78 research outputs found

    Переважні Права Як Один Із Чинників Обмежень Договірної Свободи

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    During the research it was found that the preferential rights are inseparably linked with the establishment of certain limitations with respect to certain legal entities. However, a person who possesses such rights, can use it or not at its own discretion. Accordingly, in some cases, preferential rights will result the restriction of freedom of contract, and in other cases will not. Preferential right only makes impossible the conclusion of the contract between specific subjects of civil relations. Thus, the preferential rights act as limiters of contractual freedom.У статті з'ясовано, що переважні права невіддільно пов'язані із встанов­ленням певних обмежень по відношенню до деяких суб'єктів правовідносин. Однак, особа, яка ними володіє, може ним скористатися, а може і не скористати­ся. Відповідно в одних випадках переважні права зумовлять обмеження свободи укладення договору, а в інших випадках ні. Переважне право не унеможливлює укладення договору взагалі, а лише робить неможливим укладення договору між конкретними суб'єктами цивільних правовідносин. Таким чином, переваж­ні права виступають обмежувачами договірної свободи

    Усиновлення: актуальні проблеми та шляхи вирішення

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    The article is devoted to the study of problems arising in the process of adoption of children - citizens of Ukraine. The author analyzes a number of legal acts that regulate the adoption procedure step by step, examines the judicial practice and the practice of taking a child to the adoptive family. The study reveals a number of problems that arise at almost all stages of adoption. It was found out that the legislator aims to simplify the mechanism of submitting documents for the possibility of being registered, however, today the process of transferring documents through the Diia portal does not work in full, and potential adoptive parents need to apply to the authorized body with the entire package of documents. A significant problem today is that the legislator has not enshrined a specific list of grounds that would allow the court to separate siblings and place them for adoption in different families. The legislator in the provisions of this article states that separation is possible in the presence of circumstances of significant importance. It is the court in each individual case that decides on separation, depending on the circumstances. The submitted study proposes to consolidate in the Family Code of Ukraine and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On Approval of the Procedure for Conducting Adoption Activities and Supervising the Observance of the Rights of Adopted Children» a list of grounds under which it would be possible to separate siblings for adoption.Стаття присвячена дослідженню проблем, які виникають при усиновленні дітей – громадян України. Проаналізовано ряд нормативно-правових актів, в положеннях яких поетапно регулюється процедура усиновлення, досліджено судову практику взяття дитини на виховання у сім’ю усиновлювача. У ході дослідження виявлено ряд проблем, які виникають чи не на усіх етапах усиновлення дитини. З’ясовано, що законодавець має на меті спростити механізм подачі документів для можливості бути взятим на відповідний облік, однак, на сьогодні процес передачі документів через портал Дія не працює в повній мірі, і потенційним усиновлювачам необхідно звертатися із усім пакетом документів до уповноваженого органу. Ще одним недоліком є те, що потенційні кандидати в усиновлювачі повинні пройти обов’язковий курс навчання. Цей крок є надзвичайно важливий, адже, виховання дитини, яка зазнала психологічної травми від втрати біологічних батьків, має свої особливості, і усиновлювачам необхідно знати всі нюанси виховання такої дитини. Однак, відповідне навчання проводять служби захисту дітей, яким фізично не вистачає часу на усіх кандидатів. Тому у статті пропонується дозволити відкривати додатково спеціалізовані акредитовані приватні курси, які були б оплачувані, але разом з цим, надавали можливість бажаючим пройти належне навчання та отримати необхідну довідку. Істотною проблемою на сьогодні є те, що законодавець не закріпив конкретний перелік підстав, які б давали можливість суду роз’єднювати дітей – рідних братів та сестер і передавати їх на усиновлення у різні сім’ї. Законодавець в положеннях даної статті стверджує, що роз’єднання можливе при наявності обставин, що мають істотне значення. Саме суд в кожному окремому випадку приймає рішення про роз’єднання в залежності від обставин. У поданому дослідженні пропонується закріпити у Сімейному кодексі України та Постанові Кабінету Міністрів України «Про затвердження Порядку провадження діяльності з усиновлення та здійснення нагляду за дотриманням прав усиновлених дітей» перелік підстав, за наявності яких можна було б роз’єднати для усиновлення рідних братів та сестер

    Sensitivity to 4-hydroxyestradiol and dna repair efficiency in peripheral blood lymphocytes of endometrial cancer patients

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    Background: The development of hormone-dependent cancers, including endometrial carcinomas, in great part may be mediated by the genotoxic effects of estrogen metabolites, among which 4-hydroxyestradiol (4OHE2) is characterized by the most prominent DNA-damaging properties. It is assumed that the individual sensitivity to the 4OHE2 may determine the predisposition to endometrial cancer (EС). Aim: To analyze the sensitivity of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) of EC patients to the 4OHE2 and to evaluate the repair efficiency of 4OHE2-induced DNA damage. Materials and Methods: The study was performed on the PBLs of 53 EC patients and 20 healthy women. The level of DNA damage was measured using the comet assay and was expressed as % tail DNA. The DNA repair efficiency (%) was evaluated by determining the ratio between the amount of repaired DNA damage and the level of 4OHE2-induced damage that appeared after incubation of PBLs with 4OHE2. Results: In PBLs of EC patients, a higher level of 4OHE2-induced DNA damage (32.0 ± 2.2% tail DNA) and lower DNA repair efficiency (34.0 ± 4.5%) was observed compared to PBLs of healthy women (22.3 ± 2.3% tail DNA and 48.8 ± 4.5%, respectively). PBLs of EC patients with deep tumor invasion of myometrium were characterized by more prominent decrease of DNA repair than those with less invasive tumor (< ½ of myometrium) (20.9 ± 7.8 and 43.7 ± 6.7%, respectively). Furthermore, lower DNA repair efficiency was detected in the PBLs of EC patients with a family history of cancer compared to this parameter in patients with sporadic tumors (20.9±7.8 and 47.1 ± 5.5%, respectively). Conclusion: The PBLs of EC patients are characterized by increased sensitivity to the genotoxic effect of 4OHE2 and reduced repair efficiency regarding 4OHE2-induced DNA damage. A lower level of DNA repair is observed in EC patients with deep tumor myometrial invasion and a family history of cancer

    Video use in educational process as urgent requirement

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    The article presents peculiarities of the Internet Generation learning, results of the surveys on the students’ requirements of video use in educational process. It analyzes advantages and disadvantages of the creation and use of educational videos, suggests recommendations for creating high-quality video


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    Sourcing of services related to development of information systems calls for a set of specific skills among all parties involved. To cater the needs for managing geographically distributed, sourced projects, a business model with an intermediary company has emerged to facilitate the co-operation between a client’s local (in-house) and external (outsourced) resources. This paper explores the skills of a group of so-called ‘Delivery Managers’, where practice shows a growing need for other skills than the traditional system development related programming competences such as project planning, diagramming and testing. By applying the concepts of soft and hard skills, inspired by contemporary discourse on the 4.0 Indus- trial Revolution, the paper contributes to theory by a model classifying the soft skills that are in need and to emphasize the importance of communicative skills, team building, and time management skills as well as emotional intelligence in the context of distributed environment across time, space, and cultures

    Immunofluorescence staining of paraffin sections: creating DAB staining like virtual digital images using CMYK color conversion

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    Crystal violet treatment of formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue slides greatly reduces the endogenous autofluorescence, and allows immunofluorescence (IF) staining with FITC or Alexa488 conjugated antibodies. Using cold CCD camera to capture the fluorescence images makes this staining method very sensitive. Here we show that combination of IF with the simultaneous recording of crystal violet induced red and Hoechst 33258 induced blue fluorescence permits the localization of the IF signal over a cytoplasmic: nuclear red:blue stain that visualizes the microscopic anatomy of the underlying tissue. To make the visual interpretation of the IF staining easier for microscopists, who are used to DAB staining over weak hematoxilin-eosin background, we created a simple color conversion procedure that turns the captured three-color fluorescence RGB (red, green, blue) images over a black background into four color CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, key color (black)) images.Окраска кристаллическим фиолетовым парафиновых срезов, полученных из ткани, фиксированной в формалине, значительно уменьшает явления аутофлуоресценции и обеспечивает иммунофлуоресцентную (ИФ) окраску антителами, конъюгированными сFITC или Aleхa-488. Использование CCD-камер для регистрации флуоресцентных изображений делает этот метод очень чувствительным. Наша цель — разработать метод трансформации RGB (red, green, blue) — флуоресцентных изображений в CMYC (cyan, magenta, yellow, key color (black) ) изображения. Показано, что комбинация ИФ с одновременной регистрацией красной и голубой флуоресценции, индуцированной соответственно кристаллическим фиолетовым и Hoechst33258, позволяет определять ИФ-сигнал как цитоплазматично-ядерное красно-голубое окрашивание, которое визуализирует морфологические особенности прилегающей ткани. Для упрощения интерпретации ИФ-окраски патологами, привыкшими к окрашиванию ДАБ на фоне гематоксилин-эозина, нами была создана технология простого цветового перехода, который превращает зарегистрированные трехцветные RGB-флуоресцентные изображения на черном фоне в четырехцветные CMYC-изображения на белом фоне, используя программы работы с изображениями

    Analysis of P53, P16INK4A, PRB and cyclin D1 expression and human papillomavirus in primary ovarian serous carcinoma

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    Aim: To evaluate the prognostic relevance of key cell cycle regulatory proteins p53, p16INK4a, pRb and Cyclin D1 expression, the presence of high risk HPVs and their association with clinicopathological parameters and the clinical follow up in ovarian cancer patients. Methods: 53 cases of primary ovarian serous carcinomas were immunohistochemically examined for the expression of p53, p16INK4a, pRb and Cyclin D1 proteins. Tumor DNA was extracted from paraffin blocks and subjected to HPV 16 and 18 testing. The association between HPV 16 and 18 E6 oncoprotein and cell cycle proteins expression in ovarian carcinomas also was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Results: We demonstrated that a majority of moderately and poorly differentiated ovarian carcinomas are characterized by strong expression of p53 and p16INK4a proteins. In contrast, strong staining with cyclin D1 antibody was observed in well differentiated tumors. The correlation between strong p53, pRb, Cyclin D1 and clinical stages of disease was also observed. We show that patients with high positivity for p53, p16INK4a and Cyclin D1 had a poor prognosis and reduced overall survival. The presence of HPV 16/18 DNA was detected in 17% of ovarian carcinomas. The tumor tissues that reacted positively to HPV E6 antibody in focal and diffuse manners had also significantly low p53 expression profile. Conclusion: These findings suggest that p53, p16INK4a and Cyclin D1 expression and HPV infection may represent a promising tool toward the identification of ovarian cancer patients with poorer prognosis and shorter survival who might therefore need a more aggressive therapy and HPV screening

    DNA damage in tumor cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes of endometrial cancer patients assessed by the comet assay

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    To date, genome instability is considered to be a common feature not only of tumor cells, but also of non-malignant cells of cancer patients, including peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs). The issue of the association between genome instability in tumor cells and PBLs, as well as of its relationship with tumor progression remains poorly understood. Aim: To evaluate the level DNA damage in tumor cells and PBLs of endometrial cancer (EC) patients with regard to clinical and morphological characteristics of the patients. Materials and Methods: DNA damage was assessed in 106 PBLs samples and 42 samples of tumor cell suspension from EC patients by comet assay. PBLs from 30 healthy women were used as control. The level of DNA damage was expressed as the percentage of DNA in the comet tails (% tail DNA). Results: It was revealed that the amount of DNA damage in PBLs of EC patients was 2.2 times higher in comparison with that of healthy donors (8.3 ± 0.7 and 3.7 ± 0.4% tail DNA, respectively) (p 0.05). The amounts of DNA damage both in tumor cells and PBLs were not related to the degree of tumor differentiation as well as the depth of myometrial invasion, but depended on the body mass index (BMI) of EC patients: high level of lesions was observed in patients with elevated BMI values. Furthermore, the level of DNA damage in tumor cells was associated to familial aggregation of cancer and was significantly higher in endometrial cells from patients with family history of cancer vs that from EC patients with sporadic tumors (32.3 ± 2.9 and 22.8 ± 1.8% tail DNA, respectively) (p < 0.05). It was also found that for women who had high level of DNA damage in PBLs, the risk of EC was greater (odds ratio value of 3.5) compared to those with low level of such lesions. Conclusion: Genome instability that appears as an increased level of DNA damage in tumor cells and PBLs of EC patients is associated with BMI and family history of cancer and can reflect a predisposition to cancer

    Phenotypic features of endometrial tumors in patients with family history of cancer

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    Aim: To determine the peculiarities of expression of a number of proteins-regulators of the cell cycle in endometrial cancer (EC) cells in patients with a family history of oncological pathologies. Patients and Methods: 95 EC patients (stage І–ІІ) were included into the study. Clinical-genealogical analysis was performed. 54 patients (group I) had healthy relatives, and in families of 41 patients (group II) an aggregation of malignant tumors of different genesis (mainly tumors of the gastrointestinal tract and the female reproductive system) was recorded. p53, р21WAF1/CIP1, р16INK4a, and Ki-67 were assessed immunohistochemically in the surgical samples. Results: In the majority of patients, both from group I and II, moderately differentiated tumors were observed (in 38.9 and 46.3% of cases, respectively), mainly with deep myometrium invasion (64.8 and 58.5% of cases, respectively). In EC patients from group II, a significantly higher number of р16INK4a-positive cells (17.7 ± 1.7%; p = 0.001) and lower number of p53-positive (30.9 ± 3.2%; p = 0.05) and Ki-67-positive (26.9 ± 2.7%; p = 0.048) cells was observed compared to those in tumors of patients from group I (12.0 ± 1.6; 37.7 ± 2.8 and 36.7 ± 3.4%, respectively). Conclusion: Phenotypic features of the EC in the patients with family history of cancer differ from those in tumors of patients without such aggregation. The biological heterogeneity of EC seems to relate to the oncogenealogical history of patients. Also this biological heterogeneity is linked to the molecular features of EC cells, which affects cancer aggressiveness and the course of the disease

    Automation of manufacturing processes at polygraphic enterprises

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