3,371 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of the Local Election Commission Ponorogo in Implementing the 2009 Legislative Elections in Ponorogo

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    The Electoral Commission (KPU) is an independent institution of government as the organizer of the elections in Indonesia. The aim of the electoral are to elect members of DPR, DPRD, and DPD, the president and his deputy, and head of region. The purpose of this search is to find out how the Local Election Commission’s performance in running legislative elections in Ponorogo seen from the indicators of responsiveness, responsibility, accountability, and transparency. This studied is intended to examine legislative elections conducted by the Local Election Commission Ponorogo. The problem statement is how the performance and the evaluation results of the Local Election Commission in implementing the 2009 legislative election in Pon orogo? The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Techniques of collecting data are done by interviews, document study and observation. The validity of the data used data triangulation that is observing data from various source. Technique of analyzing data is interactive analysis with analysis component of the data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusion. The results of this study indicate that generally the performance of Local Election Commission is good enough. This is indicated by the following indicator, poor responsiveness, as each party’s protest of the witness did not directly respond. However the Local Election Commission seemed did not want to know until it ends at the Constituation Court. The responsibility goes well, because every activity run in accordance with the guidelines. Accountability hierarchical runs well, indicated by the report of general election’s implementation. The responsibility to the stakeholder also runs well. The transparency is enough, indicated by the openness of access to information needed by society, although there are some information covered by the Local Election Commission. Keyword : performance evaluation, the local election commission ponorogo, legislative election

    Inflation in a modified radiative seesaw model

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    The existence of the inflationary era in the early Universe seems to be strongly supported by recent CMB observations. However, only a few realistic inflation scenarios which have close relation to particle physics seem to have been known unfortunately. The radiative neutrino mass model with inert doublet dark matter is a promising model for the present experimental issues which cannot be explained within the standard model. In order to make the model include inflation, we extend it by a complex scalar field with a specific potential. This scalar could be closely related to the neutrino mass generation at a TeV scale as well as inflation. We show that the inflation favored by the CMB observations could be realized even if inflaton takes sub-Planck values during inflation.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure


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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between scientific literacy skills and digital literacy skills of fifth grade students at SDN Cengkareng Barat 03 Pagi. The method used in this research is descriptive correlational with moment product correlation test. Researchers collected data through tests for scientific literacy and questionnaires for digital literacy. The results showed that out of 60 students, the highest score of Scientific Literacy was 90 and the lowest score was 65 with Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) of 75. The normality test shows that the significance value of scientific literacy and digital literacy is greater than 0.05 (0.200 > 0. 05, 0.200 > 0.05 and 0.132 > 0.05, 0.200 > 0.05). The result of the linearity test is that the significance value is greater than 0.05 (0.631 > 0.05). Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between scientific literacy skills and digital literacy abilities of fifth grade students at SDN Cengkareng Barat 03 Pagi in the high category with a value of r = 0.691

    Indonesian Trainees in Japanese SMEs, Capital Accumulation and Micro-Small Business Development in Indonesia: A Preliminary Study

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    Indonesia is one of the world important suppliers of young trainees in Japan. We present a preliminary study’s result on Indonesian trainees in Japanese SMEs and their potential to develop micro-small business in Indonesia. This paper utilizes three step approaches. First, an online survey of potency of Indonesian trainees in Japan has been conducting since October 2007 followed up by a Japan-wide Entrepreneurship and Banking Trainings (PWEP). Second, web-based business start-ups consultation forums for Indonesian trainees have been conducted since January 2008 followed up by networking creation with Bank of Indonesia. Third, a key performance indicator of business proposed and money invested was developed. We report three main findings: first, over 70% of Indonesian trainees were working at manufacturing-based Japanese SMEs and might acquire a necessary human capital in developing micro-small manufacturing-based business start-ups. In addition, more than 60% of them could save their income at least 25-40% of their total monthly income, suggested that capital foundation required for business creation might then be compromised. Second, the structural constraint of unmonitored Indonesian trainees might cause problems in which—after having cultural distress while working in Japan and less conducive condition in managing their capital after returning to Indonesia—the potential to become an law-breaking overstay workers is considerably high and might cause a more sophisticated problem in the future. Third, the importance of directing step for Indonesian trainees who are interested in creating businesses and key performance indicators for measuring its achievement are acknowledged.Indonesian trainees, Japanese SMEs, PWEP, capital accumulation, key performance indicator, compliance meter

    Generalized Non-Homogeneous Morrey Spaces And Olsen Inequality

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    In this paper, we shall discuss some properties of generalized non-homogeneous Morrey spaces. In addition, we will also prove the Olsen inequality in the non-homogeneous setting. Our proof utilizes the result of (GarcĂ­a-Cuerva and Martell, 2001) on the boundedness of the fractional integral operator on Lebesgue spaces of non-homogeneous type
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