19 research outputs found

    Ultrassonografia Power Doppler no acompanhamento da cicatrização óssea de falha induzida em III metacarpiano de equinos

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    As fraturas mais comuns em equinos em treinamento são as fraturas de metacarpo. Além da radiologia, existem outras técnicas de diagnóstico por imagem como ultrassom modo B e Power Doppler que vem sendo utilizados na medicina humana e veterinária, tanto em pesquisa quanto na rotina clínica para ajudar no diagnóstico e avaliar melhor a consolidação óssea. No entanto, ainda não se têm definido os padrões de regeneração óssea através da ultrassonografia em medicina equina. Esse trabalho teve por objetivo comparar a técnica do ultrassom Power Doppler com a radiografia e ultrassonografia modo B na análise da formação do calo ósseo; definindo se a espécie equina apresenta um padrão tempo dependente de desenvolvimento da neovascularização de lesões ósseas não complicadas e avaliar o uso da fosfatase alcalina sérica como marcador da formação óssea equina. Para isso foi realizada uma ostectomia circular unicortical de 14 mm de diâmetro no III metacarpiano esquerdo de quatro cavalos machos castrados. A região foi submetida a avaliações radiográficas e ultrassonográficas (modo B e Power Doppler) no dia da cirurgia (dia 0) e nos dias 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 dias de pós-operatório. As imagens foram gravadas e avaliadas por três avaliadores especialistas da área de diagnóstico por imagem utilizando tabelas com escores de cicatrização e neovascularização. A presença de neovascularização na falha óssea foi observada primeiramente, no sétimo dia de pós- operatório assim como os primeiros sinais de cicatrização óssea através do ultrassom modo B. Já na radiologia, os sinais iniciais de consolidação óssea só foram vistos no 14º dia de pós-cirúrgico. Não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa na dosagem da FA sérica ao longo do tempo neste experimento. Os resultados demonstraram que o uso da ultrassonografia modo B e Power Doppler permitem avaliar mais precocemente o processo de regeneração óssea de lesões ósseas circulares do que com a radiologia.The most common fractures in training horses are metacarpal fractures. In addition to radiology, there are other diagnostic imaging techniques such as B-mode and Power Doppler ultrasound that are being used in human and veterinary medicine, both in research and clinical routine to aid in diagnosis and to better evaluate bone healing. However, bone regeneration patterns have not yet been defined through ultrasonography in equine medicine. The aim of this study was to compare the Power Doppler ultrasound technique with radiography and B mode ultrasonography in the analysis of bone callus formation; defining whether the equine species presents a time-dependent pattern of development of neovascularization of uncomplicated bone lesions and evaluate the use of serum alkaline phosphatase as a marker of equine bone formation. A unicortical circular ostectomy of 14 mm diameter was performed in the left metacarpal III of four castrated male horses. The region was submitted to radiographic and ultrasonographic evaluations (mode B and Power Doppler) on the day of surgery (day 0) and days 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 days post- operative. The images were recorded and evaluated by three expert evaluators in the area of diagnostic imaging using tables with healing scores and neovascularization. The presence of neovascularization in bone failure was observed first, on the seventh postoperative day, as well as the first signs of bone healing using the B-mode ultrasound. On radiology, the initial signs of bone healing were only seen on the 14th postoperative day -surgical. No statistically significant difference was found in serum AF over time in this experiment. The results demonstrated that the use of B mode and Power Doppler ultrasonography allows a more early evaluation of the bone regeneration process of circular bone lesions than with radiology

    Use of threaded rigid cannula and flexible endoscope for single access video laparoscopy in standing horses

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    Com o objetivo de promover, por meio de acesso único e com o uso de endoscópio flexível, ampla exploração da cavidade peritoneal de equinos em estação, foi concebida uma cânula laparoscópica para dar sustentação ao endoscópio e possibilitar o acesso sob visualização. O procedimento foi realizado a partir da fossa paralombar. Após pequena incisão cutânea, o endoscópio foi inserido na cânula e os músculos e o peritônio foram divulsionados mediante rotação da cânula. Logo depois da perfuração do peritônio, foi realizada a exploração da cavidade e a identificação das estruturas. Em seguida à exploração do lado ipsilateral ao acesso, realizou-se a transposição do conjunto cânula/endoscópio ventralmente à porção caudal do cólon descendente, seguida de exploração do lado contralateral. Concluída a técnica, foi executado, para fins de comparação, o mesmo procedimento por meio da fossa paralombar contralateral. Foi possível a transposição do conjunto cânula/endoscópio para o lado contralateral ao acesso em todos os procedimentos. Também foi possível a identificação da maioria das estruturas abdominais tanto pelo acesso esquerdo quanto pelo direito. A abordagem por acesso único mostrou-se viável para a exploração ampla da cavidade peritoneal, demonstrando ser uma alternativa à técnica laparoscópica convencional.A laparoscopic cannula was designed to support a single access approach with a flexible endoscope for the wide exploration of the peritoneal cavity of standing horses. It provides support to the endoscope and allows access to the peritoneal cavity with a visual aid. This procedure was performed through the paralumbar fossa. After a small cutaneous incision, the endoscope was inserted into the cannula, and the muscles and peritoneum were divulsed through the rotation of the cannula. After the peritoneal perforation, cavity exploration and identification of structures were performed. After the exploration of the ipsilateral side of the access, the cannula/endoscope was transposed ventrally to the caudal portion of the descending colon; this was followed by the exploration of the contralateral side. Once this process was completed, the same procedure was performed through the contralateral paralumbar fossa for comparison. It was possible to transpose the cannula/endoscope set to the contralateral access side in all procedures. Further, it was possible to identify most of the abdominal structures in both the left and right access. This single access approach proved to be feasible for the extensive exploration of the peritoneal cavity, thereby indicating it can be an alternative to the conventional laparoscopic technique

    Raiva em equino no município de Porto Alegre - RS, Brasil

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    Background:  :  :  : rabies is a fatal zoonosis caused by a highly neurotropic RNA virus which causes neurological signs and that is distributed almost worldwide. Rabies affects domestic and wild animals and this is a disease transmitted by their bites, through which the virus present in the saliva is inoculated. In Brazil, Desmodus rotundus is the main hematophagous bat species that transmits rabies, especially to herbivores e equines. In equines, the clinical manifestation varies a lot, including both the paralytic and the furious form of the disease. The goal of this study is to describe a case of equine rabies in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Case: a six-year old male American Quarter Horse, which presented a clinical picture characterized by colic, depraved appetite and difficulty to move, was admitted to the Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (HCV-UFRGS). The horse did not respond to treatment, therefore, it was submitted to exploratory laparotomy, when the moderate intestinal constipation and low intestinal motility was observed. A large colon enterotomy was performed and the intestinal contents were partially emptied. During recovery from anesthesia, the animal remained in lateral decubitus, not making any attempt to stand up. The animal did not show a favorable clinical evolution a few hours later, displaying weakness particularly in the hind limbs. Consequently, the animal underwent euthanasia. Samples of body organs were collected and fixed in formol 10%, processed routinely for histological purposes and then stained by hematoxylin and eosin. The histopathological examination revealed nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis in the central nervous system, without the presence of Negri bodies. Due to the history of recent rabies cases in neighbor areas of the property from where the animal came, direct immunofluorescence (IFD) and immunohistochemical (IHQ) exams for rabies were requested. The result was negative in IFD and a positive immunolabeling was observed in IHQ, thus demonstrating a viral antigen labeling in neurons of the cervical spine, pons, mesencephalon and cerebellum. Discussion: intracytoplasmic inclusions, also known as Negri bodies, are important and pathognomonic findings that were not observed in this case. Its presence and concentration depend on the stage and course of the disease, and they are not present in up to 30% of rabies cases, because certain virus strains do not produce Negri bodies. In equines, the occurrence of Negri bodies is less frequent than in bovines. IFD is the most adequate rabies diagnosis method, which is a highly sensitive technique (80-100%). The result was negative for this case, being confirmed only by IHQ. The immunohistochemical test is an important laboratorial diagnosis tool of rabies, because it allows the solution of unspecific meningoencephalitis cases when Negri bodies are not present. The treatment of animals with rabies is not considered. Vaccination in endemic regions or in areas where a rabies case has occurred is necessary. Rabies cases near the property where the animal lived were reported, but a prophylactic vaccination was not carried out. Rio Grande do Sul had a peculiar epidemiological status regarding rabies, as urban rabies cases had not been reported for approximately 17 years. However, rabies transmitted by hematophagous bats is still endemic in rural areas. This case demonstrates the importance of maintaining a rabies vaccination schedule in equine properties

    Retrospective study of clinical cases in ruminants at the UFRGS veterinary teaching hospital

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    Background: The pillars of animal production are sanity, genetics and nutrition. Sanitary control of the herd is important to reduce production costs and maintain health. The Veterinary Clinics Hospital (HCV) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), located in Porto Alegre - RS, is the place of greatest casuistry of the state, with 20.000 annual attendances, between small and large animals. In view of this scenario, the present study aimed to determine the frequency and characterize the ruminants attended at HCV, in order to help in the future, in the construction of control and prevention strategies of diseases found. Materials, Methods & Results: The documents of ruminant care between January 2007 and May 2018 were searched in the archives of the Hospital of Veterinary Clinics of UFRGS. Data on species, race, sex, age and diagnosis were collected. Diagnoses were classified as conclusive and inconclusive and the cases with conclusive diagnosis were classified according to etiology: infectious and parasitic diseases, metabolic and nutritional diseases, reproductive and obstetric diseases, toxic diseases, traumatic diseases. The prevalence of diseases and characteristics of ruminants attended (species, sex, category) was calculated. During the study period, between January 2007 and May 2018, 341 ruminants were attended, with emphasis on sheep (42%), goats (39%) and cattle (18%). In addition, a camel with foreign body obstruction, a sambar deer with fracture of the first thoracic vertebra and a buffalo with ruminal impaction were attended. The care profile was mapped, with predominance of females (57%) and adults (59%). Most of the animals did not present a defined breed, but among the breeds stands out Texel, of cutting aptitude, in sheeps and Saanen and Holstein, of dairy aptitude, in goats and cattle, respectively. In the retrospective study, the diseases with infectious and parasitic etiology presented the highest prevalence with 27.5% of the attendances, followed by reproductive (17.5%), traumatic (13.5%), metabolic (10%), others (10%) and toxic (2.5%). Sixty-six animals had inconclusive diagnosis (19.5%). Discussion: The highest prevalences were infectious and parasitic diseases, with emphasis on myiasis and verminosis. So, it is perceived that management corrections are sufficient to reduce the number of occurrences of diseases and prophylactic measures such as vaccination protocol, vermifugation and adequate nutritional management are allied in this walk. Among the reproductive diseases, dystocia (42.85%), which is one of the main causes of mortality in the peripartum period, has been highlighted. Dog attack was the major cause of traumas in ruminants and urolithiasis was highlighted in metabolic diseases. In toxic diseases, copper intoxication was the most important. Sheep are extremely sensitive to this intoxication, as they tend to accumulate copper in the organism. The retrospective study made it possible to visualize the panorama of HCV UFRGS visits to ruminants in the last years, mapping the profile and determining the casuistry of the diseases. Studies of hospital veterinary casuistry are rare, mainly involving ruminants. At the end, it is concluded that studies referring to casuistry are important to know the predominant diseases in a specific area and its risk factors considering differential diagnosis and future prevention programs

    Retrospective Study of Clinical Cases in Ruminants at the UFRGS Veterinary Teaching Hospital

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    Background: The pillars of animal production are sanity, genetics and nutrition. Sanitary control of the herd is important to reduce production costs and maintain health. The Veterinary Clinics Hospital (HCV) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), located in Porto Alegre - RS, is the place of greatest casuistry of the state, with 20.000 annual attendances, between small and large animals. In view of this scenario, the present study aimed to determine the frequency and characterize the ruminants attended at HCV, in order to help in the future, in the construction of control and prevention strategies of diseases found. Materials, Methods & Results: The documents of ruminant care between January 2007 and May 2018 were searched in the archives of the Hospital of Veterinary Clinics of UFRGS. Data on species, race, sex, age and diagnosis were collected. Diagnoses were classified as conclusive and inconclusive and the cases with conclusive diagnosis were classified according to etiology: infectious and parasitic diseases, metabolic and nutritional diseases, reproductive and obstetric diseases, toxic diseases, traumatic diseases. The prevalence of diseases and characteristics of ruminants attended (species, sex, category) was calculated. During the study period, between January 2007 and May 2018, 341 ruminants were attended, with emphasis on sheep (42%), goats (39%) and cattle (18%). In addition, a camel with foreign body obstruction, a sambar deer with fracture of the first thoracic vertebra and a buffalo with ruminal impaction were attended. The care profile was mapped, with predominance of females (57%) and adults (59%). Most of the animals did not present a defined breed, but among the breeds stands out Texel, of cutting aptitude, in sheeps and Saanen and Holstein, of dairy aptitude, in goats and cattle, respectively. In the retrospective study, the diseases with infectious and parasitic etiology presented the highest prevalence with 27.5% of the attendances, followed by reproductive (17.5%), traumatic (13.5%), metabolic (10%), others (10%) and toxic (2.5%). Sixty-six animals had inconclusive diagnosis (19.5%). Discussion: The highest prevalences were infectious and parasitic diseases, with emphasis on myiasis and verminosis. So, it is perceived that management corrections are sufficient to reduce the number of occurrences of diseases and prophylactic measures such as vaccination protocol, vermifugation and adequate nutritional management are allied in this walk. Among the reproductive diseases, dystocia (42.85%), which is one of the main causes of mortality in the peripartum period, has been highlighted. Dog attack was the major cause of traumas in ruminants and urolithiasis was highlighted in metabolic diseases. In toxic diseases, copper intoxication was the most important. Sheep are extremely sensitive to this intoxication, as they tend to accumulate copper in the organism. The retrospective study made it possible to visualize the panorama of HCV UFRGS visits to ruminants in the last years, mapping the profile and determining the casuistry of the diseases. Studies of hospital veterinary casuistry are rare, mainly involving ruminants. At the end, it is concluded that studies referring to casuistry are important to know the predominant diseases in a specific area and its risk factors considering differential diagnosis and future prevention programs

    Comparação entre os endoscópios rígido e flexível na videotoracoscopia em equinos em estação

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    A videotoracoscopia vem ganhando espaço na Cirurgia Veterinária, inclusive na espécie equina, dispondo de estudos que evidenciam resultados promissores no que se refere às suas aplicações diagnósticas e terapêuticas. Este trabalho teve por objetivo comparar dois tipos de endoscópios utilizados para videotoracoscopia em equinos em estação. Foram utilizados 9 equinos com idades que variaram entre 3 e 20 anos. Os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram realizados com os animais em estação, sob sedação, analgesia e anestesia local. Os equinos tiveram cada hemitórax, escolhido de forma aleatória, inspecionado com o endoscópio flexível e o endoscópio rígido (ângulo de visão de 0º, 33 cm de comprimento e 10 mm de diâmetro) através do 12º espaço intercostal. Ambos os endoscópios proporcionaram avaliação efetiva do hemitórax acessado, porém o flexível permitiu um mapeamento mais amplo da cavidade torácica do que o rígido, oportunizando a visualização de um número maior de estruturas, enquanto que rígido apresentou melhor luminosidade, definição de cor e imagem. O uso do endoscópio flexível permitiu a observação da porção ventral da cavidade torácica, assim como, a região cranioventral, permitindo a visualização de estruturas como a veia cava cranial e lobo acessório do pulmão direito. Não foram observadas complicações clínicas significativas com a utilização de ambos os endoscópios.Video thoracoscopy has been increasing in veterinary surgery, including the equine species, featuring studies have been showing promising results with regard to their diagnostic and therapeutic applications. This study aimed to compare two types of endoscopes used to perform thoracoscopy in standing horses. We used nine horses with ages ranging between 3 and 20 years. The surgical procedure was performed with the animals in standing, under sedation, analgesia and local anesthesia. The horses had each hemithorax, randomly chosen, inspected with the flexible endoscope and rigid endoscope (viewing angle of 0°, 33 cm long and 10 mm in diameter) through the 12th intercostal space. Both endoscopes have provided effective evaluation of the hemithorax accessed, but the flexible endoscope allowed a larger mapping of the chest cavity than the rigid, allowing the visualization of a greater number of structures, while the rigid endoscope showed better brightness, color definition and image. The use of flexible endoscope allowed observation of the ventral portion of the thoracic cavity and the cranio-ventral region, allowing visualization of structures such as the cranial vena cava and accessory lobe of the right lung. No significant clinically complications were observed with the use of both endoscopes

    Ultrassonografia Power Doppler no acompanhamento da cicatrização óssea de falha induzida em III metacarpiano de equinos

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    As fraturas mais comuns em equinos em treinamento são as fraturas de metacarpo. Além da radiologia, existem outras técnicas de diagnóstico por imagem como ultrassom modo B e Power Doppler que vem sendo utilizados na medicina humana e veterinária, tanto em pesquisa quanto na rotina clínica para ajudar no diagnóstico e avaliar melhor a consolidação óssea. No entanto, ainda não se têm definido os padrões de regeneração óssea através da ultrassonografia em medicina equina. Esse trabalho teve por objetivo comparar a técnica do ultrassom Power Doppler com a radiografia e ultrassonografia modo B na análise da formação do calo ósseo; definindo se a espécie equina apresenta um padrão tempo dependente de desenvolvimento da neovascularização de lesões ósseas não complicadas e avaliar o uso da fosfatase alcalina sérica como marcador da formação óssea equina. Para isso foi realizada uma ostectomia circular unicortical de 14 mm de diâmetro no III metacarpiano esquerdo de quatro cavalos machos castrados. A região foi submetida a avaliações radiográficas e ultrassonográficas (modo B e Power Doppler) no dia da cirurgia (dia 0) e nos dias 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 dias de pós-operatório. As imagens foram gravadas e avaliadas por três avaliadores especialistas da área de diagnóstico por imagem utilizando tabelas com escores de cicatrização e neovascularização. A presença de neovascularização na falha óssea foi observada primeiramente, no sétimo dia de pós- operatório assim como os primeiros sinais de cicatrização óssea através do ultrassom modo B. Já na radiologia, os sinais iniciais de consolidação óssea só foram vistos no 14º dia de pós-cirúrgico. Não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significativa na dosagem da FA sérica ao longo do tempo neste experimento. Os resultados demonstraram que o uso da ultrassonografia modo B e Power Doppler permitem avaliar mais precocemente o processo de regeneração óssea de lesões ósseas circulares do que com a radiologia.The most common fractures in training horses are metacarpal fractures. In addition to radiology, there are other diagnostic imaging techniques such as B-mode and Power Doppler ultrasound that are being used in human and veterinary medicine, both in research and clinical routine to aid in diagnosis and to better evaluate bone healing. However, bone regeneration patterns have not yet been defined through ultrasonography in equine medicine. The aim of this study was to compare the Power Doppler ultrasound technique with radiography and B mode ultrasonography in the analysis of bone callus formation; defining whether the equine species presents a time-dependent pattern of development of neovascularization of uncomplicated bone lesions and evaluate the use of serum alkaline phosphatase as a marker of equine bone formation. A unicortical circular ostectomy of 14 mm diameter was performed in the left metacarpal III of four castrated male horses. The region was submitted to radiographic and ultrasonographic evaluations (mode B and Power Doppler) on the day of surgery (day 0) and days 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 days post- operative. The images were recorded and evaluated by three expert evaluators in the area of diagnostic imaging using tables with healing scores and neovascularization. The presence of neovascularization in bone failure was observed first, on the seventh postoperative day, as well as the first signs of bone healing using the B-mode ultrasound. On radiology, the initial signs of bone healing were only seen on the 14th postoperative day -surgical. No statistically significant difference was found in serum AF over time in this experiment. The results demonstrated that the use of B mode and Power Doppler ultrasonography allows a more early evaluation of the bone regeneration process of circular bone lesions than with radiology