182 research outputs found
Using Problem-Based Learning to Enhance Junior High School Students’ Understanding and Attitude Towards Linear Equations Word Problems
The study was a Quasi-experimental research project conducted to investigate on using problem-based learning to enhance the understanding of Junior High School students at Winneba University Practice Junior High School, Unipra, Winneba-Ghana on linear equation word problems solving. Two form 3 intact classes of 3A and 3B were used for the study and were assigned as control and experimental groups. The control group consists of thirty-two students and the experimental group thirty-eight students. Data was collected through pre-test and post-test essay typed questions and a questionnaire on students’ attitude to linear equations word problems. The questionnaire contained twenty likert-type questions. The independent samples t-test was used to find the differences between the groups. The experimental group differed statistically significantly on post-test scores from the control group. This study identified that problem-based learning improved students problem-solving abilities and increased students’ confidence in doing linear equation word problems because the felt more competent in working word problems in linear equations. The study also explored students’ attitude to linear equations word problems through the use of a Likert-type questionnaire. The findings showed that students’ attitude toward word problems in linear equations were generally positive. It is therefore recommended that Ghana Education Service should provide in-service training for Mathematics teachers on the use of Problem-Based learning and Mathematics teachers should also integrate problem-based learning approach in their students. Keywords: Problem-Based Learning, Attitude DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-3-1
Futsal is a sport that requires a lot of basic technical skills. One sport that really requires the ability to play futsal skills. The ability to play is one way how a player is able to master the game. By improving the basic techniques, adjustments and support in the game.. So that when you control the ball it is less effective to control it. So for that in need of directed and appropriate training. One of them is playing practice, so that players don't get bored while doing practice. A good training model is the Teaching Game for Understanding (TGfU) training model. The purpose of this research is to find out how effective the effect of the Teaching Game for Understanding training model is on the ability to play futsal. This research method uses the experimental method "pretest posttest group design". The subject of this research is the futsal extracurricular club at Pancasila Kubu Raya Vocational School. Data collection using GPAI. Data analysis used the statistical calculation of the Wilcoxon test, previously carried out the normality and homogeneity tests. The tactical game training model with the results of the ability to play futsal obtained a significance value of 0.004 <0.05 so there is already a significant difference. So there is an influence of the teaching game for understanding training model on the ability to play futsal. Keywords: practice playing futsal teaching game for understanding (TGfU
Looking back, moving forward: Towards improving local governments' performance in Ghana
This paper, based on a desk study, adopts a path-dependent perspective to explore how local government authorities in Ghana have attempted to institutionalise performance management at the organisational level. It questions the existing performance diagnostic framework that is used to assess local government authorities by arguing that any attempt to consolidate the prevailing ‘performance assessment regime’ ought to re-examine previous government initiatives that had in-built mechanisms for assessing local government performance. The prevailing system, despite its attempt to empower local authorities further promotes central government manipulation of local government administration. The paper concludes that performance assessment of local governments in Ghana will remain ineffective until local government councils genuinely serve local communities and their citizens by achieving goals and objectives that are consistent with the needs and aspirations of the latter rather than relying on annual performance assessments designed to ignore the opinions of citizens
A Concomitant of Conflict and Consensus: Case of a Chieftaincy Succession in Ghana
Ghana is often seen as peaceful, but is faced with many chieftaincy conflicts that result mainly from succession to the throne (skin or stool) for traditional political power. Ghana has more than 230 chieftaincy disputes dotted across many parts of the country. However, the Bulsa Traditional Area (Buluk) of Ghana has had a stable and resilient chieftaincy succession despite conflicts arising out of the selection of chiefs. In the selection of chiefs, the adoption of a voting system is said to lead to consensus based decision-making which is largely responsible for the non-violent nature of the Buluk chieftaincy succession as compared to other areas in Ghana. Using a qualitative methodology, this case study examined in detail the chieftaincy succession system in the Bulsa Traditional area of Ghana, both conflict and consensus, and how this has helped over the years to maintain peace and avoid violence. The paper also examines whether this case could be a model for chieftaincy succession in Ghana
Masalah Pekerja Muda dan Persepsi Mereka Terhadap Program Latihan: Kajian Kes Program Kepimpinan Perdana Jati Diri Pekerja Muda
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti masalah pekerja muda dan persepsi
mereka terhadap program latihan. Kajian ini menjurus kepada mengenalpasti masalah
di tempat kerja dan keperluan latihan di tempat kerja serta meninjau persepsi
responden terhadap program latihan. Responden kajian terdiri daripada peserta kursus
jati diri pekerja muda yang mengikuti program anjuran Kementerian Belia dan Sukan,
dengan kerjasama Excel Training and Consultancy (M) Sdn. Bhd. Seramai 130 orang
responden telah terpilih dalam kajian ini. Mereka terdiri daripada pekerja muda yang
berkhidmat di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Perak, Sarawak, dan Selangor
Kajian ini telah dijalankan dengan menggunakan kaedah penyelidikan berbentuk
kuantatif ianya mengutamakan keaslian data hasil dapatan daripada responden dengan
menggunakan borang soal selidik.
Analisis daripada kajian ini mendapati bahawa pekerja muda perlu diberikan
peluang mengikuti pelbagai kursus bagi meningkatkan etos dan jati diri mereka, serta
kursus kemahiran berhubung dengan tugas mereka di tempat kerja. Kajian ini
mengenalpasti masalah utama pekerja muda di tempat kerja ialah masalah kepimpinan,
pentadbiran dan pengurusan, membentuk kumpulan kerja yang teguh, penyelesaian
masalah, teknik memotivasikan diri, komunikasi dan hubungan kemanusiaan,
ketandusan ide yang kreatif dan inovatif. Oleh itu program latihan yang dibentuk
khusus untuk golongan peketja muda hendaklah menjurus kepada menyelesaikan
permasalahan ini. Adalah diharapkan setelah mengikuti kursus kemahiran ketja,
pendapatan dan taraf ekonomi peketja muda juga dapat ditingkatkan.
Kesemua responden mempunyai persepsi yang sangat positif kepada program
latihan, terutamanya untuk memberi kesedaran dan membentuk sikap yang cemerlang
dalam diri masing-masing. Keadaan ini menunjukkan petanda yang sangat baik dan
selaras dengan hasrat Kementerian Belia dan Sukan untuk melatih seramai 100,000
orang peketja muda menjelang Tahun 2000 bagi menyediakan mereka menghadapi
cabaran dalam alaf akan datang.
Kajian lanjut perlu dijalankan bagi meneliti kesan latihan terhadap kualiti dan
produktiviti peketja muda. Kajian ini diharap akan menyumbang kepada melahirkan
generasi muda yang cemerlang dan berketrampilan bagi mencapai Wawasan Malaysia
sebagai negara maju menjelang Tahun 2020
Obstacles to Women Representation and Participation in Local Governance: A Case Study of Sissala East District of Ghana
The study set out to investigate the obstacles to participation of women in local governance in the Sissala East District of Ghana. It covered 56 respondents made up of 11 assembly members, 30 Unit Committee members, six women group leaders, three female candidates in the 2015 District Level Election and six Non-Governmental Organization gender desk officers. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were employed to select the respondents. The main instrument used to gather data was semi-structured questionnaire using interview approach. The study showed that women’s participation in local governance was low as evident by the low representation of women in local governance. The factors that contributed to low women participation included cultural and male prejudices against women, low economic empowerment of women, the low self-confidence of women, low educational levels and excessive marital obligations. The study, therefore, recommended that civic education, economic empowerment, and leadership training should be embarked upon to improve women’s participation in local governance in the district. Key words: Local governance, District assembly, women participation, obstacles
Factors Influencing Teachers Take-up of Continuing Professional Development: the Perspectives of Basic School Citizenship Education and Social Studies Teachers of Sissala West District, Ghana.
This study focused on the factors that influence take-up of CPD activities by Basic School Social Studies teachers and the relationship between teacher characteristics and teacher participation in CPD. The used of the mixed-method approach which involved two phases of quantitative and qualitative data. A total of 185 respondents were purposively sampled. Data on factors that support CPD take-up as well as the relationship between teacher characteristics and teacher participation were gathered using questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Qualitative responses were coded, categorized and analyzed into themes. Quantitative data were analyzed using frequencies and percentages. Most teachers felt that consultation, good content and organisation as well as delivery were the key factors which contributed to the success of CPD activities in the district. It could be concluded from the findings of this study that linear relationship existed between the variables (teacher qualification, teacher experience) and participation in CPDs. Keywords: Staff development, professional development, continuing professional development, participation of teachers
Prospects and Enhancing Factors of Women Representation in Local Governance in the Sissala East District of Ghana
The study set out to investigate the prospects of women participation in local governance as well as factors enhancing election and appointment of women in local governance in the Sissala East District of Ghana. Fifty-six (56) respondents made up of 11 assembly members, 30 Unit Committee members, six women group leaders, three female candidates in the 2015 District Level Election and six Non-Governmental Organization gender desk officers. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used to select the respondents. The main instrument used to gather data was semi-structured questionnaire using interview approach. The study revealed that the majority (76.8%) of the respondents were in favor of more women participation in local governance. Also, the majority (71.4%) of the respondents reported that female candidates had lower chances of getting elected as assembly members than their male counterparts. Factors that could enhance the election of female candidates were adequate financial resources for embarking on electoral campaign, party affiliation, experience and competence, active campaign and strong campaign message and educational qualification level. Similarly, the factors that appointing authority take in consideration when appointing female assembly members included party affiliation, experience and capability, educational qualification, choice by local chiefs and elders, gender balance and ethnicity. Keywords: decentralisation, district assembly, women participatio
Keanekaragaman dapat menjadi modal dasar suatu bangsa atau Negara, jika
dipelihara dengan tepat dan baik. Namun di sisi lainnya juga dapat menjadi titik
pangkal dari persoalan yang terjadi di masyarakat. Untuk menyikapi hal tersebut,
perlu adanya penguatan nilai-nilai karakter di dalam konsep pendidikan
multicultural. Baik di dalam ruang lingkup pendidikan, ataupun dalam rangka
menjawab permasalahan sosial yang berkaitan dengan multikulturalis dan pluralis
yang ada di masyarakat.
Berdasarkan hal tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
bagaimana konsep pendidikan multikultural dalam perspektif al-Qur’an, dan
bagaimana gambaran nilai-nilai karakter inklusif pendidikan mulikultural dalam
perspektif al-Qur’an, serta gambaran materi pendidikan agama Islam berbasis
karakter inklusif pendidikan multikultural dalam perspektif al-Qur’an.
Data dalam penelitian ini adalah buku-buku tentang karakter inklusif,
pendidikan multikultural dan tafsir ayat-ayat al-Qur’an mengenai multikultural.
Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan mekanisme content analysis atau
anlisis isi. Selanjutnya arah pembahasan tesis ini adalah untuk
menginterpretasikan, menganalisis isi buku sebagai landasan teoretis yang
dikaitkan dengan masalah-masalah nilai-nilai karakter inklusif, pendidikan
multikultural, nilai-nilai karakter yang terkandung dalam pendidikan multikultural,
serta konsep pendidikan multikultural dalam perspektif al-Qur’an. Selanjutnya data
tersebut akan dipaparkan secara objektif dan sistematis dalam sebuah bentuk
laporan penelitian.
Dari hasil peneilitan, maka dapat dipaparkan yaitu: pertama, nilai-nilai
karakter inklusif yang terkandung dalam pendidikan multikultural dalam perspektif
al-Qur’an, yaitu Ta’aruf, Tawassuth, Tasamuh, Ta’awun, dan Tawazun
menggariskan agar kita memiliki apresiasi dan respek terhadap suku, budaya,
agama, bahasa dan tradisi kelompok lain, meskipun kita tetap memiliki dan
meyakini serta menjaga identitas dan keperibadian kita sendiri, kita juga dapat
hidup berdampingan secara damai, saling menghormati, dan dapat bekerja sama
dalam perbedaan. Kedua, konsep pendidikan multikultural perlu dijabarkan dalam
pengembangan kurikulum dan setiap aktivitas pendidikan. Isi dari kurikulum
tersebut harus termuat berbagai pandangan dari ayat-ayat suci al-Qur’an. Hal ini
mencakup seluruh siswa tanpa membedakan kelompok seperti gender, etnis, ras,
budaya, strata sosial maupun agama, ketiga, materi pendidikan agama Islam
berbasis karakter inklusif pendidikan multikultural dalam perspektif al-Qur’an
adalah ragam materi yang memuat aspek-aspek multikulturalisme dalam
kurikulum pendidikan nasional, dengan berlandaskan kepada ayat-ayat suci alQur’an.
Seperti materi ajaran tentang kasih sayang, persaudaraan dan persatuan
serta materi terkait dengan isu-isu perdamaian. Materi yang mengacu kepada
perspektif al-Qur’an ini menjadi nilai-nilai karakter yang dapat diketengahkan
dalam kehidupan sehari-hari di masyarakat plural dan multikultural
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