1,135 research outputs found

    Carbon Nanotube Capacitors

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    We introduce a vertical carbon nanotube capacitor with high capacitance per unit area. Using an electrical model of single-walled, metallic carbon nanotubes and the extracted capacitance values of a carbon nanotube bundle network, we develop an electrical model for the capacitor. The device can exhibit a capacitance greater than 175fF/mu m(2)

    INPOP08, a 4-D planetary ephemeris: From asteroid and time-scale computations to ESA Mars Express and Venus Express contributions

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    The latest version of the planetary ephemerides developed at the Paris Observatory and at the Besancon Observatory is presented here. INPOP08 is a 4-dimension ephemeris since it provides to users positions and velocities of planets and the relation between TT and TDB. Investigations leading to improve the modeling of asteroids are described as well as the new sets of observations used for the fit of INPOP08. New observations provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) deduced from the tracking of the Mars Express (MEX) and Venus Express (VEX) missions are presented as well as the normal point deduced from the Cassini mission. We show the huge impact brought by these observations in the fit of INPOP08, especially in terms of Venus, Saturn and Earth-Moon barycenter orbits.Comment: 14 pages. submitted to A&A. accepted in A&

    Health effects due to fumigated freight containers and goods: how to detect, how to act

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    Headache, concentration and memory disorders, dizziness and nausea, skin irritation, respiratory distress, and muscle cramps — isolated or in various combinations — may be the result of acute or chronic intoxication by fumigants. The occurrence of these symptoms in workers who are engaged in the opening and unloading of containers, unpacking of imported goods, ventilating of containers, or working on bulk carriers are urgent indications of intoxication by fumigants or other toxic chemical residues in the transported goods. The severity of the disorder depends on the concentration and duration of exposure, distribution and release of the fumigant, its kinetics, the individual susceptibility of the person, as well as any simultaneous exposure to other toxic substances. Physical symptoms, acute and chronic health effects due to contact with fumigants, are complex and difficult to discover. In this article we explain how to identify the guiding symptoms and describe the appropriate diagnostic steps and the prevention of such events on cargo vessels as well as in the logistics and the handling of imported goods

    Ionospheric conductance distribution and MHD wave structure: observation and model

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    Nuclear Export Through Nuclear Envelope Remodeling in Saccharomyces cerevisiae [preprint]

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    In eukaryotes, subsets of exported mRNAs are organized into large ribonucleoprotein (megaRNP) granules. How megaRNPs exit the nucleus is unclear, as their diameters are much larger than the nuclear pore complex (NPC) central channel. We previously identified a non-canonical nuclear export mechanism in Drosophila (Speese et al., Cell 2012) and mammals (Ding et al., in preparation), in which megaRNPs exit the nucleus by budding across nuclear envelope (NE) membranes. Here, we present evidence for a similar pathway in the nucleus of the budding yeast S. cerevisiae, which contain morphologically similar granules bearing mRNAs. Wild-type yeast displayed these granules at very low frequency, but this frequency was dramatically increased when the non-essential NPC protein Nup116 was deleted. These granules were not artifacts of defective NPCs; a mutation in the exportin XPO1 (CRM1), in which NPCs are normal, induced similar megaRNP upregulation. We hypothesize that a non-canonical nuclear export pathway, analogous to those observed in Drosophila and in mammalian cells, exists in yeast, and that this pathway is upregulated for use when NPCs or nuclear export are impaired


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    Навчальний посібник містить теоретичні основи акваріумної справи, творчі та тестові завдання для самоконтролю, методичні розробки виховних заходів на акваріумну тематику, фотоматеріали акваріумів. Видання розроблено відповідно до навчальних планів підготовки бакалавра напряму підготовки 6.010102: «Початкова освіта», напряму підготовки 8.18010017: «Економіка довкілля і природніх ресурсів». Посібник можна використовувати під час вивчення таких дисциплін, як «Основи природознавства», «Екокультура особистості», «Еколого-натуралістична робота в початковій школі», «Методика навчання освітньої галузі знань “Природознавство”», «Позакласна та позашкільна освітньо-виховна педагогічна практика», «Економіка довкілля і природокористування». Для студентів педагогічних спеціальностей і педагогів та вихователів закладів системи освіти. Tutorial contains theoretical principles of aquariumistics, creative and test tasks for self-control, methodic guides of educative events on aquarium subjects, aquariums photomaterials. Meant for students of pedagogical, economic specialities as well as for teachers and instructors of educational establishments.Буднік Світлана Василівна – асистент кафедри теорії і методики природничо – математичних дисциплін початкової освіти педагогічного інституту Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки, автор 17 наукових праць. Вчитель біології, керівник гуртка «Юні акваріумісти» НВК № 22 –ліцей м. Луцька Волинської області. Колосок Андрій Мирославович - к.е.н., доцент кафедри економіки та безпеки підприємства Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки, автор понад 40 наукових праць. Має двадцятилітній практичний досвід з утримання та розведення акваріумних мешканців, є провідним фахівцем акваріумної справи у Волинській області. Budnik Svitlana Vasylivna - an assistant of the Department on Theory and Methodology of Natural-and-Mathematical Sciences in Primary Education of Pedagogical Institute as a part of Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University, the author of 17 scientific works. Biology teacher, hobby circle “Young Aquarians” teacher at the Educational Complex – lyceum No 22 in Lutsk city, Volyn region. Kolosok Andrii Myroslavovych - Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Enterprise Safety of Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University, the author of more than 40 scientific works. Has twenty-year-long practical experience in aquarium habitants keeping, is the leading specialist of aquariumistics in Volyn region

    The energy production rate & the generation spectrum of UHECRs

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    We derive simple analytic expressions for the flux and spectrum of ultra-high energy cosmic-rays (UHECRs) predicted in models where the CRs are protons produced by extra-Galactic sources. For a power-law scaling of the CR production rate with redshift and energy, d\dot{n} /dE\propto E^-\alpha (1+z)^m, our results are accurate at high energy, E>10^18.7 eV, to better than 15%, providing a simple and straightforward method for inferring d\dot{n}/dE from the observed flux at E. We show that current measurements of the UHECR spectrum, including the latest Auger data, imply E^2d\dot{n}/dE(z=0)=(0.45\pm0.15)(\alpha-1) 10^44 erg Mpc^-3 yr^-1 at E<10^19.5 eV with \alpha roughly confined to 2\lesseq\alpha<2.7. The uncertainty is dominated by the systematic and statistic errors in the experimental determination of individual CR event energy, (\Delta E/E)_{sys} (\Delta E/E)_{stat} ~20%. At lower energy, d\dot{n}/dE is uncertain due to the unknown Galactic contribution. Simple models in which \alpha\simeq 2 and the transition from Galactic to extra-Galactic sources takes place at the "ankle", E ~10^19 eV, are consistent with the data. Models in which the transition occurs at lower energies require a high degree of fine tuning and a steep spectrum, \alpha\simeq 2.7, which is disfavored by the data. We point out that in the absence of accurate composition measurements, the (all particle) energy spectrum alone cannot be used to infer the detailed spectral shapes of the Galactic and extra-Galactic contributions.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, minor revision