25 research outputs found

    Monazite trumps zircon: applying SHRIMP U–Pb geochronology to systematically evaluate emplacement ages of leucocratic, low-temperature granites in a complex Precambrian orogen

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    Although zircon is the most widely used geochronometer to determine the crystallisation ages of granites, it can be unreliable for low-temperature melts because they may not crystallise new zircon. For leucocratic granites U–Pb zircon dates, therefore, may reflect the ages of the source rocks rather than the igneous crystallisation age. In the Proterozoic Capricorn Orogen of Western Australia, leucocratic granites are associated with several pulses of intracontinental magmatism spanning ~800 million years. In several instances, SHRIMP U–Pb zircon dating of these leucocratic granites either yielded ages that were inconclusive (e.g., multiple concordant ages) or incompatible with other geochronological data. To overcome this we used SHRIMP U–Th–Pb monazite geochronology to obtain igneous crystallisation ages that are consistent with the geological and geochronological framework of the orogen. The U–Th–Pb monazite geochronology has resolved the time interval over which two granitic supersuites were emplaced; a Paleoproterozoic supersuite thought to span ~80 million years was emplaced in less than half that time (1688–1659 Ma) and a small Meso- to Neoproterozoic supersuite considered to have been intruded over ~70 million years was instead assembled over ~130 million years and outlasted associated regional metamorphism by ~100 million years. Both findings have consequences for the duration of associated orogenic events and any estimates for magma generation rates. The monazite geochronology has contributed to a more reliable tectonic history for a complex, long-lived orogen. Our results emphasise the benefit of monazite as a geochronometer for leucocratic granites derived by low-temperature crustal melting and are relevant to other orogens worldwide

    Analiza karbonizatu z procesu pirolizy zużytych opon samochodowych

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of the pyrolysis products (char) from waste tires. Pyrolysis was carried out in four temperature 450, 500, 550, 600°C. Yield of solid product (char) ranged from 37% for the temperature of 450°C to 43% for the temperature of 500°C. The SEM analysis of obtained samples shows that the surface properties (size) depends on the process temperature.W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy produktów pirolizy opon samochodowych. Piroliza była prowadzona w temperaturach 450, 500, 550, 600°C. Wychód karbonizatu (produktu stałego pirolizy) wynosi od 37% dla temperatury 450°C do 43% dla temperatury 500°C. Przedstawiono wyniki analizy SEM, które wskazują, że wielkość powierzcni karbonizatu zalezy od temperatury procesu

    Monazite stability and the maintenance of Th-U-total Pb ages during post-magmatic processes in granitoids and host metasedimentary rocks: A case study from the Sudetes (SW Poland)

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    The stability and maintenance of the age record of monazite during post-magmatic processes were studied in granitic and host metasedimentary rocks from the Sudetes (SW Poland). Unaltered monazite in the Kłodzko–Złoty Stok granitoid provided a Th-U-total Pb age of 329 ± 5 Ma, which was related to the late stage of pluton emplacement. In contrast, monazite in the Jawornik granitoid remained unaltered or was partially replaced by secondary phases, including (1) allanite, epidote and, occasionally, apatite; (2) cheralite, allanite and a mixture of clays, Fe oxides and possible unknown rare earth element (REE) phases; and (3) K-feldspar and cheralite with subsequent formation of titanite. Different alteration products on the thin section scale indicate the local character of the post-magmatic processes affecting monazite induced by alkali-rich fluids. The altered and unaltered monazite grains both yielded a Th-U-total Pb age of 343 ± 4 Ma. The Th-U-total Pb ages of the monazite in the accompanying metasedimentary rocks thermally affected by intruding magmas were also constrained. In the paragneiss in contact with the Jawornik granitoid, the unaltered monazite and monazite partially replaced by allanite yielded an age of 344 ± 5 Ma. The monazite from the mica schist, farther from the contact with the granitoids, exhibited an age of 336 ± 4.5 Ma. The 344–336 Ma ages exhibited a record of monazite (re)growth during prolonged Variscan metamorphism. The predominant early Viséan ages constrain the timing of the development of the Złoty Stok Skrzynka Shear Zone and the emplacement of the Jawornik granitoid intrusion. The age results, which are consistent with previous geochronology, indicate that the partial alteration of the monazite did not affect the internal domains or the maintenance of the monazite ages. Thus, this study reveals that monazite geochronology can provide meaningful data in crystalline rocks affected by fluid-induced post-magmatic processes

    Monazite Th-U-total Pb geochronology and P-T thermodynamic modelling in a revision of the HP-HT metamorphic record in granulites from Stary Gierałtów (NE Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome, SW Poland)

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    Thermodynamic modelling and monazite Th-U-total Pb dating via electron microprobe were used to improve the pressure, temperature and timing constraints of the HP-HT metamorphic record in granulites from Stary Gierałtów (NE Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome (OSD), SW Poland). The thermodynamic calculations constrained the P-T conditions to 20-22 kbar and ca. 920ºC in the felsic to intermediate granulites and 20-22 kbar and ca. 970ºC in the mafic granulite. These conditions are considered to closely represent the peak temperatures experienced by these rocks. In the intermediate granulite, the matrix monazite and monazite inclusions in garnet and allanite yielded an age of 349±2.5 Ma. An HP-HT metamorphic event with temperature conditions exceeding 900ºC, which are greater than the closure temperatures of most geochronometers, must have disturbed and completely reset the isotopic systems, including the Th-U-Pb system in the monazite. Consequently, this resetting prevented us from constraining the age of potential earlier metamorphic events or the igneous protolith. The 349±2.5 Ma age reflects the timing of the late-stage HP-HT event and cooling below 900ºC related to the initial exhumation of the granulites. A comparison of the new P-T-t constraints with previous data from the NE Orlica-Śnieżnik Dome indicates that the activation of the channels that exhumed the HP rocks to mid-crustal depths most likely initiated at ca. 350 Ma, and all the metamorphic rocks in the OSD likely shared a common Variscan evolution after ca. 340 Ma

    Chromatography investigations over wasted tyres granulate pyrolysis products

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    Przemysł gumowy generuje znaczne ilości odpadów poprodukcyjnych i poużytkowych. Ostateczną formę i parametry użytkowe wyrobów uzyskuje się w nieodwracalnym procesie wulkanizacji. Dlatego też ponowne przetworzenie gumy wymaga kosztownych, praco- i czasochłonnych operacji umożliwiających jej destrukcję. Na ogół uzyskany recyrkulat ma gorsze własności fizykomechaniczne i jest niekonkurencyjny w stosunku do oryginalnych materiałów gumowych. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy chromatograficznej produktów pirolizy odpadów gumowych.Until the 1960s, rubber from scrap tires was routinely recycled, but that started to change as cheap oil imports - the raw material behind synthetic rubber - made reclaimed rubber less valuable, and the spread of steel belted tires made tire recycling more expensive, difficult and time-consuming. Scrap tires not only waste landfill space, they can damage the linings put in place to keep groundwater and surface water from mixing with land filled contaminants. In this paper it presents the results of chromatographic analysis of waste rubber pyrolisis

    Badania laboratoryjne pirolizy odpadów gumowych pod kątem ich wykorzystania energetycznego

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    This paper presents the results of the pyrolysis process of waste rubber — tire granulate. The process was carried out over four temperatures: 450, 500, 550 and 600 degrees of Celsius. The yield of post pyrolysis products (carbonizate, oil and gas) was specified. Physicochemical properties of char, oil and gas, chemical composition of ash after burning was also determined. The possibilities of the carbonizate were also shown.W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania produktów pirolizy granulatu z odpadów gumowych (opon). Proces pirolizy był prowadzony w temperaturze 450, 500, 550 i 600 stopni Celsjusza. Określono uzyski produktów pirolizy (karbonizat, olej i gaz). Określono właściwości fizykochemiczne produktów oraz skład chemiczny popiołu po ich spaleniu. Przedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania produktów pirolizy

    Physico-chemical Characteristics of Selected Alternative Fuels and their Mixtures with Carbon Fuels

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    Na rynku paliwowym coraz częściej spotykamy się z tendencjami tworzenia mieszanek paliwowych na bazie węgli i wysokoenergetycznych ubocznych produktów z termicznej przeróbki surowców i odpadów. Często dokonywane analizy wysokoenergetycznych ubocznych produktów i paliw alternatywnych udowadniają, że na ich paliwowe zastosowanie nie zawsze wystarczy znajomość ich ciepła spalania i wartości opałowej, ale również nieodzowną jest znajomość zawartości szeregu składników chemicznych oraz ocena ich zachowania się w procesie spalania i jakości emisji produktów spalania. W szeregu przypadkach, kiedy oceniane materiały ostatecznie nie nadawały się do wytwarzania handlowych mieszanek paliwowych, rozszerzone badania wykazywały na ich przydatność jako wypełniacze, sorbenty i substraty do innych ukierunkowanych produkcji.On the fuel market, we are increasingly faced with tendencies to create carbon-based fuel mixtures and high-energy by-products from the thermal processing of raw materials and waste. Frequent analysis of high-energy by-products and alternative fuels proves that for their fuel application is not always enough to know the heat of combustion and calorific value, but also the knowledge of the content of a number of chemical components and the assessment of their behavior in the combustion process and emission quality of combustion products is indispensable. In a number of cases, when the evaluated materials were ultimately unsuitable for the production of commercial fuel mixtures, the extended tests showed their suitability as fillers, sorbents and substrates for other targeted productions

    Rynek gazu ziemnego w Polsce – zasoby, wydobycie, import, eksport i zużycie

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    Poland has been dependent on natural gas supplies from the East for many years. This dependence is a problem for our country, as it reduces the energy independence and energy security of Poland. Therefore, attempts to change this situation have been made for many years. The construction of the gas terminal in Świnoujście was the most spectacular investment in this area. It will allow covering up to half of Polish gas demand, thus limiting the dependence on supplies from the east. Domestic natural gas resources, whose deposits are located in the Polish Lowland, Permian deposits of the Fore-Sudetic and Greater Poland region, and in Carboniferous and Permian deposits of Western Pomerania, are also used. Natural gas also occurs in the Carpathian Foredeep and in the economic zone of the Baltic Sea. However, the amounts of natural gas produced in Poland are not enough to cover the demand for this raw material. In 2017, the production amounted to 3.9 billion cubic meters, which allowed to cover less than one-quarter of the demand. Poland’s hopes for shale gas faded after unsatisfactory results of shale gas exploration. This is the reason for the importance of natural gas imports. In 2017 year it amounted to 11.4 billion cubic meters. To ensure stable supplies, gas pipelines and storage facilities are also needed. Recently, there have been numerous investments in this area, while the main project is the construction of the Baltic Pipe gas pipeline connecting Poland and Norway. The connections with Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia are also of strategic importance for Poland. The gas consumption in Poland is constantly increasing; this trend is likely to continue. Therefore, the current investments are of great importance.Polska od wielu lat jest zależna od dostaw gazu ziemnego ze wschodu. Zależność ta jest problemem dla naszego kraju, ponieważ zmniejsza niezależność energetyczną i bezpieczeństwo energetyczne Polski. Dlatego próby zmiany tej sytuacji zostały podjęte wiele lat temu. Najbardziej spektakularną inwestycją w tym zakresie była budowa terminalu gazowego w Świnoujściu. Pozwoli to na pokrycie do połowy polskiego zapotrzebowania na gaz, ograniczając tym samym zależność od dostaw ze wschodu. Wykorzystywane są również krajowe zasoby gazu ziemnego, których złoża znajdują się na Niżu Polskim, złoża permskie w regionie przedsudeckim i wielkopolskim oraz w utworach karbońskich i permskich Pomorza Zachodniego. Gaz ziemny występuje również w zapadlisku przedkarpackim oraz w strefie ekonomicznej Morza Bałtyckiego. Jednak ilość gazu ziemnego produkowanego w Polsce nie wystarcza na pokrycie zapotrzebowania na ten surowiec. W 2017 roku produkcja wyniosła 3,9 miliarda metrów sześciennych, co pozwoliło pokryć mniej niż jedną czwartą zapotrzebowania. Polska nadzieja na wydobycie gazu łupkowego upadła po niezadowalających wynikach poszukiwań geologicznych. Import gazu ziemnego do Polski jest znaczny. W 2017 roku wyniósł on 11,4 miliarda metrów sześciennych. Aby zapewnić stabilne dostawy, potrzebne są również gazociągi i magazyny. Niedawno przeprowadzono wiele inwestycji w tym obszarze, a głównym projektem jest budowa gazociągu Baltic Pipe łączącego Polskę i Norwegię. Połączenia gazociągami z Litwą, Czechami i Słowacją mają także strategiczne znaczenie dla Polski. Zużycie gazu w Polsce stale rośnie; ten trend prawdopodobnie będzie się utrzymywał, dlatego też aktualne inwestycje mają ogromne znaczenie dla gospodarki

    Stability relationships of REE-bearing phosphates in an alkali-rich system (nepheline syenite from the Mariupol Massif, SE Ukraine)

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    Primary REE-enriched fluorapatite and fluorbritholite-(Ce) in nepheline syenite from the Mariupol Massif (SE Ukraine), contain textural and chemical evidence of late- to post-magmatic metasomatic alteration. REE mobilization and replacement of the primary phases by fluid-mediated coupled dissolution-reprecipitation strongly depended on the distance between the altered minerals in the host rock. Fluorapatite and fluorbritholite-(Ce) forming individual pristine grains were partially replaced by the same phase with a new composition, resulting in the presence of patchy zoning in altered grains. the increased REE contents in altered fluorapatite rim domains are related to REE mobilization from the altered REE-depleted rim domains of the fluorbritholite-(Ce). The REEs were transported by a fluid with high F activity. The alteration of fluorapatite and fluorbritholite-(Ce) grains in contact resulted in the partial replacement of the primary phases by the same phase with a new composition, but also in the partial replacement of the fluorapatite by secondary monazite and fluorite. The REE mobilized from the fluorbritholite-(Ce) in the presence of a F-rich fluid in an alkali-rich system promoted formation of monazite as the new phosphate REE-host. The presence of secondary parisite in the altered domains of the fluorapatite and fluorbritholite-(Ce) indicates a CO2 component in the fluid during metasomatic alteration