714 research outputs found

    Influence of vaccine therapy on clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with recurrent urinary tract infection.

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    Recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI) remains a pressing issue in the era of large-scale antibiotic resistance (ABR). Modern discoveries testify to the paradigm's error regarding sterility of urine, pointing to the decisive role of the microbial symbiote in the persistence of infection. The purpose of the study was to study the clinical and laboratory efficacy of vaccine therapy in children with recurrent UTI. During the period 2018 - 2019, 21 children (girls) aged 7-18 years with recurrent UTI in the exacerbation phase were observed. By the nature of therapy, children were divided into groups: Ia - received vaccine therapy (VT) in the complex of therapy, Ib - a combination of VT and ABT, II – ABT. In addition to the generally accepted methods of assessing the clinical and laboratory status of a nephrologicals patient, modern non-routine diagnostic methods such as the identification of a microbial pathogen by MALDI TOF mass spectrometry and the determination of the susceptibility of microorganisms by the MIC 90 method were used. As vaccine therapy, the original multicomponent drug was used: Ecsherichia coli (CCM 7593), Enterococcus faecalis (CCM7591), Klebsiella pneumonia (CCM 7589), Proteus mirabilis (CCМ 7592), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (CCM 7590), Propionibacterium acnes (CCM 7083). The drug was prescribed according to the instructions, the duration of use was determined individually by clinical indicators,  from 3 to 12 months. According to the study, it was determined that VT leads to the restoration of the sensitivity of resistant strains of pathogens. The probability of recovery of sensitivity after the 3rd cycle of treatment was OR=1,87±1,13 [0,2; 17,3] at CI 95% (p<0,05), after the 6th cycle of therapy – OR=4,5±1.32 [0.33; 60.1], which is 2.4 times higher than the previous one. The effect of restoring the sensitivity of the strains was significantly confirmed in patients after the 9th cycle of therapy (p=0.008). A high association strength according to the Spearman criterion indicated the dependence of bacterial efficacy of VT on its term of application – p= -0.97, (p<0.05). It is shown that the probability of reinfection after 3 cycles of vaccine therapy is 20.5 times lower than after the course of ABT

    Realization of pedagogical preconditions while teenagers education as subjects of research activity in a hobby circle “Young Aquarians”

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    Розкриття можливостей реалізації педагогічних умов виховання підлітків як суб’єктів дослідницької діяльності на заняттях гуртка «Юні акваріумісти».Efficiency of teenagers education process as subjects of research activity while work of hobby group is achieved due to positive motivation of teenagers to the research process, capable use by the group teacher various traditional and interactive methods and forms of education for realization of the program content for the group “Young Aquarians” and effective guidance by this process from the side of the competent group manager while subject-subject interaction.Роботу виконано на кафедрі теорії і методики природничо-математичних дисциплін початкової освіт

    Сontent and methods of forming research skills among high school pupils at hobby group lessons.

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    кафедра теорії і методики природничо-математичних дисциплін початкової освіти СНУ ім.Лесі Українк

    Psychological and pedagogical features of forming teenagrs as subjects of research activity

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    Актуальність теоретичного обґрунтування психолого-педагогічних особливостей виховання суб’єктності підлітків в процесі дослідницької роботі обумовлена сенситивністю визначеного вікового періоду для розвитку суб’єктної позиції школярів у процесі дослідницької діяльності. Relevance of theoretical study concerning psychological and pedagogical features of teenagers’ subjectivity education in the process of research activity is conditional on sensitivity of the certain age period for development of pupils’ subject position in the research activity. Purpose of this paper is to outline the psychological and pedagogical features of teenagers’ education as subjects of research activity. The author emphasized that an important fact in formation of a teenager as a subject of research activity was consideration of cognitive motivation and research activity, their intellectual abilities, characteristics of analytical and critical thinking; development of tendency to introspection and self-analysis; wide use of subjective experience in interpretation and evaluation of facts, phenomena, events, reality, dedication bots caused by deep interest in scientific problems. It is noted that the subject of research activity is a teenager, capable of independent search of subjectively unknown knowledge, learning the lessons of creativity and achieving subjectively new research findings. An important role in formation of a teenager as a subject of research activity is assigned to leading role of a teacher.Роботу виконано на кафедрі теорії і методики природничо-математичних дисциплін початкової освіт

    Using interactive teaching methods in the circle work

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    У статті аналізуються підходи вчених до формулювання поняття «інтерактивне навчання», подається власне його трактування, обґрунтовані методи інтерактивного навчання, які сприяють ефективному розвитку активності й комунікативності вихованців у ході занять гуртка «Юний акваріуміст». У статті наголошується, що найбільш ефективними на заняттях гуртка «Юний акваріуміст» виявилися такі інтерактивні методи як мозковий штурм, дискусія, метод «прес», акваріум, активізуюча вікторина робота в парах або групах, знайди помилку тощо. In the article the scientific approaches to definition "interactive teaching" are analyzed, its interpretation is given, interactive teaching methods contributing to effective development of the pupils’ communicative activity at the hobby group "Young aquarist” studies are based. It is noted in the article that the most effective interactive methods at the hobby group "Young aquarist” studies proved to be brainstorming, discussion, press method, aquarium, activating quiz work in pairs or groups, finding the mistake ones and so on.Роботу виконано на кафедрі теорії та методики природничо-математичних дисциплін початкової освіти СНУ ім.Лесі Українк

    Cyto- and histoarchitectonics of the chicken spleen in the post-vaccination period

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    One of the main functions of the spleen is participation in many immunological processes, protecting the body from various harmful agents. It is a secondary organ of lymphopoiesis and the only organ of immunogenesis, which provides immune control of blood and detects genetically foreign agents in it, and performs the role of a biological filter. Therefore, the Study of its histo-architectonics has theoretical and practical significance. The histostructure of the spleen of chickens has significant differences, particularly the absence of trabeculae, a small amount of connective tissue based around large vessels. The structure of the spleen of one-day-old vaccinated and non-vaccinated chickens is not formed, as there is no differentiation of the white pulp from the red pulp, which is related to the biological features of the chickens' body. According to our research, the presence of lymphoid nodules is observed for the first time in the 25-day age of the vaccinated group chickens. According to morphometric studies, it was established that their number was 2.33 ± 0.42 pcs. Comprehensive farm vaccination programs include ten vaccinations of chickens up to 100 days of age. Under the influence of multiple antigenic stimulations in the following age periods of a 50-day-old bird (after six vaccinations: twice against infectious bronchitis and infectious bursal disease, once against Marek's disease and Newcastle disease), the 75-day (after nine times vaccination), 100-day (after ten times vaccination) number and sizes of lymphoid nodules, as well as periarterial lymphoid sheaths and periellipsoid lymphoid sheaths increased concerning chickens of the control group. Our research established that the histostructure of the spleen of one-day-old chickens of the experimental and control groups is incomplete. The bird's spleen, a peripheral organ of immune protection, is formed at 25 days. However, chickens are vaccinated twice (against Marek's disease and infectious bronchitis) in the incubator when they are less than one day old, and 90% of the planned vaccinations are completed by the age of 75 days. Therefore, studying morphological changes in the spleen of birds of different ages can be an essential tool for re-evaluating preventive treatment protocols in modern poultry farming

    Biochemical screening of Hisex brown cross chickens after multiple vaccinations

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    It is impossible to imagine the epizootic well-being of poultry without immunoprophylaxis. Today, there are many vaccines to prevent infectious diseases in poultry. Our work aimed to determine how repeated vaccination affects the biochemical parameters of poultry serum. The post-vaccination changes in the protein, lipid, and enzyme metabolism of the poultry of the experimental group, which received repeated vaccine prophylaxis, are highlighted in the work. The obtained blood serum samples on the 1st, 15th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 100th, and 120th days of the chickens' life were analyzed using a semi-automatic biochemical analyzer for the content of glucose, total protein, albumins, globulins, bilirubin, creatinine, uric acid, and alpha-amylase activity, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, gamma glutamine transferase, and creatinine kinase. The conducted studies established an increase in indicators in the research group of 100-day-old chickens after the last vaccine prophylaxis complex compared to the control group, namely: hyperpotenemia by 8.6 %, hyperbilirubinemia by 19.6 %, hyperglycemia by 20.3 %, hyperenzymemia of alanine aminotransferase by 31 %, gamma glutamine transferase by 21.2 %, aspartate aminotransferase by 7.9 %, alpha-amylase by 3.9 %, alkaline phosphatase by 11.9 %, lactate dehydrogenase by 18.2 %. In connection with this, we can assume the stimulation of biochemical processes in the poultry's body against the background of vaccine prophylaxis

    Morphological plasticity of motor axons in Drosophila mutants with altered excitability

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    An anatomical and electrophysiological study of Drosophila mutants has been made to determine the effect of altered electrical activity on the development and maintenance of larval neuromuscular junctions. We examined motor axon terminals of (1) hyperexcitable mutants Shaker (Sh), ether a go-go (eag), Hyperkinetic (Hk), and Duplication of para+ (Dp para+); and (2) mutants with reduced excitability, no action potential (napts) and paralytic (parats 1). Nerve terminals innervating larval body-wall muscles were visualized by using anti-HRP immunocytochemistry, which specifically stains neurons in insect species. In wild-type larvae, motor axon terminals were distributed in a stereotypic fashion. However, in combinations of eag and Sh alleles, the basic pattern of innervation was altered. There was an increase in both the number of higher-order axonal branches over the muscles and the number of varicosities on the neurites. A similar phenomenon was found in the double mutant Hk eag and, to a lesser extent, in Dp para+ and Dp para+ Sh mutants. It is known that at permissive temperature the napts, but not parats 1, mutation decreases excitability of larval motor axons and suppresses the behavioral phenotypes of Sh, eag, and Hk. In the mutant napts (reared at permissive temperature), a slight decrease in the extent of branching was observed. Yet, when combined with eag Sh, napts completely reversed the morphological abnormality in eag Sh mutants. No such reversion was observed in parats 1 eag Sh mutants. The endogenous patterns of electrical activity at the neuromuscular junction were analyzed by extracellular recordings in a semi-intact larval preparation. Recordings from wild-type body-wall muscles revealed rhythmic bursts of spikes. In eag Sh mutants, this rhythmic activity was accompanied by or superimposed on periods of strong tonic activity. This abnormal pattern of activity could be partially suppressed by napts in combination with eag Sh