49 research outputs found


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    Sargassum duplicatum algae biomass is biological material which has a potency to be used as a biosorbent adsorb metal ions from industrial liquid waste, because it has effective functional group as a ligand. However, the ability of the algae biomass in adsorbing of heavy metal ions has some problem such as; tiny size, low density, and easy to be degradated by other microorganism. In addition, algae biomass can not be used directly in adsorption column for its application as the biosorbent. In order to improve physical and chemical prpperties of algae biomass, it needs to be immobilized on silica gel matrix. Series of experiment have been done, morphology analysis of adsorbent surface was performed by using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and adsorption process to examine the effectiveness of algae biomass immobilized in adsorbing Pb(II), Cu(II), and Cd(II) was performed using batch method at 27 °C. Concentration of metal was determined by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) and identification of functional group was conducted using Spectrophotometer Infrared (IR). Data obtained showed that interacting among metal ions with algae biomass is optimum at a range of 60 minutes. Adsorption energies of metal ions resulted from the interaction of metal ions with the functional group of -C=O group from carboxyl and amide on algae biomass and -Si-OH group from silica were at a range of 21.09-25.05 kJ/mole.   Keywords: biosorption, silica gel, Sargassum duplicatum, immobilizatio


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    Chemical stability, reusability, and adsorption selectivity of Ccr ionic imprinted Nannochloropsissp with silica matrix (Cd(II)-IIP) from precursor tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) have been studied through adsorption experiment series with batch method. Nannochloropsis sp (Cd(II)-IIP) material was characterized with an infrared spectrophotometer (lR) to identify the functional groups in this material and identification of metal ion concentration was analyzed with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). Chemical stabifity was determined in solution media of acid, neutral, and base. Adsorption selectivity was obtained with determination of selectivity coefficient (a) of Ccr+ion toward its ionic pair such as Ag+,Zn2+,C,P, and Nr+ ions. Nannochloropsissp Cd(II)-IIP material is vel}\u27 stable in acid media and lack stable in base media as well as it can be reused for extraction4 cycles with adsorption capacity value> 95% using eluent of 0.1 M Na2EDTA.Selectivity of Cd(II)-IIP material upon Crr ion is higher than non imprinted polymer (NIP) and it increases with these ordersCif+/Ag+ < Cif+/Zn2+< cif+/cif+ < CcrINr+ for each a at metal ionic ratio of 1:10.88720.18028.05333.417, respectively

    Implementasi Bimbingan Kelompok Dalam Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Siswa Kelas VIII SMP PGRI Banyuwangi Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017

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    &nbsp; Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dapat tidaknya implementasi layanan bimbingan kelompok meningkatkan kedisiplinan siswa kelas VIII di SMP PGRI Banyuwangi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP PGRI Banyuwangi dengan jumlah subyek penelitian 23 siswa yang diambil dari kelas VIII tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) karena dalam penelitian yang dilakukan melibatkan guru pembimbing di dalam kelas. Prosedur penelitian ini dirancang menjadi dua siklus setiap siklusnya terdiri dari : 1) perencanaan, 2) pelaksanaan tindakan, 3) observasi dan evaluasi, 4) refleksi. Secara keseluruhan hasil dari pelaksanaan siklus I dan siklus II menunjukkan hasil yang baik dan memuaskan, kedisiplinan siswa mengalami peningkatan yang baik dari 23 orang siswa, semua mendapat skor kedisiplinan 60 keatas dan persentase peningkatannya untuk siklus I rata-rata 18,49%. Sedangkan siklus II rata-rata 19,44%.untuk 8 siswa yang sebelum tindakan mendapat skor kedisiplinan di bawah rata-rata (60), setelah diberi tindakan mengalami peningkatan yang sangat tinggi yaitu 80,52%. &nbsp


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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan prosedur modelisasi velg mobil dengan bentuk dasar lingkaran yang bercirikan kesimetrian dan terkomposisi dari bangun geometri datar segilima dan segitiga sehingga model velg lebih bervariasi dan simetris. Metode penelitian ini meliputi modelisasi velg mobil dengan data awal lingkaran. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan prosedur memodelisasi velg mobil pola segitiga dan pola campuran sebagai berikut. Pertama, membagi bentuk dasar lingkaran menjadi enam bagian. Kedua, mengisi bagian-bagian tersebut dengan bangun geometri datar segitiga dan segilima. Ketiga, menyusun program komputer hasil analisis menggunakan software Maple 12. Kata Kunci: Velg Mobil, Lingkaran, Segitiga, Segilim

    Chemical Stability of Cd(II) and Cu(II) Ionic Imprinted Amino-Silica Hybrid Material in Solution Media

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    Chemical stability of Cd(II) and Cu(II) ionic imprinted hybrid material of (i-Cd-HAS and i-Cu-HAS) derived from silica modification with active compound (3-aminopropyl)-trimethoxysilane (3-APTMS) has been studied in solution media. Stability test was performed with HNO3 0.1 M (pH 1.35) to investigate material stability at low pH condition, CH3COONa 0.1 M (pH 5.22) for adsorption process optimum pH condition, and in the water (pH 9.34) for base condition. Material characteristics were carried out with infrared spectrophotometer (IR) and atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS). At interaction time of 4 days in acid and neutral condition, i-Cd-HAS is more stable than i-Cu-HAS with % Si left in material 95.89 % (acid media), 43.82 % (close to neutral), and 9.39 % (base media)

    PROSES SOL-GEL DALAM PEMBUATAN HIBRIDA MERKAPTO-SILIKA UNTUK ADSORPSI ION CU (II) DALAM LARUTAN (Sol-Gel Process in Synthesis of Mercapto-Silica Hybrid for Adsorption of Cu(II) ion in Solution)

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    ABSTRAKHibrida merkapto-silika (HMS) telah disintesis melalui proses sol-gel dengan prekursor tetraetil ortosilikat (TEOS). Adsorben HMS dikarakterisasi meliputi gugus fungsional menggunakan spektrofotometer inframerah (IR) dan morfologi permukaan dengan scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Karakteristik adsorpsi HMS terhadap ion Cu(II) dalam larutan optimum pada pH 5 dan mengikuti pola isoterm adsorpsi Langmuir. Harga kapasitas adsorpsi HMS terhadap ion Cu(II) lebih besar dari silika gel (SG) tanpa modifikasi dengan 3-merkaptopropiltrimetoksisilan (3-MPTMS). Data kapasitas adsorpsi menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan komposisi jumlah volume reaktan optimal dengan perbandingan volume: TEOS, etanol, air, dan 3-MPTMS 1 : 1 : 1 : 0,2. �� Malaysia. Dataran tanah wilayah Kelantan Utara dilapisi oleh batuan Sedimen Kuarter yang mana batuan granit sebagai batuan dasar. Sistem pengairan adalah berbentuk jaringan dendritik dengan sungai utama mengalir ke Laut Cina Selatan. Metoda hydrogeochemical digunakan untuk mempelajari karakter air tanah dari akuifer dangkal untuk keseluruhan area studi. Berdasarkan pada analisa air yang diperoleh dari area studi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsentrasi kation dan anion baik digunakan untuk kehidupan sehari hari kecuali air tanah di area sebelah selatan yang mana kandungan nitratnya tinggi (lebih dari 20 mg/l) dibandingkan di area sebelah utara (hampir tidak ada kandungan nitrat). Area yang memungkinkan memiliki konsentrasi nitrat pada air tanah dipetakan dengan kombinasi pola aliran air tanah. Pola aliran air tanah di area belahan selatan dan bagian tengah adalah dari timur ke barat yang mana tidak memungkinkannya air tanah yang terkontaminasi oleh nitrat di belahan selatan untuk masuk ke area belahan utara walaupun di belahan utara adalah dataran rendah.ABSTRACTMercapto-silica hybrid (HMS) has been synthesized through a sol gel process with a precursor of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS).  The HMS adsorbent was characterized using an infrared spectrophotometer (IR) to identify its functional groups and a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to characterize its surface morfology. Adsorption characteristic of HMS upon Cu(II) ion in solution is optimum at pH 5 and it follows a Langmuir adsorption isotherm model.  Adsorption capacity value of HMS upon Cu(II) ion is higher than adsorption capacity value of silica gel (SG) without modification with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (3-MPTMS). The adsorption capacity data show that composition ratio of reactant volume amount is optimum with volume ratio: TEOS, ethanol, water, and 3-MPTMS: 1 : 1 : 1 : 0.2

    Isoterm Adsorpsi Ion Pb(II), Cu(lI)dan Cd(lI)Pada Biomassa Nannochloropsis sp yang Dienkapsulasi Akuagel Silika .

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    ABSTRACT The research on the adsorption process of metal ions of Pb(II), Cu(lI) and Cd(lI) on Nannochloropsis sp biomass encapsulated by silica aquagel has successfully been done. The research was ca"ied out in a series of experiments using batch method to obtain the capacity and adsorption energy values of the metal ions. The analysis of metal contents was done by atomic absorption spectrometry. The results showed that the adsorption capacities of Pb(II), Cu(lI) and Cd(lI) ions were 322.580.033 and 0.0322 pmole/g adsorbent, respectively, at 27 \u27C and contact time of 30 min. The interaction between Pb(II), Cu(lI) and Cd(lI) ions and Nannochloropsis sp biomass encapsulated by silica aquagel is chemical interaction with the adsorption energy in the range of 20.55- 22.70kJ/mo

    THE ROLE OF C.METHYL-4,10,16,22-TETRAMETOXYCALlX[4]ARENE AS INHIBITOR OF CALCIUM CARBONATE (CaC03) SCALE FORMATION Peranan C-Metl/-4,10,16,22-Tetrametoksi Kaliks[4}Arena Sebagallnhlbltor Pembentukan Kerak Ka/slum Karbona

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    ABSTRACT The role of C-methyl-4,10,16,22-tetrametoxycalix[4]areneas inhibitor of calcium carbonate scale formation has been investigated. The result shows that C-methyl-4,10,16,22-tetrametoxy calix[4]arene inhibits a formation of calcium carbobate crystals at a concentration of growth solution of 0.1 M. The ability of C-methyl-4,10,16,22- tetrametoxy calix[4]areneas inhibitor of the formation of calcium carbobatescale is 33-100% in inhibiting growth rate of CaC03 scale formation. This ability depends on the concentration of C-methyl-4,10,16,22-tetrametoxy calix[4]arene added into growth solution. However, the addition of C-methyl-4,10,16,22-tetrametoxy calix[4]arene at a range of 10-100ppm is a much enough in inhibiting the growth rate of CaC03crystals. Keywords: tetrametoxycalixarene, CaC03, inhibito

    PROSES SOL-GEL DALAM PEMBUATAN HIBRIDA MERKAPTO-SILIKA UNTUK ADSORPSI ION CU(II) DALAM LARUTAN = (Sol-Gel Process in Synthesis of Mercapto-Silica Hybrid for Adsorption of Cu(II) ion in Solution)

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    Hibrida merkapto-silika (HMS) telah disintesis melalui proses sol-gel dengan prekursor tetraetil ortosilikat (TEOS). Adsorben HMS dikarakterisasi meliputi gugus fungsional menggunakan spektrofotometer inframerah (IR) dan morfologi permukaan dengan scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Karakteristik adsorpsi HMS terhadap ion Cu(II) dalam larutan optimum pada pH 5 dan mengikuti pola isoterm adsorpsi Langmuir. Harga kapasitas adsorpsi HMS terhadap ion Cu(II) lebih besar dari silika gel (SG) tanpa modifikasi dengan 3-merkaptopropiltrimetoksisilan (3-MPTMS). Data kapasitas adsorpsi menunjukkan bahwa perbandingan komposisi jumlah volume reaktan optimal dengan perbandingan volume: TEOS, etanol, air, dan 3-MPTMS I : 1 : 1 : 0,2. Mercapto-silica hybrid (HMS) has been synthesized through a sol gel process with a precursor of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS). The HMS adsorbent was characterized using an infrared spectrophotometer (IR) to identify its functional groups and a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to characterize its surface morfology. Adsorption characteristic of HMS upon Cu(II) ion in solution is optimum at pH 5 and it follows a Langmuir adsorption isotherm model. Adsorption capacity value of HMS upon Cu(II) ion is higher than adsorption capacity value of silica gel (SG) without modification with (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane (3-MPTMS). The adsorption capacity data show that composition ratio of reactant volume amount is optimum with volume ratio: TEOS. ethanol. water. and 3-MPTMS: I : I : I : 0.2