116 research outputs found

    Hepatoprotective effect of Phytosome Curcumin against paracetamol-induced liver toxicity in mice

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    Curcuma longa, which contains curcumin as a major constituent, has been shown many pharmacological effects, but it is limited using in clinical due to low bioavailability. In this study, we developed a phytosome curcumin formulation and evaluated the hepatoprotective effect of phytosome curcumin on paracetamol induced liver damage in mice. Phytosome curcumin (equivalent to curcumin 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight) and curcumin (200 mg/kg body weight) were given by gastrically and toxicity was induced by paracetamol (500 mg/kg) during 7 days. On the final day animals were sacrificed and liver function markers (ALT, AST), hepatic antioxidants (SOD, CAT and GPx) and lipid peroxidation in liver homogenate were estimated. Our data showed that phytosome has stronger hepatoprotective effect compared to curcumin-free. Administration of phytosome curcumin effectively suppressed paracetamol-induced liver injury evidenced by a reduction of lipid peroxidation level, and elevated enzymatic antioxidant activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase in mice liver tissue. Our study suggests that phytosome curcumin has strong antioxidant activity and potential hepatoprotective effects

    Study of Factors Affecting the Leadership Capacity of CEO in Industrial SMEs in Vietnam

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    The leadership capabilities of management team greatly influence the performance of management activities in an enterprise. Capturing and evaluating the impact of elements influencing leadership ability might help enterprises to formulate policies to optimize the capacity of the management team. The scope of the study in this paper is the survey of SMEs in Vietnam. The research team conducted 141 surveys by executives and managers working as heads of departments within current industrial SMEs in Vietnam. Research has indicated the three influential factors including self-efficacy, environment and personal characteristics, with personal traits making the least impact. Keywords: Leadership capabilities, CEO, small and medium industry enterprises

    Ho Chi Minh's Thought of Loyalty to the Country, Filial Piety to the People of Cadres and Party Members

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    President Ho Chi Minh was very interested in training revolutionary ethics for cadres and party members during his lifetime. He set forth extreme moral standards for each cadre, party member, and people to practice. In particular, loyalty to the country and filial piety to the people is the most comprehensive and inclusive moral standard. Each cadre and party member who practices these revolutionary ethical standards will contribute to better self-cultivation, make the Party strong, and successfully carry out all the tasks of the revolution. Keywords: Ho Chi Minh’s thought, loyalty to the country, filial piety to the people, cadres and party members DOI: 10.7176/JPCR/55-05 Publication date:September 30th 202

    Encouraging the Startup Spirit of Students: Implications and Solutions

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    Starting a business by the establishment of a new business or a new business project plays an important role in the economic development of each country. Promoting the entrepreneurial spirit of students at universities is the basis for contributing to the success of start-up countries. This study provides empirical evidence of factors affecting student entrepreneurship based on survey data of a sample of 321 students. The study results clarify the factors affecting the initial entrepreneurial intention of students, and are an important foundation for starting-up in the future. Since then, the findings from regression analysis are the basis to imply some solutions from the school and the Government to promote the entrepreneurial spirit of young people. Keywords: Entrepreneurship intention; Social-education environment; Taking risk; Student DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-4-07 Publication date: February 29th 202


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    President Ho Chi Minh was very interested in training revolutionary ethics for cadres and party members during his lifetime. He set forth extreme moral standards for each cadre, party member, and people to practice. In particular, loyalty to the country and filial piety to the people is the most comprehensive and inclusive moral standard. Each cadre and party member who practices these revolutionary ethical standards will contribute to better self-cultivation, make the Party strong, and successfully carry out all the tasks of the revolution.  Article visualizations


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    Objective: The present research was performed to investigate the prevalence of mastitis infection in Bavi, Hanoi, Vietnam and also to study the relationship between places, seasons and cow breeds with the disease occurrence.Methods: Mastitis infection was diagnosed by clinical symptoms observation and California Mastitis Test (CMT). The results of these 2 methods were then analyzed to understand the clinical and subclinical infection. The infected cases were also separated to different places and breeds to analyze the relationship with disease prevalence. In the seasonal investigation, the mastitis infection was diagnosed continuously over one year with the aid of farm managers and local veterinarians. Results: Positive infection detected by CMT kits were significantly higher than that of the clinical symptoms diagnose, suggested the involvement of subclinical infection cases, the infection in which no clinical symptoms could be observed. There was no significance difference between places and seasons, however the occurrence in summer was higher than other seasons. The Holstein Friesian (HF) purebred had significantly higher infection rates compare to crossbreds. In addition, there is a trend of increased percentage of the prevalence of mastitis in higher generations.Conclusion: The prevalence of mastitis in Bavi is lower than other parts of Hanoi and other places in Vietnam. Crossbreds F1HF and F2HF had significantly low sensitivity to mastitis and were recommended for dairy cow husbandry. Summer is the most risky time for mastitis and therefore requires the application of appropriate preventive methods.Key words: clinical mastitis, subclinical mastitis, dairy cows, breed, season, prevalence, Bav


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    Cyanobacteria and their toxicity are of environmental quality and ecological health concerns. This study aimed to determine the toxicity of the cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens from Vietnam. The cyanobaccterial samples from a fish pond in Soc Trang province were collected and brought to the laboratory for morphological species indentification and isolation for culture. The extracts of the cyanobacterium, P. rubescens, were used for microcystins characterization and toxicity testing on a micro-crustacean, Daphnia magna. The results contributed the first photos and morphological description on the cyanobacterium P. rubescens from Vietnam. The Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay (ELISA) analysis indicated that all five strains of P. rubescens could produce microcystins at the concentrations of 0.06-0.42 µg/g dried weight. The chronic exposure of D. magna to the extract of P. rubescens, strain S1, revealed that the survival of the animal was strongly reduced. The toxicity of the extract to D. magna showed that there should be toxic sencondary metabolites other than microcystins in the extract. This study contributed the scientific information on the biodiversity and toxicity of cyanobacteria from Vietnam.Vi khuẩn lam và độc tính của nó là một trong những mối quan ngại liên quan đến chất lượng môi trường và sức khỏe sinh thái. Nghiên cứu này nhằm mục tiêu xác định độc tính của loài vi khuẩn lam Planktothrix rubescens có nguồn gốc Việt Nam. Mẫu vi khuẩn lam trong ao nuôi cá ở tỉnh Sóc Trăng được thu và mang về phòng thí nghiệm phục vụ việc định danh trên cơ sở hình thái học và phân lập để nuôi lấy sinh khối. Dịch chiết của loài P. rubescens được dùng để phân tích độc tố microcystins và dùng để thử nghiệm độc tính trên loài vi giáp xác Daphnia magna. Kết quả nghiên cứu đã đóng góp hình ảnh và mô tả hình thái đầu tiên cho loài vi khuẩn lam P. rubescens có nguồn gốc Việt Nam. Phân tích bằng ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay) đã cho thấy cả 5 chủng thuộc loài P. rubescens đều có thể 3 sản sinh độc tố microcystins với nồng độ từ 0,06 – 0,42 µg/g trọng lượng khô. Phơi nhiễm mãn tính D. magna với dịch chiết của P. rubescens, chủng S1, được quan sát và sức sống của sinh vật bị suy giảm đáng kể. Độc tính của dịch chiết đối với D. magna cho thấy trong dịch chiết ắt hẳn có chứa hợp chất thứ cấp khác có độc đối với vi giáp xác. Nghiên cứu này đóng góp thêm thông tin khoa học về đa dạng sinh học và độc học sinh thái của VKL có nguồn gốc Việt Na