24 research outputs found


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    Desa wisata merupakan salah satu implementasi dari kegiatan pariwisata berkelanjutan yang dapat menjadi alternatif solusi dan sebagai invovasi dari berbagai permasalahan kepariwisataan khususnya pada daerah rural. Umumnya sebuah desa wisata akan dibentuk dan diarahkan agar memiliki sebuah tema khusus sesuai dengan potensinya. Agrowisata merupakan salah satu tema khusus yang biasnya digunakan untuk pengembangan desa wisata karena merupakan sebuah upaya alternatif perpaduan antara kegiatan pariwisata daerah pedesaan dengan usaha agro (dapat berupa usaha pertanian ataupun peternakan) sebagai objek wisata dengan tujuan meningkatkan kesejahteraan, memperluas pengetahuan, meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan membuat menjadi pengalaman baru. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kesiapan potensi tersebut serta merumuskan perencanaan awal pengembangan Agrowisata di Dusun Mekarmulya ini serta memberikan saran perihal permasalahan-permasalahan terkait. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Data dikumpulkan dari hasil studi literatur, wawancara dan observasi langsung ke lapangan. Data tersebut akan dianalisis dengan cara triangulasi data dibantu dengan penggunaan analisis model interaksi untuk mendapat gambaran-gambaran yang diperlukan dan mendesain strategi pengembangan yang tepat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Dusun Mekarmulya memiliki dasar-dasar dan potensi yang sudah mendukung dan sesuai dengan dimensi dan kriteria pengembangan agrowisata sehingga dapat dilanjutkan untuk dikembangkan menjadi percontohan destinasi agrowisata di Kabuapaten Pangandaran


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    This research is aimed to determine how the local community as geosite operator in making geosite development planning in Belitong Geopark. The research method is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach where the local community becomes the main source of research information. This research is not based on hypothetical but operational definition concepts analysis that have been formulated based on research questions. However, the mathematical analysis is used through the “Weight Scoring System” Technique or weighted assessment system to analyze the patterns and meaning of relationships between the categories. Meanwhile, a review of the literature is still undertaken to determine the theories that have been applied in related research. Data is collected by the observation techniques, documentation, and interviews. This research was conducted in 4 (four) Geosite locations: 1) Bukit Peramun Geosite in Sijuk Sub-District of Belitung Regency, 2) Juru Sebrang Geosite in Tanjungpandan Sub-District of Belitung Regency, 3) OpenPit Namsalu Geosite in Kelapa Kampit Sub-District of East Belitung Regency and 4) Tebat Rasau Geosite in Simpang Renggiang Sub-District of East Belitung Regency. With the purposive sampling technique, there are 16 respondents that are distributed in proportionately for every research location. The study have found that local communities generally have a good ability to structure and formulate Geosite development planning but still have to enhance in the future by optimizing knowledge, participation and development planning skill through human resource development (HRD) strategies in geosite management in accordance with the top 10 focus area of UNESCO Global Geopark.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana masyarakat setempat sebagai pengelola geosite membuat perencanaan pengembangan geosite di Kawasan Geopark Belitong. Dalam hal ini masyarakat setempat menjadi sumber utama informasi penelitian. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian ini  tidak didasarkan pada pengujian hipotetis tetapi dengan menggunakan analisis terhadap definisi operasional konsep yang telah dirumuskan berdasarkan pertanyaan penelitian. Namun demikian, peneliti juga melakukan analisis matematika menggunakan Teknik “Weight Scoring System” atau sistem penilaian berbobot untuk menganalisis pola dan arti hubungan antar kategori. Sementara itu, peninjauan literatur masih tetap dilakukan untuk mengetahui teori-teori yang telah diterapkan dalam penelitian terkait. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Penelitian ini dilakukan di 4 (empat) lokasi Geosite yang terdiri dari 1) Geosite Bukit Peramun di Kecamatan Sijuk Kabupaten Belitung, 2) Geosite Juru Sebrang di Kecamatan Tanjungpandan  Kabupaten  Belitung, 3) Geosite OpenPit Namsalu di Kecamatan Kelapa Kampit Kabupaten Belitung Timur dan 4) Geosite Tebat Rasau di Kecamatan Simpang Renggiang Kabupaten Belitung Timur. Dengan teknik "purposive sampling", maka jumlah Informan yang digunakan adalah sebanyak 16 orang yang didistribusikan secara proporsional untuk  setiap lokasi penelitian. Penelitian ini menemukan fakta bahwa masyarakat lokal pada umumnya memiliki kemampuan yang baik untuk menyusun dan merumuskan perencanaan pengembangan Geosite namun tetap berpotensi untuk lebih ditingkatkan dengan mengoptimalkan pengetahuan, partisipasi dan keterampilan teknis dalam perencanaan melalui strategi peningkatan kapasitas sumber daya manusia (HRD) dalam pengelolaan Geosite sesuai dengan top 10 fokus area UNESCO  Global Geopark

    Effect of diagenetic events on limestone reservoir quality: Case study of Parigi formation, Northwest Java basin

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    Limestone is a sedimentary rock with high heterogeneity. This is triggered by diagenetic processes that affect the quality of limestone during its formation. The high uncertainty in limestone porosity values is also influenced by diagenetic processes. The Parigi Formation is a carbonate rock located in the Northwest Java Basin and has been proven to be a carbonate reservoir rock. Petrographic analysis was conducted to observe the appearance resulting from diagenetic processes. The studied area's limestone has two facies: clastic facies and reef facies. The limestone of clastic facies is white to greyish, consisting of skeletal fragments or shell fragments, with some places contains fragmented coral fragments. It is grain-supported, massive, poorly sorted, with fragment sizes ranging from 1mm-8mm and in some places 10cm-20cm. The reef facies of limestone are generally white to greyish colour, compact/massive, without cavities, and shows the body structure of coral/reef. The processes occurring in the Parigi Formation limestone, based on thin-section data, include cementation and neomorphism, which are commonly found in thin section LP 7 and LP 10. Cementation and neomorphism lead to a decrease in porosity in the limestone. Samples LP 1 - LP 5 show extensive dissolution, resulting in vuggy cavities/porosity. These limestone samples have high porosity values. The transformation of fossils into new crystals or recrystallization processes also reduces the limestone's porosity. Some samples also show that the cavities in the Parigi Formation limestone have been filled by calcite cements, thus closing the pores. This leads to poor quality limestone. In conclusion, the heterogeneous nature of limestone is significantly influenced by diagenetic processes. Petrographic analysis of the Parigi Formation limestone revealed the occurrence of cementation, neomorphism, dissolution, and recrystallization processes, all of which have implications for porosity and reservoir quality


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    Delta Kaligarang terletak di Utara Pesisir Semarang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui dinamika lingkungan pengendapan yang terjadi di Delta Kaligarang, Semarang melalui analisis ukuran butir, material organik dan inorganik dari sembilan puluh contoh sampel. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan adanya dua lingkungan pengendapan berdasarkan karakteristik sedimentologi (besar butir dan organik) yakni lingkungan energi relatif rendah (suspension load) dan lingkungan berarus turbulen (tidal). Selain itu, juga terdapat kenaikan nilai material organik dan inorganik, yang disertai adanya perubahan besar butir. Terlihat bahwa lapisan pada kedalaman 0-31 meter mengalami kenaikan nilai organik, seiring dengan besar butir yang berukuran silt. Hal tersebut berbeda dengan lapisan pada kedalaman 32-45 meter, di mana terdapat perselingan satuan batuan silt dan sand, serta nilai material organik turun.Kaligarang Delta is located in the North Semarang Coast. The objective of this research is to describe dynamic environmental changes in Kaligarang Delta based on grain size, organic and inorganic matters analyzes from ninety samples. The results indicated that two conditions occurred: low-energy-suspension-load environment and tidal (turbulent) environment. Furthermore, the increase of organic and inorganic matters coincides with the grain size distribution. At depth 0-31-meter, organic matter increased that coincident with silt grain size. At depth 32-45 meter the lithology shows interspersed of silt and sand


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    Batubara yang cocok untuk kegiatan gasifikasi bawah permukaan harus memenuhi persyaratan, antara lain kondisi geologis, ketebalan, kedalaman, kadar air total dan kadar abu. Berdasarkan persyaratan ini, tidak semua batubara dalam bisa dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan gasifikasi bawah permukaan. Kegiatan eksplorasi batubara perlu dilakukan untuk meminimalisasi risiko geologis dan untuk mengetahui kondisi batubaranya. Berdasarkan hasil permodelan, ditemukan lapisan batubara D dengan kriteria kedalaman 200-300 m, ketebalan >5 m, kadar total air lembab+kadar abu <60%, nilai kalor 4.912-6.275 kkal/kg, reflektansi vitrinit 0,23-0,44 (lignit-subbituminus). Perhitungan sumber daya batubara dengan menggunakan software yang ada dan mengacu pada aturan SNI 5015-2011, menghasilkan sumberdaya tereka 3.316.578 ton, tertunjuk 1.909.560 ton dan terukur 2.479.951 ton.

    Middle Eocene Nannofossil Assemblages Responding to Depositional Dynamics of the Elat Formation, Maluku

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    The Kei Besar Island is mainly composed of the Elat Formation carbonate rocks. This research was conducted to determine the nannofossils assemblages in the Elat Formation to interpret the depositional dynamics during its formation. Lithological observations and sampling for nannofossil analysis were carried out on three measured stratigraphic sections: Section 1 - Hollat, Section 2 - Ngurdu, and Section 3 - Mata Hollat. A total of 47 species assigned to 25 genera of nannofossils were identified in 45 selected samples. The succession of the Elat Formation in the study area formed at NP16 to N17 or Middle Eocene. Stratigraphic reconstruction supported by biostratigraphy analysis shows that Section 3 at the lower (NP16 to NP 17), Section 2 in the middle part (NP 17), and Section 1 at the upper (NP 17). R-mode cluster analysis of nannofossils defined four species clusters (assemblies A, B, C and D) that tend to occur together. Q-mode cluster analysis defined five depth-distribution clusters (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5), each deposited under similar conditions. Based on large foraminifera, the succession was formed in fore reef setting in neritic bathymetric zone. Coarsening and thickening upward supported by the nannofossil assemblages indicate depositional dynamics which tend to be shallower. Reworked fossils, commonly found at the lower of the Elat Formation, show the mechanism of turbid currents in early deposition


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    As we may all be aware the oil and gas wellbores offshore Kutei and North Makassar have not optimally penetrated the objective strata, which is the Middle Miocene’s deep-water reservoirs.  Therefore, evaluating the quality of these reservoirs with onshore dataset then comparing them with the proven Late Miocene’s deep-water producing reservoirs had been very fundamental.  The study focuses on the assessment of QFL and sandstones litho-facies based on the rock samples from conventional-core and side-wall core, and well-logs data from forty wells onshore and offshore.  These rock samples are bounded by the key biostratigraphy intervals of M40M33, M45M40, M50M45 (Middle Miocene), and M65M50, M66M65, M70M66, M80M70 (Late Miocene).  Subdivisions of the reservoirs considered the sandstone litho facies, NTG ratio, sorting, and grain size, to come up with five groups in the Middle Miocene deltaic facies: FLU_SX, DC_SX, DC_SM, DC_SM, and DF_SC; and four groups in the Late Miocene deep-water facies: SSWS, MSWS, SSPS, and MSPS.  Core-based porosity and permeability further explain the relationship between the reservoir quality with the sandstones’ composition and litho facies, and concluded that high-energy depositional system is mainly associated with the FLU_SX, DC_SX, SSWS and MSWS being the reservoir with best quality.  Oppositely, the DF_SC, SSPS, and MSPS are classified the reservoir with worst to none quality.  A cross plot between core-based porosity and maximum burial depth is able to postulate the relational trend of decreasing reservoir quality with deeper depth