715 research outputs found

    Lesson Study… and its effects

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    The aim of this contribution is to draw up a theoretical framework to evaluate Lesson Studies (LS) embedded in the schooling context in Lausanne, in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Firstly, we provide a (re)definition of LSs through a comprehensive literature review. Some reference works like the books of Lewis & Hurd (2011) or Fernandez & Yoshida (2004) enable their readers to build a clear comprehension of what LSs are and how they should be implemented. But the LS practices reported in scientific journals show some variation compared with the theoretical model. To evaluate such a process, we postulate that one has to clearly define what is supposed to be measured and identify its limits. Secondly, we present a synthesis of the different ways to measure the effects of LS as reported in the literature. This second focus leads us to list and discuss the features and components of LS which could (or should) be evaluated and the data to be collected to do so. At the same time, our work highlights some differences between LS practices depending on the variation of several parameters. These two topics lead us to question the effects expected from each feature and component of an LS. Some elements are not on the existing list of essential features of an LS. Others, experimented in groups of teachers, are not even mentioned in the reference literature. Yet they can be keys to breaking a stalemate, to overcoming a barrier or simply helping organise the research of a LS group according to their goals. In March 2017, we submitted this presentation and a database of such keys and their expected results for discussion in the Scientific symposium organised by the Post-graduate Studies Program of the Department of Education Sciences in Early Childhood “Innovative educational approaches in multi-cultural educational environments” (Democritus University of Thrace) and the Municipality of Alexandroupolis (GR). This article reports the main ideas of this presentation.

    Lesson Study… and its effects

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    The aim of this contribution is to draw up a theoretical framework to evaluate Lesson Studies (LS) embedded in the schooling context in Lausanne, in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Firstly, we provide a (re)definition of LSs through a comprehensive literature review. Some reference works like the books of Lewis & Hurd (2011) or Fernandez & Yoshida (2004) enable their readers to build a clear comprehension of what LSs are and how they should be implemented. But the LS practices reported in scientific journals show some variation compared with the theoretical model. To evaluate such a process, we postulate that one has to clearly define what is supposed to be measured and identify its limits. Secondly, we present a synthesis of the different ways to measure the effects of LS as reported in the literature. This second focus leads us to list and discuss the features and components of LS which could (or should) be evaluated and the data to be collected to do so. At the same time, our work highlights some differences between LS practices depending on the variation of several parameters. These two topics lead us to question the effects expected from each feature and component of an LS. Some elements are not on the existing list of essential features of an LS. Others, experimented in groups of teachers, are not even mentioned in the reference literature. Yet they can be keys to breaking a stalemate, to overcoming a barrier or simply helping organise the research of a LS group according to their goals. In March 2017, we submitted this presentation and a database of such keys and their expected results for discussion in the Scientific symposium organised by the Post-graduate Studies Program of the Department of Education Sciences in Early Childhood “Innovative educational approaches in multi-cultural educational environments” (Democritus University of Thrace) and the Municipality of Alexandroupolis (GR). This article reports the main ideas of this presentation.

    Ensemble-Based Assimilation of Aerosol Observations in GEOS-5

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    MERRA-2 is the latest Aerosol Reanalysis produced at NASA's Global Modeling Assimilation Office (GMAO) from 1979 to present. This reanalysis is based on a version of the GEOS-5 model radiatively coupled to GOCART aerosols and includes assimilation of bias corrected Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) from AVHRR over ocean, MODIS sensors on both Terra and Aqua satellites, MISR over bright surfaces and AERONET data. In order to assimilate lidar profiles of aerosols, we are updating the aerosol component of our assimilation system to an Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) type of scheme using ensembles generated routinely by the meteorological assimilation. Following the work performed with the first NASA's aerosol reanalysis (MERRAero), we first validate the vertical structure of MERRA-2 aerosol assimilated fields using CALIOP data over regions of particular interest during 2008

    Validation of UV-visible aerosol optical thickness retrieved from spectroradiometer measurements

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    Global and diffuse UV-visible solar irradiances are routinely measured since 2003 with a spectroradiometer operated by the Laboratoire d'Optique Atmosphérique (LOA) located in Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. The analysis of the direct irradiance derived by cloudless conditions enables retrieving the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) spectrum in the 330–450 nm range. The site hosts also sunphotometers from the AERONET/PHOTONS network performing routinely measurements of the AOT at several wavelengths. On one hand, comparisons between the spectroradiometer and the sunphotometer AOT at 440 nm as well as, when available, at 340 and 380 nm, show good agreement: in 2003–2005 at 440 nm the correlation coefficient, the slope and the intercept of the regression line are [0.97, 0.95, 0.025], and in 2006 at 440, 380 and 340 nm they are [0.97, 1.00, −0.013], [0.97, 0.98, −0.007], and [0.98, 0.98, −0.002] respectively. On the other hand, the AOT's spectral variations have been compared using the Angström exponents derived from AOT data at 340 and 440 nm for both instruments. The comparisons show that this parameter is difficult to retrieve accurately due to the small wavelength range and due to the weak AOT values. Thus, AOT derived at wavelengths outside the spectroradiometer range by means of an extrapolation using the Angström parameter would have large uncertainties, whereas spectroradiometer's spectral AOT could be used for direct validation of other AOT, such as those provided by satellite instruments

    Centre de chirurgie ambulatoire : implantation et développement au sein du Réseau Santé Valais en 2005

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    Concept organisationel La chirurgie ambulatoire est avant tout un concept organisationnel centré sur le patient. "L'organisation est au centre du concept, le patient au centre de l'organisation" en rupture avec la pratique de l'hospitalisation traditionnelle où le patient est en attente des événements générés par les différents services (admission, radiologie, bloc opératoire, ...). Son développement suppose une évolution passant d'une simple distribution des ressources centrée sur l'acte chirgical à une culture d'organisation centrée sur le patient. Comme l'Hôpital se trouve au centre d'enjeux de pouvoirs considérables, toute réflexion sur l'organisation entraîne des résistances au changement en ce qu'elle est porteuse d'une remise en cause de la notion de pouvoir, de territoire et d'appropriation de lits. La tâche s'annonce d'ores et déjà passablement ardue. La chirurgie ambulatoire est un concept complexe et multidisciplinaire articulant les sphères institutionnelles, administratives, organisationnelles, médicales, de soins, économiques et qualitatives. Cette articulation permet forcément d'inscrire la chirurgie ambulatoire dans une démarche d'amélioration de la qualité de la prise en charge. La chirurgie ambulatoire est caractérisée par une unité de lieu (un site dédié de prise en charge), de temps (prise en charge limitée dans le temps) et d'action (action coordonnée et globale de l'équipe de soins). (Auteur, p. 8

    Estado de exceção e emergência sanitária: Giorgio Agamben sobre a pandemia por coronavírus

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    O presente artigo possui como tema a perspectiva do filósofo italiano Giorgio Agamben (1942-) sobre a atual emergência sanitária por Sars-Cov-2, a pandemia pelo novo coronavírus. A pesquise circunscreve a problemática levantada pelo filósofo acerca das consequências ético-políticas dos estados de exceção decretados pelos governos democráticos contemporâneos em resposta crise sanitária por covid-19. O artigo tem por objetivo analisar e explicitar as teses defendidas Giorgio Agamben em um conjunto de textos publicados em seu blog particular – Una Voce – e disponível na homepage da editora italiana Quodlibet. Uma tradução para o português está disponível em e-book no site da editora Boitempo, intitulada Reflexões sobre a peste: ensaios em tempos de pandemia. A metodologia de análise retoma as premissas e teses da filosofia política desenvolvidas por Giorgio Agamben em obras anteriores, tais como Homo Sacer I: poder soberano e a vida nua (1995), Homo sacer II, 1: o estado de exceção (2003) e em Signatura Rerum: sobre o método (2019). O resultado obtido consiste na apresentação do percurso filosófico das análises de Giorgio Agamben durante a fase inicial da pandemia. A leitura e comentário dos textos selecionados permitem concluir que, para o autor, a atual pandemia serve de oportunidade para a normalização do paradigma da exceção como forma de governo nas democracias contemporâneas e de ocasião para a realização plena do regime da biopolítica