127 research outputs found


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    Background: General Hospital Pandan Arang well as hospitals to provide services (Public Hospital) is also an education where students from several universities (Theaching Hospital). But most of the students at the General Hospital have not implemented optimally obligations. Many of the factors that affect student performance practice, such as self efficacy and social support. Objective: To analyze the relationship between self efficacy and social support on the performance of college students practice midwifery in the General Hospital Boyolali. Methods: This study uses quantitative research design. Research conducted at the General Hospital Boyolali. The number of samples of 50 students who conducted the performance academy midwifery practice in the General Hospital Boyolali, using a random quota sampling technique. Independent variables were self-efficacy and social support, while the dependent variable of performance practice. Collecting data using questionnaires and secondary data that exist in the hospital. Data analysis using normality test, linearity and multiple linear regression analysis. Results: show that there is a very significant positive relationship between self efficacy and social support on performance practice, with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0, 696, p = 0.000 (p <0.05) (self efficacy), 0.775; p = 0.000 (p <0.05) (social support). Effective contribution of the variable self-efficacy and social support is 67.9% which is shown by the determinant coefficient (r2) of 0.679. Conclusion: there is a relationship between self efficacy and social support on the performance of college students practice midwifery either partial or jointly significantly


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    Latar belakang, Rumah Sakit Umum Pandan Arang, sebagai salah satu Rumah Sakit Umum (RSU) milik pemeritah di Kabupaten Boyolali Jawa Tengah juga menghadapi tantangan untuk menyediakan pelayanan yang bermutu dan terjangkau masyarakat luas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Mengetahui pengaruh pendapatan keluarga terhadap pilihan kelas rawat inap di Rumah Sakit Umum Pandan Arang Kabupaten Boyolali, setelah mempertimbangkan faktor perancu yang terdiri dari; (1) tingkat pendidikan, (2) jarak/biaya transport, (3). Jumlah anggota keluarga, (4). Perceived Quality of Care dan (5) Status Asuransi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan metode observasi analitik dengan pendekatan studi potong lintang (Cross Sectional), dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Umum Pandan Arang Kabupaten Boyolali. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli- Agustus 2006. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien rawat inap di RSU Pandan Arang Boyolali pada Tahun 2006. Sedangkan sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil dengan teknik Fixed-Disease Sampling sebanyak 96 responden. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan program SPSS 13 dengan analisis regresi ganda logistik Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor-faktor yang meningkatkan pasien memilih ruang rawat inap yang lebih baik adalah Pendapatan keluarga (OR = 39,522; CI 95 % = 9,547 – 163,610), dan Tingkat pendidikan SMP/SMU (OR = 3,176; CI 95 % = 0,908 – 11,111); PT (OR = 2,162; CI 95 % = 0,171 – 27,352). Faktor yang menurunakan pasien memilih ruang rawat inap yang lebih baik adalah Jarak rumah ke RS (OR = 0,092; CI 95 % = 0,017 – 0,500), dan Status Asuransi(OR = 0,657; CI 95 % = 0,198 – 2,185). Faktor yang tidak berperan penting dalam memilih ruang rawat inap yang lebih baik adalah Perceived quality of care dan jumlah anggota keluarga(OR = 1,052; CI 95 % = 0,333 – 0,330). Kesimpulan: Pendapatan keluarga berpengaruh terhadap pilihan kelas rawat inap di Rumah Sakit Umum Pandan Arang Kabupaten Boyolali. Responden yang mempunyai penghasilan keluarga lebih besar dari Rp. 1.800.000,00 mempunyai kecenderungan meningkatkan 39,5 kali untuk memilih ruang rawat inap Kelas VIP dan Kelas I daripada yang berpenghasilan keluarga kurang dari Rp. 1.800.000,00 (OR = 39,522; CI 95 % = 9,547 – 163,610), setelah mempertimbangkan faktor perancu tingkat pendidikan, jarak rumah sakit, jumlah keluarga, dan status asuransi.Disarankan untuk meningkatan program-program upaya pendapatan keluarga, khususnya pendapatan ibu agar dilakukan dan diperluas karena berdampak dalam meningkatkan kemampuan memilih kamar rawat inap yang lebih baik _______________________________________________________________

    Pendugaan Simpanan Karbon pada Kawasan Rehabilitasi Pesisir Selatan Pulau Jawa

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    Konservasi karbon merupakan salah satu tindakan penting dalam rehabilitasi pesisir, khususnya pesisir selatan Pulau Jawa dengan keunikan ombak yang besar, salinitas tinggi dan sedimen beragam. Penelitian dilaksanakan untuk menduga simpanan karbon dalam berbagai bagian pada areal pesisir tersebut, yang terdiri dari tapak tergenang (tegakan mangrove 14 tahun jenis Avicennia/AV, Rhizophora/RH dan campuran/MX, lahan sedimen/SD, rumput/GR) dan tapak kering berpasir tegakan Casuarina equisetifolia/CS umur 18 tahun. Tiga sampai sembilan petak ukur dibuat untuk pengamatan dan pengukuran vegetasi, serta pengambilan sampel tanah (kedalaman 0-20, 20-40 dan 40-60 cm), dan pengukuran tegakan. Biomasa pohon diestimasi dengan mengkonvesri diameter batang (DBH) menggunakan persamaan alometrik. Biomasa pohon dirubah menjadi karbon tersimpan menggunakan berat jenis kayu yaitu 0,464 untuk above-ground (AGC), dan 0,39 untuk below-ground (BGC), serta untuk menduga biomasa karbon total (TBC). Karbon organik tanah (COT) dianalisis secara terpisah, dan digabungkan dengan karbon biomasa untuk memperkirakan simpanan karbon dalam ekosistem. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variasi yang tinggi dari pertumbuhan dan kerapatan pohon, khususnya pada tegakan mangrove, dengan kemampuan regenerasi yang rendah. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang nyata dari simpanan karbon pada biomasa antara tegakan mangrove dengan Casuarina. Rerata TBC pada mangrove adalah 46,08 Mg C/ha, sedikit lebih rendah daripada CS (51,50 Mg C/ha). Di bawah tanah (hingga kedalaman 60 cm), tapak tergenang (AV, RH, MX, SD dan GR) secara nyata menyimpan COT lebih besar daripada tapak kering (CS). Kedalaman tanah secara nyata mempengaruhi COT, namun pada tapak tergenang semakin dalam tanah maka COT semakin besar, sedangkan tren sebaliknya pada tapak kering. Perkiraan total karbon tersimpan adalah 248.52 (±87.21) Mg C/ha, dengan terendah pada CS (94.46 Mg C/ha) dan tertinggi pada MX (324.77 Mg C/ha). Rehabilitasi pesisir berpeluang meningkatkan simpanan karbon ekosistem karena adanya adanya biomasa pohon, dibandingkan tapak terbuka yakni SD dan GR. Pada tapak tergenang/tegakan mangrove sebagian besar simpanan karbon berupa COT, dan lebih sedikit ditemukan pada CS. Perbedaan karakteristik simpanan karbon ini memerlukan penanganan atau konservasi yang berbeda, tetapi sama-sama membutuhkan rehabilitasi dan regenerasi buatan yang intensif. Carbon Stock Estimation in the South Coastal Rehabilitation Area of Java IslandAbstractCarbon conservation is one of important actions for coastal rehabilitation, in particular in the south coast of Java Island with its unique characteristics of strong tide, high salinity and diverse substrates. The research aimed to estimate carbon stocks from various carbon pools in the coast rehabilitation area, including wetland sites (14-year-old mangroves of Avicennia/AV, Rhizophora/RH and mix mangrove/MX, mudflat-sediment/SD, grassland/GR) and dry-sandy site of 18-year-old Casuarina equisetifolia/CS. Three to nine plots were established for observing and measuring vegetation, as well as taking soil sample at 0-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm depths. Tree biomass were estimated by converting treestem diameter using allometric equation. The tree biomass were converted into tree carbon using carbon density of 0.464 for aboveground (AGC), and 0.39 for below-ground (BGC), and to estimate total biomass carbon (TBC). Soil organic carbon (SOC) was analyzed separately, and combined with biomass carbon to estimate total carbon stock in the ecosystems. High variation of tree growth and density were found, especially in mangrove stands, with a low level of natural regeneration. No significant difference of carbon stock in biomass between mangroves and Casuarina was observed. Average TBC in mangroves (46.08 Mg C/ha) was slightly lower than in CS (51.50 Mg C/ha). In below ground (up to 60 cm depth), wetland sites (AV, RH, MX, SD and GR) significantly stored more SOC than dry land (CS). Soil depth significantly affected SOC, but in wetland sites deeper soil contained more carbon than upper, while an opposite trend was observed in CS. Estimated total carbon stock in the coast was 248.52 (±87.21) Mg C/ha, with the lowest in CS (94.46 Mg C/ha) and highest in MX (324.77 Mg C/ha). Rehabilitation activities in the coast possibly improve carbon stock in the ecosystems due to tree biomass, compared to open sites of SD and GR. In the wetland or mangroves, most of carbon was observed as SOC, and less in the dry-land site. The different characteristics of carbon storage in the south coast need different conservation techniques, but both sites need intensive rehabilitation work and artificial regeneration

    Penerapan Pola Agroforestri Berbasis Kelapa dan Pendapatan Petani di Desa Samuda, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara

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    This study aims to determine the application of agroforestry patterns and their contribution to the income of farmers in the village of Samuda, North Halmahera Regency. The research method used was a purposive sampling method, with 30 respondent farmers who had coconut-based agroforestry land. Data collection and analysis are done descriptively and quantitatively. The results showed that two patterns of agroforestry application, the Agrisilvikultur Tress Along with Borders pattern and the Agrisilvikultur Random Mixture pattern, we're able to make many ecological and economic contributions. From the ecological point of view, mixed agroforestry patterns can increase resistance to plant diseases, and economically, agroforestry patterns can increase farmers' average income. Completion of coconut-based agroforestry in the form of copra increased the average annual income of IDR 35,633,333.3/year and the average income from secondary crops by IDR. 1,249,637,500/year. While the average income from non-agroforestry products is IDR 34,550,000/year. Comparison of income and expenditure shows that the average income of farmers is greater than the expenditure, so the application of agroforestry patterns has a significant influence on the level of welfare of farmers in the study area

    Groundwater Occurrence Prediction using Regressions on Morphometric Variables in Upstream Progo Watershed, Yogyakarta

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.5.3.265-276Geomorphological mapping has been done at the upstream part of Progo Drainage Area by measuring some geomorphological indexes and level of shallow groundwater level at 196 stations, to investigate connections between geomorphological characteristics and groundwater system in the area. These indexes are valley floor - height ratio (Vf), valley cross section (Vratio o rVr), stream gradient index (SL), and drainage density (Dd). Based on the linear regression analysis, the four indexes show none to very weak correlation to water table at most locations. It means that all width, height, and width of the river valley do not control shallow groundwater level. However, some locations indicate a strong control of elevation to shallow groundwater level. The first case indicates that there is another controlling factor to the shallow groundwater system. Most likely, a deeper aquifer exists at those locations, which does not show up in the second case. All results give a preliminary indication that morphometry can be used to predict groundwater system in the area.</div

    Produksi dan Kandungan Hara Serasah pada Hutan Rakyat Nglanggeran, Gunung Kidul, D.i. YOGYAKARTA

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    Bentuk pengelolaan khas hutan rakyat di Desa Nglanggeran, Kecamatan Patuk, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, ada tiga macam, yaitu alas (hutan), pekarangan, dan tegalan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui produksi dan jenis serasah dominan serta menganalisis kandungan nutrisinya sehingga dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam pemilihan jenis yang dapat menambah unsur hara pada tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan urutan produksi serasah adalah dari HR3 (6,05 ton/ha/6bln), HR2 (5,64 ton/ha/6 bln) dan HR1 (4,61 ton/ha/6 bln). Berat serasah daun sebesar 5,150 ton/ha (77,07%) di HR3, 5,218 ton/ha (76,22%) di HR2 dan 3,816 ton/ha (66,96 %) di HR1. Produksi serasah tersebut jika terdekomposisi sempurna selama 6 bulan akan menambah unsur hara ke tanah HR3 sebesar 80,56 kg/haN; 3,50 kg/ha P; dan 14,73 kg/ha K, HR2 (69,58 kg/ha N; 3,38 kg/ha P; dan 14,28 kg/ha K), dan paling rendah pada HR1 (53,15 kg/ha N; 1,95 kg/ha P dan 7,18 kg/ha K). Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hara baik tanaman pertanian maupun tanaman hutan (pohon) kandungan hara serasah ini belum mencukupi sehingga perlu dikombinsikan dengan jenis lain seperti legum

    Active learning increases knowledge and understanding of wildlife friendly farming in middle school students in Java, Indonesia

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    The main objective of environmental education is to promote pro-environmental behaviors; increasing knowledge and understanding are the first steps. Active learning plays a crucial role in increasing engagement levels and achieving positive behavioral development. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a wildlife-friendly farming curriculum, including active learning, presented to 223 students aged 13–15 years from ten middle schools in Garut Regency, Indonesia, from June to September 2019. Using pre- and post-questionnaires, we found that knowledge retention and understanding increased if students completed an exercise that involved an active discussion with parents and if the class was engaged (monitored via WhatsApp groups) in an active learning experiment. Key concepts regarding wildlife-friendly farming, such as mutual benefits for wildlife and humans, the provision of ecosystem services by animals, and the use of organic farming, were more frequent if students discussed the program with parents or if they were engaged during the experiment. We found evidence that student engagement via active learning increased knowledge retention and understanding of wildlife-friendly farming. Similar approaches should be used to promote wildlife-friendly farming approaches from even younger ages and should be tested with other projects aimed at producing pro-environmental behaviors

    Analisis Kebutuhan Dan Ketersediaan Air Di DAS Keduang, Jawa Tengah

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    This study aims to examine the balance between the availability and water need in the present and the future in Keduang Watershed, Central Java. The water need is calculated by using the standard water need for irrigation and non-irrigation. Types of non-irrigation water need encompass the water need for domestic, office, and the facilities of health, education, religious duties, industry, and market, as well as livestock. The standard water need is from SNI 19-6728.1-2002 and Planning Criteria of Directorate General of Human Settlements of Department of Public Works in 1996. This study uses socio-economic data in 2013. The availability of water is calculated by using Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS CN) from USDA with the hydrological data from 2005 to 2013. This study uses data in 2013, due to the limitations of the data that can be obtained. In the analysis of availability and water need, hydrological, and spatial data are projected until 2033 and analyzed using quantitative analysis in the form of descriptive statistics. The result shows that 1) from year to year in Keduang watershed, the water need is increasing with an average increase of 3.38%, while the water availability is decreasing with an average decrease of 0.09%. 2) Water deficit will begin in 2023, when the water need is reaching 115,306,568.00 m3/year, whereas the water availability only 112,250,656.00 m3/year. From this calculation, it can be concluded that if there is no effort to change the trend of land cover that lead to the goal of water conservation, then, the water availability will not able to cover the water need. Thus, in the future, Keduang watershed will occur water deficit

    Dry Land Agroforestry Practices In Menoreh Hills, Kulon Progo

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    Private forest in Java Island is mainly managed by Agroforestry (AF) system. There are three levels in AF systems: early AF, middle AF, and advance AF. The land productivity in AF system by villagers is mostly low because of inappropriate AF practice. The objective of this research is to analyze the land management practice in Menoreh hills, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta. The study was conducted in Giripurwo Village, Kulon Progo. Stratifed sampling with purposive sampling was used in this study. Total of twelve plots were determined in every AF levels. Studies conducted in every plot includes the species composition and soil fertillity. The results showed that: (1) Tree composition in early and middle AF is dominated by woody tree (Sengon), while in advance AF is dominated by non-timber forest product (clove), (2) Low soil fertility in the study area is caused by high intensity of biomass harvesting and low fertilization dosage applied, (3) The increment of land productivity could be achieved by increasing the biomass input to the soil from organic fertilizer and crop waste

    Struktur Biomassa Di Atas Dan Di Bawah Permukaan Tanah Tanaman Jati Dengan Modifikasi Pola Tanam

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    Until now, study on the ecological aspects of agroforestry, e.g. estimation of above and below ground biomass is rare, since foresters tend to be more interested in its technical and production aspects. This study was conducted to develop estimation of of above and below ground biomass by employing allometric equation. The object of the study is teak (Teclona grandis) plantation under specific agroforestry model i.e, management regime (MR) type II, where trees are planted similar to alley cropping system with cassava as cash crop for 17, 41, and 65 month old. A total number of 9 trees, three from each of the stands, were taken as sample trees. A destructive method for whole biomass and main-axis cutting (MAC) method for biomass stratification were apllied to all sample trees. Result shows that there were close relationships between stem diameter and stem biomass as well as branch and leaf biomass, allowing us to make biomass estimation from the measured stem diameter. The equations are : w,= 0.0138 (D012H)1-(45 [kg,cm2m] for stern biomasswit = 0.0000589 (D0.1)4-747 [kg,cm] for branch biomass and w1 = 0.00879 (D01)241\u27 [kg,cm] for leaf biomass and wh, = 0.0396. (D012H)°Y-6217[kg,cm2m] for root biomass. Under the MR III plantation, the 17, 41 and 65 month old stands producing an estimated above-ground biomass of 0.0459, 5.097 and 15.143 ton/ha and below ground biomass of 0.0501, 1.373 and 2.838 ton/ha, respeectively. Stand biomass is dominated by the woody organ and above ground parts, which drive the nutrient contribution to the ecosystem. Keywords: management regime, teak, above and below ground biomass, allometr
