679 research outputs found

    ED-XRF analysis of the mediaeval copper-based door in Monte Sant'Angelo (Southern Italy)

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    AbstractThis work regards the analysis of a copper-based door (dated 1076 AD) located at the entrance to the sanctuary of Monte Sant'Angelo (Southern Italy) by using a non-destructive technique and in situ chemical analysis. The door does not show serious corrosive phenomena and presents several types of decorative elements such as two inlays (of silver and copper colour) and three engravings (of red, black and green colour). A portable energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectrometer was used in order to evaluate the chemical composition of the door and of the decorations that adorn the artefact. No sampling or sample preparation was required before the measurements. Preliminary analysis on the materials that make up the door revealed that the panels and the frame of the two sashes are made of the same alloy, while the nails and the handles have a different composition. Graphical abstrac

    XRD analysis of patinas on the monument dedicated to Saint Oronzo, Lecce

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    The monument dedicated to Saint Oronzo is placed in the homonymous square in the city centre of Lecce (Southern Italy). This monument consists of an internal wooden structure that is completely covered with copper sheets, lying on a concrete base about 1.5 meters high, which is placed on a Roman column about 29 meters high. The restoration of this manufact started in June 2018 and, first of all, non-destructive analyses are planned as proposed in the time-schedule. In this paper, we show the results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis of the patinas both of the statue and of the column in order to evaluate their composition


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    Despite the improvement made in controlling local air pollution, urban areas are undergoing increasing environmental pressures and poor air quality is one of the major concerns. Recently, much attention has focused on the relationship between urban form and sustainability. There are indications that the density and the overall shape of cities can have implications on street level ventilation and the “compact city” is by many regarded as the most sustainable urban form. In this framework, this paper is devoted to the study of flow and pollutant dispersion from a ground level line source at pedestrian level within different urban configurations. The urban-like configurations vary from the scenario of an urban sprawl to the opposite scenario of a compact city. Wind tunnel experiments and CFD simulations are performed to evaluate pollutant concentrations in each of the idealized city structures. The overall aim is that of assessing and clarifying the effect of city density on atmospheric flow patterns and pollutant dispersion

    Diagnostic investigation to support the restoration of the polychrome terracotta relief "Madonna and Child" in Piove di Sacco (Padova, Italy)

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    Restoration procedures of the polychrome terracotta relief “Madonna and Child” with papier-mâché inserts from a shrine in Piove di Sacco (Padova, orthern Italy) were assisted by analytical investigations, contributing to identify the chemical composition of the pigments, fractures and internal damages, additions and retouchings, which strongly modified the original manufact. In particular, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence, Raman spectroscopy and FT-IR spectroscopy were employed to determine the chemical composition of pigments on the original layer and on the overpaintings and to understand the artistic techniques. Moreover, X-ray planar radiography and computed tomography were used to understand the structure and its conservative state. Finally, the relief, stylistically dated to the 17th century, turned out to be a Renaissance terracotta artefact. The polychrome blue traces of lapis lazuli highlighted a valuable artwork and the resemblance with the style of Donatello and his apprentices have recently led to further studies, as an initial part of a larger research on polychrome terracotta in Veneto

    "What is man?" Epistemological considerations and philosophical perspectives about the issue of truth of Human in Clinical Psychology

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    openIl pluralismo teorico, e di posizioni ontologiche sottese ai vari orientamenti teorici, in Psicologia clinica richiama l’urgenza e la portata della domanda morale e di verità: quale modo di intendere l’uomo, quale visione antropologica -sempre a fondamento di ogni prospettiva teorico-clinica in psicologia- è meglio scegliere? Con quali criterî? Nei casi in cui, a un’analisi più profonda, certe posizioni ontologico-epistemologiche a fondamento di diverse scuole cliniche appaiono incompatibili, quale posizione assumere? Questi interrogativi possano essere affrontati su due livelli: a) un criterio veritativo, adottabile se si suppone che vi sia “un modo in cui le cose stanno”, che vi siano delle invarianti strutturali; che sia possibile tendere al vero ontologico (o, almeno, al vero nella descrizione fenomenologica) con qualche asserzione universale intorno all’uomo e alla sua psiche; che non tutto nella realtà possa essere stabilito dall’uomo; se, cioè, si accetta che la realtà -nella fattispecie, la realtà psichica e il suo funzionamento- in qualche misura precede e supera l’uomo, che l’uomo non crea se stesso e il proprio mondo psichico dal nulla b) un criterio pragmatico, utile e imprescindibile nel verificare gli effetti dell’assunzione di certe posizioni ontologico-epistemologico-metodologiche in termini di realtà vissuta e di benessere personale. Se ogni prassi clinica presuppone una teoria, e ogni teoria si fonda su certi assunti ontologico-epistemologici, i quali in una scienza umana come la psicologia informano una certa concezione antropologica (in altre parole, una “visione dell’uomo”), ogni psicologo clinico nella sua prassi è -più o meno consapevolmente- guidato dalla visione dell’uomo che il proprio modello teorico di riferimento suppone. Se questo è vero, allora l’“antropologia” dello psicologo ne influenza il lavoro clinico. Ma tali diverse possibili ontologie dell’umano di cui gli psicologi clinici sono inevitabilmente portatori sono equivalenti in termini veritativi e in termini pragmatici, cioè di esiti clinici? Con quali criterî assumere delle posizioni ontologiche ed epistemologiche che delineino una “buona antropologia”? Nel presente lavoro muoverò da questi interrogativi: proverò ad approfondire la questione della concezione antropologica supposta dalle varie prospettive in psicologia clinica, per poi mostrare la necessità di criterî universali nel trattare l’uomo; infine, sosterrò la tesi della necessità logica di un criterio di verità

    Potential impacts of green infrastructure on NOx and PM10 in different local climate zones of Brindisi, Italy

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    This study delves into Green Infrastructure (GI) planning in Brindisi, Italy, evaluating its influence on urban air quality and thermal comfort. Employing an LCZ-centred Geographic Information System (GIS) based classification protocol, the prevalence of LCZ 6 (Open low-rise) and LCZ 2 (Compact mid-rise) is highlighted. Despite generally low PM10 levels in Brindisi, intermittent NOx spikes surpassing WHO and EU standards pose health risks. Within LCZ 2, diverse GI interventions (green walls, hedges, trees) were tested, with green walls emerging as the most effective, albeit falling short of expectations, while trees exhibited adverse air quality impacts. LCZ 6 demonstrated enhanced air quality attributed to wind patterns, GI, and urban canyon improvements. Thermal comfort analysis consistently revealed positive outcomes across various GI types, reducing discomfort by a minimum of 10%. The study emphasized GI's favourable com-fort impact on sidewalks but cautioned against trees in street canyons with aspect ratios exceeding 0.7, heightening pollutant levels and implying increased exposure risks. Conversely, street canyons with lower aspect ratios displayed variable conditions influenced by prevailing regional wind patterns. In conclusion, the integrated assessment of LCZ and GI holds promise for in-formed urban planning, guiding decisions that prioritize healthier, more sustainable cities. This underscores the crucial need to balance GI strategies for optimal urban development, aligning with the overarching goal of promoting urban well-being and sustainability

    The restoration of the Colosso di Barletta: EDXRF analysis

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    The Colosso di Barletta is an imposing outdoor bronze statue, dating back the V century, located near the Basilica of “Santo Sepolcro” in Barletta (Apulia, Southern Italy). The monument underwent a structural restoration in 1981, during which the Central Institute of Restoration in Rome performed cleaning treatments and consolidation of the patinas. Currently, the Laboratory of Archaeometry of the University of Salento is carrying on a campaign of non-destructive and in situ measurements by using energy dispersion X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) in order to assess the chemical composition of the alloy and to study its patinas

    Nutraceutical-based integrative medicine: adopting a mediterranean diet pyramid for attaining healthy ageing in veterans with disabilities

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    Veterans with disability represent a big burden worldwide and often require long-term rehabilitation. Unhealthy dietary and lifestyle habits, including smoke and alcohol abuse, are common in veterans. In the context of integrative medicine approaches, the "complementary and alternative medicine" has been suggested for the management of chronic diseases. However, the potential risk of interaction between herbal products, dietary supplements and drugs must be considered in veterans. The Mediterranean diet has been suggested as a natural, non-pharmacological nutraceutical for healthy ageing. Although there is a broad consensus on the positive effect of plant foods consumption, the presence of glucosinolates, flavonoids and furanocoumarins in some plant foods and beverages must be taken into consideration owing to their potential interfering with drugs metabolism and bioavailability. Albeit seasonality could ensure the maintenance of the single dose of phytochemical below that at which adverse effects in some individuals genetically predisposed or unpleasant drug interactions in diseased subjects can occur, a personalized nutrition is recommended in veterans who are in treatment for comorbidities. Furthermore, sports practice can lead veterans with motor disabilities and mental impairments to excel in some disciplines, giving rise to the phenomenon of the Paralympics and the development of "recreational therapy". Moreover, outdoor lifestyle, through vitamin D synthesis, and conviviality, improving socialization, could account for the Mediterranean lifestyle health benefits. In this work we propose for veterans a Mediterranean Pyramid, which could be the basis for integrative medicine for veterans with disabilities, patient-centered approaches and interprofessional (including physical medicine and rehabilitation clinicians, pharmacists and nutritionists) interventions
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