137 research outputs found

    Relations and States

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    This dissertation attempts to re-interpret the concept of relations as such and examines their actualization in relation to the relations of states. It is divided into two parts. In the first part, it examines past interpretations of the concept of relations and provides a different understanding of the concept. It argues that relations should not be perceived solely as that which occurs either as an extension of things or as between things, rather that relations are such phenomena that can also actualize as autonomous existents alongside of other existents that constitute reality. Furthermore, it argues that to adequately understand relations as such one must study conditions such as de-relationism, arelationism, and not-relating, conditions that are not necessarily the binary opposites of relations but forms of realities that coexist with relations as such. It further aims to develop a relational way, a method per se, that can best be utilized in the relatal analysis of relations, in the ways in which relations exist, and in the ways in which relations relate and un-relate. In the second part, the dissertation primarily focuses on certain broad categories of the relations of states and of the world. For instance, it examines the concept of the world, the current state of the relations of the world, the concepts of relations of states, inter-state relations, as well as categories such as the state of incompleteness, uncertainty, and relations that are oriented towards the future

    Faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Imunisasi Dasar Lengkap (IDL) pada Bayi

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    This study aims to analyze the factors influencing Complete Basic Immunization (IDL) in infants in Kupang City in 2021. The method used is analytic descriptive with a cross-sectional design. The data obtained were analyzed using the chi-square test. The results showed that the factor of vaccine availability obtained a p-value of 0.000, the completeness of immunization equipment was 0.038 and the vaccine expiration date was 0.121. In conclusion, there is a significant relationship between the completeness of immunization kits and vaccine availability on IDL coverage in Kupang City in 2021.  Keywords: Infant, Complete Basic Immunizatio

    Gambaran Perilaku Pencarian Pengobatan Penyakit Tuberkulosis (TB) pada Masyarakat di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Uitao Kecamatan Semau Kabupaten Kupang

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    Treatment-seeking behavior can be seen as a reflection of the implementation of the national health system and access to health services. In the context of treatment-seeking behavior in Indonesia, the use of national health facilities. Health seeking behavior or health seeking behavior, most Indonesians will try to treat themselves first by using medicines bought at kiosks without a doctor's prescription or using traditional ingredients in the surrounding environment and even asking a traditional healer for help. If they are not successful then they go to a medical health service place, this is because Indonesia has sources of treatment covering three interconnected sectors, namely self-medication (self-medication), medical treatment and traditional medicine. However, treatment is not only conventional in nature, there are alternative treatments that are popular with the community, especially in countries rich in culture and beliefs such as Indonesia. type of research used in this research is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. This study uses a descriptive approach with the aim of describing the object of research or research results. the sampling technique using total sampling. a sample size of 209 respondents. The results showed that treatment-seeking behavior at health facilities was 41.2%, while other treatments were 58.8%. poor knowledge about TB 54.4% compared to respondents with good knowledge about TB 45.6%. positive attitude towards TB treatment was 38.2% smaller than negative attitude 61.8%. Good belief in TB treatment-seeking behavior was 36.8% smaller than bad belief about TB treatment 63.2%

    Effect of Within-Row Spacing on Agronomic and Morphological Characteristics of the Flue-Cured Tobacco Cultivars

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    In flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) production the aim is improvement of yield and quality (usability) of cured leaf. This has been achieved through development of new cultivars and adjustment of cultural practices. In Croatia, most of the flue-cured tobacco is grown at plant spacing of 45 cm within and 100 cm between rows, i.e. at planting density of about 22,000 plants per ha. In order to evaluate the effect of decreased planting density on agronomic and morphological characteristics of flue-cured tobacco, field experiments with six flue-cured tobacco cultivars and two within row plant spacings (45 and 55 cm) were conducted at two locations in the main Croatian flue-cured tobacco growing regions, over four years (2005 to 2008). Wider spacing within rows resulted in 396.12 kg ha-1 higher yield and 861.01 $ ha-1 higher value than the closer spacing. Change in price was not significant. Length, width, and leaf area of the 9th leaf also increased significantly at 55 cm within row spacing, while plant height and leaf number were unchanged. Cultivar x plant spacing and environment x plant spacing interactions were not significant for the studied traits. Results indicate that higher yield, higher value and good quality of cured tobacco leaf could be produced at 55 cm within row spacing (about 18,000 plants per ha)

    Stalk rot resistance in Maksimir 3 synthetic maize population after four cycles of recurrent selection

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    Fusarium stalk rot (FSR) and anthracnose stalk rot (ASR), caused by Fusarium spp. and Colletotrichum graminicola (Ces.) G.W. Wils. respectively, are the two most important stalk diseases in maize which increase the incidence of stalk lodging and reduce grain yield. The aim of the present study was to (1) evaluate the effect of four cycles of recurrent selection in the Maksimir 3 Synthetic (M3S) maize population on ASR and FSR resistance and (2) to investigate the correlation among the different disease rating methods. The experiment included six M3S cycle populations per se and their test-crosses with a single cross hybrid. ASR resistance was estimated on artificially inoculated plant rows using three ratings (the number of infected internodes, the number of internodes rotten more than 75% and evaluation of outer stalk discoloration) whereas FSR resistance was estimated in artificially inoculated rows as well as in naturally inoculated rows by rating severity of disease symptoms on longitudinally cut stalks using the standard resistance scale. The results of the present study showed that four cycles of selection in the M3S maize population, conducted primarily for grain yield improvement, did not significantly affect its resistance to both ASR and FSR. Among the disease ratings a moderate positive correlation was found only between two ASR resistance ratings (the number of infected internodes and the number of internodes rotted more than 75%) in both population per se (r=0.49**) and population test-crosses (r=0.56**)

    Heritability of Indirect Bread-making Quality Traits in Segregating Generations of Two Winter Wheat Crosses

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    Modern wheat breeding programs aim to create cultivars with high genetic potential for yield and bread-making quality. The effectiveness of selection in segregating generations depends on the heritability of the traits under selection and on the correlations among traits. The aim of this study was to compare realized heritability of 1000 kernel weight and five indirect bread-making quality traits (grain protein content, wet gluten content, gluten index, the Zeleny sedimentation value and Pelshenke value) between segregating generations (F4 to F6) of two bi-parental wheat crosses, calculated using four different methods, and to estimate phenotypic correlations among these traits. Realized heritability of investigated traits, estimated as parent-off spring regression, ranged from 0.21 to 0.79. Realized heritability for wet gluten content, gluten index and Pelshenke value was much higher in comparison with other quality traits. Correlations between the four methods used to calculate realized heritability revealed the best agreement between heritability estimated as parent-off spring regression and that based on divergent screening, and the lowest agreement between realized heritabilities based on upward and downward screening. Strong positive correlations were observed among grain protein content, wet gluten content, and Zeleny sedimentation value; and strong negative correlations between gluten index on one side and grain protein content and wet gluten content on the other side


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    Rasad virdžinijskih duhanskih hibrida DH16 i DH17 je uzgojen na tri hranidbene otopine i posađen u poljskom pokusu u Kutjevu i Virovitici 2000. i 2001. godine. Pokus je izveden po randomiziranom potpunom blok rasporedu u 4 ponavljanja i sa 4 reda po 22 biljke na pokusnoj parcelici. Srednja dva reda, bez rubnih biljaka (40 biljaka) su koriÅ”tena za procjenu prinosa, cijene i vrijednosti duhanskog lista nakon berbe i suÅ”enja. Preporučene koncentracije hranjiva u hranjivoj otopini kod nas u proizvodnji su N:P:K= 150:75:150 ppm. U pokusu su koriÅ”tene koncentracije N 150 i 170, P2O5 75 i 150, te K2O 150 ppm. Analize za sva svojstva rezultirale su značajnim razlikama u okolinama (lokacija x godina), dok je za cijenu i vrijednost signifikantna bila interakcija hibrid x okolina. Obzirom na sortiment, hibrid DH17 je u prosjeku imao neÅ”to bolja gospodarska svojstva od hibrida DH16. Izvor hranjiva u otopini, kao niti njihova koncentracija nisu značajno utjecali na istraživana svojstva duhana. Stoga rezultati upućuju na mogućnost koriÅ”tenja izvora hranjiva i njihove koncentracije u hranjivoj otopini koriÅ”tenoj u pokusu za uzgoj rasada hibrida duhana DH16 i DH17.Seedlings of flue cured tobacco hybrid DH16 and DH17 grown in float system on three nutrient solutions were transplanted in a field experiment at two locations in 2000 and 2001. The experiment was organized as RCBD with four replicates and four 22 plant rows per each experimental plot. Middle two rows (40 plants) were used for analyzing yield, price and value. Recommended nutrient concentration for float system in Croatia is N:P:K = 150:75:150 ppm. In the experiment concentration of N was 150 and 170, of P2O5 75 and 150, and of K2O 150 ppm. The obtained data analyses resulted in significant differences between environments (year x location) for all the traits, while hybrid x environment interaction was significant for price and value. Hybrid DH17 was on the average slightly better than DH16 in all the traits. Source of nutrients and nutrient concentration did not have significant effect on the tobacco traits. The obtained results have indicated that the fertilizers and the nutrient concentration applied in the experiment can be used in the commercial tobacco production of the hybrids DH16 and DH17


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    Rasad virdžinijskih duhanskih hibrida DH16 i DH17 je uzgojen na tri hranidbene otopine i posađen u poljskom pokusu u Kutjevu i Virovitici 2000. i 2001. godine. Pokus je izveden po randomiziranom potpunom blok rasporedu u 4 ponavljanja i sa 4 reda po 22 biljke na pokusnoj parcelici. Srednja dva reda, bez rubnih biljaka (40 biljaka) su koriÅ”tena za procjenu prinosa, cijene i vrijednosti duhanskog lista nakon berbe i suÅ”enja. Preporučene koncentracije hranjiva u hranjivoj otopini kod nas u proizvodnji su N:P:K= 150:75:150 ppm. U pokusu su koriÅ”tene koncentracije N 150 i 170, P2O5 75 i 150, te K2O 150 ppm. Analize za sva svojstva rezultirale su značajnim razlikama u okolinama (lokacija x godina), dok je za cijenu i vrijednost signifikantna bila interakcija hibrid x okolina. Obzirom na sortiment, hibrid DH17 je u prosjeku imao neÅ”to bolja gospodarska svojstva od hibrida DH16. Izvor hranjiva u otopini, kao niti njihova koncentracija nisu značajno utjecali na istraživana svojstva duhana. Stoga rezultati upućuju na mogućnost koriÅ”tenja izvora hranjiva i njihove koncentracije u hranjivoj otopini koriÅ”tenoj u pokusu za uzgoj rasada hibrida duhana DH16 i DH17.Seedlings of flue cured tobacco hybrid DH16 and DH17 grown in float system on three nutrient solutions were transplanted in a field experiment at two locations in 2000 and 2001. The experiment was organized as RCBD with four replicates and four 22 plant rows per each experimental plot. Middle two rows (40 plants) were used for analyzing yield, price and value. Recommended nutrient concentration for float system in Croatia is N:P:K = 150:75:150 ppm. In the experiment concentration of N was 150 and 170, of P2O5 75 and 150, and of K2O 150 ppm. The obtained data analyses resulted in significant differences between environments (year x location) for all the traits, while hybrid x environment interaction was significant for price and value. Hybrid DH17 was on the average slightly better than DH16 in all the traits. Source of nutrients and nutrient concentration did not have significant effect on the tobacco traits. The obtained results have indicated that the fertilizers and the nutrient concentration applied in the experiment can be used in the commercial tobacco production of the hybrids DH16 and DH17


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    Na pokusnome polju Bc Instituta d.d. u Botincu postavljen je 2014. pokus s ciljem da se ispita utjecaj četiri razine gnojidbe duÅ”ikom na prinos i kvalitetu zobi. U pokusu je bilo uključeno osam genotipova zobi pljevičastog i dva genotipa zobi gologa zrna. Između razina gnojidbe duÅ”ikom kod genotipova pljevičastog zrna uočene su signifikantne razlike u prinosu, hektolitarskoj masi, masi 1000 zrna i visini biljke. Genotipovi zobi pljevičastog zrna razlikovali su se u svim proučavanim svojstvima. Interakcija genotip Ɨ gnojidba nije pronađena. Kod genotipova zobi gologa zrna pronađene su razlike u visini prinosa, hektolitarskoj masi i masi 1000 zrna, dok su se gnojidbe razlikovale samo u prinosu. Reakcija genotipova na poviÅ”enu razinu duÅ”ika bila je pozitivna. Porast prinosa kod genotipova pljevičastog zrna ostvaren pri gnojidbama većim od 124 kg/ha N nije bio signifikantan, dok su kod genotipova zobi gologa zrna gnojidbe sa 133 i 151 kg/ha N rezultirale najviÅ”im prinosima. Kod genotipova zobi pljevičastog zrna, razlike u hektolitarskoj masi zrna između gnojidbi s povećanim razinama gnojidbe duÅ”ikom nisu bile signifikantne, dok kodgenotipova zobi gologa razlika između svih gnojidbi u hektolitarskoj masi zrna nije uočena.A field trial was set up in 2014 the growing season at the Bc Instituteā€™s experimental field in Botinec aiming to investigate the effect of four levels of nitrogen fertilization on grain yield, test weight, thousand kernel weight and plant height of eight hulled and two hulless oat genotypes. Significant differences were found out among nitrogen fertilization levels as well as among the eight hulled genotypes for all traits. The interaction genotype Ɨ N fertilization was not significant. Significant differences among the hulless oat genotypes were found out for yield, test weight and thousand kernel weight, while the nitrogen fertilization levels differed only for yield. All genotypes reacted positively to the increased levels of nitrogen fertilization. The yield increase of hulled oat genotypes was not significant at nitrogen fertilization being higher than 124 kg/ha N. However, fertilization levels of 133 and 151 kg/ha N resulted in significantly higher yields for the two hulless oat genotypes. At the fertilization levels higher than 124 kg/ha N, differences in grain test weight were nonsignificant for hulled oat genotypes, while for the two hulless genotypes they were nonsignificant among all four nitrogen fertilization treatments

    Evaluation of nitrogen use efficiency in the Maksimir 3 Synthetic maize population

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    Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) has become an important trait for sustainable agriculture. Traits present in maize (Zea mays L) landraces that contribute to adaptation in nitrogen-limited environments are not easily implemented directly into modern maize breeding programs. Thus, the landraces might be improved by recurrent selection and afterwards used as source of certain traits for elite breeding material. The Maksimir 3 Synthetic (M3S) maize popuĀ¬lation was created from landraces traditionally grown under low levels of soil fertility. The synthetic was subjected to recurrent selection for yield during three cycles and for improved NUE in the fourth cycle. In order to determine the effect of four cycles of recurrent selection, performance of populations per se (S0), population testcrosses, and populations per se selfed (S1) were evaluated in field trials under high and low nitrogen input conditions at four loĀ¬cations during 2010. The S0 populations had significantly higher grain yield (+20.6%), ear diameter (+2.6%), 1000 kernel weight (+3.3%) and ear leaf chlorophyll content (+31.2%) at the high nitrogen fertilization rate as compared to the low nitrogen fertilization rate. The S1 populations and testcross populations responded similarly to nitrogen fertilization. Genotype x nitrogen interaction for yield was not significant, but indication of specific adaptation to the nitrogen deficient environments was found. After the fourth cycle of recurrent selection, a significant increase in grain yield was found at both levels of nitrogen fertilization
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