642 research outputs found

    Tree Stands and Their Productivity Dynamics at the Upper Growing Limit in Khibiny on the Background of Modern Climate Changes

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    Within the ecotone of the upper limit of woody vegetation on the southeastern macroslope of the Khibiny Mountain ridge (Kola Peninsula), the spatial and age structure, as well as features of the phytomass accumulation of spruce–birch stands, were studied. Analysis revealed that there was a manifold increase in the density and productivity of forest stands in the last century, and the upper border of the woodlands and dense forests has moved considerably higher into the mountains. All of this happened against the background of an increase in early summer temperatures and a longer growing season in the area in the 20th century. Our data will help simulate the response of mountain ecosystems in the region to future climate change. © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Sucker-rod pumping units equipment diagnosing facilities

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    В статье приводятся общие сведения о появлении и применении установок штанговых глубинных насосов (УШГН), и дано описание конструкции такой установки, оснащенной станком-качалкой. Рассмотрены два основных способа для диагностики таких установок: динамометрирование и ваттметрирование. Представлены принципы построения диаграмм и необходимые для этого датчики. Описаны устаревшая и современная реализация динамометрической системы (динамографа). Приведен перечень необходимых для поиска неисправностей параметров, которые можно получить как с использованием динамограммы, так и ваттметрограммы. Сделан вывод о направлении дальнейших исследований в данной области.The common information about appearance and application of the sucker-rod pumping units (SRPU) is presented in this paper, and the pumpjack structure description is given. The two main ways of the unit diagnostics - dynamometry and wattmetry are considered. The approaches for dynamometer card building and necessary sensors are submitted. Stale and modern implementation of the dynamometric system (dynamograph) are depicted. List of essential parameters for a fault search by dint of dynamometer and wattmeter cards is set. The conclusion about a further research direction in this field is made

    Hypermethylation of TUSC5 genes in breast cancer tissue

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    Aim: Breast cancer (BC) is one of the most common forms of cancer amongst females. Early diagnosis, prognosis and therapy plays crucial role in the survival of patients with breast cancer. The study was aimed on identification of potential markers for early BC diagnostics by means of genome-wide comparative analysis of gene expression in cancer and normal tissue of breast. Methods: The analysis of gene expression in 15 invasive adenocarcinoma specimens and 15 normal breast tissue was conducted using the full-genome microarrays Sentrix HumanWD-6V3 BeadChip (Illumina). Methylation of TP53INK1 and TUSС5 promoters was interrogated by the combined bisulfite restriction analysis (COBRA). Results: Analysis of gene expression in the samples of breast adenocarcinoma revealed abnormal expression of more than 2,300 genes. While genes TFF1, S100P, ERBB2, TOP2A, CDF15, HOOK1, DNAJC12, CORO2A were up-regulated in cancer, decreased expression was found for genes TUSC5, SFRP1, PPPQR1B, NTRK4, TIMP4, BARD1, AKR1C2, TP53INK1 and others. Analysis of DNA methylation of TUSC5 by COBRA revealed higher levels of exon 1 methylation (11/12) in samples of breast cancer, whereas the gene was essentially unmethylated in matched normal appearing tissue of breast (2/12). TP53INK1 gene was methylated neither in cancer nor in normalcy. Conclusion: A total of 149 genes exhibited the highest difference in expression in cancer versus normal appearing tissue of breast. Most prominent down-regulated candidates, TUSC5 and TP53INK1, were reported for the first time in breast cancer and may be considered as potential markers of the disease. Aberrant DNA hypermethylation of TUSC5 suggests epigenetic mechanism of cancer associated down-regulation

    Epigenetic mechanisms of TNFα activation in patients with cancer endometry

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    An important aspect of the management of patients with endometrial cancer (ER) is the timely identification of risk groups, early signs of the onset and recurrence of the disease. There is an active search for new markers for early diagnosis, detection of relapses and postoperative monitoring of RE. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) is a cytokine involved in the pathogenesis of various forms of cancer, as well as associated with chronic inflammation, obesity. The goal is to study the methylation of the TNFa gene in the OM and the possibility of using it as a marker for forecasting, monitoring, and the risk of developing the OM. Materials and methods. DNA methylation was determined by the method of pyrosequencing in endometrial specimens taken from 10 patients with verified endometrial hyperplasia and 13 patients with RE when performing hysteroscopy with endometrial biopsy or endometrial curettage. Results and discussion. The total degree of methylation of the TNFα gene DNA promoter in the samples under study in patients with simple and / or complex nonatypical endometrial hyperplasia was 62.6 ± 12.8% and was higher than in RE patients (34.7 ± 8.8%). Findings. The results of the study showed the involvement of the epigenetic mechanism, which is associated with hypomethylation of the TNFα gene promoter, which can lead to the activation of the TNFα gene in RE. Determining the amount of methylation DNA promoter of the TNFα gene can be used as a potential prognostic and diagnostic marker for ER

    Hypermethylation of TUSC5 genes in breast cancer tissue.

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    Breast cancer (BC) is one of the most common forms of cancer amongst females. Early diagnosis, prognosis and therapy plays crucial role in the survival of patients with breast cancer. The study was aimed on identification of potential markers for early BC diagnostics by means of genome-wide comparative analysis of gene expression in cancer and normal tissue of breast. The analysis of gene expression in 15 invasive adenocarcinoma specimens and 15 normal breast tissue was conducted using the full-genome microarrays Sentrix HumanWD-6V3 BeadChip (Illumina). Methylation of TP53INK1 and TUSС5 promoters was interrogated by the combined bisulfite restriction analysis (COBRA). Results: Analysis of gene expression in the samples of breast adenocarcinoma revealed abnormal expression of more than 2,300 genes. While genes TFF1, S100P, ERBB2, TOP2A, CDF15, HOOK1, DNAJC12, CORO2A were up-regulated in cancer, decreased expression was found for genes TUSC5, SFRP1, PPPQR1B, NTRK4, TIMP4, BARD1, AKR1C2, TP53INK1 and others. Analysis of DNA methylation of TUSC5 by COBRA revealed higher levels of exon 1 methylation (11/12) in samples of breast cancer, whereas the gene was essentially unmethylated in matched normal appearing tissue of breast (2/12). TP53INK1 gene was methylated neither in cancer nor in normalcy. Conclusion: A total of 149 genes exhibited the highest difference in expression in cancer versus normal appearing tissue of breast. Most prominent down-regulated candidates, TUSC5 and TP53INK1, were reported for the first time in breast cancer and may be considered as potential markers of the disease. Aberrant DNA hypermethylation of TUSC5 suggests epigenetic mechanism of cancer associated down-regulation. Key Words: differentially expressed genes, DNA methylation, breast cancer

    Free-free absorption parameters of Cassiopeia A from low-frequency interferometric observations

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    Context. Cassiopeia A is one of the most extensively studied supernova remnants (SNRs) in our Galaxy. The analysis of its spectral features with the help of low frequency observations plays an important role for understanding the evolution of the radio source through the propagation of synchrotron emission to observers through the SNR environment and the interstellar medium. Aims. In this paper we present measurements of the integrated spectrum of Cas A to characterize the properties of free-free absorption towards this SNR. We also add new measurements to track its slowly evolving and decreasing integrated flux density. Methods. We use the Giant Ukrainian radio telescope (GURT) for measuring the continuum spectrum of Cassiopeia A within the frequency range of 16-72 MHz. The radio flux density of Cassiopeia A relative to the reference source of the radio galaxy Cygnus A has been measured on May-October, 2019 with two subarrays of the GURT, used as a two-element correlation interferometer. Results. We determine magnitudes of emission measure, electron temperature and an average number of charges of the ions for both internal and external absorbing ionized gas towards in Cassiopeia A. Generally, their values are close to the ones suggested by Arias et al. (2018), although for some there are slight differences. In the absence of clumping we find the unshocked ejecta of M = 2.61 solar mass at the electron density of 15.3 cm^-3 has a gas temperature of T=100 K. If the clumping factor is 0.67, then the unshocked ejecta of 0.96 solar mass the electron density of 18.7 cm^-3. Conclusions. The integrated flux density spectrum of Cassiopeia A obtained with the GURT interferometric observations is consistent with the theoretical model within measurement errors and also reasonably consistent with other recent results in the literature.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Microarray study of gene expression in uterine leiomyoma

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    Uterine leiomyoma is a most common benign neoplasm in women of reproductive age. It arises from the myometrial compartment of the uterus and may transform in some cases to a malignant phenotype. Aim: To identify the genes involved in pathogenesis of uterine leiomyoma. Methods: We have studied differential gene expression in matched tissue samples of leiomyoma and normal myometrium from the very same people utilizing a cDNA microarray screening method. We also compared our results with previously published microarray data to identify the overlapping gene alterations. Results: Based on this comparison we can divide genes deregulated in our study into two groups. The first group comprises genes that to our knowledge have not been previously reported as deregulated in fibroids: CLDN1, FGF7 (KGF), HNRPM, ISOC1, MAGEC1 (CT7), MAPK12, RFC, TIE1, TNFRSF21 (DR6). The second group consists of genes identified also in previous studies: CCND1 (BCL1), CDKN1A (P21), CRABP2, FN1 and SOX4 (EVI16). In our study FN1 was the most up-regulated gene, occupying the place between the myometrium and fibroids ranging from 2.07 to 3.64, depending of the probe molecule used for detection. Conclusions: Newly identified genes may be regarded as potential diagnostic or prognostic markers of uterine leiomyoma and thus may be very useful as new therapeutic candidates.Лейомиома матки является одним из наиболее распространенных доброкачественных новообразований женской репродуктивной сферы. В некоторых случаях отмечают злокачественную трансформацию данного новообразования. Цель: идентификация генов, вовлеченных в патогенез лейомиомы. Методы: проведен анализ дифференциальной экспрессии генов в образцах лейомиомы и нормального миометрия одних и тех же пациентов методом ДНК-биочип-гибридизации и проведено сравнение полученных результатов с данными, опубликованными ранее. Результаты: выявлены различия в экспрессии ряда генов, которые можно разделить на две группы. Впервые выявлена повышенная экспрессия генов CLDN1, FGF7 (KGF), HNRPM, ISOC1, MAGEC1 (CT7), MAPK12, RFC, TIE1 и TNFRSF21 (DR6) в ткани лейомиомы по сравнению с нормальным миометрием. Ко второй группе можно отнести гены CCND1 (BCL1), CDKN1A (P21), CRABP2, FN1 и SOX4 (EVI16), уже упоминавшиеся в связи с патогенезом лейомиомы в ряде предыдущих исследований. Наибольшим изменением уровня экспрессии (в 2,07–3,64 раз в зависимости от зонда) характеризовался ген фибронектина FN1. Выводы: идентифицированные гены могут рассматриваться в качестве потенциальных диагностических и прогностических маркеров лейомиомы матки

    Development of Moral Immunity among Students

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    In the modern conditions of the massive impact on the consciousness of the young generation of multidirectional social factors and influences, the development of moral immunity among students becomes of increased importance. The article notes insufficient development of this problem in modern psychological and pedagogical science. The authors offer their own approach to the interpretation of the concept of “moral immunity” as a special personal neoformation that performs the functions of providing psychological resistance to negative factors that can disrupt the normal course of development and socialization of an individual, as well as creating the basis for the formation of a stable moral position in relation to other people and oneself. In the structure of moral immunity, the value, sensory and moral components are distinguished. Based on the material of an empirical study of students with different professional orientation, it is shown that the last two components are characterized by a certain mismatch of their manifestations. The article reveals some areas of work with students that ensure the development of their moral immunity in the educational environment of the university

    Die Verstaatlichung der Geschäftsbanken in Rußland: Eine russische Sicht

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    Die Diskussion um die Verstaatlichung der Banken erhielt neue Nahrung durch Äußerungen des russischen Innenministers Kulikov, der sich davon bessere Möglichkeiten der Verbrechensbekämpfung sowie eine erleichterte Finanzierung staatlicher Organe verspricht. Aus russischen Bankenkreisen wurden gegen die Verstaatlichungsidee einerseits Einwände geäußert, andererseits aber auch positive Aspekte wie die Stabilisierung des Finanzsystems hervorgehoben. Eine Verstaatlichung der Banken, die keine wirtschaftlich ungünstigen Folgen hat, erfordert nach Meinung der russischen Autoren der Studie einige Voraussetzungen, die in Rußland derzeit nicht gegeben sind. Allerdings könnten ihrer Meinung nach gewisse Schritte zur Verstärkung des staatlichen Einflusses auf die Investitionsfinanzierung wie die Gründung einer staatlichen Investitionsbank oder einer staatlichen Beteiligung an privaten Banken für die Wirtschaftsregulierung sinnvoll sein. (BIOst-Mrk