31 research outputs found

    Frequency Characteristics of Visually Induced Motion Sickness

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    This article was published in the journal, Human Factors [Sage Publications / © Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.]. The definitive version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0018720812469046Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the frequency response of visually induced motion sickness (VIMS) for oscillating linear motion in the foreand- aft axis. Background: Simulators, virtual environments, and commercially available video games that create an illusion of self-motion are often reported to induce the symptoms seen in response to true motion. Often this human response can be the limiting factor in the acceptability and usability of such systems. Whereas motion sickness in physically moving environments is known to peak at an oscillation frequency around 0.2 Hz, it has recently been suggested that VIMS peaks at around 0.06 Hz following the proposal that the summed response of the visual and vestibular selfmotion systems is maximized at this frequency. Methods: We exposed 24 participants to random dot optical flow patterns simulating oscillating foreand- aft motion within the frequency range of 0.025 to 1.6 Hz. Before and after each 20-min exposure, VIMS was assessed with the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire. Also, a standard motion sickness scale was used to rate symptoms at 1-min intervals during each trial. Results: VIMS peaked between 0.2 and 0.4 Hz with a reducing effect at lower and higher frequencies. Conclusion: The numerical prediction of the “crossover frequency” hypothesis, and the design guidance curve previously proposed, cannot be accepted when the symptoms are purely visually induced. Application: In conditions in which stationary observers are exposed to optical flow that simulates oscillating fore-and-aft motion, frequencies around 0.2 to 0.4 Hz should be avoided

    Virtual slides in peer reviewed, open access medical publication

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Application of virtual slides (VS), the digitalization of complete glass slides, is in its infancy to be implemented in routine diagnostic surgical pathology and to issues that are related to tissue-based diagnosis, such as education and scientific publication.</p> <p>Approach</p> <p>Electronic publication in Pathology offers new features of scientific communication in pathology that cannot be obtained by conventional paper based journals. Most of these features are based upon completely open or partly directed interaction between the reader and the system that distributes the article. One of these interactions can be applied to microscopic images allowing the reader to navigate and magnify the presented images. VS and interactive Virtual Microscopy (VM) are a tool to increase the scientific value of microscopic images.</p> <p>Technology and Performance</p> <p>The open access journal Diagnostic Pathology <url>http://www.diagnosticpathology.org</url> has existed for about five years. It is a peer reviewed journal that publishes all types of scientific contributions, including original scientific work, case reports and review articles. In addition to digitized still images the authors of appropriate articles are requested to submit the underlying glass slides to an institution (DiagnomX.eu, and Leica.com) for digitalization and documentation. The images are stored in a separate image data bank which is adequately linked to the article. The normal review process is not involved. Both processes (peer review and VS acquisition) are performed contemporaneously in order to minimize a potential publication delay. VS are not provided with a DOI index (digital object identifier). The first articles that include VS were published in March 2011.</p> <p>Results and Perspectives</p> <p>Several logistic constraints had to be overcome until the first articles including VS could be published. Step by step an automated acquisition and distribution system had to be implemented to the corresponding article. The acceptance of VS by the reader is high as well as by the authors. Of specific value are the increased confidence to and reputation of authors as well as the presented information to the reader. Additional associated functions such as access to author-owned related image collections, reader-controlled automated image measurements and image transformations are in preparation.</p> <p>Virtual Slides</p> <p>The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: <url>http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/1232133347629819</url>.</p

    Characterisation of alpha3beta1 and alpha(v)beta3 integrin N-oligosaccharides in metastatic melanoma WM9 and WM239 cell lines.

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    It is well documented that glycan synthesis is altered in some pathological processes, including cancer. The most frequently observed alterations during tumourigenesis are extensive expression of β1,6-branched complex type N-glycans, the presence of poly-N-acetyllactosamine structures, and high sialylation of cell surface glycoproteins. This study investigated two integrins, α3β1 and αvβ3, whose expression is closely related to cancer progression. Their oligosaccharide structures in two metastatic melanoma cell lines (WM9, WM239) were analysed with the use of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry. Both examined integrins possessed heavily sialylated and fucosylated glycans, with β1,6-branches and short polylactosamine chains. In WM9 cells, α3β1 integrin was more variously glycosylated than αvβ3; in WM239 cells the situation was the reverse. Functional studies (wound healing and ELISA integrin binding assays) revealed that the N-oligosaccharide component of the tested integrins influenced melanoma cell migration on vitronectin and α3β1 integrin binding to laminin-5. Additionally, more variously glycosylated integrins exerted a stronger influence on these parameters. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report concerning structural characterisation of αvβ3 integrin glycans in melanoma or in any cancer cells