26 research outputs found

    Main Targets of Interest for the Development of a Prophylactic or Therapeutic Epstein-Barr Virus Vaccine

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is one of the most widespread viruses in the world; more than 90% of the planet’s adult population is infected. Symptomatic primary infection by this Herpesviridae corresponds to infectious mononucleosis (IM), which is generally a benign disease. While virus persistence is often asymptomatic, it is responsible for 1.5% of cancers worldwide, mainly B cell lymphomas and carcinomas. EBV may also be associated with autoimmune and/or inflammatory diseases. However, no effective treatment or anti-EBV vaccine is currently available. Knowledge of the proteins and mechanisms involved in the different steps of the viral cycle is essential to the development of effective vaccines. The present review describes the main actors in the entry of the virus into B cells and epithelial cells, which are targets of interest in the development of prophylactic vaccines aimed at preventing viral infection. This review also summarizes the first vaccinal approaches tested in humans, all of which are based on the gp350/220 glycoprotein; while they have reduced the risk of IM, they have yet to prevent EBV infection. The main proteins involved in the EBV latency cycle and some of the proteins involved in the lytic cycle have essential roles in the oncogenesis of EBV. For that reason, these proteins are of interest for the development of therapeutic vaccines of which the objective is the stimulation of T cell immunity against EBV-associated cancers. New strategies aimed at broadening the antigenic spectrum, are currently being studied and will contribute to the targeting of the essential steps of the viral cycle, the objective being to prevent or treat the diseases associated with EBV

    Development of an innovative adenovirus-inspired self-assembling vaccine platform rapidly adaptable to coronaviruses and other emergent viruses

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    The COVID-19 pandemic clearly shows how emergent diseases can cause severe global health and economic problems. We must be prepared to react swiftly against new pathogenic agents and this requires the development of vaccines that are safe, efficient in the long-term and easily adaptable with a short revision time. To this end, the COVID-19 mRNA and adenoviral vector vaccines have been spectacular successes, permitting rapid vaccination across the world in an unprecedented manner. Here we report the design of a new adenovirus-derived vaccine technology based on non-infectious pseudo-viral nanoparticles from the serotype 3 human adenovirus. Each nanoparticle comprises sixty identical proteins that assemble to form a 30 nm diameter spherical particle. A sequence has been engineered into the surface of this protein that enables the display of a covalently-bound target antigens. To demonstrate the efficiency of this approach, we added the SARS-CoV 2 spike protein receptor binding domain (RBD), that interacts with host cell ACE2 receptors, to the surface of the nanoparticles. We first showed that the glycosylated RBD retained its ACE2-binding function when displayed on nanoparticles. We then measured the in vivo humoral response of our vaccine candidate in mice and observed a strong antibody response after the prime injection; further levels were achieved following a second booster injection. In mice preimmunized with underivatized adenoviral nanoparticles, we tested if adenovirus seroprevalence, as frequently observed in humans, was detrimental to the RBD-mediated protection provided by our vaccine candidate. Interestingly, a strong anti-coronaviral response was still observed suggesting that existing circulating anti-adenovirus antibodies are not deleterious to our vaccine platform. We then performed pseudo-CoV 2 neutralization assays and obtained higher ID50 values than observed with COVID-19 convalescent sera, thus showing the high potential efficacy of our vaccine platform. This new vaccine technology is a tool that is easily adaptable to future SARS-CoV 2 variants and, more generally, to future emergent viruses and pathogens

    Production and characterisation of Epstein-Barr virus helicase-primase complex and its accessory protein BBLF2/3.

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    International audienceThe helicase-primase complex is part of the lytic DNA replication machinery of herpesviruses, but up to now, almost nothing is known about its structure. For Epstein-Barr virus it consists in the helicase BBLF4, the primase BSLF1 and the accessory protein BBLF2/3. The accessory protein shows only weak sequence homology within the herpesvirus family but may be related to an inactive B-family polymerase. BSLF1 belongs to the archaeo-eukaryotic primase family, whereas the helicase BBLF4 has been related either to Dda helicases of caudovirales or to Pif1 helicases. We produced the helicase-primase complex in insect cells using a baculovirus coding for all three proteins simultaneously. The soluble monomeric helicase-primase complex containing the three proteins with 1:1:1 stoichiometry showed ATPase activity, which is strongly stimulated in the presence of ssDNA oligomers. Furthermore, we expressed BBLF2/3 as soluble monomeric protein and performed small-angle X-ray scattering experiments which yielded an envelope whose shape is compatible with B-family polymerases

    The Flexible Motif V of Epstein-Barr Virus Deoxyuridine 5′-Triphosphate Pyrophosphatase Is Essential for Catalysis

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    Deoxyuridine 5′-triphosphate pyrophosphatases (dUTPases) are ubiquitous enzymes essential for hydrolysis of dUTP, thus preventing its incorporation into DNA. Although Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) dUTPase is monomeric, it has a high degree of similarity with the more frequent trimeric form of the enzyme. In both cases, the active site is composed of five conserved sequence motifs. Structural and functional studies of mutants based on the structure of EBV dUTPase gave new insight into the mechanism of the enzyme. A first mutant allowed us to exclude a role in enzymatic activity for the disulfide bridge involving the beginning of the disordered C terminus. Sequence alignments revealed two groups of dUTPases, based on the position in sequence of a conserved aspartic acid residue close to the active site. Single mutants of this residue in EBV dUTPase showed a highly impaired catalytic activity, which could be partially restored by a second mutation, making EBV dUTPase more similar to the second group of enzymes. Deletion of the flexible C-terminal tail carrying motif V resulted in a protein completely devoid of enzymatic activity, crystallizing with unhydrolyzed Mg2+-dUTP complex in the active site. Point mutations inside motif V highlighted the essential role of lid residue Phe273. Magnesium appears to play a role mainly in substrate binding, since in absence of Mg2+, the Km of the enzyme is reduced, whereas the kcat is less affected

    Structure determination of feline calicivirus virus-like particles in the context of a pseudo-octahedral arrangement.

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    International audienceThe vesivirus feline calicivirus (FCV) is a positive strand RNA virus encapsidated by an icosahedral T=3 shell formed by the viral VP1 protein. Upon its expression in the insect cell - baculovirus system in the context of vaccine development, two types of virus-like particles (VLPs) were formed, a majority built of 60 subunits (T=1) and a minority probably built of 180 subunits (T=3). The structure of the small particles was determined by x-ray crystallography at 0.8 nm resolution helped by cryo-electron microscopy in order to understand their formation. Cubic crystals belonged to space group P213. Their self-rotation function showed the presence of an octahedral pseudo-symmetry similar to the one described previously by Agerbandje and co-workers for human parvovirus VLPs. The crystal structure could be solved starting from the published VP1 structure in the context of the T=3 viral capsid. In contrast to viral capsids, where the capsomers are interlocked by the exchange of the N-terminal arm (NTA) domain, this domain is disordered in the T=1 capsid of the VLPs. Furthermore it is prone to proteolytic cleavage. The relative orientation of P (protrusion) and S (shell) domains is alerted so as to fit VP1 to the smaller T=1 particle whereas the intermolecular contacts around 2-fold, 3-fold and 5-fold axes are conserved. By consequence the surface of the VLP is very similar compared to the viral capsid and suggests a similar antigenicity. The knowledge of the structure of the VLPs will help to improve their stability, in respect to a use for vaccination

    High Predictive Value of the Soluble ZEBRA Antigen (Epstein-Barr Virus Trans-Activator Zta) in Transplant Patients with PTLD

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    The ZEBRA (Z EBV replication activator) protein is the major transcription factor of EBV, expressed upon EBV lytic cycle activation. An increasing body of studies have highlighted the critical role of EBV lytic infection as a risk factor for lymphoproliferative disorders, such as post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD). We studied 108 transplanted patients (17 PTLD and 91 controls), retrospectively selected from different hospitals in France and in the Netherlands. The majority of PTLD were EBV-positive diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, five patients experienced atypical PTLD forms (EBV-negative lymphomas, Hodgkin’s lymphomas, and T-cell lymphomas). Fourteen patients among the seventeen who developed a pathologically confirmed PTLD were sZEBRA positive (soluble ZEBRA, plasma level above 20 ng/mL, measured by an ELISA test). The specificity and positive predictive value (PPV) of the sZEBRA detection in plasma were 98% and 85%, respectively. Considering a positivity threshold of 20 ng/mL, the sensitivity of the sZEBRA was 82.35% and the specificity was 94.51%. The mean of the sZEBRA values in the PTLD cases were significantly higher than in the controls (p < 0.0001). The relevance of the lytic cycle and, particularly, the role of ZEBRA in lymphomagenesis is a new paradigm pertaining to the prevention and treatment strategies for PTLD. Given the high-specificity and the predictive values of this test, it now appears relevant to investigate the lytic EBV infection in transplanted patients as a prognostic biomarker

    Sequence alignment of the VP1 sequence from our study (Merial100869, top) with the one (FCV-5) present in the crystal structure of FCV [2].

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    <p>Residues differing between the two sequences are printed in bold. Residues for which electron density is missing are underlined. The peptide missing in a fraction of the recombinant VP1 molecules due to proteolysis is shaded in gray. The domain organization in NTA (dotted bar), S (triple line) and P domain (wavy line) is indicated above the sequence.</p

    Statistics on data collection, structure determination and refinement.

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    <p><sup>a</sup> As data are weak and incomplete in the 8 Å to 8.4 Å bin, statistics are also given for the 9.6–8.9 Å bin.</p><p><sup>b</sup> Correlation coefficient.</p><p><sup>c</sup> 6 degrees of freedom describe the overall position and orientation of the capsomer, 6 the changes of the relative orientation and position of the S and P domains and an overall temperature factor is refined.</p><p>Statistics on data collection, structure determination and refinement.</p

    Ensemble Structure of the Highly Flexible Complex Formed between Vesicular Stomatitis Virus Unassembled Nucleoprotein and its Phosphoprotein Chaperone.

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    International audienceNucleocapsid assembly is an essential process in the replication of the non-segmented, negative-sense RNA viruses (NNVs). Unassembled nucleoprotein (N(0)) is maintained in an RNA-free and monomeric form by its viral chaperone, the phosphoprotein (P), forming the N(0)-P complex. Our earlier work solved the structure of vesicular stomatitis virus complex formed between an N-terminally truncated N (NΔ21) and a peptide of P (P60) encompassing the N(0)-binding site, but how the full-length P interacts with N(0) remained unknown. Here, we combine several experimental biophysical methods including size exclusion chromatography with detection by light scattering and refractometry, small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy with molecular dynamics simulation and computational modeling to characterize the NΔ21(0)-PFL complex formed with dimeric full-length P. We show that for multi-molecular complexes, simultaneous multiple-curve fitting using small-angle neutron scattering data collected at varying contrast levels provides additional information and can help refine structural ensembles. We demonstrate that (a) vesicular stomatitis virus PFL conserves its high flexibility within the NΔ21(0)-PFL complex and interacts with NΔ21(0) only through its N-terminal extremity; (b) each protomer of P can chaperone one N(0) client protein, leading to the formation of complexes with stoichiometries 1N:P2 and 2N:P2; and (c) phosphorylation of residues Ser60, Thr62 and Ser64 provides no additional interactions with N(0) but creates a metal binding site in PNTR. A comparison with the structures of Nipah virus and Ebola virus N(0)-P core complex suggests a mechanism for the control of nucleocapsid assembly that is common to all NNVs