7 research outputs found

    A cosmic equation of state for the inhomogeneous Universe: can a global far-from-equilibrium state explain Dark Energy?

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    A system of effective Einstein equations for spatially averaged scalar variables of inhomogeneous cosmological models can be solved by providing a `cosmic equation of state'. Recent efforts to explain Dark Energy focus on `backreaction effects' of inhomogeneities on the effective evolution of cosmological parameters in our Hubble volume, avoiding a cosmological constant in the equation of state. In this Letter it is argued that, if kinematical backreaction effects are indeed of the order of the averaged density (or larger as needed for an accelerating domain of the Universe), then the state of our regional Hubble volume would have to be in the vicinity of a far-from-equilibrium state that balances kinematical backreaction and average density. This property, if interpreted globally, is shared by a stationary cosmos with effective equation of state peff=−1/3ρeffp_{\rm eff} = -1/3 \rho_{\rm eff}. It is concluded that a confirmed explanation of Dark Energy by kinematical backreaction may imply a paradigmatic change of cosmology.Comment: 7 pages, matches published version in Class. Quant. Gra

    Correspondence between kinematical backreaction and scalar field cosmologies - the `morphon field'

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    Spatially averaged inhomogeneous cosmologies in classical general relativity can be written in the form of effective Friedmann equations with sources that include backreaction terms. In this paper we propose to describe these backreaction terms with the help of a homogeneous scalar field evolving in a potential; we call it the `morphon field'. This new field links classical inhomogeneous cosmologies to scalar field cosmologies, allowing to reinterpret, e.g., quintessence scenarios by routing the physical origin of the scalar field source to inhomogeneities in the Universe. We investigate a one-parameter family of scaling solutions to the backreaction problem. Subcases of these solutions (all without an assumed cosmological constant) include scale-dependent models with Friedmannian kinematics that can mimic the presence of a cosmological constant or a time-dependent cosmological term. We explicitly reconstruct the scalar field potential for the scaling solutions, and discuss those cases that provide a solution to the Dark Energy and coincidence problems. In this approach, Dark Energy emerges from morphon fields, a mechanism that can be understood through the proposed correspondence: the averaged cosmology is characterized by a weak decay (quintessence) or growth (phantom quintessence) of kinematical fluctuations, fed by `curvature energy' that is stored in the averaged 3-Ricci curvature. We find that the late-time trajectories of those models approach attractors that lie in the future of a state that is predicted by observational constraints.Comment: 36 pages and 6 Figures, matches published version in Class.Quant.Gra

    On globally static and stationary cosmologies with or without a cosmological constant and the Dark Energy problem

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    In the framework of spatially averaged inhomogeneous cosmologies in classical General Relativity, effective Einstein equations govern the regional and the global dynamics of averaged scalar variables of cosmological models. A particular solution may be characterized by a cosmic equation of state. In this paper it is pointed out that a globally static averaged dust model is conceivable without employing a compensating cosmological constant. Much in the spirit of Einstein's original model we discuss consequences for the global, but also for the regional properties of this cosmology. We then consider the wider class of globally stationary cosmologies that are conceivable in the presented framework. All these models are based on exact solutions of the averaged Einstein equations and provide examples of cosmologies in an out-of-equilibrium state, which we characterize by an information-theoretical measure. It is shown that such cosmologies preserve high-magnitude kinematical fluctuations and so tend to maintain their global properties. The same is true for a Λ−\Lambda-driven cosmos in such a state despite of exponential expansion. We outline relations to inflationary scenarios, and put the Dark Energy problem into perspective. Here, it is argued, on the grounds of the discussed cosmologies, that a classical explanation of Dark Energy through backreaction effects is theoretically conceivable, if the matter-dominated Universe emerged from a non-perturbative state in the vicinity of the stationary solution. We also discuss a number of caveats that furnish strong counter arguments in the framework of structure formation in a perturbed Friedmannian model.Comment: 33 pages, matches published version in Class. Quant. Gra

    Accelerated expansion from structure formation

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    We discuss the physics of backreaction-driven accelerated expansion. Using the exact equations for the behaviour of averages in dust universes, we explain how large-scale smoothness does not imply that the effect of inhomogeneity and anisotropy on the expansion rate is small. We demonstrate with an analytical toy model how gravitational collapse can lead to acceleration. We find that the conjecture of the accelerated expansion being due to structure formation is in agreement with the general observational picture of structures in the universe, and more quantitative work is needed to make a detailed comparison.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figure. Expanded treatment of topics from the Gravity Research Foundation contest essay astro-ph/0605632. v2: Added references, clarified wordings. v3: Published version. Minor changes and corrections, added a referenc