11 research outputs found

    Religion in the perspective of orientalist Charles Kimball

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    Perjalanan sejarah umat manusia tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan keyakinan terhadap suatu agama. Agama merupakan pondasi dasar setiap manusia dalam melakukan seluruh aktifitas di dalam gerak kehidupannya, sehingga akan terlihat makna dan ketenangan bila segala aktifitas manusia yang didasari oleh keyakinan suatu agama. Menurut Kimball, bahwa terlepas dari ke-autentisitas-an terhadap suatu agama maka bila kita soroti perjalanan sejarah agama- agama sepanjang masa, maka akan ditemukan suatu kebenaran-kebenaran yang tentatif, kebenaran yang komunal sehingga kebenaran suatu agama terkadang belum tentu sesuai, jika dikomparasikan dengan kebenaran dari agama yang lain. Ini berarti substansi ajaran suatu agama dapat diartikan berbeda oleh agama-agama yang lain. Dengan demikian sikap prejudice terhadap suatu agama tertentu akan mengakibatkan clash terhadap agama lain

    Islam Nusantara Sebagai Identitas Keberagamaan di Indonesia: Telaah Terhadap Nilai Pokok Ajaran Perspektif Hadist

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    This article discusses the relevance of Islam Nusantara with hadith. As is well known, Islam Nusantara has long been discussed by both academics and the general public. Its presence reaps the pros and cons. Some consider it different from the basic values ​​of Islamic teachings. There are also those who say that Islam Nusantara has a connection with socio-cultural processes, the acculturation of the entry of Islam and archipelago culture. This article was written to analyze the values ​​that exist in the concept of Islam Nusantara according to the perspective of the Prophet's hadith. The method used is a qualitative method by utilizing documentation instruments in the form of books, scientific papers, and so on. The data is taken from written literature on Islam Nusantara and is also relevant. Before being linked to the hadith, an explanation of Islam Nusantara was first put forward in the view of leading Islamic figures in Indonesia. This research gives the result that Nusantara Islam has values ​​that are relevant to the traditions of the Prophet such as tolerance, ukhuwwah Islamiyyah, mutual strengthening, and mutual love for one another. These values ​​have been mentioned in the main books of hadith such as the books of Ṣaḥiḥ Bukhārī, Musnad Aḥmad and Sunan Abū Dāwud

    Konversi agama pada masyarakat perkotaan : studi tentang pemahaman agama di Lembaga Sosial YDSF dan Nurul Hayat Surabaya

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    The problem of religious conversion is always interesting to elaborate on and discuss from various perspectives of human life. The search for the truth of God and Religion began from the time of the Prophet Ibrahim until now, so that made people try to do verification and typology about the various root causes of the emergence of a person to convert religion. This research becomes more interesting when there are many phenomena of religious conversion in urban communities such as in Surabaya where the people are very heterogeneous in terms of ethnicity, religion, sosial and culture and even the ideology of religious understanding. This study tries to trace back the root causes of converts to Islam and the religious understanding base of the people of Surabaya, especially the perpetrators of converts who comprehend Islam in two institutions namely Muhtadin al-Falah at YDSF (Muallaf Sosial Fund Foundation) and the Institute of Nurul Hayat Foundation for the city of Surabaya. The method used in this research is qualitative. It is important that the footing of this research can be useful to analyze data derived from theories and data from the field. The author hopes to be able to understand and re-reveal the various patterns of causes of religious conversion in Surabaya as well as the basic understanding of their religion after conversion of religion and becoming followers of Islam exclusively, or even inclusively. This research concludes that based on the theory of the cause of people who converts religion, thatis due to the divine factor, educational factor, psychological factor, and sosial factor. It turns out that, in the field, new causes emerge besides the existing factors, such as the dream factor, and the adzan sound factor as well as the marriage factor. Meanwhile, the basis of their religious understanding varies greatly, even there is a mix between the religious understanding bases of the converts. Thus, this is what led to the theoretical implications of this study

    Hipokritisme Tokoh Orientalis Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje

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    Western thoughts have discredited Islamic teaching. Orientalism never gives up in spreading issues in relation with their objectives in distancing Muslim from Islam. The idea of orientalism becomes a point of discussion that appears as opposition of Islam in many ways. Unfortunately, this kind of situation has not been realized by most Muslim in Indonesia that is contemporarily bothered by their debated teaching of Islam which comes from orientalist ideas in order to disintegrate Islam. For instance, is the orientalism in Indonesia. The history of orientalism in Indonesia becomes unforgettable part of Indonesia colonialism. It was known that the orientalist activities have supplied many objectives for the colonialism, especially in Aceh Darussalam. Hurgronje analyzed and observed that the struggle from the Acehness will be suppressed by the politics of split within the local leader between Ulama (religious leader) and Uleebalang (formal leader). This paper aims to explore the activities of Christian Snouck Hurgronje in relation with his effort in helping colonial to disintegrate Indonesia people. His mission is to crack the principal sources of Islam: Qur’an and Hadith by pretending to be a Muslim and went to Mecca for learning Islam. But his affiliation to Islam is only a mask to cover his actual purposes as a missionary

    Pemberdayaan Komunitas Save Street Child Sebagai Solusi Pendidikan Anak Marjinal Di Kabupaten Sidoarjo Jawa Timur

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    Sidoarjo City is one of the cities in East Java which has a high APBD but in the reality of community economic growth there are still various disparities between the rich man and the poor man, so that various problems arise in tackling the educational empowerment of marginalized children. This study tries to provide solutions to these problems through community empowerment based on the Save Street Child community, one of the basis of which is to provide broad access for marginalized children in the city of Sidoarjo in order to survive in terms of education and skills. The approach used in this study is the PAR (Participatory Action Research) method in order to identify various existing problems and provide solutions to problems. This study concludes that the Save Street Child community tries to provide breakthrough solutions in terms of educating marginalized children so as not to become beggars and buskers, namely by providing various training and work skills as well as providing additional lessons or private lessons with a time that can be adjusted to their busy schedule action

    Religion in the perspective of orientalist Charles Kimball

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    Perjalanan sejarah umat manusia tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan keyakinan terhadap suatu agama. Agama merupakan pondasi dasar setiap manusia dalam melakukan seluruh aktifitas di dalam gerak kehidupannya, sehingga akan terlihat makna dan ketenangan bila segala aktifitas manusia yang didasari oleh keyakinan suatu agama. Menurut Kimball, bahwa terlepas dari ke-autentisitas-an terhadap suatu agama maka bila kita soroti perjalanan sejarah agama- agama sepanjang masa, maka akan ditemukan suatu kebenaran-kebenaran yang tentatif, kebenaran yang komunal sehingga kebenaran suatu agama terkadang belum tentu sesuai, jika dikomparasikan dengan kebenaran dari agama yang lain. Ini berarti substansi ajaran suatu agama dapat diartikan berbeda oleh agama-agama yang lain. Dengan demikian sikap prejudice terhadap suatu agama tertentu akan mengakibatkan clash terhadap agama lain

    Hipokritisme Tokoh Orientalis Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje

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    Western thoughts have discredited Islamic teaching. Orientalism never gives up in spreading issues in relation with their objectives in distancing Muslim from Islam. The idea of orientalism becomes a point of discussion that appears as opposition of Islam in many ways. Unfortunately, this kind of situation has not been realized by most Muslim in Indonesia that is contemporarily bothered by their debated teaching of Islam which comes from orientalist ideas in order to disintegrate Islam. For instance, is the orientalism in Indonesia. The history of orientalism in Indonesia becomes unforgettable part of Indonesia colonialism. It was known that the orientalist activities have supplied many objectives for the colonialism, especially in Aceh Darussalam. Hurgronje analyzed and observed that the struggle from the Acehness will be suppressed by the politics of split within the local leader between Ulama (religious leader) and Uleebalang (formal leader). This paper aims to explore the activities of Christian Snouck Hurgronje in relation with his effort in helping colonial to disintegrate Indonesia people. His mission is to crack the principal sources of Islam: Qur’an and Hadith by pretending to be a Muslim and went to Mecca for learning Islam. But his affiliation to Islam is only a mask to cover his actual purposes as a missionary


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    Radicalism is a religious understanding that has the potential to be present in every religion. Radical understanding is one of the ideas whose existence has received resistance from the community, even the state. In the context of Indonesia, radicalism is a challenge for the State to continue to be opposed, this is inseparable from the many theoretical cases masterminded by radical groups. Until now, the spread of radical understanding did not only reach adulthood, but had already begun to infect young people, even children. The younger generation as the nation’s next generation is very vulnerable to the spread of radical understanding, especially if the understanding is not accompanied by religious elites who have competence. This study uses a qualitative approach with interviews, observation and documentation as a technique to extract data. The results of the study stated that interfaith dialogue among youth in East Java as initiated by the Forum for Religious Harmony in East Java province is one of the strategic efforts to counteract the exposure of radical understanding among interfaith youth, by conducting dialogue the understanding of youth will be more open, nature exclusion in religion will collapse by understanding the existence of other religions as partners in social life, especially the fact that Indonesia is a plural nation is absolute, which we must maintain and respect each other in differences.Keywords: Interfaith Dialogue, Youth, Radicalis

    Konversi agama pada masyarakat perkotaan : studi tentang pemahaman agama di Lembaga Sosial YDSF dan Nurul Hayat Surabaya

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    The problem of religious conversion is always interesting to elaborate on and discuss from various perspectives of human life. The search for the truth of God and Religion began from the time of the Prophet Ibrahim until now, so that made people try to do verification and typology about the various root causes of the emergence of a person to convert religion. This research becomes more interesting when there are many phenomena of religious conversion in urban communities such as in Surabaya where the people are very heterogeneous in terms of ethnicity, religion, sosial and culture and even the ideology of religious understanding. This study tries to trace back the root causes of converts to Islam and the religious understanding base of the people of Surabaya, especially the perpetrators of converts who comprehend Islam in two institutions namely Muhtadin al-Falah at YDSF (Muallaf Sosial Fund Foundation) and the Institute of Nurul Hayat Foundation for the city of Surabaya. The method used in this research is qualitative. It is important that the footing of this research can be useful to analyze data derived from theories and data from the field. The author hopes to be able to understand and re-reveal the various patterns of causes of religious conversion in Surabaya as well as the basic understanding of their religion after conversion of religion and becoming followers of Islam exclusively, or even inclusively. This research concludes that based on the theory of the cause of people who converts religion, thatis due to the divine factor, educational factor, psychological factor, and sosial factor. It turns out that, in the field, new causes emerge besides the existing factors, such as the dream factor, and the adzan sound factor as well as the marriage factor. Meanwhile, the basis of their religious understanding varies greatly, even there is a mix between the religious understanding bases of the converts. Thus, this is what led to the theoretical implications of this study