650 research outputs found

    Assessment of radiographic screen-film systems: a comparison between the use of a microdensitometer and a drum film digitiser

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    A high-end drum film digitiser (Tango, Germany) and a calibrated linear microdensitometer developed by PTB were used to assess the modulation transfer function (MTF) and the noise power spectra (NPS) of 3 mammographic screen film systems at optical density levels of 0.8, 1.5 and 2.5. The use of a drum scanner to assess MTF and NPS data appears to be adequate but requires an appropriate characterisation of the scanner to verify its internal noise level and its MTF. It is further necessary to calibrate the scanner output in terms of visual diffuse optical densities. Processing of two-dimensional digital data of grating images need to be more strictly defined for accurate MTF measurements of screen-film systems. Nevertheless, even now it seems to be feasible to use commercially available high-end and well calibrated scanners to assess screen film systems. This is especially important for quality assurance purposes because important parameters of screen film systems such like MTF and NPS can now be determined without using sophisticated microdensitometers which are not commercially availabl

    Measurements of pernitric acid at the South Pole during ISCAT 2000

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    The first measurements of pernitric acid at the South Pole were performed during the second Investigation of Sulfur Chemistry in the Antarctic Troposphere (ISCAT 2000). Observed HO2NO2 concentrations averaged 25 pptv. Simple steady-state calculations constrained by measurements show that the lifetime of pernitric acid was largely controlled by dry deposition, with thermal decomposition becoming increasingly important at warmer temperatures. We determined that the pernitric acid equilibrium constant is less uncertain than indicated in the literature. One consequence of pernitric acid deposition to the snow surface is that it is an important sink for both NOx and HOx. Another is that the photochemistry of HO2NO2 in the Antarctic snowpack may be a NOx source in addition to nitrate photolysis. This might be one of the important differences in snow photochemistry between the South Pole and warmer polar sites

    Dissociative recombination measurements of HCl+ using an ion storage ring

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    We have measured dissociative recombination of HCl+ with electrons using a merged beams configuration at the heavy-ion storage ring TSR located at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, Germany. We present the measured absolute merged beams recombination rate coefficient for collision energies from 0 to 4.5 eV. We have also developed a new method for deriving the cross section from the measurements. Our approach does not suffer from approximations made by previously used methods. The cross section was transformed to a plasma rate coefficient for the electron temperature range from T=10 to 5000 K. We show that the previously used HCl+ DR data underestimate the plasma rate coefficient by a factor of 1.5 at T=10 K and overestimate it by a factor of 3.0 at T=300 K. We also find that the new data may partly explain existing discrepancies between observed abundances of chlorine-bearing molecules and their astrochemical models.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (July 7, 2013

    A literature review of Ti-6Al-4V linear friction welding

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    Linear friction welding (LFW) is a solid-state joining process that is an established technology for the fabrication of titanium alloy bladed disks (blisks) in aero-engines. Owing to the economic benefits, LFW has been identified as a technology capable of manufacturing Ti-6Al-4V aircraft structural components. However, LFW of Ti-6Al-4V has seen limited industrial implementation outside of blisk manufacture, which is partly due to the knowledge and benefits of the process being widely unknown. This article provides a review of the published works up-to-date on the subject to identify the “state-of-the-art”. First, the background, fundamentals, advantages and industrial applications of the process are described. This is followed by a description of the microstructure, mechanical properties, flash morphology, interface contaminant removal, residual stresses and energy usage of Ti-6Al-4V linear friction welds. A brief discussion on the machine tooling effects is also included. Next, the work on analytical and numerical modelling is discussed. Finally, the conclusions of the review are presented, which include practical implications for the manufacturing sector and recommendations for further research and development. The purpose of this article is to inform industry and academia of the benefits of LFW so that the process may be better exploited

    Energy-sensitive imaging detector applied to the dissociative recombination of D2H+

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    We report on an energy-sensitive imaging detector for studying the fragmentation of polyatomic molecules in the dissociative recombination of fast molecular ions with electrons. The system is based on a large area (10 cm x 10 cm) position-sensitive, double-sided Si-strip detector with 128 horizontal and 128 vertical strips, whose pulse height information is read out individually. The setup allows to uniquely identify fragment masses and is thus capable of measuring branching ratios between different fragmentation channels, kinetic energy releases, as well as breakup geometries, as a function of the relative ion-electron energy. The properties of the detection system, which has been installed at the TSR storage ring facility of the Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, is illustrated by an investigation of the dissociative recombination of the deuterated triatomic hydrogen cation D2H+. A huge isotope effect is observed when comparing the relative branching ratio between the D2+H and the HD+D channel; the ratio 2B(D2+H)/B(HD+D), which is measured to be 1.27 +/- 0.05 at relative electron-ion energies around 0 eV, is found to increase to 3.7 +/- 0.5 at ~5 eV.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Physical Review
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