1,045 research outputs found

    Measuring Success in Small Family Businesses - A Socioemotional Wealth Perspective

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    The goal of this paper is to reveal typical non-financial success measures in small family business in Croatia. Socioemotional wealth model is used as a basis for questionnaire construction. Questionnaire items represent family typical success measures and are adaptable to different business activities. Since family business is heterogeneous it was necessary to give a definition of chosen sample – small family hotels. Given definition of small family business was used as a key to separate the family and non-family businesses in this survey. Chosen, socioemotional based, success measures were tested on a sample of small family hotels by using logistic regression. Based on the statistical results, community acknowledgments and continuation of family business are the most important non-financial success measures for Croatian example. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p


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    Tourism and family entrepreneurship make a significant contribution to the Croatian economy, therefore it is important to define characteristics and business operations of family business in tourism. This paper examines characteristics of small family businesses in tourism from the perspective of owners of small family hotels in Croatia. In this qualitative study, interview was employed as a primary research instrument and the scientific method used is based on gestalt principles. GABEK©, a specific method of qualitative research and text analysis was used. The paper portrays the aspects of chosen business characteristics of small families in tourism - motivation of owners when setting up a business, success of small family business, financing, business issues, business facilitation and innovativeness. For each business aspect gestalten tree was formed with owner`s aggregated statements and finally the gestalten tree containing all chosen business aspects has been formed. Motives are, as presumed, family oriented and tending to preserve the family vision in the future. Qualitative, non-financial success measures are more important than financial measures. Business is usually financed from own funds and by combining bank loans, while business issues imply too high tax rates. Innovativeness levels are low which relates to low education levels. Originality of the research can be found in the fact that no similar study was conducted for Croatia nor as GABEK© method was used for qualitative data analysis. The research contributes to the scarce scientific research corpus in the field of family business in tourism. Practical implications presuppose education suggestions for family members in family firms - business facilitation suggestions and detected business issues.Turizam i obiteljsko poduzetništvo čine značajan doprinos hrvatskom gospodarstvu, stoga je važno utvrditi koja su obilježja i načini poslovanja obiteljskih poduzeća u turizmu. U ovom kvalitativnom istraživanju kao primarni mjerni instrument korišten je intervju, a znanstvena metoda za obradu podataka temelji se na gestalt principima. Za potrebe kvalitativne analize i obradu teksta korištena je GABEK© metoda. Cilj istraživanja bio je analizirati odabrana obilježja malih obiteljskih poduzeća u turizmu – motive kod pokretanja obiteljskog posla, uspješnost poslovanja malih obiteljskih poduzeća u turizmu, izvore financiranja, poslovne poteškoće, načine lakšeg poslovanja i inovativnost na uzorku malih obiteljskih hotela u Republici Hrvatskoj. Za svako navedeno obilježje izrađeno je gestalten drvo temeljem agregiranih tvrdnji vlasnika proizašlih iz intervjua, dok se konačno izrađuje jedno zbirno gestalten drvo koje obuhvaća sva obilježja malih obiteljskih hotela. Motivi za pokretanje posla, kao što je i bilo očekivano, usmjereni su na obitelj s ciljem očuvanja obiteljske vizije u budućnosti. Kvalitativne, nefinancijske mjere uspješnosti poslovanja važnije su od financijskih. Poslovanje se obično financira iz vlastiti izvora ili kombinacijom kredita, dok su najčešći problemi poslovanja previsoki porezi. Razine inovativnosti su niske što se povezuje s nižim razinama obrazovanja. Izvornost istraživanja očituje se u činjenici da niti jedno slično istraživanje nije provedeno u Republici Hrvatskoj kao niti upotreba metode GABEK©. Rezultati istraživanja čine doprinos još uvijek relativno neistraženom području obiteljskog poslovanja u turizmu. Praktične implikacije istraživanja očituju se u utvrđivanju potreba za edukacijom vlasnika i članova obitelji, utvrđenim i predloženim načinima olakšanja poslovanja i utvrđenim najčešćim poslovnim problemima

    Entrepreneurial orientation and socioemotional dimensions in small family hotels: do they impact business performance?

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    The family business is a broad concept in which various fields, elements and corresponding influences overlap. Family-specific business motives, behaviours, relationships, emotions and other specificities constitute the heterogeneity of family business. Very strong social and emotional implications in family business indirectly affect family life and even the quality of life. The purpose of this study is to sum up and expand on the understanding of the heterogeneity of small family businesses. It also aims to identify and measure the specific entrepreneurial attributes, knowledge and socioemotional wealth (S.E.W.) of owners. For a sample of small family hotel owners in Croatia, each owner’s specific knowledge, entrepreneurial orientation and motives for establishing a family hotel are analysed, considering the important role of tourism for Croatia. The empirical analysis in this article shows the effects of these distinct characteristics of owners on family-specific performance, where non-financial performance is more relevant. The study also offers a recommendation that local and regional governments organise specific education and networking events, given that the owners in this study who had participated in business- related education performed better. Therefore, low levels of innovation in family business could be improved with education

    Tanztheater, Pina Bausch and the ongoing influence of her legacy

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    Pina Bausch y ThanztheaterWuppertal han sido fundamentales en la difusión internacional del Tanztheater/Danza-Teatro, como un nuevo e independiente genero de danza, con evidente y substancial impacto en el actual escenario de la danza contemporánea. Para remarcar dicha importancia, señalo en primer lugar, el recorrido de la danza contemporánea en Alemania, desde Rudolf Laban y el movimiento de danza expresiva alemana de los años 1920; hasta las creaciones de KurtJoos, y finalizo con la creación de TanztheaterWuppertal en 1973. A continuación, presento la vida y obra de Bausch, para revelar lo esencial y las características primordiales de su estilo. Concluyo con la notoria influencia ininterrumpida de su legado, señalando una de las piezas finalistas del concurso de coreógrafos The Place Prize, que tuvo lugar en Londres en el año2013.; Pina Bausch and the Tanztheater Wuppertal have been fundamental in the international establishment of Tanztheater as a new and independent dance genre, and their impact is evident and vibrant in the current contemporary dance scene. To support this statement I will first unfold the history of modern dance in Germany, from Rudolf Laban and the German expressive dance movement of the 1920’s, to the creations of Kurt Jooss and finally the formation of Tanztheater Wuppertal in 1973. I will then study Bausch’s life and work, and reveal the essential and unique characteristics of her style, to ultimately prove the ongoing influence of her legacy, looking at one of the final pieces of the 2013 London based choreographic competition The Place Prize

    Optimal VDC service provisioning in optically interconnected disaggregated data centers

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    ©2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Virtual data center (VDC) is a key service in modern data center (DC) infrastructures. However, the rigid architecture of traditional servers inside DCs may lead to blocking situations when deploying VDC instances. To overcome this problem, the disaggregated DC paradigm is introduced. In this letter, we present an integer linear programming (ILP) formulation to optimally allocate VDC requests on top of an optically interconnected disaggregated DC infrastructure, aiming to quantify the benefits that such an architecture can bring when compared with traditional server-centric DCs. Moreover, a lightweight simulated annealing-based heuristic is provided for the scenarios where the ILP scalability is challenged. The obtained numerical results reveal the substantial benefits yielded by the resource disaggregation paradigm.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    End-to-end 5G service deployment and orchestration in optical networks with QoE guarantees

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe upcoming 5G deployments will impose stringent requirements. Optical networks control and resource orchestration is set to potentially turn into software-defined approaches in order to address such requirements. As a result, there rises a need for an architectural scheme capable of supporting the different types of services defined for 5G verticals.We present in this paper an architecture enabling end-to-end (E2E) provisioning and monitoring of such 5G services over optical network segments. In particular, the scenario considers the coordination of various optical enabled network segments by a higher level E2E Orchestrator, which provides of network slice deployment and is able to guarantee agreed levels of Quality of Experience (QoE). Moreover, we discuss an example of 5G service provisioning using the proposed architecture to demonstrate its behaviour in front of different network events.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Projekt strukture i analiza čvrstoće palube za slijetanje helikoptera

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    Paluba ili platforma za slijetanje helikoptera je za većinu trgovačkih, putničkih i posebice specijalnih tipova brodova (offshore, istraživački) od velike važnosti, kako za komunikaciju tako i za moguće hitne situacije. Navedeno naročito dolazi do izražaj kod brodova koji se bave složenim offshore operacijama u teškim vremenskim prilikama i stanjima mora. Uvodno su prikazane vrste i pregled projektnih parametara platforme za slijetanje helikoptera. Za odabrani tip istraživačkog broda napravljen je projekt strukture, računalni model i analiza čvrstoće. Korištena su pravila i propisi klasifikacijskog društva American Bureau of Shipping za određivanje minimalnih strukturnih dimenzija, kao i za definiranje projektnih stanja opterećenja, te konačno kriterija za potvrdu projekta. Za izradu računalnog modela i analizu strukture metodom konačnih elemenata korišten je 3D CAD programski paket Inventor. Definirani su najgori slučajevi opterećenja, te su na osnovi izvršene analize usvojene konačne dimenzije strukture

    Posibile modele pentru responsabilizarea sociala a companiilor in Romania: Intreprinderile comunitare

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    O noua forma de organizatie-intreprinderea comunitara- asigura un mecanism alternativ pentru corporatii de a se comporta responsabil social. Intreprinderile comunitare se deosebesc de celelalte organizatii din sectorul al treilea prin generarea de venit prin tranzactie mai degraba decat prin filantropie si/sau subventii guvernamentale pentru a-si finanta obiectivele sociale. Ele includ, de asemenea, structuri de conducere democratice care permit membrilor comunitatii sau votantilor sa participe la managementul organizatiei. Parteneriatul dintre corporatii si intreprinderile comunitare creste, prin urmare, posibilitatea ca o corporatie sa treaca de la donatiile filantropice la o forma mai sustenabila de interventie ce implica angajament pe termen lung fata de comunitate. In acelasi timp, ele schimba substantial natura oricarei colaborari permitand relatiilor sa fie construite pe baza avantajului reciproc, de unde largirea atractivitatii si a sferei de actiune RSC. Astfel, parteneriatele construiesc abilitati si acorda drepturi comunitatilor intr-un mod care evita paternalismul ce a caracterizat in mod traditional relatiile dintre corporatii si organizatiile din sectorul voluntar. Relatiile de putere se transforma deoarece partenerii sunt priviti ca surse de bunuri, cunostinte si expertiza, mai degraba decat beneficiari de protectie sau caritate.intreprindere sociala, legitimitate corporativa, responsabilitate sociala a companiei (RSC), parteneriat, dependenta de resurse, stakeholder, social enterprise, corporate legitimacy, corporate social responsibility (CSR), partnership, resource dependency

    ASTEC V1.3 Code Assessment on the STORM Aerosols Mechanical REsuspension Test (A Fission Product Transport Study)

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    The European severe accident analysis code ASTEC is assessed on the most representative STORM tests. Two aerosol resuspension modules are used to calculate the resuspended fraction of aerosols deposited in the primary circuit model of STORM facility. It was concluded thta concerning the final mass fraction and mainly the kinetics of aerosol resuspension in turbulent pipe flow conditions there is a need for further code assesment and for improvement of resuspension models implemented in the current version of SOP"HAEROS/ASTEC V1.3 code. This is under way in the Source Term area of the SARNET project.JRC.F.4-Nuclear design safet