27 research outputs found

    Estetinis gamtovaizdžių vertinimas

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    Straipsnio tikslas – apžvelgti gamtos estetinio suvokimo esmę ir galimybes siekianti bent iš dalies objektyviai estetiškai įvertinti gamtinius kompleksus ar teritorijas. Teigiama, kad gamtos estetiniai ištekliai yra visa mus supanti gamtinė aplinka, sukelianti ją stebinčiam žmogui estetinį pasitenkinimą. Grožį sudaro objekto ir subjekto santykiavimas, objektyvi ir subjektyvi dalys kaip realumo ir idealumo dialektika. Objektyvios grožio dalies pagrindą sudaro optimali įvairovė ir harmonija, o subjektyviosios – tikslingumas. Grožio kaip vertybės supratimas yra būtina sąlyga, sprendžiant grožio objektyvumo klausimą. Gamtos objektų estetinio vertinimo pagrindas yra gamtinių veiksnių, atspindinčių atitinkamus objektus ir veikiančių mūsų regėjimo organus, pastovumas ir poveikio stiprumas. Kiekvieno gamtovaizdžio estetiniame vertinime sąlyginai galime išskirti pastovią (normalią) ir momentinę (labilią) estetinę vertę arba grožį. Objektyvaus estetinio gamtos objektų palyginimo galimybės yra ribotos. Įvairių gamtovaizdžių palyginimui reikia sukurti abstrahuotą gamtovaizdžio modelį, turintį visų galimų gamtovaizdžio elementų. Jį sukurti įmanoma tik atlikus detalią gamtovaizdžio estetinių savybių struktūrinę analizę

    Nonlinear optical methods for generation of ultra-short infrared pulses

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    One of the most prominent current trends in ultrafast laser technology is the widespread adoption of lasers based on active media doped with Yb3+ ions. Although these lasers have a lot of advantages, they produce considerably longer pulses than the previous generation Ti:Sapphire lasers, which poses new challenges in certain application fields. The goal of the dissertation was to develop methods for generation of few optical cycle, high peak power pulses with stable carrier-enveloped phase (CEP) in optical parametric amplification systems pumped by Yb:KGW and Nd:YAG lasers. In pursuit of this goal, a special all-optical CEP stabilization setup was developed, and later used in a high average power (53W) optical parametric amplification system producing >5TW peak power, <8fs duration pulses with high temporal contrast and high CEP stability. The remaining part of the dissertation is dedicated to other nonlinear optical techniques which may be useful in developing Yb3+-laser-based systems for applications in strong field physics and spectroscopy: spectral broadening of high-energy infrared pulses in an array of thin transparent plates; infrared pulse self-compression in a crystal with negative nonlinear refraction; development of a source of broadband pulses tunable in the 3-12μm range

    Do the fiduciary duties of director of the company change during the period of insolvency?

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    Šiuolaikinėse teisinėse sistemose įtvirtintų įmonės vadovo fiduciarinių pareigų instituto tikslas - apsaugoti įmonės (akcininkų) interesus nuo įmonės vadovo veiksmų. Vadovaudamasis fiduciarinėmis pareigomis, įmonės vadovas privalo veikti išimtinai įmonės interesams. Šio darbo problema yra ta, kad įmonės vadovas veikdamas išimtinai įmonės (akcininkų) interesams įmonės nemokumo laikotarpiu, pažeistų įmonės kreditorių teises bei interesus. Šiam darbui keliami šie uždaviniai : (1) išsiaiškinti privataus juridinio asmens vaidmenį teisinėje sistemoje; (2) pateikti įmonės vadovo fiduciarinių pareigų sampratą ir reglamentavimą tarptautiniame kontekste; (3) atskleisti įmonės nemokumo atsiradimo momentą bei teisines pasekmes; (4) išsiaiškinti, kokį poveikį daro įmonės nemokumas privataus juridinio asmens vadovo fiduciarinėms pareigoms. Šio darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti įmonės vadovo fiduciarines pareigas bei atsakyti į klausimą, ar keičiasi įmonės vadovo fiduciarinės pareigos įmonei esant nemokiai. Šio darbo objektas – privataus juridinio asmens fiduciarinės pareigos. Įgyvendinant darbo tikslą, daugiausia dėmesio buvo skiriama įmonės vadovo fiduciarinių pareigų ir įmonės nemokumo sąvokų sampratoms bei įmonės vadovo fiduciarinių pareigų pasikeitimo nustatymui ryšium su įmonės nemokumu. Šis iškeltas tikslas darbe sėkmingai įgyvendintas – vadovaujantis Lietuvos bei tarptautine teismų praktika, įstatymais bei moksline literatūra. Vadovaujantis JAV (išskyrus Šiaurės Karolinos valstiją) ir Didžiosios Britanijos teismų praktika įrodyta, jog šiose šalyse, įmonės vadovo fiduciarinės pareigos įmonės nemokumo laikotarpyje keičiasi, t.y. nuo nemokumo finansinės būsenos konstatavimo arba įmonei esant ant nemokumo ribos, (Didžiojoje Britanijoje, vadovaujantis teismo išaiškinimu Re MDA Investment Management Ltd. bankroto byloje) įmonės vadovas privalo veikti išimtinai kreditorių interesams. Lietuvos teisės aktų ir teismų praktikos analizė parodė, jog mūsų šalyje yra tik viena teisės norma, netiesiogiai patvirtinanti apie įmonės vadovo fiduciarinių pareigų pasikeitimą įmonės nemokumo laikotarpyje. Darbo autorius, atliko kreditorinių reikalavimų patenkinimo bankroto bylose statistikos analizę, kuri leido išrinkti priimtiniausią įmonės vadovo fiduciarinių pareigų pasikeitimo modelį Lietuvos valstybei. Šis įmonės vadovo fiduciarinių pareigų pasikeitimo modelis, esant įmonei ant nemokumo ribos, galėtų būti tiesiogiai įtrauktas į teisės aktus bei užtikrint Atlikus tyrimą, darytina išvada, jog iškelta hipotezė, kad įmonės vadovo fiduciarinės pareigos keičiasi įmonės nemokumo laikotarpyje, patvirtinta.The title of this work is: do the fiduciary duties of director of the company change during the period of insolvency? The problem of this work is that lots of directors of companies uses creditors funds and deepens the company insolvency. It’s because they have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of their company, so they are trying to get back their company to solvency. The actuality. The main purpose of every company is to get the bigger profit in what their work. Often, profit enforces the director of the company to take untenable, risky business decisions independently of other subjects’ interests. In modern law countries, the fiduciary duties of director of the company are the main protector for other subjects (most often shareholders) from useless, conflicting business decisions. According to the statistics department of Lithuania and data of Lithuanian courts, there were 957 company bankruptcy cases in 2008 and 1409 company bankruptcy case in 2009. Constantly rising numbers of bankruptcy procedures in Lithuania show that more and more companies faces the insolvency financial stage during the economical crisis in the world, so proper regulation of directors fiduciary duties become more and more important question in every countries legal system. Insolvency of the company establishes specific relationships between company and the creditors of the company. In the financial period of insolvency, company starts to use creditors’ resources, to get back to the financial period of solvency. The director of the company has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the company, seek for the profit and the maximization of shareholders wealth. But during the financial period of insolvency, the director of the company in some kind has a duty to act in the best interests of company creditors, because during the insolvency company uses creditors’ funds. This ambiguous situation in the company directors’ work rise up the legal problem: do the fiduciary duties of director of the company change during the period of insolvency? Object of the work – the fiduciary duties of directors of the private legal entity. The following tasks were set for this work: 1. to find out the role of companies’ in legal system; 2. reveal the concept of company directors fiduciary duties in Lithuania and other countries; 3. reveal the appearance of financial insolvency in the company 4. detect the influence of insolvency for fiduciary duties of company director. The objective of this work is to analyse the directors of the company fiduciary duties during the period of insolvency. Do they have to have to act in the best interests of the company (shareholders) or do they have to act in the best interests of creditors during the insolvency period. The set objective has been implemented successfully – the fiduciary duties of directors during the period of insolvency were formed following the Lithuanian and international precedents, laws and scientific literature. The analysis of case precedent in USA and Great Britain, showed that in these countries the fiduciary duties of directors’ changes during the period of insolvency. So from the beginning of insolvency the directors of companies have a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the company. There was one exception in the North Carolina state, where in the case In re Maxx Race Cards court said that the fiduciary duties of companies directors didn’t change in the insolvency period, except if they are violating the fiduciary duty to act bona fide. According to Lithuanian bankruptcy law, director of an insolvent company has a duty to apply to the court for bankruptcy case to the company. This is indirect prove that fiduciary duties of directors’ changes during the period of insolvency. After the research, the conclusion can be made that the hypothesis that the fiduciary duties of the director of the company changes in the period of insolvency, has been confirmed. This work analyzes new legal problem that has not been examined yet in the Lithuanian legal doctrine nor in scientific literature. In Lithuanian laws and case precedents we can’t find the direct statement, that fiduciary duties of directors’ of the company, changes during the period of insolvency. The topic of this work is also actual in nowadays, because of economic crisis, lots of companies are insolvent and there has to be the legal statements which would protect companies’ creditors from deepening insolvency.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Investigation of the intuitive control unit for smart lighting system

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    The main goal of this work is to develop the autonomous stand-alone wireless smart luminaire control prototype, which could be operated without any expensive smart devices such as computers, smartphones or tablets. The following tasks were identified in order to achieve the goal: 1. Analyse the most popular wireless communication protocols and standards and choose the most suitable for the particular smart lighting application. 2. Develop the prototype of controller end unit and smart luminaire. 3. Investigate and characterize the wireless communication signal distribution map and suitability for particular application with chip and external antennas. 4. Minimise noise impact for controller commands precision. 5. Optimise energy consumption of controller end unit. 6. Achieve autonomous operation of at least 100 days for controller end unit. The control system of smart luminaire capable to change light intensity, correlated colour temperature and saturation/dulling ratio was set for development and investigation. Commercial wall dimmers were employed as human interface devices for the simplest and most intuitive way of lighting control. The ZigBee RF4CE wireless communication protocol was chosen as the most suitable for smart lighting controls due to the promising efficiency, signal stability and ability to be powered from battery. Such system setup allows minimizing installation costs in renovated objects, where additional control wires are difficult to install. The prototype of controller end unit and luminaire was developed based on SAMR21 microcontrollers. The measurement of ZigBee RF4CE signal distribution map showed that reliable communication could be obtained within a single room if only integrated antennas is used. It is possible to extend the range with external antennas, but it still cannot transmit data reliably through reinforced concrete. Controller end unit could operate autonomously for 173 days

    Interferometric measurements of nonlinear refractive index in the infrared spectral range /

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    This study presents the development and application of interferometric technique for the measurement of nonlinear refractive index of optical materials, while directly accounting for experimentally determined laser pulse shape and beam profile. The method was employed in a systematic study of nonlinear refractive index on a series of common optical materials used in near and mid-IR spectral range, where experimental data on nonlinear material properties is still scarce. The values of nonlinear refractive index were determined at 1.03 µm, 2.2 µm, and 3.2 µm. The measurement results are compared to the values determined by previous studies (where available), and the influence of cascaded second-order nonlinearities is discussed

    The influence of pruning intensivity on the tree codition at the Kaunas city streets

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    Genėjimo intensyvumo įtaka medžių būklei buvo tirta 1994-1998 metais. Nustatyta, kad lajos atsistatymas po genėjimo priklauso nuo medžio rūšies ir nugenėjimo laipsnio. genėtų medžių, išskyrus labai intensyviai nugenėtus (4 laipsnio), būklė pirmaisiais-antraisiais po nugenėjimo metais geresnė nei tos pačios rūšies negenėtų medžiųThe influence of pruning intensivity on the tree codition was investigated in 1994-1998 in Kaunas. The restoration of crown after pruning depends on tree species and pruning degree. In the first two years after pruning with the exeption of very intensive pruning the condition of pruned trees was better than of these without pruningVytauto Didžiojo universiteta