28 research outputs found

    Los regímenes laborales y su incidencia en el clima laboral de los empleados administrativos de la Red Asistencial Cusco – Essalud. Año 2021

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo por objetivo identificar en qué medida los Regímenes Laborales inciden en el Clima Laboral de los empleados de la Red Asistencial Cusco, 2021, esta investigación es de tipo básico de diseño no experimental, de enfoque cuantitativo y alcance correlacional, con una población de estudio constituida por los trabajadores del área administrativa de la Red Asistencial Cusco, obteniendo una muestra estadística de 131 trabajadores del área administrativa; como técnica de recolección de datos se utilizó la encuesta y su respectivo instrumento el cuestionario. De acuerdo a los resultados los trabajadores en su mayoría se encuentran medianamente satisfechos con su régimen laboral, así mismo el clima laboral que se identifica en la entidad es regular, por otro lado, se demostró que existe correlación positiva entre los derechos y deberes con el clima laboral, finalmente se concluye que los regímenes laborales inciden directa y significativamente en el clima laboral del área administrativa de la Red Asistencial Cusco dado que se obtuvo una significancia de 0.000<0.05 y un Rho de Spearman de 0.512, el cual muestra una correlación moderada entre las variables

    Memòria de la xarxa: “Docència per a la Capacitació: assignatures de la competència lingüística (valencià)”

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    Com a conseqüència directa de la nova ‘Capacitació per a l’Ensenyament en Valencià’ (orde 17/2013), cal engegar un procés de creació d’assignatures o de reestructuració i fusió d’altres per a establir l’itinerari que condueix a la consecució d’aquest mèrit lingüístic obligatori per a la docència en llengua pròpia al País Valencià. En el primer dels casos, s’hi troba el naixement de dues assignatures denominades ‘Llengua Catalana II per a l’Educació Infantil’ i ‘Llengua Catalana II per a l’Educació Primària’, que complementaran els elements de llengua d’ús presents fins ara només en sengles assignatures de primer any al si dels graus esmentats. Per aquest motiu, tot atenent a la implantació imminent d’aquestes LC II en el pla d’estudis d’Infantil i de Primària de la Universitat d’Alacant, presentem la memòria que fa crònica del procés que ens hi ha conduït amb èxit, fent-hi èmfasi en les decisions preses quant als continguts o la metodologia, juntament amb altres factors essencials com ara les eines d’aprenentatge, la tipologia de pràctiques o l’avaluació

    Elaboració de les guies docents de Llengua Catalana II per a la Capacitació

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    Com a conseqüència directa de la nova ‘Capacitació per a l’Ensenyament en Valencià’ (orde 17/2013), cal engegar un procés de creació d’assignatures o de reestructuració i fusió d’altres per a establir l’itinerari que condueix a la consecució d’aquest mèrit lingüístic obligatori per a la docència en llengua pròpia al País Valencià. En el primer dels casos, s’hi troba el naixement de dues assignatures denominades ‘Llengua Catalana II per a l’Educació Infantil’ i ‘Llengua Catalana II per a l’Educació Primària’, que complementaran els elements de llengua d’ús presents fins ara només en sengles assignatures de primer any al si dels graus esmentats. Per aquest motiu, tot atenent a la implantació imminent d’aquestes LC II en el pla d’estudis d’Infantil i de Primària de la Universitat d’Alacant, presentem un ací una proposta de comunicació que consisteix a comentar el procés d’elaboració de les guies docents corresponents a ambdues assignatures, fent-hi èmfasi en les decisions preses quant als continguts o la metodologia, juntament amb altres factors essencials com ara les eines d’aprenentatge o l’avaluació, per a aconseguir que l’alumnat assolisca els objectius satisfactòriament

    Pharmaceutical intervention in the usage of inhalers with COPD patients that have an appointment in a health center to do an spirometry

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    Background: the usage of inhalers is something complex. This work with COPD patients pretends that, after the pharmacist intervention, the correct usage of these drugs is guaranteed so as to improve the quality of life.  Methods: the nurse set a date to do an spirometry to the patients. On the other hand, the pharmacist assessed the usage of the inhalers and carried out the adherence and quality of life tests. Three months after, the patients came back to the consultation and the pharmacist repeated the same procedure to detect any possible change after the intervention. Results: on those patients that attended both appointments, it was seen that there were statistically significant changes between the adherence punctuation regarding both appointments. The average of punctuation is higher in the second appointment (49.09) in respect to the first one (46.45), this is a significant difference with a p<0.05. The quality of life was the same in both appointments and the errors average in the usage of inhalators in the second appointment decreased (1773) significantly in respect to the errors average in the first appointment (4727). Conclusion: the intervention of a pharmacist in a multidisciplinary team to the following of COPD patients is advantageous to these patients, mainly in relation to the usage of inhalers and the adherence to treatment

    Pharmaceutical intervention in the usage of inhalers with COPD patients that have an appointment in a health center to do an spirometry

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    Background: the usage of inhalers is something complex. This work with COPD patients pretends that, after the pharmacist intervention, the correct usage of these drugs is guaranteed so as to improve the quality of life.  Methods: the nurse set a date to do an spirometry to the patients. On the other hand, the pharmacist assessed the usage of the inhalers and carried out the adherence and quality of life tests. Three months after, the patients came back to the consultation and the pharmacist repeated the same procedure to detect any possible change after the intervention. Results: on those patients that attended both appointments, it was seen that there were statistically significant changes between the adherence punctuation regarding both appointments. The average of punctuation is higher in the second appointment (49.09) in respect to the first one (46.45), this is a significant difference with a p<0.05. The quality of life was the same in both appointments and the errors average in the usage of inhalators in the second appointment decreased (1773) significantly in respect to the errors average in the first appointment (4727). Conclusion: the intervention of a pharmacist in a multidisciplinary team to the following of COPD patients is advantageous to these patients, mainly in relation to the usage of inhalers and the adherence to treatment

    Programa de millora de l’atenció al domicili des de l’atenció primària de salut

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    Atenció domiciliària; Atenció sociosanitària; Programa assistencialAtención domiciliaria; Atención sociosanitaria; Programa asistencialHome care; Socio-health care; Assistance programAquest document té la voluntat de donar resposta a les necessitats presents i futures d’aquesta societat canviant, avançant cap a fórmules assistencials més integradores. És un model d’atenció domiciliària col·laboratiu amb visió compartida d’atenció basat en la detecció precoç de les cures que obliga a la cura anticipada, en la coordinació entre els diferents nivells assistencials i professionals que intervenen en el contínuum assistencial sociosanitari, en la racionalització de recursos assistencials convencionals i específics, amb objectius, destinació i accions clarament definides que preveuen l’avaluació sistemàtica de l’impacte produït en termes de resultats

    Comparison of histological delineations of medial temporal lobe cortices by four independent neuroanatomy laboratories

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    The medial temporal lobe (MTL) cortex, located adjacent to the hippocampus, is crucial for memory and prone to the accumulation of certain neuropathologies such as Alzheimer's disease neurofibrillary tau tangles. The MTL cortex is composed of several subregions which differ in their functional and cytoarchitectonic features. As neuroanatomical schools rely on different cytoarchitectonic definitions of these subregions, it is unclear to what extent their delineations of MTL cortex subregions overlap. Here, we provide an overview of cytoarchitectonic definitions of the entorhinal and parahippocampal cortices as well as Brodmann areas (BA) 35 and 36, as provided by four neuroanatomists from different laboratories, aiming to identify the rationale for overlapping and diverging delineations. Nissl-stained series were acquired from the temporal lobes of three human specimens (two right and one left hemisphere). Slices (50 μm thick) were prepared perpendicular to the long axis of the hippocampus spanning the entire longitudinal extent of the MTL cortex. Four neuroanatomists annotated MTL cortex subregions on digitized slices spaced 5 mm apart (pixel size 0.4 μm at 20× magnification). Parcellations, terminology, and border placement were compared among neuroanatomists. Cytoarchitectonic features of each subregion are described in detail. Qualitative analysis of the annotations showed higher agreement in the definitions of the entorhinal cortex and BA35, while the definitions of BA36 and the parahippocampal cortex exhibited less overlap among neuroanatomists. The degree of overlap of cytoarchitectonic definitions was partially reflected in the neuroanatomists' agreement on the respective delineations. Lower agreement in annotations was observed in transitional zones between structures where seminal cytoarchitectonic features are expressed less saliently. The results highlight that definitions and parcellations of the MTL cortex differ among neuroanatomical schools and thereby increase understanding of why these differences may arise. This work sets a crucial foundation to further advance anatomically-informed neuroimaging research on the human MTL cortex

    High-resolution CT phenotypes in pulmonary sarcoidosis: a multinational Delphi consensus study

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    One view of sarcoidosis is that the term covers many different diseases. However, no classification framework exists for the future exploration of pathogenetic pathways, genetic or trigger predilections, patterns of lung function impairment, or treatment separations, or for the development of diagnostic algorithms or relevant outcome measures. We aimed to establish agreement on high-resolution CT (HRCT) phenotypic separations in sarcoidosis to anchor future CT research through a multinational two-round Delphi consensus process. Delphi participants included members of the Fleischner Society and the World Association of Sarcoidosis and other Granulomatous Disorders, as well as members' nominees. 146 individuals (98 chest physicians, 48 thoracic radiologists) from 28 countries took part, 144 of whom completed both Delphi rounds. After rating of 35 Delphi statements on a five-point Likert scale, consensus was achieved for 22 (63%) statements. There was 97% agreement on the existence of distinct HRCT phenotypes, with seven HRCT phenotypes that were categorised by participants as non-fibrotic or likely to be fibrotic. The international consensus reached in this Delphi exercise justifies the formulation of a CT classification as a basis for the possible definition of separate diseases. Further refinement of phenotypes with rapidly achievable CT studies is now needed to underpin the development of a formal classification of sarcoidosis

    Multiancestry analysis of the HLA locus in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases uncovers a shared adaptive immune response mediated by HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes

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    Across multiancestry groups, we analyzed Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) associations in over 176,000 individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) versus controls. We demonstrate that the two diseases share the same protective association at the HLA locus. HLA-specific fine-mapping showed that hierarchical protective effects of HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes best accounted for the association, strongest with HLA-DRB1*04:04 and HLA-DRB1*04:07, and intermediary with HLA-DRB1*04:01 and HLA-DRB1*04:03. The same signal was associated with decreased neurofibrillary tangles in postmortem brains and was associated with reduced tau levels in cerebrospinal fluid and to a lower extent with increased Aβ42. Protective HLA-DRB1*04 subtypes strongly bound the aggregation-prone tau PHF6 sequence, however only when acetylated at a lysine (K311), a common posttranslational modification central to tau aggregation. An HLA-DRB1*04-mediated adaptive immune response decreases PD and AD risks, potentially by acting against tau, offering the possibility of therapeutic avenues