as individuals grow older, and as a result, risk of falling (RoF) increases in older adults. We sought to examine the effects of insoles of various thicknesses on PS and RoF in older adults. Methods: Fifty-six study participants had PS and RoF evaluated statically and dynamically under five different conditions: barefoot, only-shoes, with 5-mm insoles, with 10-mm insoles, and with 15-mm insoles. Standard shoes with identical features were used. To avoid time-dependent problems, these assessments were performed under the same conditions in 3 consecutive weeks. The average of these three values was recorded. Results: Insoles of different thicknesses significantly affected static PS (overall: P =.003; mediolateral [ML]: P =.021; anteroposterior [AP]: P =.006), static RoF (overall, ML, and AP: P <001), dynamic RoF (overall: P = .003; ML: P = .042; AP: P = .050), and dynamic PS (overall: P = .034; AP: P = .041) but not dynamic PS ML (P = .071). For static PS overall, dynamic PS AP, static RoF overall and ML, and dynamic RoF overall and ML, the highest PS scores and the lowest RoF were recorded when using 10-mm insoles (P < .05). Conclusions: The use of insoles of different thicknesses has been shown to be effective on all RoF and PS measurements except dynamic PS ML. The 10-mm-thick insole was a better option for elderly individuals to increase PS and reduce RoF compared. For older adults, 10-mm-thick insoles made of medium-density Plastozote may be recommended to help improve PS and reduce RoF. © 2020, American Podiatric Medical Association. All rights reserved


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    Background: Although there have been studies investigating emotional eating, impulsivity and anger, the relationship between differentiated eating attitudes, impulsivity and anger in atypical depression has not yet been studied. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate eating attitudes, impulsivity and anger in participants with atypical and non-atypical depression and to compare their behaviours with those of the control group. Binge eating comorbidity was also investigated. The relationship between eating attitudes, impulsivity and anger was explored and the factors contributing to disordered eating attitudes were analysed. Subjects and methods: The participants were divided into three groups; 56 with atypical depression, 36 with non-atypical depression and 32 healthy controls for comparison. Clinical assessment was carried out using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, Multidimensional Anger Scale, Eating Attitude Test, and Hamilton Depression Scale. Results: Deteriorated eating attitudes, increased anger symptoms and motor impulsivity were observed more in participants with atypical depression compared with participants with non-atypical depression. The frequency of binge eating was statistically significantly higher in participants with atypical depression (50%) than in participants with non-atypical depression (8%). A positive relationship was identified between deteriorated eating attitude, anger, and impulsivity. Behaving anxiously as a reaction to anger was found to be the significant predictor of disordered eating attitudes in participants with depression. The percentage of the variance explained by anxious behavior in disordered eating attitudes was 7%. Conclusion: Participants in the atypical and non-atypical depression groups can be differentiated from each other based on their eating attitudes, anger symptoms, motor impulsivity and binge eating frequency

    The comparison of risky and ambiguity decision making and cool executive functions between patients with obsessive compulsive disorder and healthy controls

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    Background: Executive functioning has been evaluated in obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Cool and hot executive functioning discrimination provided a different way of conceptualising executive functions. Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare ambiguity and risky decision-making and cool executive functions in an OCD and a healthy control group. The relationship between decision-making and cool executive functioning was investigated. Methods: Sixty-two OCD patients and 48 healthy control participants were compared. Decision-making was measured using the Iowa Gambling Task. The cool executive functioning was assessed using the Stroop Test and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task (WCST). Results: The OCD group completed the WCST and the Stroop Test statistically significantly with a lower score than that of the control group. The OCD group had impaired response inhibition and set-shifting that indicate impaired cool executive functioning. In contrast to a lack of a statistically significant difference, the risky decision-making performance was worse in the OCD group than in the healthy control group and in the unmedicated OCD patients than in the medicated OCD patients. Discussion: The OCD patients had a poorer performance in risky decision-making and cool executive functioning. There was a link between risky decision-making performance and impaired cool executive functions

    The bimodal regulation of vascular function by superoxide anion: role of endothelium

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are implicated in vascular homeostasis. This study investigated whether O2

    Sıçan deneysel adjuvan artrit modelinde evre farklılığına göre izole torasik aortta vasküler yanıt değişiklikleri

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.VII. ÖZET Romatoid artritte vasküler sistem inflamasyona katılır ve inflamasyonun farklı dönemlerinde vasküler fonksiyonlar farklılaşabilir. Bu çalışmada deneysel artritin farklı evrelerinde vasküler kontraktil ve relaksan yanıt değişikliklerinin incelenmesi, nitrik oksid ve prostaglandinlerin katkısının araştırılmasını amaçladık. "Freund's komplet adjuvan" (FCA), mineral yağ süspansiyonu içinde ölü Mycobacterium türlerini içerir ve bu süspansiyonun sıçan pençesine uygulanmasıyla deneysel romatoid artrit modeli geliştirilmektedir. 200-230 gr ağırlığında sıçanların arka pençesine subkütan 0.1 mi FCA enjekte edilerek artrit oluşturuldu; kontrol grubundaki hayvanlara 0.1 mi serum fizyolojik enjekte edildi. Enjeksiyondan sonra 7, 14, 21, ve 29 günlerde hayvanların kilosu, arteriyel kan basıncı, kalp atım hızı, pençe ödemi kaydedildi ve torasik aort halkalarında kasıcı ve gevşetici ajanlara verilen yanıtlardaki değişiklikler izlendi. Damar yanıtlarını değerlendirmek için 7., 14., 21. ve 29. günlerde çıkarılan endotelli ve endotelsiz torasik aort halkaları organ banyosuna asıldı. Endotelli preparatlarda 0.003-30uM asetİlkolin ve 0.001-3uM sodyum nitroprussid ile gevşeme yanıtlan; endotelli/endotelsiz preparatlarda 0.0003- 3uM fenilefrin ve 40mM potasyum klorür ile kasılma yanıtlan; aynca endotelsiz preparatlarda kalsiyumsuz ortamda 0.0003-3uM fenilefrin, 20mM kafein ve 0.25- lOuM CaCl2 yanıtlan çalışıldı. Maksimum yanıt (Emax) ve pD2 (-log EC50) hesaplandı. TNF-a düzeylerinin ölçümü için uygun günlerde alınan serum örnekleri ELİSA yöntemi ile çalışıldı. TNF-a düzeyleri ve tek doza damar yanıtı değerleri Student'in eşlenmemiş örnekler için Mesti, kümülatif doz-yanıt eğrileri ise tekrarlayan ölçümler için iki yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA) kullanılarak analiz edildi. P0.05 ise farklar anlamlı kabul edildi. Çalışmamızda, 29 gün süre ile izlenen sıçanlarda belirgin kilo kaybı, pençe ödemi ve kızanklığı ile seyreden sistemik inflamasyon bulgulan gözlendi. Kan basınçlannda FCA uygulaması öncesi değerlerle karşılaştınldığında anlamlı bir değişiklik olmadı. Serum TNF-a düzeylerinde hiçbir dönemde artış saptanmadı. 91Fenilefrine karşı damar duyarlılığı endotelli/endotelsiz preparatlarda kontrolleri ile karşılaştırıldığında 7 günlük artritli sıçanlarda artmış, 21 günlük artritlilerde ise azalmış olarak saptandı. 21 günlük artritte endotelli/endotelsiz damarlarda KC1 kasılması da kontrollerine göre anlamlı olarak azaldı. Kalsiyumsuz ortamda fenilefrine duyarlılık 14 ve 21. günlerde azalmış olarak saptandı. CaCb kasılma yanıtları ise hiçbir grupta farklı bulunmadı, kafein kasılması 21. günde yüksekti. Tüm artritik gruplarda asetilkoline verilen gevşeme yanıtı azalmış, ancak sodyum nitroprusside verilen gevşeme yanıtı değişmemiş bulundu. 7 günlük damarlarda artan fenilefrin duyarlılığında aminoguanidin etkisizken, indometazin endotelli preparatlarda bu yanıtlan kontrol değerlerine döndürdü. Bu dönemde bozulan asetil kolin gevşeme yanıtlarını her iki ajanda düzeltti. 14 günlük damarlarda kalsiyumsuz Krebs'te azalan fenilefrin duyarlılığı ve asetilkolin yanıtlan aminoguanidinle düzelirken, indometazin ise etkisiz kaldı. 21 günlük artritik endotelli damarlarda aminoguanidin fenilefrin duyarlılığını, KC1 ve asetilkolin yanıtlanın kontrol damarlan ile aynı düzeye getirdi. İndometazin etkisizdi. 29 günlük damarlarda bozulan asetilkolin gevşemesinin, aminoguanidin ile düzelmekte olduğu saptandı. Sonuç olarak, endotel aracılı gevşeme yanıtının azalmış olması, bu modelde akut dönemdeki kontraktil yanıt artışında endotel disfonksiyonu ve endotel aracılı gevşetici faktör salınımında bozukluğun yanı sıra kasıcı prostonoidlerin sentezindeki artışın da aracı olduğunu düşündürmektedir. Kronik dönemdeki kontraktil yanıt azalmasında ise NO'in aşın üretiminin rol oynayabileceği düşünülmüştür. Diğer taraftan klinik bulgulann şiddeti, damar fonksiyon bozukluklan ile paralellik göstermemektedir. 9

    The study of the effect of the individual perception of justice (belief in a just world) on degree of decisionmaking of students of the faculty of physical education and sport sciences

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    This study aims to reveal the research results of the effects of the relation between individual perception of justice (belief in a just world) and decision-making on the students of faculty of physical education and sport sciences. In this context, what is the degree of individual perception of just world of the students? What is the degree of the students self-esteem? What are students decision making styles? Does students individual perception of justice, degree of self-esteem at decision-making and decision-making styles show difference in terms of their demographic features? Is there a significant relationship between students individual perception of just world, and their self-esteem at decision-making and decision-making styles? These are the questions that are investigated. In order to determine between students individual perception of a just world and decisionmaking styles, arithmetic mean and standard deviation values are examined. T test and one-way ANOVAs test are applied to determine whether students individual perception of a just world and decision-making styles change according to their demographic features. The mean of the answers to the questions about students individual perception of just world is calculated as 3.73. Students individual perception of a just world is quite close to 4 (neutral value). According to this, it seems that students individual perception of a just world is at the degree of indecision. The value of the mean of the first six items that the students degree of self-esteem is determined is 2.52 which is the degree of accurate. According to that, we can say that students degree of self-esteem at decision-making is high. The mean of the answers that the students gave to the questions about decision-making delay is 1.91 which is at the degree of sometimes accurate. According to that, we can say that students sometimes delay their decision-making process. When we compare students individual perception of just world, and their self-esteem at decision-making and decision-making styles in terms of their demographic features, it is seen that there is not a significant difference between the groups according to variables of gender, the grade they are in, their department they study and the dwelling place. It is seen that there is a significant difference only according to the variables of degree of doing sports and the habitual residenc