44 research outputs found

    Strategy of students behavior during training at the Medical University

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    The authors present the results of the survey of students enrolled at the undergraduate medical faculty of the Urals State Medical University, the differences in the choice of behavioral strategies in the learning process, depending on gender. Also the authors show the strategy of behavior of the perceptions of the nature and properties of intelligence and personality.В работе представлены результаты анкетирования студентов, обучающихся на старших курсах лечебного факультета Уральского государственного медицинского университета. Показаны различия в выборе стратегии поведения в процессе обучения в зависимости от половой принадлежности. Также показана зависимость стратегии поведения от представлений о характере и свойствах интеллекта и личности

    Strategy of students behavior during training at the Medical University

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    The authors present the results of the survey of students enrolled at the undergraduate medical faculty of the Urals State Medical University, the differences in the choice of behavioral strategies in the learning process, depending on gender. Also the authors show the strategy of behavior of the perceptions of the nature and properties of intelligence and personality.В работе представлены результаты анкетирования студентов, обучающихся на старших курсах лечебного факультета Уральского государственного медицинского университета. Показаны различия в выборе стратегии поведения в процессе обучения в зависимости от половой принадлежности. Также показана зависимость стратегии поведения от представлений о характере и свойствах интеллекта и личности

    The Early Proterozoic Matachewan Large Igneous Province: Geochemistry, Petrogenesis, and Implications for Earth Evolution

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    The Matachewan Large Igneous Province (LIP) is interpreted to have formed during the early stages of mantle plume-induced continental break-up in the early Proterozoic. When the Matachewan LIP is reconstructed to its original configuration with units from the Superior Craton and other formerly adjacent blocks (Karelia, Kola, Wyoming and Hearne), the dyke swarms, layered intrusions and flood basalts, emplaced over the lifetime of the province, form one of the most extensive magmatic provinces recognized in the geological record. New geochemical data allow, for the first time, the Matachewan LIP to be considered as a single, coherent entity and show that Matachewan LIP rocks share a common tholeiitic composition and trace element geochemistry, characterized by enrichment in the most incompatible elements and depletion in the less incompatible elements. This signature, ubiquitous in early Proterozoic continental magmatic rocks, may indicate that the Matachewan LIP formed through contamination of the primary magmas with litho-spheric material or that the early Proterozoic mantle had a fundamentally different composition from the modern mantle. In addition to the radiating geometry of the dyke swarms, a plume origin for the Matachewan LIP is consistent with the geochemistry of some of the suites; these suites are used to constrain a source mantle potential temperature of c. 1500-1550 degrees C. Comparison of these mantle potential temperatures with estimated temperatures for the early Proterozoic upper mantle indicates that they are consistent with a hot mantle plume source for the magmatism. Geochemical data from coeval intrusions suggest that the plume head was compositionally heterogeneous and sampled material from both depleted and enriched mantle. As has been documented with less ancient but similarly vast LIPs, the emplacement of the Matachewan LIP probably had a significant impact on the early Proterozoic global environment. Compilation of the best age estimates for various suites shows that the emplacement of the Matachewan LIP occurred synchronously with the Great Oxidation Event. We explore the potential for the eruption of this LIP and the emission of its associated volcanic gases to have been a driver of the irreversible oxygenation of the Earth

    TEISĖS konceptualizacija Lietuvos Respublikos civiliniame kodekse: metaforos ir jų vertimas į anglų kalbą

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    Conceptualisation of LAW and RIGHT in the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania: metaphorical patterns and their translation into English The present research focuses on metaphorical patterns detected in the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania and their translation to English. The paper aims to examine the metaphorical conceptualisation of two key notions in the legal sphere, namely law and right, and to identify the most prevalent linguistic metaphorical patterns. In addition, the study sets out to examine whether conceptual metaphors are retained in the translation of the Civil Code into English and find out the most common metaphor translation strategies employed. The research was started by extracting concordances of the lemma teisė (‘law’; ‘right’) from the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania and the lemmas law and right from its English version. Then, the concordances in both languages were manually analysed to identify metaphorical patterns on the basis of which conceptual metaphors were reconstructed. The identification of metaphor was carried out relying on the principles of Metaphorical Pattern Analysis (Stefanowitsch 2006) and Metaphor Identification Procedure (MIP) (Pragglejaz Group 2007), whereas the analysis of metaphors was based on the theoretical framework of the Conceptual Metaphor Theory proposed by Lakoff and Johnson (1980). The results of the study suggest that the conceptualisation of legal matters tends to rely on the source domains of an OBJECT, PERSON, SPACE, EVENT and CONTAINER in both Lithuanian and English languages. With regard to metaphor transfer from Lithuanian into English, the findings demonstrate that although at the conceptual level metaphors principally are translated ‘sensu stricto’, i.e. both Lithuanian source and target domains are rendered by direct English equivalents, their linguistic realisation reveals some cross-linguistic differences

    The aim of the thesis is to determine complex aid approaches and its need for children with special needs at preschool education institutions in Vilnius city.

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    Nūdienos švietimo praktikoje, ugdant specialiųjų poreikių turinčius vaikus ikimokyklinėse įstaigose pedagogai pastebi, kad šiandien ikimokyklines institucijas lanko vis daugiau vaikų su specialiais poreikiai. Todėl siekiant veiksmingai vykdyti ugdymo įstaigos deleguojamas funkcijas bei įgyvendinti naujus švietimo įstaigai keliamus iššūkius, svarbu numatyti visapusiškos kompleksinės pagalbos ikimokyklinėje įstaigoje organizavimo formas, būdus ir metodus. Mokslinėje literatūroje daug kalbama apie kompleksinės pagalbos teikimą bendrojo ugdymo įstaigose, tačiau mažai analizuojamas kompleksinės pagalbos teikimo poreikis ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose.Preschool education services are important while educating personality in children. These services benefit to children education in the family, promote social and cognitive development, enrich children experience in communicating with other children, and help preparing for school education. Nowadays, the education system establishes conditions for children with varied special needs to receive education according to their capability. There is a common and relatively efficient cognitive system for children with special needs; the option to educate these children with their peers has been legalised. In nowadays education practise, pedagogues, while educating children with special needs at preschool education institutions, see that more children with special needs attend preschool education institutions. In attempt to efficiently implement the functions declared by an education institution and respond to new challenges, it is important to assume all-round and complex forms, approaches and methods of aid at pre-school education institutions. Scientific literature features a lot of information on complex aid delivery at general education institutions, but contains little analysis of the need for complex aid at preschool education institutions.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    The changing influence of the volleyball exercises on coordination skills and option about physical education in 14–15 year-old girls

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    Ieškoti naujų fizinio ugdymo technologijų verčia tai, kad jau daugeliui vidurinio mokyklinio amžiaus moksleivių susiformuoja pasyvaus mokymosi stereotipas, ir juo aukštesnė klasė, tuo mokiniai pasyvesni, mažėja jų fizinis aktyvumas, o rezultatas - prastėja šalies moksleivių sveikata. Dažniausiai pasyvesnėmis būna mergaitės, ypač paauglės platūs ir ilgalaikiai tyrimai rodo, kad daugėja nepakankamai fiziškai aktyvių mergaičių. Taigi, ši problema paskatino mus ieškoti naujų būdų kaip sudominti mergaitės kūno kultūros pamoką. Mokslininkų tyrimais rodo, kad įvairius koordinacinius gebėjimus galima lavinti ir vyresniajame mokykliniame amžiuje, tačiau efektas yra skirtingas: geriausias - nuo 7 iki 11-12 metų, vidutinis - nuo 14 iki 16 metų ir mažiausias - nuo 12-14 metų. Šio darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti 14 – 15 m. mergaičių koordinacinių gebėjimų ir požiūrio į kūno kultūrą kaitą lavinant juos tinklinio pratimais per kūno kultūros pamokas. Tyrimo metu analizuojama vienos iš Vilniaus gimnazijos 14 – 15 m. mergaičių koordinacinių gebėjimų ir požiūrio į kūno kultūrą kaitą lavinant juos tinklinio pratimais per kūno kultūros pamokas (n = 42). Nustatomas koordinacinių gebėjimų lygis tyrimo pradžioje ir pabaigoje, taip pat mums buvo įdomų sužinoti apie jų požiūrį į kūno kultūrą prieš mūsų tyrimą ir ar pakeitę jų nuomone mūsų pritaikyti pratimų kompleksai. Koordinacinių gebėjimų rodikliai tyrimo pabaigoje pasikeitę, bet statistiškai nepatikimai. Vienas iš rodiklių, flamingo, pasikeitę statistiškai patikimai. Anketinės apklausos tyrimų rezultatai mums leidžia teigti, jog mergaitės atėjusios iš kitu mokytojų ir kitos mokyklos buvo nelabai nusiteikusios sportuoti ir jų požiūris į pati sportą buvo žemas. Dauguma mergaičių tyrimo pabaigoje pakeitę savo požiūrį, joms tapo malonu sportuoti, labiau pasitikėjo savimi. Taip pat dauguma pasisakę, kad pamoką ir požiūris į kūno kultūrą priklauso nuo kūno kultūros mokytojo.New forms of learning are being found because of passive form of learning among pupils at high schools. The higher class - the more passive pupils are. In the result of that the health of all country pupils is being worse. Girls are more passive, especially teenagers. Wide and long - lasting researches showed that range of inadequately active girls is constantly rising. This problem encouraged us to search for new ideas how to interest girls in Physical Education lessons. Scientist investigations show that different coordination skills may increase while pupils training even in higher forms. However, the effect is different: the best – from 7 till 12 years, middle – from 14 till 16 years and the lowest – from 12 till 14 years. V. Liacho said that the optimal time to improve the coordination skills is between 7 – 12 years. In this research we tried to deny this opinion. This research destination was to analyse changing influence of the volleyball exercises on coordination skills and opinion about Physical Education in 14 - 15 year - old girls during this lessons. One of the Vilnius gymnasium was being analysed during this research (n = 42). Coordination skills level was measured at the beginning and in the end of research. Also, pupils were asked about Physical Education lessons before the research and after it. We wanted to know if there were any changes after including new exercises. Our research showed that V. Liacho opinion was partially correct – all coordination skills rates of all girls were increased. Though only one of them (Flamingo test) was statically safe. Furthermore, research showed that girls which came from other schools had negative opinion about Physical Education lessons and were more passive than others. Girls have changed this opinion and now they enjoy training, also they started to be more self-confident.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Corporate Cultural Diplomacy in the Context of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Eiropean Union

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    Korporatīvā kultūras diplomātija ir uzņēmumu darbošanās, iesaistoties sociāli atbildīgos pasākumos. Bakalaura darba ietvaros akcents likts uz tās saikni ar korporatīvo sociālo atbildību, un tiek pētīta Eiropas Savienības uzņēmumu iesaistīšanās korporatīvajos kultūras pasākumos. Darba mērķis ir izprast korporatīvās kultūras diplomātijas būtību un veidu, kā tā varētu palīdzēt uzņēmumiem kļūt sociāli atbildīgiem, sniegt pārskatu par uzņēmumu ieguvumiem un izstrādāt priekšlikumus kultūras diplomātijas virzīšanai. Darbs pierāda, ka korporatīvā kultūras diplomātija ir iedarbīgs un sociāli atbildīgs pasākumu kopums. Darba struktūra: ievads, teorētiskā, analītiskā un praktiskā daļa, secinājumi un priekšlikumi, bibliogrāfiskais saraksts un pielikumi. Darba apjoms ir 84 lapaspuses, tajā iekļauti 14 attēli, 8 tabulas, 7 priekšlikumi un 40 pielikumi.Corporate cultural diplomacy is conducting business through engaging in various socially responsible activities. Within the framework of this bachelor’s thesis, there is an emphasis on its link to corporate social responsibility, and the study has been conducted on the companies in the European Union engaging in corporate cultural events. The objective of this work is to understand the nature of corporate cultural diplomacy and how it can help companies to become socially responsible, provide an overview of the benefits for businesses and develop proposals for promotion of cultural diplomacy. Work demonstrates that corporate cultural diplomacy is effective and socially responsible set of activities. Work structure - introduction, theoretical, analytical and practical part, conclusions and recommendations, bibliography and appendices. The amount of work is 84 pages, it includes 14 images, 8 tables, 7 proposals and 40 attachments

    Person's right to privacy protection and his/her personal data confidentiality as one of the core principles of bioethics

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    Personas informācijas konfidencialitāte ietilpst tiesībās uz privāto dzīvi. Biometriskie dati ir sensitīvie dati, un jābūt attiecīgam regulējumam, kas pasargātu indivīdu no iespējamās patvaļas no valsts puses, glabājot un izmantojot šādus datus. Biometrisko datu aizsardzība ietilpst bioētikas konceptā. Bakalaura darbā tiek apskatīts bioētikas jēdziens kopsakarā ar tehnoloģiju attīstību un privātuma saglabāšanu, personas tiesības uz privāto dzīvi nacionālais un starptautiskais normatīvais regulējums, un šīs tiesības aizsardzības mehānismi. Darbā tiek aplūkota nacionālā un Eiropas Cilvēktiesību tiesas prakse saistībā ar pirkstu nospiedumu, bioloģiskā materiāla un DNS iegūšanu, apstrādi un glabāšanu, orgānu un audu izņemšanu. Tiesu prakses apkopošanas rezultātā autore izvirza tēzes par tiesībām uz privāto dzīvi un bioētikas mijiedarbību.The confidentiality of personal information falls within the scope of the right to privacy. Biometric data is sensitive data and must be appropriately regulated in order to protect an individual from possible arbitrariness on the part of the state when storing and using such data. The protection of biometric data is part of the concept of bioethics. In this bachelor’s thesis bioethics in connection with the development of technology and the preservation of privacy is being analyzed, as well as the national and international regulatory framework of the rights of individuals to privacy and the mechanism of protection of this right. An analysis of national and European Court’s of Human Rights case law is being provided in relation to the obtaining, processing and storage of fingerprints, biological material and DNA, and extraction of organs and tissues. As a result of summarizing the case law, author puts forward theses on the interrelation between a right to privacy and bioethics

    Demonological aspects of conspiracy theories

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    Conspiracy theories, although they have become an everyday part of public life, are still poorly understood. In this philosophy dissertation, the author examines the definitions of conspiracy theories, their relationship with belief in witches, demons, and ontological worldview. The work analyzes what conspiracy theories are, what their features are, how and why they are similar to modern beliefs in witches and demons, explores the analogous functioning of conspirators and evil forces in conspirological and demonological texts, and also analyzes how the transition from metaphysics-centric worldview to an epistemology-centric worldview transformed demonological beliefs and allowed conspiracy theories to take hold. The dissertation defends the thesis that conspiracy theories (like witch trials) are not some kind of fossil, an archaic relic of an ancient view of the world, but rather a side effect of a modern, everything-doubting and everything-questioning ontological paradigm to the world