334 research outputs found

    Preparation and Properties of Rare Earth 4-Nitrophthalates

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    Rare earth (Y, La−Lu) 4-nitrophthalates were prepared and studied using IR spectroscopy, TG, DTG and DTA. Their compositions were determined as well as their solubilities in water at 295 K. The rare earth complexes were obtained as solids with a 2:3 ratio of metal to organic ligand. 4-Nitrophthalates of Y, La−Eu, Dy−Tm were crystalline solids, whereas those of Gd, Tb, Yb and Lu were amorphous. The COO- group in the prepared complexes acts as bidentate chelating. The complexes are stable at room temperature. During heating they are dehydrated in one (Y, La, Pr−Yb), two (Ce, Lu) or three (La) steps, and then the anhydrous complexes decompose explosively

    Extrinsic allergic pneumonitis - classification, pathogenesis, diagnosis

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    Introduction and objective: Extrinsic allergic pneumonitis (AZPP) is an inflammatory disease of the lung parenchyma and bronchioles, caused by inhalation of organic and inorganic antigens. The pathhomechanism of the disease is based on the binding of the antigen with precipitins to form immune complexes that are responsible for the formation of acute inflammation in the lung tissue. The resulting inflammation is a type III and type IV hypersensitivity reaction. In the clinical course, azpp is divided into acute, subacute and chronic phases. The course of the disease varies depending on the type and duration of exposure to the antigen. It is most often manifested by shortness of breath, coughing and the progression of the disease leads to respiratory failure. Review methods: While writing the thesis, a database was used, ie Pubmed and Google Scholar. Brief description of the stage of knowledge: Extrinsic allergic pneumonitis requires a thorough differential diagnosis, which includes laboratory tests, functional tests, imaging tests, inhalation provocation tests and lung biopsy. The mainstay of treatment is to avoid exposure to the antigen. In severe disease, systemic corticosteroid therapy is indicated. Summary: Correct diagnosis is a big problem because of the differences in symptoms and the severity of the disease among patients. Expanding the knowledge about the clinical course of the disease or its pathogenesis will affect the effectiveness of diagnostics and help to develop new methods of treatment. &nbsp

    Preparation and Properties of Rare Earth 4-Nitrophthalates

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    Rare earth (Y, La−Lu) 4-nitrophthalates were prepared and studied using IR spectroscopy, TG, DTG and DTA. Their compositions were determined as well as their solubilities in water at 295 K. The rare earth complexes were obtained as solids with a 2:3 ratio of metal to organic ligand. 4-Nitrophthalates of Y, La−Eu, Dy−Tm were crystalline solids, whereas those of Gd, Tb, Yb and Lu were amorphous. The COO- group in the prepared complexes acts as bidentate chelating. The complexes are stable at room temperature. During heating they are dehydrated in one (Y, La, Pr−Yb), two (Ce, Lu) or three (La) steps, and then the anhydrous complexes decompose explosively

    Development and characterization of microsatellite loci in the Centricnemus leucogrammus weevil

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    Centricnemus leucogrammus is a weevil characteristic of European xerothermic habitats and steppes. The species was probably more widespread during the Pleistocene glaciations, while its current distribution is limited to “warm-stage refugia.” It may be regarded as a typical representative of flightless xerothermophilous beetles. Previous studies concentrated on its genetic variation using mitochondrial genes. Here, we identified, tested and characterized 24 polymorphic microsatellite loci with the use of 454 sequencing of microsatellite enriched genomic libraries. The new set of loci will be used in studies on the population structure of this weevil and may provide valuable information for its conservation

    Different types of maltreatment and health-related quality of life in older age

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    Diff erent types of maltreatment against older people, perpetrated by those within their close social network, stand in contrast to well-known theories of intergenerational solidarity. Th e aim of this study was to examine the relationships between diff erent types of maltreatment reported by Polish older people and their health-related quality of life. A cross-sectional study was carried out in a simple random sample of 631 older (i.e., aged 65 years and over) citizens of Cracow (36.6% males and 63.4% females). Th e study was based on face to face interviews. Structured questionnaire consisting of questions meant to recognize diff erent types of maltreatment and the perpetrators of such maltreatment. Health-related quality of life was evaluated with scales included in the SF-36. Th e infl uence of a particular dimension of quality of life on the risk of being a victim of violence was explored in multivariate logistic regression models which showed that risk of poor perception of the health status was higher in both, older women (ExpB = 2.04; 95% CI = (1.21; 3.44)) and older men (ExpB = 2.01; 95% CI = (1.00; 4.06)), who presented belief that older people in Poland are poorly treated by younger parts of the society. Risk of high limitation in functional status was higher in men confi rmed that older people in Poland are poorly treated by rest of the society (ExpB = 2.40; 95% CI = (1.23; 4.71)). Risk of low psychological well-being was higher in women confi rmed self-defi ning themselves as a victim of psychological abuse (ExpB = 2.60; 95% CI = (1.27; 5.34)) and those who defi ned themselves as a victim of neglect by family members (ExpB = 2.73; 95% CI = (1.22; 6.08)). Men who believed that older people are poorly treated in Poland also had higher risk of low psychological well-being (ExpB = 2.30; 95% CI = (1.18; 4.46)). Presented data show that in self-defi nition older people perceived themselves as a victim of maltreatment. Coping with these negative beliefs and opinion should be taken into account as a challenge to develop the social capital based on mutual trust and intergenerational solidarity

    Sleep duration and mortality among older adults in a 22-year follow-up study : an analysis of possible effect modifiers

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    The aim of this study was to assess the relationship of sleep duration and all-cause mortality among 2,449 Polish community-dwelling older citizens of Krakow observed during 22 years of follow-up. In particular, the role of some demographic, psychosocial and health-related conditions were investigated in terms of modification effect. In the prospective study, background information was gathered by face-to-face interview. Vital data were obtained from the population registry. Cox regression models were used to assess the role of sleep duration in mortality, in the analyses of potential effect modifiers and the shape of the relationship. Sleep duration was observed to be a significant predictor of all-cause mortality. Life-weariness, functional activity, total number of chronic diseases and age (65–79, 80+) were found to be effect modifiers for the relationship between sleep duration and mortality. Further investigation showed a U-shaped mortality risk associated with the duration of sleep among individuals with a high level of life-weariness, high functional activity and in individuals aged 80 and over. On the other hand, a linear relationship between longer sleep duration and mortality was observed among older people with no experience of life-weariness, without chronic diseases, with medium functional activity and aged 65–79, but also among those who reported three and more chronic conditions. Results of our study support available evidence showing the relationship between sleep duration and mortality among older adults and suggest that any public health intervention in this area should consider also other coexisting modifiable psychosocial and functional determinants

    Measles: A disease that’s making a comeback

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    Introduction: Measles is a highly contagious viral disease that occurs around the world, featured by fever and the characteristic maculopapular rash, which can also be associated with cough, conjunctivitis or coryza. In recent years, there has been an alarming increase in the amount of measles cases in many countries around the world. The aim of this study is to review the literature and systematize knowledge about measles.Brief description of the state of knowledge: The disease is caused by the measles virus, which is highly infectious, and its only reservoir is humans. The infection occurs via droplets, and the disease is a three-phase course. Unfortunately, measles is behind multiple complications, which may lead to death. In view of no specific antiviral therapies available for the treatment of measles, controlling the spread of the disease depends on prophylaxis, that is the use of widely available and effective vaccination against measles. Despite the presence of vaccines, there is still a substantial risk of further endemic outbreaks.  Conclusions: Nowadays, the elimination of measles is a major challenge due to increasing population density, ongoing wars, pandemics and other social and political factors. Hence, it remains paramount to make every effort to increase the quantity of people vaccinated against measles and to control its spread globally