159 research outputs found

    Indonesian Trainees in Japanese SMEs, Capital Accumulation and Micro-Small Business Development in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study

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    Indonesia is one of the world important suppliers of young trainees in Japan. We present a preliminary study’s result on Indonesian trainees in Japanese SMEs and their potential to develop micro-small business in Indonesia. This paper utilizes three step approaches. First, an online survey of potency of Indonesian trainees in Japan has been conducting since October 2007 followed up by a Japan-wide Entrepreneurship and Banking Trainings (PWEP). Second, web-based business start-ups consultation forums for Indonesian trainees have been conducted since January 2008 followed up by networking creation with Bank of Indonesia. Third, a key performance indicator of business proposed and money invested was developed. We report three main findings: first, over 70% of Indonesian trainees were working at manufacturing-based Japanese SMEs and might acquire a necessary human capital in developing micro-small manufacturing-based business start-ups. In addition, more than 60% of them could save their income at least 25-40% of their total monthly income, suggested that capital foundation required for business creation might then be compromised. Second, the structural constraint of unmonitored Indonesian trainees might cause problems in which—after having cultural distress while working in Japan and less conducive condition in managing their capital after returning to Indonesia—the potential to become an law-breaking overstay workers is considerably high and might cause a more sophisticated problem in the future. Third, the importance of directing step for Indonesian trainees who are interested in creating businesses and key performance indicators for measuring its achievement are acknowledged.Indonesian trainees, Japanese SMEs, PWEP, capital accumulation, key performance indicator, compliance meter

    Assessment of Geosite and Geomorphosite at South Solok Aspiring Geopark Area

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    South Solok is one of the five districts designated as the aspiring of the Ranah Minang Geopark. Various reliefs and geological structures cause the diversity of landscapes to be an attraction for tourists and ecosystems with biodiversity. The study intends to identify geosite and geomorphosite in the South Solok area with field observations to describe the state of geology, geomorphology of geosite sites, and geomorphosite. Site assessment is carried out quantitatively with five assessment parameters; scientific, educational, functional, tourist, and posting activities on tourist sites on social media. Field observation found 17 sites classified into four groups, specifically waterfalls, manifestations of hot springs, geomorphological landscapes, and caves. Based on the results of the highest value representation obtained by the Batukapal Cave sites with a value of 44.86% and the lowest at Timbulun Waterfall at 0.1%. Of the 17 sites, four sites are considered the main sites in the research area: Suliti Waterfall, Sapan Maluluang Hot Spring Manifestation, Batukapal Cave, and Camintoran

    Control Structure On Damage Zone and Fault Plane to Geometry Of Quartz Veins and Calcite In Muaradua Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, South Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Geological mapping was carried out on the Gilas and Malau rivers in the Muaradua area, South Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra by observing the presence of joints, faults, and veins in the granite and phyllite rock outcrops of the Tarap Formation. Research on pattern geometry and vein type in the crushing zone is focused on measuring the direction (trend) of veins and joints. The measurement results are then analyzed to obtain a general pattern of quartz and calcite veins so that the orientation of their development can be known. The method used in this study is in the form of determining the orientation and geometry of the veins based on classifications that refer to several studies, then an analysis is carried out using DemNAS data to determine the general direction of the straightness pattern of the study area. The quartz veins that developed in the study area have an extensional fracture type with the geometry found in the form of isolated, abutting, cutting, mutually-cutting, and crosscutting. The veins that develop in the research area are relatively north-south and west-east and indicated the presence of a fault and traces of deformation that occurred in the study area. With the help of veins and joints found in the study area, it is possible to determine the structural control of the presence of a crushing zone in the fault plane

    Analisis Pengaruh Endapan Litologi Aquifer Terhadap Kualitas Air Tanah Dangkal Studi Kasus Pada Daerah Indralaya Utara Kabupaten Ogan Ilir

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    Daerah Indralaya Utara Kabupaten Ogan Ilir merupakan salah satu daerah yang memiliki Cekungan Air Tanah (CAT) yaitu Cekungan Air Tanah Palembang - Kayuagung. Pada daerah penelitian ini didominasi oleh rawa, dapat mempengaruhi kualitas air tanah. Daerah penelitian memiliki jumlah penduduk 42.402 jiwa dengan kebutuhan air bersih 243.546.250L/Tahun. Lokasi penelitian terdapat 2 macam formasi geologi yaitu  Alluvium (Qa) dan endapan rawa (Qs). Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mendapatkan kualitas air tanah dangkal pada wilayah telitian, dapat diidentifikasikan sebagai air bersih untuk kebutuhan masyarakat. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan analisis lapangan  dengan  menggunakan uji lab fisik dan kimia air. Penelitian ini terdapat 15 titik pengamatan air tanah dangkal, dengan pengambilan sampel setiap endapan litologi aquifer

    Analisis Tektonik Relatif Menggunakan Metode Morfotektonik Daerah Lintau Buo dan Sekitarnya, Tanah Datar, Sumatera Barat

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    The area of this research is in the Lintau Buo Region, Tanah Datar District, West Sumatra. Based on the regional geology, the location is on the boundary of the Ombilin Basin which has active tectonic conditions. This research is to get data of tectonic levels using a quantitative geomorphological approach carried out in the Batang Sinamar sub-watershed and the Batang Tampo sub-watershed. Some of the parameters used for this study include Drainage Density (Dd), Bifurcation Ratio (Rb), Hypsometric Integral (HI), Valley Floor Width and Height Ratio (Vf), Mountain Front Sinousity (Smf), and Asymmetry Factor (AF). And then the outcome of the parameters compared using IAT (Index of Active Tectonic) analysis. The results of the calculation are obtained with segment 1 entering class 3, namely moderate tectonics, and segments 2 and 3 entering class 2, namely high tectonics. The drainage pattern of the river at this research location is a pararellel drainage pattern which is controlled by geological structures such as folds. The results calculation of the IAT analysis is the landform of the morphology research location is controlled by moderate to high levels of tectonic activity and produces various denudational and erosional processes that cause soil movement and landslides

    Middle Miocene Black Shale of Airbenakat Formation in Berau Areas, Jambi: are they potential source rock?

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    The research location is geologically located in Jambi Sub-basin composed by Peneta Formation (KJp), Airbenakat (Tma), and Muara Enim (Tmpm). Specifically this research focuses on the physical characteristics and geochemistry of Middle Miocene black shale from Airbenakat Formation. The purpose of this research is to determine whether the black shale of this formation has the potential as a source rock. The method of this research are field observation that includes the description of rock samples and geological mapping, and laboratory analysis including rock geochemical analysis. Three samples were taken from black and fine-grained shale. Total organic carbon (TOC) values of the three samples taken ranged from 0.38-0.42%, the weight of TOC indicates a potentially close enough to produce hydrocarbons. the pyrolysis results show that the S1 data gives a value below 0.5 HC/g and S2 gives a value below 2.5 HC/g, so it can be seen that the three rock samples that tested are not sufficient enough to produce hydrocarbons. Overall the sample has a S2/S3 ratio ranging from 0.09-0.23 and Tmax-HI data has values ranging from 8-19 mg HC/g TOC, so it can be seen that the ratio S2/S3 less than 1 and the value of the index hydrogen below 50 mg HC/g TOC, It can be concluded that the samples are derived from type IV kerogen. The maximum temperature (Tmax) of pyrolysis shows a value of less than 4350C, where the values range from 350-4280C. So, it can be interpreted that the three samples are immature source rocks because the catagenesis phase to produce hydrocarbons has not been achieved. The conclusions is the three samples of black shale tested indicate potential as immature source rock and has the close enough ability to produce hydrocarbons. The result of the analysis then comparable with the result analysis of Airbenakat Formation Black Shale in Palembang Sub-basin which has fair-well ability to produce hydrocarbons. &nbsp

    Perkembangan Morfometri Daerah Limpah Banjir Pada Sub Wilayah Aliran Sungai Sei Serelo, Kabupaten Lahat

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    Sungai Sei Serelo di Kabupaten Lahat, berada pada bentuk lahan dataran rendah yang memiliki meander cukup intensif yang dikontrol oleh Formasi Muaraenim (Tmpm) dan Formasi Air Benakat (Tma). Pola pengaliran sungai meandering ini memiliki daerah limpah banjir yang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi geologi berupa proses erosi dan sedimentasi sebagai pengaruh internal serta perubahan iklim sebagai pengaruh eksternal dalam sistem. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan karakteristik meandering sebagai hasil sedimentasi pada daerah limpah banjir dengan membandingkan dan menghubungkan perubahan morfometri aliran sungai dan perubahan meander sungai tahun 1996 dan 2019. Proses morfodinamika sungai dianalisis menggunakan pengindraan jauh berupa data Landsat yang menunjukkan bahwa daerah penelitian dipengaruhi oleh tingginya proses erosi (Ae/Ad > 1) dengan tipe perubahan simple mendominasi pada 15 segmen pengamatan dibandingkan dengan combinations dan cut-off. Pola migrasi didominasi oleh extension dan translation, dimana pola migrasi translation dapat menyebabkan pola migrasi lain seperti expansion dan rotation. Tingginya tingkat erosi juga didukung oleh tataguna lahan disekitar wilayah aliran sungai yang dapat menyebabkan tingginya probabilitas bencana banjir

    Indonesian Cultural Form in the Basic Level Teaching Indonesian to Speakers of Other Languages (TISOL) Textbook "Sahabatku Indonesia"

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    Teaching Indonesian to Speakers of Other Languages (TISOL) programs in domestic and international have become a medium for diplomacy for Indonesian language and culture on the world. Language and culture play an important role as a medium for diplomacy. Language represents the identity of the culture and related cultures in the substance of language. This study aims to describe the diversity of Indonesian culture in the basic level TISOL “Sahabatku Indonesia” textbook. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Sources of data in this study are documents, namely basic level TISOL “Sahabatku Indonesia” textbooks. Data collection techniques using content analysis. Technique validity of data in this study using triangulation theory. Data analysis techniques using interactive data analysis techniques. The results show that in the basic level TISOL “Sahabatku Indonesia” textbook (TISOL 1, 2) there are 16 forms of Indonesian culture, 4 data are in the form of mentifak, 5 data are in the form of socio-cultural forms, and 7 data are in the form of cultural artifacts. Studying culture is tantamount to explore how cultural meaning is symbolic in language as a sign system

    Response on THE Physical Function and Antrophometry of Lung TB Patiens by Regular Therapy and Food Intervention: a Preliminary Research

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    Patients with active lung tuberculosis (TB) have low body mass index (BMI) because of a wasting. Changes in body weight during the initial period of TB therapy correlated with the death risk, illness severity and relapse as well as decrease of patient's physical function. This study aimed to measure the effectiveness of soybean supplementation among TB patients with standard therapy in improving physical function and nutritional status. Fifty nine patients were randomly divided into two groups.Intervention group received one hundred fifty gram nutritional supplementation and control group did not receive anything. Both groups were on the same regular antituberculosis treatment. Assessment of outcomes were done twice, before supplementation and then after 1 month of the treatment. There were significant differences in the changes in proxy physical function parameter in the control and treatment group (3.16 ± 0.83 vs. 4.50 ± 1.47, P 0.05). Further research is needed to confirm this result
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