87 research outputs found

    Kejadian Kardiovaskular Mayor pada Perempuan

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    Adalah menarik untuk membagi usia muda dan tua bagi seorang wanita dalam wawasan faktor risiko. Faktor risiko (usia) penyakit jantung koroner untuk pria adalah >45 tahun dan wanita >55 tahun, wanita terlambat 10 tahun dibanding pria karena berbagai teori, antara lain hormonal seperti estrogen dan ferritine. Danny SS membagi wanita dalam penelitiannya sebagai kelompok usia muda bila 55 tahun. Apakah wanita berumur 56 tahun sudah pantas dikelompok kan sebagai usia tua

    Pemulihan Laju Jantung pada Penyakit Jantung Hipertensi

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    Penelitian disfungsi autonom menggunakan tes treadmil pada fase pemulihan laju jantungnya pada fenomena menurunnya heart rate recovery memang lazim.Kizilbash MA tahun 2006, telah menelitinya pada sindroma metabolik, menyimpulkan terjadinya disfungsi autonom pada komponen metabolik sindrom: tekanan darah, trigliserid, lingkar perut dan LDL-C.Dengan metode lainnya, yaitu standard deviation of RR intervals (SDNN), Wu JS telah melaporkan penelitiannya bahwa disfungsi parasimpatis telah ada pada normotensi dengan riwayat keluarga hipertensi, juga tampak pada pre-hipertensi dan hipertensi. Perubahan peranan syaraf otonom dengan penguatan simpatis lebih nyata pada kasus pre-hipertensinya

    Nilai prognostik dispersi QT pasca bedah pintas koroner

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    Hubungan antara dispersi QT pascabedah pintas arteri koroner dengan kejadian kardiovaskuler telah diteliti akhir-akhir ini oleh Agustinus dkk dari De-partemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskuler FKUI di Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Hara-pan Kita secara restropektif dengan kesimpulan yang menarik perhatian untuk diberikan komentar. Bahwa dispersi QT > 60 milidetik pada subyek pasca BPAK telah meningkatkan risiko terjadinya kejadian kar-diovaskular mayor, gagal jantung akut dan sindroma koroner akut non fatal dalam pemantauan selama 1 tahun.Melihat desain penelitian yang tidak mengikut sertakan dispersi QT pra BPAK, merupakan kes-engajaan penulis agar lebih fokus pada penelitian prognosis pasca BPAK dengan dengan dispersi QT sebagai tolok ukurnya. Telah diketahui sebelumnya peranan BPAK dalam memperbaiki dispersi QT dalam arti memperpendek dispersi QT

    Jantung Sehat?

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    Adalah hak pribadi seseorang untuk menyebut dirinya sehat (klien) atau sakit (pasien) jantung, biarkanlah dokter membantunya untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan yang unik (Makna paralel dari Proklamasi Kardiologi Sosial, 25 Juni 1993). Sehat secara keseluruhan yang telah dicanangkan WHO sejak didirikan 1946, yaitu keadaan sehat yang komplit baik fisik, mental, dan sosial, terus dilanjutkan dengan bebas dari sakit atau keterbatasan/cacat. Kemudian dimunculkan konsep Kesehatan untuk semua di Tahun 2010, 2020, dst. Belum ada definisi baru ketika kita sudah memasuki era biologi molekuler, yang dihubungkan dengan masalah individu dan sosial. Semakin kita menyadari pentingnya pengaruh genom dalam suatu penyakit dan menyodorkan konsep sehat, ternyata masih ada yang tidak mungkin, yaitu bebas dari faktor-risiko penyakit jantung. Karena gender pria dan umur lanjut termasuk faktor risiko

    Analisis swot untuk menentukan strategi bersaing saat masa pandemi covid-19 pada rumah sakit islam surabaya

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    This study has a goal, namely to find out the right competitive strategy using SWOT analysis at the Surabaya Islamic Hospital so that its business can be even better, able to attract interest and give trust to the public regarding the health services it has, can measure and determine the right management at the Surabaya Islamic Hospital so that it can encourage business progress in the face of increasingly fierce competition even during the Covid-19 pandemic. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The data analysis technique in this research is SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis. The results of the study showed that in the Internal Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS) the total score for the strength factor was 5.89, and the weakness was 2.47, then in the External Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS) the total score for the opportunity was 4.46, and the threat was 4. ,20. From these results, the SWOT diagram at the Surabaya Islamic Hospital is in quadrant I (one), namely the aggressive and supportive strategy using the SO (Strength-Opportunity) strategy

    Break the chain of COVID-19 transmission: Perspective from a cardiologist-in-practice

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    Indonesia is currently suffering through a pandemic outbreak of severe respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Every day this infection raises double, health community is fighting COVID-19 with their armamentarium and policy. Indonesian Heart Association (IHA) has already issued the statement about cardiovascular services during the outbreak of COVID-19. The policy is rescheduling non urgent outpatient visits as necessary, social distancing strategy in outpatient clinic and using personal protective equipment (PPE) in outpatient clinic or during the cardiac examination (echocardiography, cardiac CT, electrophysiology and invasive cardiology). Most of international recommendations have recommended social distancing and reschedule non urgent visits. This document gives a general information about the prevention of COVID-19 in cardiology department

    Role of Matrix Metalloproteinase in the Progression of Heart Failure: A Narrative Review

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    Heart failure (HF) is a cardiovascular disease with a complex pathological pathway and influenced by many factors. Such a complex pathological mechanism would impair cardiac function and structural stability. One that plays a role in maintaining the function and structure of the heart is the extracellular matrix (ECM), and disruption in the extracellular matrix has a role in causing cardiac dysfunction. ECM regulation is associated with matrix metalloproteinase (MMP). Overexpression of matrix metalloproteinases can lead to ECM degradation process which leads to cardiac remodelling. The role of MMP in heart failure is also related to the increased inflammatory response, which is one of the pathways for progression of heart failure. The close association of MMP with the development of heart failure makes MMP a potential biological marker. This article aims was to understand the role of MMP and its mechanisms in cardiac remodelling pathways leading to heart failure. This narrative review suggests that overexpression of MMP can lead to heart failure. Inflammation is one of the factors triggering the expression of MMP. Inflammation will increase the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, thereby triggering MMP expression. MMP expression imbalance can damage collagen tissue through ECM degradation and damage the structure and function of the heart. MMP can also be used as a biological marker in heart failure cases. The application of MMP as a biological marker can be used to assess the degree of disease severity as well as a predictor of heart failure. In conclusion, MMP has an important role in the development process of heart failure and can be a biological marker in cases of heart failure

    Analisis kinerja rumah sakit dengan pendekatan balanced scorecard pada RSI surabaya

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    This study aims to measure the performance of the Surabaya Islamic Hospital with a balanced scorecard approach. The balanced scorecard approach consists of perspectives, finance, customers, internal business processes, as well as growth and learning. The research was carried out with descriptive qualitative methods. The primary data collection method was conducted by interviewing the HR section, the medical record unit, and the nursing section. Secondary data used in this study is data and information from the web, journals, books and documents related to hospital performance measurement, in the form of financial reports and patient care data. The results of the study can be concluded from a financial perspective, it is considered good except for the liquidity ratio. Customer perspective is considered good. The internal business process perspective is considered good, all except the BTO parameter. Growth and learning perspectives are considered good

    Pandemi Covid-19 terhadap Kondisi Psikologis Petugas Kesehatan

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    This study aims to examine the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the psychological condition of health workers. The research design used is a systematic search on several databases, including DOAJ, Sage, Proquest, Medline, Google Scholar, Science Direct, from February to June 2020. There is Rational pre-clinical evidence regarding mental or psychological health risks from several articles as a result of Covid-19. Feelings of anxiety, stress, depression or fear, and even panic due to Covid-19 trigger increased psychological or mental health risks faced by health workers so that therapy or group or individual activities need to be carried out. In conclusion, there is reasonable pre-clinical evidence regarding the mental or psychological health risks due to corona. Anxiety, stress or depression or fear, and even panic due to this corona case trigger increased psychological or mental health risks faced by health workers so that therapy or group or individual activities need to be applied.   Keywords: Covid-19, Pandemic, Health Services, Health Officers, Psychologica

    Angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), COVID-19 and cardiac injury: what cardiologist should know

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has already stated as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Until now, Indonesia has also infected with this severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections. All medical staffs join hand by hand to overcome this pandemic, not only pulmonologist but also cardiologist. Early reports from China showed that cardiovascular comorbidities add more mortality than without comorbid. Cardiac implication of this infection is cardiac injury. Viral pathology and pathophysiology that induced cardiac injury is still debatable and not well understood. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) has emerged as a key regulator of renin-angiotensin system in cardiovascular disease. ACE2 has been postulated as one of the pathophysiology of COVID-19 and cardiac injury
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