16 research outputs found

    Study of radiactivity on Arctic marine seaweed from Kongsfjorden (Svalbard)

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    Levels of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides have been determined in six brown and red seaweed species from Arctic coasts (Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen, Svalbard Islands) in order to characterize the radioactivity in this ecosystem. Samples were collected in September 2014, August 2017 and July 2019. Levels of 7Be, 40K, 208Tl, 210Pb, 226Ra and 228Ra were measured by high-resolution gamma spectrometry. While anthropogenic radionuclides (1 4 C and 1 2 9 I) were determined by low-energy accelerator mass spectrometry (LEAMS). The activities of 129I are two orders of magnitude higher than those found in algae collected on the Spanish Atlantic Coast and presents more variability than the 14C results, indicating their different affinity to this element depending on the species. Radionuclide tracers discharged from Sellafield and La Hague are transported into the Arctic Ocean where they circulate at different depth levels, marking water of Atlantic origin (Karcher et al., 2012).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto CGL2015/67014

    Mammalian end binding proteins control persistent microtubule growth

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    End binding proteins (EBs) are highly conserved core components of microtubule plus-end tracking protein networks. Here we investigated the roles of the three mammalian EBs in controlling microtubule dynamics and analyzed the domains involved. Protein depletion and rescue experiments showed that EB1 and EB3, but not EB2, promote persistent microtubule growth by suppressing catastrophes. Furthermore, we demonstrated in vitro and in cells that the EB plus-end tracking behavior depends on the calponin homology domain but does not require dimer formation. In contrast, dimerization is necessary for the EB anti-catastrophe activity in cells; this explains why the EB1 dimerization domain, which disrupts native EB dimers, exhibits a dominant-negative effect. When microtubule dynamics is reconstituted with purified tubulin, EBs promote rather than inhibit catastrophes, suggesting that in cells EBs prevent catastrophes by counteracting other microtubule regulators. This probably occurs through their action on microtubule ends, because catastrophe suppression does not require the EB domains needed for binding to known EB partners

    Design of the MWIR channels of EChO

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present the design of the MWIR channels of EChO. Two channels cover the 5-11 micron spectral range. The choice of the boundaries of each channel is a trade-off driven by the science goals (spectral features of key molecules) and several parameters such as the common optics design, the dichroic plates design, the optical materials characteristics, the detector cut-off wavelength. We also will emphasize the role of the detectors choice that drives the thermal and mechanical designs and the cooling strategy

    Isolation and Characterization of the Prochlorococcus Carboxysome Reveal the Presence of the Novel Shell Protein CsoS1D

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    Cyanobacteria, including members of the genus Prochlorococcus, contain icosahedral protein microcompartments known as carboxysomes that encapsulate multiple copies of the CO(2)-fixing enzyme ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) in a thin protein shell that enhances the catalytic performance of the enzyme in part through the action of a shell-associated carbonic anhydrase. However, the exact mechanism by which compartmentation provides a catalytic advantage to the enzyme is not known. Complicating the study of cyanobacterial carboxysomes has been the inability to obtain homogeneous carboxysome preparations. This study describes the first successful purification and characterization of carboxysomes from the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus marinus MED4. Because the isolated P. marinus MED4 carboxysomes were free from contaminating membrane proteins, their protein complement could be assessed. In addition to the expected shell proteins, the CsoS1D protein that is not encoded by the canonical cso gene clusters of α-cyanobacteria was found to be a low-abundance shell component. This finding and supporting comparative genomic evidence have important implications for carboxysome composition, structure, and function. Our study indicates that carboxysome composition is probably more complex than was previously assumed based on the gene complements of the classical cso gene clusters

    Microtubule targeting agents: from biophysics to proteomics

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    This review explores various aspects of the interaction between microtubule targeting agents and tubulin, including binding site, affinity, and drug resistance. Starting with the basics of tubulin polymerization and microtubule targeting agent binding, we then highlight how the three-dimensional structures of drug-tubulin complexes obtained on stabilized tubulin are seeded by precise biological and biophysical data. New avenues opened by thermodynamics analysis, high throughput screening, and proteomics for the molecular pharmacology of these drugs are presented. The amount of data generated by biophysical, proteomic and cellular techniques shed more light onto the microtubule-tubulin equilibrium and tubulin-drug interaction. Combining these approaches provides new insight into the mechanism of action of known microtubule interacting agents and rapid in-depth characterization of next generation molecules targeting the interaction between microtubules and associated modulators of their dynamics. This will facilitate the design of improved and/or alternative chemotherapies targeting the microtubule cytoskeleton