26 research outputs found


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    Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Śląskiego zorganizowała w tym roku otwarte spotkanie w ramach Śląskiej Nocy Naukowców. Odbyło się ono 24 września 2010 r. w Informatorium BUŚ. Imprezę przygotowali pracownicy Biblioteki – Marzena Smyłła, Jadwiga Witek oraz Tomasz Zięba..


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    Nagroda przyznawana w sześciu kategoriach (estrada, film, lite-ratura, muzyka poważna, plastyka – sztuki wizualne, teatr oraz nagroda specjalna kreator kultury). Została ustanowiona w 1993 r. przez tygodnik „Polityka”. Za rok 2010 w kategorii literatura zostali nominowani: Justyna Bargielska, Ignacy Karpowicz oraz Tomasz Piątek. Nominacje zostały przyznane przez jury w składzie: Przemysław Czapliński, Paweł Dunin Wąsowicz, Grzegorz Jankowicz, Piotr Kofta, Anna Nasiłowska, Robert Ostaszewski, Marta..

    Increasing and decreasing droplets velocity in micro channels

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    This paper deals with a specific aspect of non miscible liquid-liquid systems in microfluidic. For Chemical Engineering applications, the main constraints of functioning lies in the droplets velocity and frequency. Furthermore, the material used and the composition of the fluids is often imposed by the chemistry of the system (material resistance, fluids composition) and there is no possibility of adding other compound (surfactants for example). A technique under evaluation is presented: by using secondary channels and pumps, it is possible to increase or decrease at will the droplets velocity after they have been generated. Some experimental results are presented and discussed, including the possible limits of such an approach

    O sztuce książki

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    [...] Typologia książki artystycznej, zaproponowana przez Clive`a Phillpota, obejmuje takie terminy, jak m.in. bookart, book object, bookwork, e-artist`s book, fine book, illustrated book, fine book, altered book [Chappell, 2003; Chappell, 2002]1. W definicji książek artystycznych rozróżnił on książki zwykłe (just books), czyli tradycyjne, książki-dzieła (bookworks), a zatem prace artystyczne w formie książki, będące miejscem „zetknięcia się” sztuki i literatury, oraz obiekty książkowe (book objects), które nawiązują do idei „książki” i mają znacznie swobodniejszy charakter formalny […

    Stem cells migration during skeletal muscle regeneration - the role of Sdf-1/Cxcr4 and Sdf-1/ Cxcr7 axis

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    The skeletal muscle regeneration occurs due to the presence of tissue specific stem cells - satellite cells. These cells, localized between sarcolemma and basal lamina, are bound to muscle fibers and remain quiescent until their activation upon muscle injury. Due to pathological conditions, such as extensive injury or dystrophy, skeletal muscle regeneration is diminished. Among the therapies aiming to ameliorate skeletal muscle diseases are transplantations of the stem cells. In our previous studies we showed that Sdf-1 (stromal derived factor ¡1) increased migration of stem cells and their fusion with myoblasts in vitro. Importantly, we identified that Sdf-1 caused an increase in the expression of tetraspanin CD9 - adhesion protein involved in myoblasts fusion. In the current study we aimed to uncover the details of molecular mechanism of Sdf-1 action. We focused at the Sdf-1 receptors - Cxcr4 and Cxcr7, as well as signaling pathways induced by these molecules in primary myoblasts, as well as various stem cells - mesenchymal stem cells and embryonic stem cells, i.e. the cells of different migration and myogenic potential. We showed that Sdf-1 altered actin organization via FAK (focal adhesion kinase), Cdc42 (cell division control protein 42), and Rac-1 (Ras- Related C3 Botulinum Toxin Substrate 1). Moreover, we showed that Sdf-1 modified the transcription profile of genes encoding factors engaged in cells adhesion and migration. As the result, cells such as primary myoblasts or embryonic stem cells, became characterized by more effective migration when transplanted into regenerating muscle

    The miR151 and miR5100 Transfected Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Increase Myoblast Fusion in IGFBP2 Dependent Manner

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    BACKGROUND: Bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) form a perivascular cell population in the bone marrow. These cells do not present naïve myogenic potential. However, their myogenic identity could be induced experimentally in vitro or in vivo. In vivo, after transplantation into injured muscle, BMSCs rarely fused with myofibers. However, BMSC participation in myofiber reconstruction increased if they were modified by NICD or PAX3 overexpression. Nevertheless, BMSCs paracrine function could play a positive role in skeletal muscle regeneration. Previously, we showed that SDF-1 treatment and coculture with myofibers increased BMSC ability to reconstruct myofibers. We also noticed that SDF-1 treatment changed selected miRNAs expression, including miR151 and miR5100. METHODS: Mouse BMSCs were transfected with miR151 and miR5100 mimics and their proliferation, myogenic differentiation, and fusion with myoblasts were analyzed. RESULTS: We showed that miR151 and miR5100 played an important role in the regulation of BMSC proliferation and migration. Moreover, the presence of miR151 and miR5100 transfected BMSCs in co-cultures with human myoblasts increased their fusion. This effect was achieved in an IGFBP2 dependent manner. CONCLUSIONS: Mouse BMSCs did not present naïve myogenic potential but secreted proteins could impact myogenic cell differentiation. miR151 and miR5100 transfection changed BMSC migration and IGFBP2 and MMP12 expression in BMSCs. miR151 and miR5100 transfected BMSCs increased myoblast fusion in vitro. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT: [Image: see text] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12015-022-10350-y

    miRNA-126a plays important role in myoblast and endothelial cell interaction

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    Abstract Muscle satellite cells (SCs) are stem cells and the main players in skeletal muscle reconstruction. Since satellite cells are located near or in direct contact with blood vessels their niche is formed, inter alia, by endothelial cells. The cross-talk between satellite cells and endothelial cells determines quiescence or proliferation of these cells. However, little is known about the role of miRNA in these interactions. In the present study we identified miRNA that were up-regulated in SC-derived myoblasts treated with stromal derived factor-1 (SDF-1) and/or down-regulated in cells in which the expression of CXCR4 or CXCR7, that is, SDF-1 receptors, was silenced. SDF-1 is one of the important regulators of cell migration, mobilization, skeletal muscle regeneration, and angiogenesis. We hypothesized that selected miRNAs affect SC-derived myoblast fate and interactions with endothelial cells. We showed that miR-126a-3p inhibited both, myoblast migration and fusion. Moreover, the levels of Cxcl12, encoding SDF-1 and Ackr3, encoding CXCR7, were reduced by miR-126a-3p mimic. Interestingly, the miR-126a-3p mimic significantly decreased the level of numerous factors involved in myogenesis and the miR-126a-5p mimic increased the level of Vefga. Importantly, the treatment of endothelial cells with medium conditioned by miR-126-5p mimic transfected SC-derived myoblasts promoted tubulogenesis

    Adipose Tissue-Derived Stromal Cells in Matrigel Impact the Regeneration of Severely Damaged Skeletal Muscles

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    In case of large injuries of skeletal muscles the pool of endogenous stem cells, i.e., satellite cells, might be not sufficient to secure proper regeneration. Such failure in reconstruction is often associated with loss of muscle mass and excessive formation of connective tissue. Therapies aiming to improve skeletal muscle regeneration and prevent fibrosis may rely on the transplantation of different types of stem cell. Among such cells are adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ADSCs) which are relatively easy to isolate, culture, and manipulate. Our study aimed to verify applicability of ADSCs in the therapies of severely injured skeletal muscles. We tested whether 3D structures obtained from Matrigel populated with ADSCs and transplanted to regenerating mouse gastrocnemius muscles could improve the regeneration. In addition, ADSCs used in this study were pretreated with myoblasts-conditioned medium or anti-TGFβ antibody, i.e., the factors modifying their ability to proliferate, migrate, or differentiate. Analyses performed one week after injury allowed us to show the impact of 3D cultured control and pretreated ADSCs at muscle mass and structure, as well as fibrosis development immune response of the injured muscle